
Time to bring back triumphalism?

April 16, 2015 Russell Shaw 0

Is it time to revive Catholic triumphalism? On the whole, I’d say yes. At the very least, the question isn’t frivolous and deserves serious consideration. For after several decades during which Catholics have offered repeated […]


Newman and Vatican II

April 15, 2015 George Weigel 0

That Blessed John Henry Newman was one of the great influences on Vatican II is “a commonplace,” as Newman’s biographer, Father Ian Ker, puts it. But what does that mean? What influence did Newman have on a Council […]


Pope Paul VI Makes a Horror Movie

April 14, 2015 Nick Olszyk 0

MPAA Rating, R USCCB Rating, O – see postscript for commentary Reel Rating,       (5 out of 5) The last decade has not been especially kind to horror movies. From Saw to Hostel to Insidious to The […]

Ecclesia et Civitas

A Catholic Patriotism

April 13, 2015 James Kalb 0

How should we be good Catholics and good Americans? Until recently that did not seem to be an issue to most of us. Separation of Church and State appeared to reconcile the Faith with a […]