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Texas court favors woman seeking gender transition for 7 year-old son

The mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, reportedly believes her son James identifies as a girl because of his affinity for the Disney movie Frozen and its female character leads.

(Image: CNA)

Austin, Texas, Oct 23, 2019 / 04:04 pm (CNA).- A Texas jury this week ruled against a father who wants to block the hormonal gender transition of his 7-year-old son James into a girl named Luna.

Texas dad Jeffrey Younger had appealed to a state court to obtain sole custody of his twins, Jude and James, in part to save James from a hormonal gender transition that the boy’s mother has been planning, according to the Washington Examiner.

The jury ruled on Monday that Dr. Anne Georgulas, the mother of the twins, would maintain sole custody of the boys, which would allow her to proceed with her plan to have James undergo a gender transition and be called “Luna.” Georgulas believes James identifies as a girl because of his affinity for the Disney movie Frozen and its female character leads, according to Town Hall.

Expert witnesses called in the court reportedly expressed doubts as to whether James actually strongly identified as female.

“There is still some fluidity in his thinking,” Dr. Benjamin Albritton said in his testimony, according to the Washington Examiner. “Neither child appears to be depressed, anxious or aggressive … He [James] gave no indications of other significant psychological difficulties.”

Georgulas reportedly wants to enroll James as a patient at the GENECIS in Dallas in their “Gender Affirming Care Program” for youth. On their website, the clinic says it offers hormone therapy and puberty suppression therapy along with mental health and social services. It does not currently offer gender transition surgery.

The case of James Younger has met with outrage from critics who say it raises multiple ethical considerations, including the rights of parents as well as the best interest of children experiencing gender dysphoria.

According to the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, whose guidelines GENECIS follows, “Pubertal suppression is not without risks. Delaying puberty beyond one’s peers can also be stressful and can lead to lower self-esteem and increased risk taking. Some experts believe that genital underdevelopment may limit some potential reconstructive options. Research on long-term risks, particularly in terms of bone metabolism and fertility, is currently limited and provides varied results.”

Numerous doctors and ethicists have previously raised concerns about whether it is ethical to treat children with gender dysphoria with hormones, puberty blockers or surgery.

In a December 2018 article for The Christian Post, multiple pediatrics doctors said they would treat gender dysphoria as a psychological issue, and not an endocrinological or physical issue.

“[Parents] need to continue to love their children. They need to continue to affirm their human dignity. Yet they shouldn’t have to jettison biological reality to be able to put what they’re being told into practice, in terms of disrupting normally timed puberty,” Dr. Paul Hruz, an associate professor of pediatrics and endocrinology at Washington University in St. Louis, told The Christian Post.

The article featured interviews with several doctors who said synthetic hormones could put children on a pathway to permanent sterilization, and many other long-term repercussions which may not be felt for years.

“The reality is that there is no long-term data about treating children, and the only data that we have in adults indicates that medical interventions to align the appearance of the body to a transgendered identity does not fix the problem,” Hruz told The Christian Post.

“There is a core of very diabolical people who are filtering large sums of money into this and using mass social pressure,” added Dr. Quentin Van Meter, a pediatric endocrinologist in private practice in Atlanta.

The doctors said they also objected to medical interventions for children with gender dysphoria because most children will grow up to re-identify with their biological gender.

In 2016, many doctors protested after the Department of Health and Human Services announced that health providers could not refuse treatment, including surgery, for “gender transition” services if they were asked for them, even if they believed them to be harmful to the patient. The rule was struck down after challenges in court by nine states as well as by religious groups and doctors.

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  1. The mother took her son to see a counselor at Dallas Rainbow Counseling when he liked the frozen movie etc. Yes, the rainbow part is pro LGBT. So the counselor who is advising the mother has an agenda, she is a LCSW, and whoever evaluated the child did not apply the DSM criteria correctly as reported from the court hearings. Counselors frequently have agendas and can really be bad actors in situations like these. Terrible!

  2. I just read that the governor of Texas is looking into this further. Perhaps there’s something he can do.
    This case is simaler to pretending we’re back in the Dark Ages and have lost all modern knowledge of basic human biology and DNA. Even the Dark Ages had a better grasp of the two genders than we do. We’re just making it up as we go.

  3. the oboedience to a child is given priority to the concern of the father. As the child is not even able to legally bindingly buy a chewing gum, the court has violated basic law

  4. The mother and father divorced; and I consider it quite probable that the little boy thought, “Mommy stopped loving Daddy, and he’s a boy; if I’m a boy, she’ll stop loving me, too, so I’d better say I’m a girl.”

    • Could be.
      I also heard the mother had used some type of surrogacy/donation from a younger woman to come up with twins & speculation that this way she additionally scores a boy & a girl.
      At the end of the day it isn’t any of my business, but child abuse should be everyone’s concern. And this is certainly abusive.

  5. Possibly Munchausen syndrome by proxy?

    What happened to the idea that girls like to do boy stuff sometimes (my very feminine mom was a tomboy because following her brothers around was fun) and boys like to do traditionally girl stuff (cook and design clothes) – and it didn’t mean a thing?

    Children have become toys and property – probably a mindset derived from abortion attitudes – children property rather than persons and children of God.

  6. What will happen if all the boys in America want to become girls and all the girls want to become boys! Will it help economy as it will involve many doctors, psychologists, scientists and all auxiliary institutions and generate lot of employment. Let us watch the outcome of a wonderful change of boys to girls and girls to boys.

  7. My heart breaks for these children. Their mother is clearly disturbed. Who does this kind of thing to a child? Really, how dare she! And how dare the courts allow it? Prayers for this family and all in similar situations looking for answers to perceived problems in all the wrong places and creating ever worsening ones.

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