
Satan, Sin, and Sociology

January 26, 2014 Anne Hendershott 1

In his first homily, given on March 14th, Pope Francis cautioned the faithful that “he who does not pray to the Lord, prays to the devil.” “When we do not profess Jesus Christ,” he further […]


Roman Rights and Wrongs

January 25, 2014 Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille 0

Every January for over a century now, Christians have set aside a special week to pray for unity. This week, my friend the Orthodox priest and historian Oliver Herbel posted an excellent reflection in which […]

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Gutting Gutting

January 24, 2014 Carl E. Olson 0

 This week marks the 41st anniversary of “Roe v Wade,” and so one of the contibutors to the New York Times wrote a piece titled, “Should Pope Francis Rethink Abortion?” Would you be aghast and […]