CNA Staff, Sep 20, 2020 / 02:00 pm (CNA).- Catholics in San Francisco marched in Eucharistic processions across the city on Sunday to protest the city’s continued restrictions on public worship.
“For months I have pleaded with the City on your behalf, advocating for your need of the consolation of the Mass, and the consolation you derive from the practice of your faith and connection with your faith community. City Hall ignored us,” Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said in his homily at an outdoor Mass following the processions Sept. 20.
“It has become clear to me that they just don’t care about you…We have been patiently putting up with unjust treatment long enough, and now it is time to come together to witness to our faith and to the primacy of God, and tell City Hall: No More!”
San Francisco’s restrictions on public worship remain among the strictest in the country. Mayor London Breed announced last week that starting Sept. 14, houses of worship may have 50 people at religious services outdoors. In addition, indoor private prayer is allowed, but only one person at a time is allowed inside.
Breed also said the city will allow indoor services up to a maximum of 25 people by Oct. 1. This is, Cordileone has noted, less than 1% of the capacity of San Francisco’s cathedral.
Previously, the limit for outdoor services had been 12 people, with all indoor services prohibited. The archdiocese covers the city and county of San Francisco— where the cathedral is located— as well as San Mateo and Marin counties.
In contrast, hotels in San Francisco are fully reopened; indoor gyms are set to reopen at 10% capacity; and most retail stores are allowed to operate at 50% capacity, while malls are restricted to 25%. Gyms operated in government buildings for police officers and other government employees have already reopened.
In addition, Archbishop Cordileone has noted, businesses requiring extended, close one-on-one contact reopened Sept. 14, such as hair salons, nail salons and massage parlors, but “we are allowed only one person in church at a time for prayer.”
“One person at a time in this great Cathedral to pray? What an insult. This is a mockery. They are mocking you, and even worse, they are mocking God,” Cordileone said.
Three separate Eucharistic processions Sept. 20 began at St. Anthony, St. Patrick, and Star of the Sea parishes, and converged at United Nations Plaza near San Francisco City Hall before proceeding to the cathedral.
The archdiocese ordered banners for parishioners to carry during the processions; 100 in English, 15 in Spanish, and 5 in Chinese that read: “We Are Essential: Free the Mass!”
At the 11 am Mass celebrated by Archbishop Cordileone, and additional Masses celebrated simultaneously in the cathedral plaza, all 900 spaces prepared for the outdoor Masses were filled, with additional people lining the sidewalks. An archdiocesan spokesperson told CNA that she estimated about 1,500 people were in attendance.
Cordileone said his time as a pastor at a rural, desert parish near the US-Mexico border taught him that caring for the rejected and the downtrodden in society, in this case undocumented immigrants, is an essential part of the Church’s mission.
”The highest law is love of God and love of neighbor, and that law has to take precedence over the human-made law of the state when government would ask us to turn our backs on God or our neighbor in need,” he noted.
“Now in San Francisco, all of us here are being put at the end of the line. No matter how rich or poor, no matter whether newly arrived or from families that have been here for many generations, it is our Catholic faith that unites us, and it is because of our Catholic faith that we are being put at the end of the line.”
Priests at many parishes around the archdiocese, including the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, are celebrating multiple Masses every Sunday— outside, and spaced out— in order to adapt to the restrictions.
Outdoor Masses pose their own health challenges, as the Bay Area is experiencing some of the worst air quality in the world, due to smoke and other pollutants coming from wildfires ravaging the West Coast.
While Cordileone has said city officials have been “cordial and respectful” in their dialogue with the archdiocese, he said the city still has not responded to the archdiocese’s safety plan— outlining how churches could be safely opened for indoor services— which they submitted in May.
Becket, a religious liberty law firm, has a page tracking restrictions on public worship related to the pandemic. By their estimation, six states— California, Nevada, Virginia, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Maine— are treating religious activities unequally as compared to similar secular activities.
The City of San Francisco has been closely monitoring Catholic churches in the city and has repeatedly issued warnings to the archdiocese for apparent health order violations
Cordileone said he himself has noted “very few” violations of the city’s health orders by parishes in the archdiocese, although the few that have occurred have garnered heavy criticism in the secular press.
“This willful discrimination is affecting us all. Yes, discrimination, because there is no other word for it,” Cordileone said.
“We ask: why can people shop at Nordstrom’s at 25% capacity but only one of you at a time is allowed to pray inside of this great Cathedral, your Cathedral? Is this equality? No, there is no reason for this new rule except a desire to put Catholics – to put you – at the back of the line.”
Cordileone encouraged Catholics to continue to pray, suggesting the rosary, Eucharistic Adoration, fasting on Fridays, and availing themselves of the sacrament of confession.
In advocating for a safe reopening of indoor Masses, Cordileone has cited a recent article on Mass attendance and COVID-19, authored Aug. 19 by doctors Thomas McGovern, Deacon Timothy Flanigan, and Paul Cieslak for Real Clear Science.
By following public health guidelines, Catholic Churches have largely avoided viral spread during the more than 1 million Masses that have been celebrated across the United States since the lifting of shelter-in-place orders, the doctors found.
They said in their article that there is no evidence that church services are higher risk than similar activities when guidelines are followed, and no coronavirus outbreaks have not yet been linked to the celebration of the Mass.
Even while protesting the city’s apparent unequal application of health restrictions, the archbishop has encouraged his priests to lead their parishes in following the city’s guidelines.
