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St. Joseph and Father’s Day: An interview with Fr. Donald Calloway

“The world needs holy men today, especially fathers–both biological fathers and spiritual fathers, priests and bishops.”

The civic holiday the United States celebrates today is entirely in keeping with Catholic sentiment. Father’s Day has its origins in the work of Sonora Smart Dodd who back in 1910 was able to convince the Spokane Ministerial Association and the local YMCA chapter in her native Washington, to set aside a Sunday in June to honor fathers.

This widely publicized event resonated with the rest of the nation and it began to spread. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge exhorted Americans to celebrate Father’s Day in words that sound as if they could have come from a papal encyclical: “…to establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children and to impress upon fathers the measure of their obligations.” In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed an executive order that the holiday be celebrated on the third Sunday in June and finally, under President Richard Nixon, Congress passed an act officially making Father’s Day a national holiday in 1972.

This civic holiday is more important than ever as the moral fabric of our nation continues to erode, with ever-increasing confusion about the true nature of sex, marriage, and family. We need holy men today, especially fathers. In Catholic Europe, the day set aside for honoring fatherhood has been celebrated for centuries fittingly on March 19th, the Feast of St. Joseph.

Recognizing the need for the spiritual fatherhood of St. Joseph in these dire times, Fr. Donald Calloway published an excellent book on this subject earlier this year titled Consecration to Saint Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father.

Fr. Calloway currently serves as a vicar provincial and vocations director for the Mother of Mercy Province of his religious community, the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. He is a sought after speaker who has written over a dozen books and leads pilgrimages to Marian shrines around the world.

He spoke recently with Catholic World Report about his new book about St. Joseph.

CWR: Your past work in speaking and writing has focused so much on spreading devotion to Our Lady. Why has your attention now turned to fostering devotion to St. Joseph?

Fr. Calloway: In essence, I want to bring to people’s attention to all that the Church has been doing to promote St. Joseph in recent times.

Here’s what I mean: The Church has done more to promote devotion to St. Joseph in the last 150 years that she had in the previous 1,800 years of Christianity!  It all started with the declaration of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church in 1870. Since then, we have had the first encyclical written on St. Joseph, the first Apostolic Letter written on St. Joseph, the official approval of the Litany of St. Joseph, many religious communities founded to promote devotion to St. Joseph, the first theological journal devoted to Josephology, numerous major basilicas and shrines established for devotion to St. Joseph, not to mention that St. Joseph himself appeared in the Church approved apparitions of Knock, Ireland and Fatima, Portugal.

Needless, to say the Holy Trinity is really trying to bring our attention to St. Joseph in a major way.

CWR: You recount in your book how Saint José Manyanet prophesied that a “time of St. Joseph” would soon arrive in the life of the Church. Why do you believe that time is now?

Fr. Calloway: We need St. Joseph today more than we have ever needed him before. In fact, long before St. Jose Manyanet prophesied about a “time of St. Joseph,” the 16th century Dominican priest, Isidore de Isolanis, prophesied that in the future the Church would be going through a very difficult time, but a great victory and renewal of the Church would take place when the Church fully acknowledged and proclaimed the greatness of St. Joseph.

In my opinion, we are living in these prophesied times and we need St. Joseph today for two very specific reasons:

1) The entire world needs to be re-evangelized, including countries that were once established on Judeo-Christian principles. St. Joseph served as the first missionary by taking Jesus to Egypt. We need him today to renew the Church’s missionary and apostolic mandate.

2) Marriage and family are under attack like never before. Most countries have sought to re-define marriage, and entire societies and education systems are plagued with gender ideology. Sadly, the Church herself has allowed much of this spiritual poison to infiltrate her ranks. What better person to turn to for heavenly aid than the Head of the Holy Family, the Pillar of Families, the Glory of Domestic Life, the Patron of the Universal Church, and the mighty Terror of Demons!  Now is the time to bring St. Joseph onto the battlefield!

CWR: What is a consecration? What does it mean for a person to be consecrated to St. Joseph?

