Special Report

“The Biggest Distortion of All”

June 9, 2012 Ann Carey 0

Bishop Leonard Blair of Toledo has issued a letter, “Reality check: The LCWR, CDF and the doctrinal assessment” (Catholic Chronicle, June 8, 2012), responding to public “distortions and misrepresentations of the facts” related to the […]


The HHS Mandate and Wily Providence

June 8, 2012 Benjamin Wiker 0

While it is certainly right to lament the fact the Obama administration is attempting to force Catholic institutions, through the Health and Human Services mandate, to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives, abortifacients, and sterilization, there […]

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Unhinged Rant of the Day

June 6, 2012 Carl E. Olson 0

Just the usual stuff, from the usual, secular suspects in the mainstream media: This is what annoys American Catholics. The Vatican is hypocritical and duplicitous. Their belief is always that someone else needs to clean […]