The Signs of the Times
Food for thought, as we hear about various diocesan and other pastoral plans for outreach to LGBT families: Scenario 1: Penitent: “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been a month since my last […]
Food for thought, as we hear about various diocesan and other pastoral plans for outreach to LGBT families: Scenario 1: Penitent: “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It’s been a month since my last […]
If the civil new year is an occasion to resolve to Do Better in the future, the liturgical new year, the real new year that begins at First Vespers on the First Sunday of Advent, […]
Sister Mary Charitas is a member of the Bethlehem Monastery of the Poor Clares of Barhamsville, Virginia. As their website indicates, they are a cloistered monastic community in the tradition of St. Francis of Assisi […]
Many are appalled by the treatment of Dr. Anthony Esolen at Rhode Island’s Providence College. And rightly so. But the unfortunate truth is that these events only confirm what I as a Providence College alumnus […]
The rashest reaction to the “Four Cardinals’ Five Dubia” so far is that from Bp. Frangiskos Papamanolis, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Greece, whose railing against the questions posed by Cdls. Brandmüller, Burke, Caffarra, and Meisner in […]
Those who, having read Joseph Cdl. Zen, George Weigel, or Yu Jie, are tracking with some trepidation reports on the Holy See’s negotiations with Communist China in regard to, among other things, the appointment of bishops in that […]
How to make sense of the current situation? There is no single answer, for the ongoing saga—encompassing Synods and stratagems, debates and dubia, Exhortations and excoriations, posturings and pontifications—is about a wide range of questions. Some of them are […]
Bishop Peter J. Elliott is auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne, Australia, and is currently a member of the Bishops’ Commission for Liturgy in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. In 2009 he was appointed the Delegate of the […]
Fidel Castro is dead. To say those words is so strange. I’ve never known a moment when he wasn’t alive. Castro came to power seven years before I was born, and I’m almost 50. I’ve […]
Readings: • Is 2:1-5 • Ps 122: 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 • Rom 13:11-14 • Mt 24:37-44 Advent is apocalyptic. Perhaps you’ve never thought of it in that way. But today’s readings are revealing. […]
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