
The Synod and the Real Crisis of Marriage

September 18, 2014 Russell Shaw 0

Expectations and anxieties regarding next month’s assembly in Rome of the world Synod of Bishops are running exceptionally high. The subject matter alone—the crisis of marriage and family—would be reason enough for that. But there’s […]


Casualties of the Device Age

September 15, 2014 Thomas M. Doran 2

I have an idea for a science fiction story featuring a race of brilliant creatures that invade Earth. Wait a minute, you’re saying. This story has been told a thousand times, and better than you […]

Ecclesia et Civitas

Liberalism, Choice, and Compulsion

September 15, 2014 James Kalb 0

Social liberals consider traditional moral restrictions cruel in their very essence. Each of us, they believe, should be as free as possible to pursue his happiness as he sees it, consistent with the equal ability […]