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Cardinal Zen: Chinese Catholics’ “continuous harassments…would take volumes to be narrated.”

An interview with the outspoken retired bishop of Hong Kong about this this crucial moment in the history of the Catholic Church in China.

Joseph Cardinal Zen (Photo courtesy of the Salesions, Hong Kong)

I would like the express my gratitude to Cardinal Zen for agreeing to answer a few questions for Catholic World Report at this crucial moment in the history of the Catholic Church in China.

Over the past several days we corresponded about pressing issues related to the current Sino-Vatican negotiations that are underway. I first met Cardinal Zen several years ago at his humble residence with the Salesians in Hong Kong, where we spent more than an hour discussing the state of China’s Church. Since then, Catholics in China have encountered new pressures from state authorities. Their situation has become even more unpredictable, as the Holy See appears to be redirecting its strategy in China in directions that have left much of China’s Church confused and wondering if Rome is about to strike a deal with a government that has proven itself hostile to religious belief. Time and again China’s government has employed dishonesty and manipulation to attain its ends. The communist intellectual Leon Trotsky once wrote, “Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures.” In light of the apparently quickly-shifting sands of Sino-Vatican negotiations, His Eminence Cardinal Zen has offered some insightful remarks about the present status of China’s Church.

Cardinal Zen, in other recent interviews, has suggested that Pope Francis is not well-informed regarding the actual circumstances of the Church in China. And so I asked him directly: “Do you think that your recent visit with Pope Francis and the letter you gave him has influenced the current negotiations between the Holy See and Beijing?”

Cardinal Zen appeared pessimistic that his message to the Holy Father has actually been considered; he noted, “It is understandable—Pope Francis does not have very wide and strong experience with communist regimes, and all the time I am trying desperately to give him some insight.”

What is concerning most Catholics—both inside and outside of China—is how the unregistered Chinese faithful are interpreting such recent developments as unregistered (“underground”) bishops being asked by the Holy See to step down and guarantee their obedience to state-supported, and excommunicated, bishops, in order to appease China’s authorities. When asked if the “underground” Catholic community in China feels betrayed by the Vatican’s overtures to Beijing, Cardinal Zen answered simply, “Definitely.”

I told His Eminence that I recently returned from a month living in Beijing, and that I had gathered from discussions with registered clergy that the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association is interested in an agreement with the Holy See in order to facilitate a papal visit to China. To this, he remarked, “Obviously, the people in the Patriotic Association feel happy that their illegitimate position shall be legitimized, and they surely would also welcome a possible visit by the Pope. But the visit will be manipulated by the Government and it will cause much sadness in the people of the underground community, who will not be able to see the Pope (just as what happened in Cuba).”

Given Cardinal Zen’s view the current Holy See has adopted an adverse approach to dealing with China’s authorities, I asked if the current Vatican Ostpolitik with China is undermining the work done previously by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. More to the point, I asked if the current pontificate is contradicting the aims expressed in Benedict XVI’s 2007 letter to the Chinese Church.

“Even under Pope Benedict XVI the Roman Curia wasted his many efforts to help the Church in China,” replied Cardinal Zen. “The difference is in that while Pope Benedict XVI knew very well the situation, the people in the Vatican did not follow his directives, and now while Pope Francis does not know much about the Chinese communists and is so optimistic, the people around him are pushing him further in his optimism, and avoiding informing him about the very negative side of the present reality.”

American Catholics have recently seen photographs of Party officials destroying the crosses and bell towers of a Xinjiang church. I asked: Does it appear to you that the previous sacrifices of China’s faithful Catholics and their current struggles are being adequately acknowledged by the Holy See?

“Tearing down the crosses and demolishing churches are only the more visible episodes,” he insisted, “the continuous harassments and humiliations [endured by China’s Catholics] would take volumes to be narrated.”

In the end, one discerns that Cardinal Zen is calling for a more informed, measured, and cautious approach by Pope Francis and his advisors in the Roman Curia. Much is at stake for those in both communities of the Chinese Church. For the registered community, a Sino-Vatican agreement could mean a sense of legitimacy and Vatican endorsement, while for the unregistered community such an agreement could potentially mean estrangement, fear, and more tears.

