Seven Sainthood causes advance
Vatican News reports that in an audience on May 22 with Pope Francis, Marcello Cardinal Semeraro, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, presented the Holy Father for approval seven decrees regarding the sainthood causes of seven candidates. The Holy Father authorized the Congregation to promulgate a decree on martyrdom and six decrees on heroic virtues.
The candidates from Peru, Italy, Poland, Spain and Hungary include 3 women and 4 men. They are as follows:
– The martyrdom of Servant of God Maria Agostina Rivas López, known as Aguchita (born Antonia Luzmila), a nun of the congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd. She was born in Coracora, Peru, on June 13, 1920. She worked with and advocated on behalf of girls and indigenous people in her poor jungle community in Peru. She was killed on September 27, 1990, in Coracora by a terrorist group in hatred of the Faith. The recognition of her martyrdom clears Sister Aguchita for beatification.
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Felice Canelli, a diocesan priest who was born in San Severo, Italy, on October 14, 1880, and died there on November 23, 1977.
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Bernard of the Mother of Beautiful Love (born Zygmunt Kryszkiewicz), a professed priest of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, commonly known as Passionists. He was born in Mława, Poland, on May 2, 1915, and died in Przasnysz, Poland, on July 7, 1945.
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Mariano Gazpio Ezcurra, a professed priest of the Augustinian Recollect Order. He was born in Puente la Reina, Spain, on December 18, 1899, and died in Pamplona, Spain, on September 22, 1989.
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Colomba di Gesù Ostia (born Anna Antonietta Mezzacapo), Prioress of the Monastery of Santa Teresa delle Carmelitane Scalze di “Marcianise”. She was born in Marcianise, Italy, on June 15, 1914, and died there on August 13, 1969
– The heroic virtues of Servant of God Antonia Lesino, of the secular Institute known as the “Little Franciscan Family”. She was born in Milan, Italy, on October 11, 1897, and died in Brescia, Italy, on February 24, 1962.
– The heroic virtues of the Servant of God Alessandro Bálint, a lay man and father of a family. He was born in Szeged-Alsóváros, Hungary, on August 1, 1904, and died in Budapest, Hungary, on May 10, 1980.
Sainthood cause now official
The Diocese of Honolulu has announced it has officially opened the beatification cause of Joseph Dutton, who is now titled “Servant of God”.
According to the announcement, “Dutton was born in Stowe, Vermont on April 27, 1843, and was raised in Wisconsin. He was a soldier in the United States Civil War, serving in the Union Army. After the War, he entered a difficult marriage, which lasted only about a year, and he took to drinking heavily. At the age of 40, he had a conversion experience and became a Catholic. He wanted to do penance for what he considered a wayward life, so he entered a monastery, only to discern that this was not his vocation. He heard about Father Damien De Veuster and Sister Marianne Cope [both now canonized] and their heroic work with the patients with leprosy in Molokai. He volunteered to go there to help them, arriving on July 29, 1886. He humbly and faithfully served the patients of the settlement for 44 years … He became ill and was transferred to St. Francis Hospital in Honolulu, where he died on March 26, 1931.
Learn more about Dutton here, visit or email Father Siegfred Dosdos, vice postulator of the Cause, at sainthoodfordutton@rcchawaii.org.
Delille miracle contemplated
National Catholic Register reports that, “Thirty-three years after Venerable Henriette DeLille’s cause was opened, an alleged miracle is now in the hands of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican, putting this holy heroine of New Orleans close to becoming the first African American Catholic raised to the altars of the Catholic Church.
“We’re just waiting, praying, hoping and telling everybody to pray,” Sister of the Holy Family Doris Goudeaux, the head of the commission working on Venerable Henriette’s cause, told the Register. A previous alleged miracle lacked enough supporting documentation, but Sister Doris said she hoped this second alleged miracle would convince the Vatican to approve Henriette’s beatification.
Website launched to promote beatification
According to the Times of Malta, “A website dedicated to well-known De La Salle brother Louis Camilleri has been launched on the 10th anniversary of his death.
“It is the work of The Core Group, which five years ago was assigned to coordinate the promotion of the veneration of Bro. Louis as prescribed by the Church to initiate the process for canonization.
“Bro. Louis taught at De La Salle and Stella Maris colleges and was later provincial of the brothers in Malta. In the last years of his life, he established the local branch of the Signum Fidei Association, an international fraternity of lay people dedicated to the charism of St John Baptiste de le Salle.
“In March 2019, Archbishop Charles Scicluna introduced the Cause for Bro. Louis’ Beatification by decree, and declared him ‘Servant of God’ at a ceremony held at St John’s Co-cathedral in Valletta.
“At present, the Maltese archdiocese is recording testimonies from witnesses who knew Bro. Louis and were inspired by his holiness.
“People having any information about Brother Louis or graces granted through his intercession may contact Bro. Saviour Gatt, vice-postulator for the cause, at: saviour.gatt@maltadiocese.org or call on 99242499. For other correspondence, e-mail brotherlouiscamillerigroup@gmail.com.”
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Golly I was going down the list wondering if I would ever see an Italian (finally found a couple near the bottom). Fr Sarducci would be dismayed. (In his stage Italian accent:) “There’s a lotta Italians waiting in line with 7 or 8 miracles” but for Elizabeth Seton, “they waived the third miracle.” And of course, “St. Patrick was a pretty good saint but San Giuseppe was a really great saint,” despite having a feast day in the shadow of the former. Well he was right about the greatness of St. Joseph and it is wonderful to honor him in his devotional year. And all these other holy people!