Rocco on Archbishop Cordileone’s Installation and the Circus

The incomparable Rocco Palmo does his thing on the subject of Archbishop Cordileone’s installation as Archbishop of San Francisco. Whispers in the Loggia provides a good summary of key local media reaction, including some innane stuff from certain outlets about how the new archbishop must kowtow to San Francisco’s gay culture and stop talking about marriage–real marriage–because the gay community doesn’t like what he has to say. The fact is, if people think Cardinal George was exaggerating when he said that his successor will die in prison, they should take a peek at all the hostility being ginned up in the secular SF media to Cordileone. The man has not a single hateful bone in his body. Yet you’d think from the media coverage that he was on a one-man terror campaign. This is all about writing a narrative and hoping to pressure him to conform. Either he shuts up and is reduced to mouthing pious platitidutes or he keeps talking and gets crucified (apt term) as a bigot and a “hater”.  Those are the choices they want to give him. Pray for the new Archbishop of San Francisco. He’s got quite a mess to deal with.

St. Francis, pray for us!

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About Mark Brumley 67 Articles
Mark Brumley is president and CEO of Ignatius Press.