The Invisible Boy
The press release of the Boy Scouts of America, announcing that they will admit boys who declare themselves to be homosexual: “For 103 years, the Boy Scouts of America has been a part of the […]
The press release of the Boy Scouts of America, announcing that they will admit boys who declare themselves to be homosexual: “For 103 years, the Boy Scouts of America has been a part of the […]
In a strongly worded statement decrying the legalization of assisted suicide in Vermont on May 20, 2013, the Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano, the bishop of Burlington, called his home state “one of the few […]
During Mass today at the Domus Sanctae Marthae chapel, Pope Francis elaborated upon the theme of Christians and worldliness, something he also preached about yesterday. “When a Christian has no difficulties in life—when everything is […]
Pope Francis’ Monday morning homily during Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae chapel emphasized the “riches” that can separate us from God—specifically, economic comfort and what he called our “fascination for the temporary.” From Vatican […]
“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of […]
In early June 1978, I picked up Dr. Jérôme Lejeune at the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport; he was to address an international conference on human life issues at St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota. I knew Dr. […]
Readings: • Prov 8:22-31 • Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 • Rom 5:1-5 • Jn 16:12-15 The apologist and novelist Dorothy Sayers dryly noted, in an essay titled “The Dogma is the Drama,” that for many […]
How controversial is the idea of marrying young? Just ask Julia Shaw. When her essay on early marriage, “Marry Young: I got married at 23. What are the rest of you waiting for?” appeared at […]
In the wake of China’s 18th National Congress of the Communist Party, held in November 2012, the Party has renewed its dedication to asserting its ideology. Beijing has redrawn the line between the Church in […]
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