
Catholicism and Environmentalism

December 29, 2014 Thomas M. Doran 0

What are Catholics to make of the big environmental questions: climate change, deforestation and habitat loss, water quality and water shortages, the extinction of species, fossil fuels? How compatible is environmental activism with Catholicism? What […]


Catholicism in New York City

December 28, 2014 Jim Graves 0

Rev. George William Rutler, 69, is pastor of the Church of St. Michael in New York City. He was raised in the Episcopal tradition while growing up in the Northeast, and served nine years as […]

Sojourns with Schall

On Violence

December 26, 2014 James V. Schall, S.J. 0

Everyone is familiar with the principle, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” It is in fact a “principle”. As such, it is not a bad one. It was an effort […]