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What, the Devil?

A new study reveals that Catholics are among the least likely to agree that Satan is a “living being.”

Detail from "Satan Addressing his Potentates" (c.1816 - 1818) by William Blake []

In a futile attempt to broaden its appeal, the Church of England in 2015 removed any mention of Satan from its baptismal ritual. Claiming to have “test-marketed” a simplified service throughout the United Kingdom, clergy concluded that asking parents and godparents to reject the devil and all rebellion against God, “put people off who are offended to be addressed as sinners.” Driven by powerful clergy within the Church of England, and approved by the General Synod in Kent, the new baptismal rite was an attempt to demonstrate their church was sufficiently progressive to longer need to renounce Satan in order to “live in the freedom of the children of God.”

Today, there are increasing numbers of Catholics who seem to agree with that same sentiment. New research data published by the Center for Research on the Apostolate (CARA) at Georgetown University reveals that Catholics are among the least likely to agree that Satan is a “living being.” A recent survey of 1,495 U.S. adults who believe in God reveals that Evangelical Christians are nearly three times more likely than Catholics to believe that Satan is a “living being.” Fifty-five percent of Evangelical Christians interviewed view Satan as an active and “cunning adversary” as described in the New Testament. Yet, counter to Catholic teachings within the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which describes Satan as a real being, specifically a fallen angel who rebelled against God (CCC, 391-395), only 17% of all Catholics polled indicated that they viewed Satan as a living presence in the world. Rather, Catholics are more likely to view Satan as a symbol of evil rather than a “real” living being.

The study notes that sixty years ago, a Gallup poll found that 62% of U.S. adults believed in the existence of “a devil”; that number rose to 70% in 2007. What has changed, overall, is what is meant by the devil or Satan, as more and more Americans, especially Catholics, view him as a symbol of some sort. In fact, Catholics are less likely than any other Christian or non-Christian affiliated group to believe that Satan is a living being. While 21% of “other Christian affiliated” individuals believe that Satan is a living being, and 38% of those with “non-Christian religious affiliation” believe the same, Catholics are closer to the 16% of those with “no religious affiliation” who believe that Satan is a real presence in the world.

This decline in belief that Satan is a cunning adversary (2 Cor 11:3; 1 Pet 5:8) continues despite persistent reminders from Pope Francis about the reality of what the pontiff has often called, “The Prince of this World, ” and the “Father of Lies.” In his first papal homily on March 14, 2013, Pope Francis warned: “When we do not profess Jesus Christ, we profess the worldliness of the devil, a demonic worldliness.” In his book, On Heaven and Earth, then-Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio devoted an entire chapter to “The Devil,” warning that Satan’s fruits are “destruction, division, hatred and calumny.” And, since that first homily, Pope Francis has made dozens of references to the cunning of the creature of Satan. In tweets and homilies, the Pope has warned against the Accuser, the Evil One, the Ancient Serpent, the Tempter, the Seducer, the Great Dragon, the Enemy, and the Demon.

For Pope Francis, Satan is real—not a myth or a symbol, or a story to keep us in line. Satan is a real creature who lurks among us in the world even today. In 2014, Pope Francis reminded Catholics that the life of every Christian is a constant battle against Satan—“just as Jesus, during his life, had to struggle against the devil and his many temptations… We too are tempted, we too are the target of attacks by the devil.” Drawing upon Scripture, Pope Francis recalled how Jesus’s first temptation by Satan was ‘almost like a seduction.” And earlier this year the Holy Father stated  that “the serpent, the devil is shrewd: one cannot dialogue with the devil…”

Why, then, do so many Catholics refuse to believe what Pope Francis and the Church teaches on the presence of Satan in the world? Some of the blame, it seems, can be placed on progressive Catholic theologians and clergy who prefer to present Satan as a literary construct and metaphor rather than an actual fallen angel. Earlier this year, the recently elected superior of the Jesuits, Fr. Arturo Marcelino Sosa, told an interviewer for the Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, that “We have formed symbolic figures such as the devil to express evil.” Fr. Sosa suggests that humans have constructed Satan as a form of social control.

In a CNN article titled “Why is Pope Francis so Obsessed with the Devil?” Fr. Thomas Rosica dismisses criticisms of Pope Francis’s warnings about Satan and points out that the Pope himself has stated that “The devil is intelligent, he knows more theology than all the theologians together.”

