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Pope Francis: What to expect in 2019

By the end of 2019, the Roman Curia and College of Cardinals might be completely made in Pope Francis image.

(CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano via Reuters)

Vatican City, Jan 15, 2019 / 02:00 pm (CNA).- The finalization of a Curial reform process, a reshuffle in some Vatican positions, and an eventual consistory to “refill” the College of Cardinals might be among Pope Francis’ key moves in 2019.

As all eyes are set on the Vatican anti-abuse meeting, to be held Feb. 21-24, Pope Francis is in fact engaged in ongoing to reshape the Roman Curia and the College of Cardinals.

The first of the pope’s likely key moves has to do with the College of Cardinals.

After the death of Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, there is no cardinal camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church. The camerlengo is chosen by the pope only, and holds is a very delicate position, especially during a sede vacante in the papacy.

When the pope dies, or renounces his seat, “the Camerlengo of Holy Roman Church has the duty of safeguarding and administering the goods and temporal rights of the Holy See, with the help of the three cardinal assistants, having sought the views of the College of Cardinals, once only for less important matters, and on each occasion when more serious matters arise,” according to the apostolic constitution Pastor bonus.

In general, the camerlengo oversees an office of the papal household that administers the property and revenues of the Holy See.

If the pope doesl not appoint a camerlengo, the cardinals will elect one at the beginning of the sede vacante.

However, Pope Francis might refrain from appointing a new camerlengo before he promulgates a long-awaited apostolic constitution on Vatican governance, Predicate evangelium, which is expected to reshape the offices of the Roman Curia.

There are rumors, in fact, that Pope Francis is going to abolish the pontifical household, including its office within the first section of the Secretariat of State.

According to a CNA source familiar with the subject, the idea has been suggested, though the shutdown of the pontifical household does not appear to be imminent.

The abolition of the pontifical household will bring some issues to be solved, since all the competencies of the pontifical household might be divided into other offices: the Sistine Chapel choir would go under the administration of the office for liturgical celebrations, the management of state visits would be placed under the protocol of the Secretariat of State, and so on. It is yet to clarified.

However, the decision would mark a major break with the past. The pontifical household is the direct legacy of the pontifical court, and its presence recalls the religious meaning behind any papal activity.

The rumors about the pontifical household also involve Archbishop Georg Ganswein, the prefect. Ganswein was appointed to the position in 2012 by Benedict XVI. He is now in his  second 5-year term at the helm of the prefecture, while maintaining his position as particular secretary to the Pope Emeritus Benedict.

However, discontinuing the prefecture would prompt Pope Francis to find Ganswein a new position. One of the more widespread rumors is that Ganswein will be appointed secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, to replace Archbishop Marcello Bartolucci. Bartolucci will turn the retirement age, 75, in April.

Ganswein could also be eligible to take a position within the Congregation for Divine Worship. It is noteworthy that Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect, will end his five-year mandate in November, and it is possible the composition of the congregation’s top ranks will be reshuffled at that time.

Another key move in the Roman Curia might be the shutdown of the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei. Established in 1988 by St. John Paul II in order to carry on a dialogue with traditionalist parties, the commission was reformed by Benedict XVI with a 2009 instruction Universae Ecclesiae, linking the commission to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Pope Francis may shut down the commission, making it an office within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

If the shutdown takes place, the pope will have to find a new post for Archbishop Guido Pozzo, the commission’s president.

The shutdown of both the pontifical household and Ecclesia Dei would be part of the wider project for Curia reform.

At the moment, Praedicate evangelium, that is, the new constitution that will regulate tasks and competencies of Curia offices, is being finalized. Pope Francis will likely want to make an overall revision of the text.

However, most of the structural reforms are already in place: Pope Francis has established the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life, merging there the Pontifical Councils for Laity and Family and a part of the competency of the Pontifical Academy for Life; he established the dicatery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, that absorbed the Pontifical Councils for Justice and Peace, Migrants, Cor Unum, and for Health Care Workers.

Under Pope Francis, the Secretariat for the Economy and the Council for the Economy have been set up, while the reform of the communication department led to the establishment of the Secretariat for Communication, now a dicastery.

It seems that, at the moment, the other curial offices will not be touched. Cardinal Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, is 76 now, so he has surpassed the usual retirement age. Pope Francis, however, confirmed him at the helm of the dicastery until his 80th birthday. No changes are to be expected there, then.

The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is without a leader since Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, the president, died in July 2018. It is still uncertain whether the pope will appoint a new president or will merge the pontifical council with another Curia office.

While undergoing these major structural changes, it likely Pope Francis will hold another consistory for the creation of new cardinals during this year.

