Why We Can’t Do Without the Natural Law
This book is for big picture readers, those who seek to view things in a long term perspective. Its thesis is that the moral values that underpin the legal and political systems of Western countries […]
This book is for big picture readers, those who seek to view things in a long term perspective. Its thesis is that the moral values that underpin the legal and political systems of Western countries […]
Last June five justices of the U.S. Supreme Court thumbed their noses at religious liberty. They accomplished that without spoken comment simply by turning down an appeal by a family pharmacy in Washington state from […]
After seven-and-a-half years at the helm of the enormously popular national radio show Catholic Answers Live, Patrick Coffin is stepping into the life entrepreneurial. A new media platform, led by a podcast called The Patrick […]
The September 28th edition of The New York Times contains an op-ed by Matthew Schmitz, literary editor of First Things, which poses the question “Has Pope Francis Failed?”—and then makes a succinct and pointed argument […]
You’d think presidential candidates would have learned that shooting from the lip in front of deep-pocket donors is asking for trouble. Mitt Romney’s ill-advised comment about the “47%” of us who are “dependent on government” […]
Mary Eberstadt’s new book, It’s Dangerous to Believe: Religious Freedom and its Enemies, addresses one of the most critical issues faced by Christians in the West today: a threat to that most fundamental, First Amendment […]
Not long ago Time magazine ran a cover story about Internet trolling with the alarming but not inaccurate cover blurb “We’re losing the Internet to the culture of hate.” Trolling and other antisocial behaviors are […]
A Birmingham-based writer and acquaintance of mine had a piece about mental illness and faith published in the Washington Post today. It’s very good, and I’d recommend anyone in any kind of pastoral ministry read it: The […]
If we desire a literary hero, Bilbo Baggins wouldn’t be at the top of the list. Even those who opt for a hobbit hero would likely gravitate to Frodo, or maybe Sam Gamgee, and many […]
In the burning desert heat, there stands a man dressed all in black. His face is hidden. In his hand, he holds a blade. Kneeling beside him, dressed in florescent orange and with arms tied […]
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