The Russian Orthodox author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who understood communism well, once wrote: “The communist regime in the East could stand and grow due to the enthusiastic support from an enormous number of Western intellectuals who felt a kinship and refused to see communism’s crimes. When they no longer could do so, they tried to justify them.” Cardinal Zen has spent much of his life as a priest and bishop in mainland China and Hong Kong witnessing and hearing about the continued suffering of the Chinese Church since 1949, and it is clear that he is expressing his views with such adamancy today because he is attempting to insert a voice of warning into a dialogue that appears to have forgotten what communism had done, and is doing, to the Church in China.

Related reading: “The Catholic Church in China: Historical context and the current situation” by Anthony E. Clark, Ph.D. | March 9, 2018

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About Anthony E. Clark, Ph.D. 56 Articles
Anthony E. Clark, PhD, FRHistS, FRAS, is Professor of Chinese History at Whitworth University in Spokane, WA, and the author of several books on Catholicism in China and related topics, including China’s Saints: Catholic Martyrdom During the Qing, 1644-1911, Heaven in Conflict: Franciscans and the Boxer Uprising in Shanxi, and Catholicism and Buddhism: The Contrasting Lives and Teachings of Jesus and Buddha. He is also the host of the EWTN television series The Saints of China: Martyrs of the Middle Kingdom. In 2021, he was elected a Fellow of the London Royal Historical Society. Visit him online here.


    • I’d appreciate if Cathy can explain
      What exactly she does she mean by blasphemous. How did she arrive to that conclusion,in other words solid supporting evidence. Thanks!

      • I will try to explain fairly why I believe Pope Francis’ actions are blasphemous. I was not born Catholic so my education in the faith is ongoing. I came to this faith from the Episcopal religion with one or two detours along the way, and it was a reasoned decision to be here. It has always been, in my humble observation, that the way of falling away from one’s commitment to an ideal occurs in steps. A gradual easing of principle. A desire to get along at any price. To not appear “judgmental”. I have watched this happen with the Episcopal faith just as it happens with the simplest of things in life.
        The very idea that the Pope would negotiate with ANY earthly power regarding the Church and Her authority is blatantly sacrilegious. Would Christ have done any such thing? Did He ever do any such thing? No. He actively refused to do so. Please tell me how anyone could IMAGINE Christ standing in the Pope’s shoes and doing what Francis is doing now. Francis is betraying the faithful and he is betraying the Church. All in an effort to appease a governmental authority who despises Her very existence. It breaks my heart.

  1. The Vatican Sec of State serving mammon…as it has for decades…and Francis is now accelerating it…because as his spokesman the repulsive Bishop Sorondo, the Vatican social “scientist” proclaimed: “Right now, those who are best at implementing the social doctrine of the Chinese.”

    That Pope Francis…double talking…double acting…where convicted sex abusers (Inzoli) get re-stored to priestly faculties, sex abuse coverup artists (Cardinal Danneels) are recalled from retirement to lead “family synods,” post-Catholic theologians like Walter Kasper contradict the very commands of Jesus about marriage, and financial frauds like Cardinal Maradiaga and Bishop Carballo (OFM) are used as character assasins against faithful and true shepherds (as these 2 did, respectively, to Cardinal Mueller and Father Manelli of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate).

    What Austin Ivereigh called “Team Bergoglio” are a hodgepodge of post-Catholic clericalists.

  2. The pope stated early on he knows many Marxists who are “good people”.
    He has no critical eye for communism in China or communism in Cuba.
    He can smile and be quite comfortable with both. And there you have it…dear ridged pewsitters.

  3. I believe so much of Holy Mother Church from Bergoglio to the hierarchy are heretics. We need to stop this, however, as lay people the only resource we have to fight this heresy is to band together and fight with our offerings.

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  1. Cardinal Zen: Chinese Catholics’ “continuous harassments…would take volumes to be narrated.” -
  2. The Catholic Church in China: Historical context and the current situation – Catholic World Report
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