Cardinals are eligible to vote in a conclave when they are under 80. At the moment, there are 124 cardinals who are eligible to vote in a conclave. Out of these, 59 have been created by Pope Francis in five consistories, an average of one consistory per year.

During this year, there will be 10 cardinals that will turn 80, and will not be eligible to vote  in a papal conclave anymore. Out of these 10, three were made cardinals by Pope Francis.

The cardinals aging-out are: Alberto Suarez Inda, Orlando Beltran Quevedo, Edwin O’Brien, Stanislaw Dzwisiz, John Tong Hon, Sean Baptist Brady, Laurent Mosengwo Pasinya, Zenon Grocholewski, Edoardo Menichelli, and Telesphore Placidus Toppo.

By October there will be only 114 cardinals eligible to vote in a conclave, six less than the maximum permitted number of voting cardinals, which was set at 120 by St. Pope Paul VI – Pope Francis made an exception to this number at the last consistory.

All odds say that Pope Francis will hold another consistory, naming new cardinals during 2019. Who will receive new red hats is not foreseen.

It is noteworthy that Archbishop Filippo Iannone, president of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, and Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for  Promoting the New Evangelization, are the only heads of dicasteries without red birettas.

And it is noteworthy that Ireland’s only living representative in the College of Cardinals will age out of voting eligibility. So, the pope might consider  another Irish cardinal.

However, it is also possible the pope will reward some of the periphery Churches, sticking to the point that all the Church must be represented in the College of Cardinals.

So by the end of 2019, the Roman Curia and College of Cardinals might be completely made in Pope Francis image. And it would be the first time since the beginning of his pontificate.

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  1. There is no reform of Our Holy Church happening under this double-handed pontiff, certainly no reform that conforms to Our Lied and Savior crucified and risen.

    That is because the pontiff is the hand-picked man of arch sex abusers and sex abuse coverup artists: ex-Cardinal McCarrick and coverup Cardinal Danneels, both of whom are post-Christian frauds of the global McCarrick cult of death.

  2. “The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is without a leader since Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, the president, died in July 2018. It is still uncertain whether the pope will appoint a new president or will merge the pontifical council with another Curia office.”

    A possible merger: instead of the Gospel in its uniqueness, why not a kitchen-blender solution? Will interreligious dialogue (e.g., with Islam…) be merged with ecumenical dialogue (the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity with a new letterhead)?

    In his Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel, 2013), Pope Francis already superimposed four plastic “principles”: “time is greater than space; unity prevails over conflict; realities are more important than ideas; the whole is greater than the part.”

  3. “By the end of 2019, the Roman Curia and College of Cardinals might be completely made in Pope Francis image” (CNA). Was it Vat Secy of State Parolin who said Francis is the successor of Christ? The travesty is ‘imaged’ in the furious hostility somber suffering of Laity here and elsewhere on the Internet. Laity at large routinely attending Sunday Mass priests routinely banal all silent while 2000 years of fiery witness by the Martyr Saints Father Saints indomitable Missionary Saints ordinary Parish Priest Saints slips away beneath their feet. Who will save the day will it be Athanasius reincarnate Elijah in fiery chariot or the One who no man dare claim to be the image of His Father.

  4. There is no meaningful reform Pope Francis can carry through that will salvage his Pontificate. The faithful had two expectations from him with his election in 2013, that he would end the sex abuse crisis and reform the Vatican’s finances. On both counts the situation has worsened considerably.

    Damien Thompson of the Catholic Herald was right when he said Francis’s Pontificate has already failed, and that all that remains to be seen is if it will also end in disgrace.

  5. “The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue is without a leader since Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, the president, died in July 2018. It is still uncertain whether the pope will appoint a new president or will merge the pontifical council with another Curia office.”

    The point of no return in the final shakeup of the curia would be if new letterheads merge interreligious dialogue with Christian ecumenism—by folding the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue into a relabeled Pontifical Council for Promotion of Christian Unity. Instead of outside the tent, Islam now inside the tent…a conceded equivalency (!) between “religions of the book,” and between FAITH in the Incarnation (in history) and BELIEF in a prophet (of history).

  6. As a Catholic teacher over 35 years I am appalled at the dragging of feet on the sexual abuses and coverups.I had faith Pope Francis would have been more diligent in the last 6 years . Now another big “conference” to discuss what ? the multitde of cases. What is extremely upsetting is WHERE ARE THE CRIMINAL CHARGES!!!! Awww some may lose their job or pension or be Defrocked boo hoo is that a punishment or justice for destroying lives? any lay person would be tried and prosecuted! Ar eCatholic priests , bishops ,cardinals exempt from the law? All those who knew and said nothing are accessories in all these criminal acts, including the oh so humble Francis Catholicim is done, disgusting!

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