On Sunday, Pope Francis will arrive in Budapest to celebrate the final Mass of the Fifty-Second International Eucharistic Congress. Although religious practice remains low in Hungarian society, the country’s government, in power since 2010, is (along with that of Poland) Europe’s most unapologetically Christian, conservative, and pro-family.
The legacy of Communism
According to the nation’s 2019 census, 73.4 percent of Hungarians are Christians, including 51.9 percent Roman Catholics, 2.6 percent Greek Catholics, 15.9 percent Calvinists, and 3 percent Lutherans. More than a quarter of Hungarians did not state their religion, while 16.7 percent identified as “nones.” As elsewhere, however, actual rates of religious observance are lower. According to one study, just 12 percent of Hungarian Catholics are weekly Mass-goers.
Péter Heltai of the communications team of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium of Budapest, explains that this is the result of the Communist legacy. “During the ‘goulash Communism’ period of the 1960s and 1970s, the Hungarians were given somewhat greater prosperity and civic freedoms compared to other Communist countries,” he explains. “However, there was a lot of repression for religious practice, so as a result the Hungarians became less religious.”
Heltai is echoed by Jozsef, a Greek Catholic from Budapest who asked that his last name be omitted from this publication. “According to all statistics, religious practice hasn’t changed since 1989,” he says. “In the big cities, it has become very weak.”
Following the collapse of Communist rule in Hungary in 1989, Heltai says, there was a brief religious revival, as many religious orders saw an increased number of new applicants. Since then, however, religious practice has declined to the status quo ante.
Hungary’s Christians as a creative minority?
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was fond of quoting the English historian Arnold Toynbee’s notion of a “creative minority” that can change history. Benedict realized that it was unlikely for Christianity’s social relevance in the West to return to its status during the Middle Ages or even during the immediate post-World War II era. He believed, however, that if Christians in the West are dynamic and well-organized, they can have an impact on their world.
Perhaps that is what is happening with Hungary’s Christians, both Catholics and Protestants. “Catholics and Protestants are allies in the culture wars, although the unity of Catholics on key issues makes them more effective in the long run,” Heltai says. “For a long time, certain groups which happened to be Catholics were also seen as tied to Vienna’s rule and the Habsburgs, so this made it easier for Protestant communities to identify themselves as a whole with the ‘freedom fighter’ resistance.”
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is a devout Calvinist and father of five. His colleague from the conservative Fidesz party, the nation’s President János Áder, meanwhile, is a Catholic. Heltai says that Áder publicly professed his faith at an address during the International Eucharistic Congress.
In the United States, we are all too familiar with politicians who claim to be Catholic but, for example, promote abortion and the LGBT and gender ideologies. Hungary’s Fidesz party, however, is not afraid of genuine social conservatism. Hungary’s 2011 Constitution, adopted a year after Fidesz’s ascension to power, defines marriage as between a man and a woman and explicitly acknowledges the nation’s Christian legacy. The document opens with a line from Hungary’s national anthem: “God bless the Hungarians!”
For decades, American liberals have opposed school vouchers for underprivileged families, arguing that primarily religious schools would benefit, which would be a violation of the separation of Church and state. Since 2010, the Hungarian government has generously supported schools run by both the Catholic and Protestant Churches. In the article “Christianity as Predestination” from the Autumn 2021 issue of the European Conservative, Katalin Novák, Hungary’s Minister for the Family, claims that the number of Hungarian children attending religious schools has doubled over the past decade. Meanwhile, Fidesz has reinstated mandatory religion or ethics courses for Hungarian pupils in public schools.
For Hungary’s government, demographics Is destiny
Across the world, especially among developed countries, the birth rate has plummeted, spelling economic disaster as the number of working-age persons per each pensioner declines rapidly. In an industrialized nation, a woman must have an average number of 2.1 children in her lifetime for the population to be naturally replaced. Most wealthy countries are far below that level; in South Korea, the world’s lowest fertility rate is a mere 0.84.
Strangely enough, many leftists have celebrated this trend. Fewer people on earth, they argue, will decrease humanity’s carbon footprint. In 2017, a headline in Britain’s Guardian, for instance, proclaimed: “Want to Fight Climate Change? Have Fewer Children.”
Not only has Hungary’s government resisted such nonsense; it has actively worked to improve the nation’s fertility rate. The nation’s numerous pro-family and pro-natalist policies, coordinated by Minister Novak, include: complete exemptions from the personal income tax for mothers with four or more children, early retirement for the mothers of large families, building growing numbers of nurseries and preschools, and preferential housing for large families. Large Hungarian families are even eligible for subsidies for cars seating seven or more passengers.
This has led to an increase in Hungary’s fertility rate from a historic low of 1.23 in 2011 to 1.56 last year. This is still well short of the replacement level, but Budapest was not built in a day. Last year’s fertility rate is the highest in Hungary in a quarter-century. Furthermore, the number of marriages has been booming in the country, and today Hungary is tied with Latvia for the third-highest marriage rate among the European Union’s twenty-seven members (8.9 compared to an average of 5.2 marriages per 1,000 people).
