There are four sets of ember days, roughly corresponding to the four seasons, hence their name in Latin, “quattuor tempora.” It is a linguistic mystery as to how we got the name “ember” days, except that it is probably a corruption of the Latin “quattuor tempora.” It surely has nothing to do with “embers” as in “ashes.” Many think these days are connected to the harvest, however, there are no harvests in winter! In all likelihood, the basic purpose was to engage the faithful in prayer before ordinations. At any rate, these are designated as days of focused prayer and fasting.
When do they fall? On Wednesdays, Fridays (both with a history of fasting in the Early Church), as well as Saturdays. As for the specific times, when I was in grammar school, the Sisters taught us a ditty by which to remember their occurrence: “Lenty, Penty, Crucy, Lucy.” That is, around Lent, Pentecost, the feast of the Holy Cross and that of St. Lucy.
The regulations for fasting on those days were quite demanding: For all over the age of seven, partial abstinence from meat on the Wednesdays and Saturdays (that is, meat only at the principal meal) and total abstinence on the Fridays (which was already the case, anyway). For those between the ages of 21 and 59, one full meal and the other two meals not to exceed one full meal; exceptions were envisioned for those who performed heavy manual labor, those with weak health, or pregnant women (since they were eating for two!).
Some may counter by pointing out that St. Paul seemingly did away with all the old Jewish dietary laws. Yes – and no. Christians do not fast or abstain in keeping with Jewish proscriptions; they do it in response to the teaching of Our Lord. You should remember the episode in which Jesus is challenged about the eating and drinking habits of His disciples. He replies: “Can you make wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? The days will come, when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days.” (Lk 5: 34-35). In other words, while Christ the Bridegroom is with His Church here below, fasting would be inappropriate, however, when He is taken from our sight (at the Ascension), fasting will be most appropriate.
While all the historical information may be interesting, it must be noted that the observances I have described were essentially eliminated with the revision of the cycle of the liturgical year after the Second Vatican Council. Or were they? Actually, if you read the Universal Norms of the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, you will find this:
In order that the Rogation Days and Ember Days may be adapted to the different regions and different needs of the faithful, the Conferences of Bishops should arrange the time and manner in which they are held. Consequently, concerning their duration, whether they are to last one or more days, or be repeated in the course of the year, norms are to be established by the competent authority, taking into consideration local needs. The Mass for each day of these celebrations should be chosen from among the Masses for Various Needs, and should be one which is more particularly appropriate to the purpose of the supplications. (nn. 46–47)
In other words, the ember days were not eliminated in the liturgical reform; on the contrary, conferences of bishops were supposed to arrange for their observance in keeping with local needs and conditions. As in so many other situations, our episcopal conference did nothing!
That said, the failure of bishops to act does not absolve us of the personal responsibility to fast according to the mind of Christ and the immemorial practice of the Church. Prayer and fasting were conjoined in the preaching of Our Lord; what God has joined, we ought not put asunder. As a seminarian, I served as vice-principal of an inner-city parish school in Trenton. About a third of the school population were black Baptist children. One day, a grandmother approached me on the playground: “Young Father, can I give you some advice? I think you’re gonna be a great priest, but I want to give you some advice.” “Fire away,” said I. “If you don’t pray, you don’t stay. If you don’t fast, you don’t last.” Can I hear an “Amen” for that?
Truth be told, the near-disappearance of fasting has made us all flabby Christians. Sometimes I hear would-be “conservative” or “traditional” Catholics bemoan the fact that the Mass prayers for Lent, for example, had many of the references to bodily penance deleted in the revision process. That’s true. I go on to ask, however, how many of these folks observe the former norms for the weekdays of Lent or the ember days? How many even know them? One can make a legitimate argument for maintaining those prayers intact, if – and only if – we are taking up the challenge presented by those orations. We can’t lie when we speak to God.
Many of the modifications of Church regulations on matters like fasting were made on the presumption that there would be more merit if Christians did something out of intense personal devotion, rather than obedience to an external law. That was surely the mindset of Pope Paul VI, who often referred to the Church as “the expert in humanity.” With all due respect to the holy pope, I think an “expert in humanity” would know better than to assume that we all do the right thing for all the right reasons. No, not infrequently, we have to be prodded into doing the right thing – and the purer motive emerges later.
With that in mind, let me propose a few areas where we can take up the Gospel challenge, even though no law presently binds us to do so.