Fr. Calloway: It basically means that you acknowledge that St. Joseph is your spiritual father, and you want to be like him. To show it, you entrust yourself into his paternal care so that he can help you acquire his virtues and become holy.

Consecration to St. Joseph means you make a formal act of filial entrustment to your spiritual father so that he can take care of your spiritual well-being and lead you closer to God. The person who consecrates himself to St. Joseph wants to be as close to their spiritual father as possible, to the point of resembling him in virtue and holiness. Saint Joseph, in turn, will give to those consecrated to him his undivided attention, protection, and guidance.

CWR: How does your book prepare the reader to make this act of consecration?

Fr. Calloway: In many ways, Consecration to St. Joseph mirrors St. Louis de Montfort’s Total Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The template of the consecration program is the Litany of St. Joseph and it is 33 days in duration. Each day, a person does readings based on the Litany of St. Joseph, learns about St. Joseph’s titles, privileges, virtues, and dignity, and prays the Litany of St. Joseph and other prayers.

In addition, the daily readings include what saints, popes, and mystics have written and/or stated about St. Joseph. To date, Consecration to St. Joseph is the most comprehensive program of its kind. Honorable prelates such as Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider have given their full endorsements. For those who are interested, a website has been developed that covers the basics of the program, offering a consecration chart, as well as all the endorsements from notable and orthodox Catholics. The website is:

CWR: Why should fathers be especially devoted to St. Joseph?

Fr. Calloway: The world needs holy men today, especially fathers–both biological fathers and spiritual fathers, priests and bishops.

Today many men are confused about what it means to be a man, a husband, and a father. Addictions to pornography and entertainment (especially sports) have consumed the lives of men around the world. Furthermore, for those who want to try and break free of the cycle of cultural brain-washing, education and career systems have been put in place to beat down any traditional understanding of strong male leadership, determining and classifying traditional manhood as toxic. This has left many men feeling emasculated and adrift in a society that views their fatherhood and leadership as dispensable.

We need St. Joseph to serve as the model for men (fathers, husbands, and clergy) today. From St. Joseph they learn to be servant leaders, sacrificial and chivalrous men not afraid to confront the darkness, slay spiritual dragons, and combat the politics of death.  If St. Joseph is the Terror of Demons (and he is), all men are called to resemble him and also be a terror to the forces of evil. Ite ad Ioseph! Go to Joseph!

(Editor’s note: This interview was first published by CWR on June 20, 2020.)

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About Father Seán Connolly 75 Articles
Father Seán Connolly is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York. Ordained in 2015, he has an undergraduate degree in the Classics from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts as well as a Bachelor of Sacred Theology, Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Theology from Saint Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, New York. In addition to his parochial duties, he writes for The Catholic World Report, The National Catholic Register and The Wanderer.


  1. I stood amongst the stars, as a child with Guardian of great age
    With face like a Buddha or a babe
    No hair, eyes gentle shone, two pools of delight tenderness bright
    No word was uttered; he stood near, in right hand, test tube with seed
    My heart did read, it all started here I did perceive
    Then in garden of delight, tap of eternity running crystal clear
    He took me close and I did fear
    I was in ancient land amongst clamour, dust and sand
    In spirit approaching from the rear, He turned;
    His sight stooped me in my flight
    Rabbi! two pools of delight, held me tight
    I entered cool room, within maid and future groom
    Pitcher pouring water, in hand, her beauty *shone from within*
    As if she had never seen sin

    “It must have happened when you touched my hand” (The Betrothal?)

    I saw the goodness in his manly face, no doubt did take place
    He was a true lover, who new goodness in another
    A holy family did take place in trust, love, gentleness and grace
    There was no duty here; this was love in highest sphere
    The room grows dark; from two lovers I do depart
    Now on gloomy hill, all nature still, approaching the Cross,
    Shock! nakedness, such suffering
    All nature seemed to groin with pain, I was home again
    Numb with shock, such suffering cannot be forgot
    This in truth is what I saw, I make no comment I open a door.