Many of San Francisco’s problems, from homelessness to drugs to crime, stem from an abandonment of God, he said.
“Our blessed Lord is openly mocked to the gleeful grins of the cultural elites. The sacred symbol of the religious habit is blasphemed with glowing approval of those who profess mutual respect and tolerance for others who are different, while they openly discriminate against us.”
“In fighting for justice, we fight for the glory of God. And so I am calling on every Catholic in this City, and this country, to continue to exercise responsible citizenship, to abide by reasonable public health rules, and to continue to serve our community, despite the mockery to which we are being subject in so many different ways. This is God’s way, and this is how I see Catholics serving Our Lord.”
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He’s only now realizing that leftist Democrats in California don’t care about Catholics?
And Nancy Pelosi is from San Francisco.
Do the math.
Ditch the Mask.Long past time for sanity to return,and Mass to return for all the faithful.No more percentages and 6’seperation.The socialist/democrat/Soros mob of Blue Governors in “lockdown” states needs to end.ASAP
It would be far more informative and interesting for this article to provide the other half or more of the story. I seem to recall that until Archbishop Cordileone’s recent “No more!” he and the entire Archdiocese of San Francisco were busy beavering away at locking churches and suppressing Masses in order to comply with city and state sanitary mandates. Grandstanding now with ersatz parking lot Masses and first-time-in-55-years public Eucharistic processions is the very definition of being a day late and a dollar short.
Better late than never.
Cordileone is not only late but useless, especially with his lame virtue-signaling. The time for “No more!” was when the state sanitary dictatorship banned Masses and the sacraments. Cordileone didn’t oppose it; rather, he enthusiastically knuckled under to it, even though this meant denying lay Catholics their canonical and spiritual right to the sacraments. Now that his churches are locked and his collection baskets are empty he looks up from the bottom of the huge pit he has dug and expects the homosexual Marxist woke mob that runs San Francisco to help him. I believe that Stalinists would refer to him as a “useful idiot”.
I was raised catholic, barely avoided molestation by several priests while serving masses in elementary school in Louisville, avoided pressure by Nuns to enter the seminary at 13, and had 17 years of Catholic education. My mother had 8 full term pregnancies in eleven years, plus several misscarriages, she was advised for medical reasons to go on the pill at 38 and was denied the sacraments. My sister in law and brother, both MDs were denied a Catholic marriage because she was a gyn/ob. My youngest sister hung herself after being publicly mocked by a priest for having an abortion after being raped. I was a public health policy official during the HIV crisis and saw the church work diligently to deny gays medical help. I’m done with the Church. Now bishops in Wisconsin threatening members with mortal sin for non attendance is incomprehensible to me, or maybe not.
My mother rejoined the church and worked for social justice in Latin America and participated in a peaceful sit in at Senator McConnell ‘s office in Louisville. He had her put under federal indictment for four years until he dropped the matter near the time he was up for reelection. And you wonder why the American church is shrinking? Even we Irish know when enough non sensical dogma is enough….
Just curious, who provided the talking points for what reads like a false narrative here? The content seems a bit too scripted to be taken as truthful.
Stop whining, Archbishop Cordileone, be a man, and open the churches to full capacity. They have no sympathy for your pleading and, in fact, hold you in complete contempt. Your virtue signalingly reference to celebrating Mass for illegals in the desert will be dismissed for the obvious ploy that it is. If all this simply is laying the groundwork for bold action to come, then you have my apology.
Really, Archbishop. The problem is you are “asking” the govt officials, and “talking” to them about how it can be done, etc, etc, etc. Six months is a LONG time to jaw-bone a problem with govt officials who have no interest in solving it. Meanwhile your church is being destroyed and the souls of your faithful suffer.Open your eyes and your mouth. Now is the time to TELL the govt that you will no longer comply with their restrictions and that you have a Constitutional right to do so. Stage a sit in with parishioners INSIDE the church, masked and appropriately distanced so they dont have a leg to stand on to arrest you. Be prepared to be arrested anyway. If they fine you, dont pay, and if they lock the church with chains, cut the chain and open the doors. You have failed to realize that our old godless Roman persecutors are alive and well in the bodies of the Democratic leaders of blue states. You need to act accordingly, not whimper for their favor. If Trump gets his female Catholic on the Supreme Court we may yet live to see victory. Otherwise we will need to resort to underground churches like the Chinese. The day may be upon us. Second, it is really true— one CANNOT be a Catholic and vote democratic. They are out to destroy us. It could not be clearer. Biden supporters: Figure out how you will explain your Democratic vote to Our Lord on Judgement Day.
Robert Moore,
If your comments are sincere, God bless your family. If you are just trolling, God bless you too.
I had eight children in a similar time frame. There’s nothing unusual about that besides being counter cultural.
Several of my great grandparents came from families of ten or more children. My great grandfather was one of 14. And they weren’t Catholic.
Human beings are inclined towards sin with or without the benefit of faith. But faith tempers the craziness of a fallen world and our laws reflect a foundation of that faith.
Whether or not we hold to Judeo Christian teachings we have benefited from them.
I’m glad you took the time to read this article and hope you will return often. It’s a great site.
Covid-19 does not discriminate if you are a catholic or not, if you are at Mass or at the theatre. Just follow the rules about inside meetings. If necessary, since the number of attendees is now limited, have more Masses available for the faithful and encourage the elderly and the vulnerable to follow the mass online. We are all in this together, Catholics or not. God knows and understand.