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Film & Music

Adele and Swift: Telling Stories

July 31, 2012 Kevin McCormick 0

A while back there was a posting on comparing the music and lyrics of two prominent female pop stars: Adele and Taylor Swift. It caught my eye partly because the topic is somewhat atypical […]

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Fun in Napa

July 27, 2012 Mark Brumley 0

By the way, Father Fessio, Tony Ryan, and I are at the Napa Institute for the balance of the week. Father Fessio is a participant in several breakout sessions. We’re also debutting the Augustine film, […]


The Non-Neutrality of the Secular State

July 26, 2012 Benjamin Wiker 0

As the bishops make clear in their statement on religious liberty “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty,” the HHS mandate declaring that Catholic institutions must provide contraception and abortifacients in their insurance coverage is only one […]