Perhaps it is time to remind Catholics that Satan is real—and that hell is real also. Barnard College scholar Alan F. Segal wrote in 2009 that “The decline of hell may be related to a certain American Pollyannaism.” Segal believes that we may have a general tendency to emphasize the “sunnier side of the divine.” In many churches, for example, portraits of Jesus as the good shepherd are now favored over depictions of him dying on the cross—an emphasis on salvation, rather than suffering, although both are part of the Christian story. But, it is difficult to maintain that kind of optimism in a world that is challenged constantly by evidence of evil. Having experienced the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and the many recent horrific attacks throughout Europe, it is difficult not to acknowledge evil in the world.

The refusal by most Catholics to acknowledge the reality of Satan—and hell itself—has certainly affected the Church. In a 2012 research report on the declines in sacramental participation by Catholics, CARA researchers revealed that the erosion in belief in hell among Catholics is strongly related to declines in their participation in the sacraments. They conclude: “It feels a bit uncomfortable saying that more “fire and brimstone” may make Catholics more active in sacramental life, but the data are no deception.” Perhaps it is time for parish priests, and theologians, and Catholic writers to begin to emulate Pope Francis by reminding us all that the devil exists even today. They may need to remind us that it is time to learn from the Gospel how to battle against him. As St. James wrote in his epistle: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (Jms 4:7).


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About Anne Hendershott 109 Articles
Anne Hendershott is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH


  1. His frequent and accurate reminders to us about the existence and active presence of Satan is the only thing I believe this pope has done well.
    For that, I must say, I am grateful.

  2. Way back in the 1950’s Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen warned parents not to send their children to Catholic schools as they would lose the faith.

    He would be shocked to learn that Modernist Rome under its leadership for the past 50+ years is responsible for Catholics losing their faith.

  3. The present generation of Catholics believe that God is merciful and as long as they believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, they are saved.They continue to live in sin…This is as Protestant as one can get! This is a huge cop out and I call it the sin of presumption….Many are guilty of this sin…and do not realize it.
    God is merciful, if we ASK HIM FOR MERCY WITH A CONTRITE HEART, but if we don’t ask Him, WE WILL RECEIVE HIS JUSTICE……This is understanding the nature of God. His ways are not our ways.

  4. Thank you Anne,
    We in Papua New Guinea are spiritual people. We believe in existence of devil. We also believe God is power and source of life. We do not have clearly appointed exorcists.
    In America there were appointed exorcists. How come, with their presence and exorcisms they do, many American Catholics do not believe in the existence of devil?
    Nonethess, thank you for sharing the article. It is indeed very fitting for our time.
    I write regularly on good governance for our local weekly paper (secular), and many times I use biblical references to underscore moral and ethical issues of leadership and governance. My view is, if our leaders do not lead people by examples in their lives based on godly values, people will follow them. The alternative is they will not know what to do without role models.

    James Wanjik
    Papua New Guinea

  5. I am one of those Catholics that doesn’t believe in a living devil. I feel there is enough opportunity to sin without a devil’s help.We are given free will to love God and our neighbor…or not.We are making these choices.There is no need for a devil.Jesus had his own reasons for referring to a devil…maybe because in those days people couldn’t comprehend evil as an idea.Things had to be more concrete then that.Jesus’s parables also simplified his teachings or ideas into something people could relate to during those times.Why is it inferred that not believing in a devil means you are less religious or Catholic? Is it possible that the Holy Spirit helps us understand things a little better as we are ready for it?

    • You are discounting more scriptures than you imagine. Christ not only referred to devils. He repeatedly drove then out of possessed people …in one case sending them into pigs who then ran into the nearby water at which point the townspeople asked Christ to leave their area…since they a man who could control demons. Don’t imagine devils as always grotesque….Aquinas said they are pure spirits similar to the air in front of you right now. “ Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light”…says one epistle. That means they are really not light but can appear beautiful but are morally vicious darkness….as one sees in the horrible recent numerous recent rapes in India of women and small girls….or seen in any crime photos in a vivid way.

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  1. What, the Devil? -
  2. What, the Devil? - Catholic Crossing
  3. Show Notes: September 18, 2017 | Son Rise Morning Show
  4. Hendershott: “What, the Devil? | Faculty Blog
  5. Show Notes: September 19, 2017 | Son Rise Morning Show

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