Let’s start with the Communion fast. Permit me to be very blunt: The one-hour fast is a joke. Fasting, by definition, means abstaining from food until one experiences hunger. If you are genuinely hungry after one hour, you have an eating disorder! At present, on the way to Sunday Mass, someone could stop at McDonald’s, chow down on a whole meal and not break the one-hour fast. The midnight fast was noble but well-nigh impossible to practice once afternoon and evening Masses were permitted. Further, the rigidity with which it was practiced by many also led to its demise. People didn’t brush their teeth before heading to church, for fear that a drop of water might go down their throats and thus violate the fast. Pope Pius XII’s mitigation of the midnight fast to three hours for solid foods and one hour for liquids made eminently good sense. Why not adopt that as a norm for oneself?
Fridays throughout the year are still penitential days and abstinence from meat is still required, unless, repeat unless, one substitutes another penance. It seems everyone heard the first clause but went deaf for the second clause. Ironically, in the “old days,” even Catholics who didn’t go to Sunday Mass abstained from meat on Fridays. It was the one infallible sign of “being Catholic.” Nasty anti-Catholic types even called us “mackerel-snappers”! Not only is penance on Friday in union with our Suffering Lord meritorious for the individual believer, there is also the tremendous value of offering a communal witness to society-at-large of our desire to be a penitential people. Very wisely, the bishops of England and Wales in 2011 returned to mandatory abstinence from meat; would that the bishops of the United States would follow their lead. In the meantime, do the right thing on your own steam.
What I have said about Friday abstinence applies equally to the weekdays of Lent. You don’t need a bishop to tell you that you’re a sinner in need of penance. Make what was formerly required by law your own personal practice. Why? Because the collective wisdom of spiritual writers down the ages has always held that bodily penance leads to spiritual growth, and that fasting ought always precede feasting; indeed, that the feasting takes on its greatest significance when it is preceded by fasting. No Easter Sunday without a Good Friday. Post crucem, lucem (After the Cross, the light) – but only “after”!
Married couples who practice natural family planning also know the value of abstinence from the marital act for themselves individually and for them as a couple. Yes, abstinence makes the heart grow fonder!
Which leads to another abstinence I would heartily recommend, and that is abstinence from Holy Communion from time to time. One of the upsides of the Covid experience is that many of the faithful realized that they had been taking reception of the Eucharist for granted and that the forced abstinence really did make them yearn for the Bread of Life as they never had before. Interestingly, Cardinal Ratzinger (before he changed his name to Pope Benedict) urged people to consider occasional abstinence from Holy Communion as an act of Christian solidarity with those Catholics who, for various reasons, can’t receive the Sacrament (for example, the divorced and remarried), thus eliminating that automatic, unthinking emptying of pews, row by row, in the mad rush to the altar.
Finally, there is a very practical rationale undergirding fasting, and it’s this: As sinners, we have to atone for our sins. Put simply: Pay now, or pay later. I don’t know about you, but I would sooner pay now, rather than later.
And don’t forget the wise counsel of that lovely black Baptist grandmother: “You don’t fast, you don’t last!”
(Editor’s note: This homily was preached on September 25, 2020, an ember day, at the Church of the Holy Innocents, New York City.)
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I find it ironic that intermittent fasting is all the rage these days yet many of our clergy frown on fasting for religious reasons (like how Gregorian chant was super popular among classical music fans whilst it was banished from our parishes).
I really like how the Eastern Orthodox (and many Eastern Catholics) fast every week on Wednesdays (the day Jesus was betrayed) and Fridays (the day Jesus died). This was prescribed in the Didache…the oldest early Church document outside of the New Testament. I fast Friday’s during the year and add Wednesday’s during Advent and Lent. I’ve found going vegetarian on those days to be especially good for me both physically and spiritually. During the Triduum, I eat nothing, except water and vegetable soup and a piece of bread for dinner, from Holy Thursday evening until after Easter Sunday Mass (or the Easter Vigil).
If I can’t give up meat on Friday (i.e. invited to some one’s house for dinner) I say a penitential psalm on my knees. I believe out of charity it’s ok to eat meat on Friday if you’re in a social situation (even in Lent) so long as you do a different penance that day. After all, Christ Himself told us to eat what is put before us when invited to another’s house (Luke 10:8).
If you just build it into your week it becomes a regular part of your life…like going to the gym. It’s also provides a teachable moment if you have kids. During Lent my mom used to make hearty homemade vegetable soup and homemade bread for dinner (One slice only). That has impressed itself on my memory forever.
I’d like to learn more about Ember Days. I’d also love to read about other reader’s fasting practices.
Thanks Father! Great article.
I should say my mom did the soup/bread thing for dinner on Friday’s in Lent. It was a filling soup though.
Sorry, I missed the confirmation in the article that the UK bishops have indeed returned to meatless Fridays. I’m glad to hear that.
I gave up meat on Fridays year round also. A couple decades ago our bishops asked us to do that for prolife intentions and I’ve done so ever since.