No political force, perhaps especially in a democracy, is in power forever. Péter Heltai believes, however, that even if Fidesz loses power in next year’s parliamentary elections (although he is optimistic) or some other time in the future, whatever political force takes over will not dare to get rid of these pro-family policies. “I have many friends, especially in Budapest, who don’t support Fidesz, but they personally benefit from these policies and would strongly oppose getting rid of them,” he explains.
The example of Hungary has many implications for the rest of Western civilization. To varying degrees, Christianity has been weakening across the West for many decades. Hungary demonstrates that even the collapse of totalitarian Communist rule is not enough to foster a religious revival. However, Christians can have a major impact on politics and society, as in Hungary, where they have positively influenced what perhaps the West needs most today: marriage, the traditional family, and new human life.
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Up the Visigrad 4. Maybe salvation will come from the East (of Europe).
Mazurczak timely and insightful. Fertility rates Europe support Islamic hegemony. Certainly Vatican policy driven by Pope Francis’ vision of mercy toward the unfortunate migrant is a factor of a declining Christian Europe as well as a Modernist European Union often expressly hostile to a more conservative traditional Christianity. Così fa Angela. “Merkel [who] is effectively forcing believers in Europe to choose between her own brand of ‘compassionate conservatism’ and the ‘Christian, national’ vision of a Fortress Europe propounded by leaders such as Hungary’s Viktor Orbán and Poland’s Jarosław Kaczyński” (Jan-Werner Mueller is a professor of politics at Princeton University in IP News). Obviously Werner Mueller is a Merkel believer. Merkel, head of the European Union acknowledged world’s most powerful woman professed Evangelical Protestant whose policy of open armed Islamic migration is consistent with that of Pope Francis. Now we have President Biden and a political movement that enforces open borders and encourages unregulated migration. Così fan tutte George Soros, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Sachs et al fully behind a new world order united along the lines of dissolution of specificity and open to a universal form of liberty touching every dimension of human life. Fratelli Tutti may well be its pan religious gospel. Lord, who can save us? Perhaps, and prayerfully Viktor Orbán, Jarosław Kaczyński, Cardinals Gerhard Müller, Willem Eijk, Daniel DiNardo, Archbishops Salvatore Cordileone, Joseph Naumann, Thomas Olmsted and other like minded will form the resistance.
My misspell for Così fan tutti masculine for Soros et al reminds of the enormity of transgender, a human earthquake affecting everything from morals to politics. Mazurczak’s article addresses issues underlying to my knowledge the first historical threat to our humanness from within Catholicism and from without, the similar in tandem trend toward a neuter morality, a neutralization of the distinction of right from wrong. As events transpired since Francis’ pontificate perhaps the catalyst for what was already a mounting avalanche of the amorality we now experience. It seems we’re suffering a chastisement for trivialization of dogmatic faith particularly on sin, abandonment of the confessional after decades of emphasis on mitigating conditions, and resulting in Eucharist incoherence. And again to perhaps over emphasize the identical phenomenon of liberalism within politics, the Church moving closer to identifying with global ethical issues. The men who are the ecclesial descendants of the Apostles mentioned really do seem to have the future for good or for cataclysmic evil in their hands.
October 23,1956 to November10th,1956 was a long time ago. The Hungarian people of today
bare no resemblance to the people of 1940-45.The destruction of the Hungarian 2nd Army
at Stalingrad with the German 6th,Army made Hungry a ripe plum for Uncle Joe to pluck
at the end of WW II.Like Poland. The Christianity was always there but was deeply buried under Facist & Soviet rule.
The headline sums up why Francis and company are so antagonistic to Hungary and the Orban government. And oh yes, the Hungarians refuse to commit collective suicide by allowing their nation to be inundated with the Muslim hordes. That resistance is more than enough to put any government on the Vatican blacklist.
The author whitewashes Orbin’s legacy by omitting his rigging of the electoral districts to favor his party, eliminating independent judges, changing the judicial selection and retention processes to make a formerly free judiciary subordinate to the whims of his political party, hijacking the free press and forcing closure of several international human rights organizations and educational facilities. It’s great if Hungarians have more children they can responsibly sustain. But making sure those children grow up in a free and fair society, rather than an authoritarian one, is at least equally important.
Blah, Blah, Blah. Orban is doing what he can to prevent Soros and others like him from buying the country and taking over the government through their phony “human rights” and “schools.” I am sure the Hungarian judiciary is at least as independent and non-partisan as any in the West. Likewise, elections are heavily rigged and manipulated in every “democracy” in the world today. The corporate press that dominates political discourse in the US and EU is anything but free, diverse or even interesting. Even if everything claim you about Hungary is true, at least as much can be said about every other country that presumes to lecture Orban. The one undeniable difference between the Hungarian government and its counterparts in the West is that it does not hate its nation’s native population and Christianity, which are the only reasons why it has pariah status in the “international community.”
The attitudes of some of the other “Christian” countries toward Hungary can not help but remind us of Wisdom 2:12.
Bravo for the Hungarians! They stand for something their ancestors would be proud of.
Good for them.
When my father went to Hungary to find his relatives he found none. Whole generations of Hungarians were destroyed by the Communist. Out of the Blood of martyrs comes great faith.