    *It is fair to say that this same light shone from the Groom also*

    kevin your brother
    In Christ

    • Addendum to my post above.
      We do not have any recorded words of St Joseph but we do have a statement of human love/concern/respect for him from his beloved wife St Mary.
      When they couldn’t find him, they went back to Jerusalem to search for him there. Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions. All who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers.

      His parents (Earthly Parents) didn’t know what to think. “Son,” his mother said to him, “why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere.” He responds in Truth “But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” Or in other words, given all that you both knew, why did you not put your trust in God.
      The above statement reflects the reality of two human lovers.

      kevin your brother
      In Christ

  2. What about a man in the single life? Did you forget about that? I love St. Joseph, I’m single not a priest or bishop and strive for holiness and don’t like being overlooked! John Joseph

    • John Joseph, sorry you were overlooked! Your prayers for others and Works of Mercy are all part of your spiritual fatherhood. Thank you for all you do for the body of Christ!

  3. Good to see the focus on St.Joseph , on this Father ‘s Day .

    The Lord as the power and wisdom of God and the revealed Face of The Father , in holiness , strength and mercy , that is also reflected in many Father figures in The Church , such as St.Joseph .

    Our carnal times might make it hard for many , esp. non Catholics , to accept the strength and wisdom in which they lived, in persons such as St.Joseph .

    Seeing these holy persons having been in the spiritual realm of the Bride and Groom , of the Song of Songs , would help to see how they lived blessed holy lives .

    The ‘ Bride ‘ – the ‘she ‘ of created wisdom , highly lauded in scriptures and
    The ‘Groom ‘ of holiness and strength , bringing forth a beautiful soul , with its varying traits , fit for men and women for their give roles , in the abundance of a life that would not feel depraved about carnal ties .

    Same also to help with strong identification with The Father , for the men and fathers in our times , to do away with subtle confusion of ? excessive identification of the soul with The Bride , its fruit of spirit of envy against women and their life bearing roles , as in The Garden .
    Fathers instead to see the nobility of the given role , responsibility and graces , to help lead oneself and the family , into the deeper marriages of holiness and wisdom , in the souls of all entrusted to them .

    May the greater devotion to Father figures such as St.Joseph help to empower such a dimension in many areas in all our lives .
    Blessings !

  4. St. Joseph was not the biological father of Jesus; he was the adoptive and legal father. Fr. Calloway’s conclusion on the need for holy men — biological and spiritual fathers — is too narrow. John Joseph’s post above makes the same point.

  5. For anyone wanting to know more about Saint Joseph I highly recommend “The Life of Saint Joseph as manifested by our Lord, Jesus Christ to: Maria Cecelia Baij, O.S.B.”

    Incidentally, the next time that you hear the song “Mary, did you know?” you’ll know the answer. Our Lady was well aware that she was carrying the Savior.

  6. Fr. Calloway’s book on the Consecration of St. Joseph was an eye opener for me. In a way
    St Joseph has been the forgotten saint and he was such a great saint. As a woman I know
    how difficult it is to be silent and St. Joseph was very good at being silent. St. Jospeh was
    the guardian of Jesus and Mary and he achieved all the challanges God presented to him …
    that is to take the Holy Family to Egypt and then years later to carry them safely back to the
    Holyland. I loved reading that St. Joseph was compared to a heroic knight.
    I recommend this book to many.

  7. I have read several of Father Calloway’s books on Mary and I recommend them. I have also done the consecration to St. Joseph using the book he has written. If anyone has not read his autobiography, ” No Turning Back” , you should. His conversion story, from the life of dissipation he was leading, to a sudden belief, is nothing short of amazing. My own life lacks the drama he experienced, but I had fallen away from the church myself for numbers of years and also experienced a sudden return, for which I am deeply grateful.The hand of God can really be seen in these situations.How else to explain them?

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  1. St. Joseph and Father’s Day: An interview with Fr. Donald Calloway - Catholic Mass Search
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