It is a little difficult occasionally in social situations but Ive never found anyone who was offended. I can always find enough to eat minus the meat course.
I think it would make life easier if our bishops would just return to the meatless Friday rule year round. I think the UK bishops may have done that already. It makes a difference when we fast and pray together as Catholics.
God bless!
We read: “People didn’t brush their teeth before heading to church, for fear that a drop of water might go down their throats and thus violate the fast.”
And this was the problem—scrupulosity, and WORSE YET, scrupulosity misplaced and uncorrected. Water never broke the fast. So, one day, folks just figured “what the heck,” and walked away from the whole falsely tedious thing, Real Presence and all…As for the midnight fast, folks not prepared to receive the Eucharist used to be able to show up for a late morning Mass and simply stay in the pew. “Already had breakfast”—so, by staying put, no public signalling about this-or-that unconfessed moral difficulty.
Instead, today—now DEPRIVED of the cover of a meaningful fast—we also drift into full-participation “processions” up to the altar rail (that is, up to the head of the line!). With perhaps no thought about whether Communion has become mindless—or even sacrilegious, because no examination of conscience about this-or-that. Why fast; then why not join the crowd, then why Penance? A sort of seamless garment.
ON THE OTHER HAND, Pope Benedict once suggested it wouldn’t hurt if we sometimes “fasted” from Communion itself—in solidarity with the persecuted who are deprived of the Mass. (Today think China, or Iraq, or any number of refugee camps.) Wait, what? He also speculated that the Vatican (!) could fast for a year from publishing anything! A letterhead lockdown, like fasting and Penance to foster a more recollected and contrite frame of mind.
Thus wrote Mahatma Gandhi: “If physical fasting is not accompanied by mental fasting it is bound to end in hypocrisy and disaster.”
The Eucharist was missed/is being missed during the “Pandemic.’
Since the Covid shut down I have been very, hungry, hungry for the Lords’ Supper. Starving for the occasion to be freed of my sins. Longing to share a meal with my fellow Catholics. Never take the Eucharist for granted.
Good article!
Thank you for also thus blessing the readers with desire to join in the oneness in the will , to thus be more open to The Divine Will .. to offer up all sufferings, in the eternal now , united to that of The Lord , to His own fasting …
with that of many through the ages , ‘bringing all ‘ to Him ..
The Bridegroom of Divine Will having given the Disciples enough of a taste of same , they became ready to carry on The Mission , in the ‘fasting ‘ of the trials and crosses , loving the Will of The Father with the Heart of The Son ..
‘ Rogate..’ ask ..Pope Emer. Benedict who was instrumental in having the statue of St.Annibale of the Rogationists at The Vatican , very likely spending his time in just that ..well aware of the power and blessings of The Passion Meditations , as promoted by the above saint .
The portrayal of same possibly given for our times when science can dazzle minds
to also bring the subtle doubt – a God who is so powerful , how is same in the spiritual realm ..and we are given good enough glimpses of same in the above meditations to help make fasts as occasions to feast in the Divine Truth and its power and glory such that the reminders from the Holy Father too , to have clean hearts to go with fasting take on the hues of the Rainbow of Truth of The Divine Will .
Glory be !
Pope Benedict actually suggested people fast from Communion to be in solidarity with those who have divorced and remarried — and thus have chosen to be in a state of mortal sin?
I hope you’re not a confessor!
Came across this too , with regard to the topic at hand , about the power that can be in mourning ..why God allows same – the grief that was in Adam ..The Apostles after The Ascension.. its transformative power ..
The Church in readings of Book of Job now ..
Wonder if his children really had died or only had a deep concussion and came back to life .. 🙂
The mention above about the ‘little lights ‘ of love , like little embers ,
which is all Adam could bring forth after The Fall , still endearing to The Father ..
The Son , who comes , to cast the fire upon the earth ..
The St.Lucy fast is mentioned as connected to the olive harvest ..as in The Passion ..to help enlighten our darkened eyes and intellects ..and the wholesome sight in Israel even now , of ( ? Arab ) families gathering around the olive trees for harvest ..
how much we all are part of the brotherhood ..
glad that the Heart of the Holy Father has been moved to bless and bring forth that truth more deeply into our times ..
? Would those who were headed to the fields have been around little fires / embers , sharpening the tools of harvest ..sharing stories ..
May the mighty blessings of The Father ever flow through His Mother , into all who are called to the work of harvesting … 🙂
I only frequent restaurants who serve fish on Fridays, but I would consider the COVID pandemic to be more of a deadly focus. With more than 200,000 lost unwitting souls abstinence will not be the topic of the day. Our CDC says, (para phrase):”if you don’t distance, you may have a lesser exitance”… if you don’t mask, you may be unable to ask”.