“A monument to pseudo-religiosity”: A case against The Poem of the Man-God

Why in all these years have so few readers of The Poem of the Man-God, by Maria Valtorta, noticed it blatant and offensive defects?

Maria Valtorta (1897-1961) In 1918, at age 21, in the uniform of a Samaritan nurse, during the First World Ward. (Image: Wikipedia)

Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, begins at sunset on September 15th this year. It’s the climax of the High Holy Days when the judgments of God are sealed upon unrepentant sinners. So, it seemed a fitting time to honor my father’s people by examining a book riddled with coarse anti-Semitism yet long admired in some pious Catholic circles: The Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta.

The background

Here’s a brief review for those who may not remember Valtorta’s heyday in the 1990s when the Christian world was convulsed with End Times speculations and many Catholics rallied to the apparition of the month. To her supporters, the Poem is a “flawless” expansion of the Gospels that has profoundly improved its readers’ souls. But in 1959, it became the second-to-last publication placed on the Vatican’s Index of Forbidden Books.

Maria Valtorta was born to Lombard parents on March 14, 1897 in Caserta, Italy. Her father was a non-commissioned army officer. Her publisher describes her mother as “callous,” “despotic,” and extremely severe. Valtorta’s mother spitefully curtailed her education and terminated two promising courtships.

After taking private vows in 1931, Valtorta aspired to be a “victim soul” and became permanently bedridden two years later because of a heart condition and an old back injury. Her spiritual director was Fr. Romauld Migliorini, a member of the Servants of Mary. Valtorta was a tertiary in the same order which has never ceased to promote her writings and reputation for holiness.

Valtorta is supposed to have offered God the sacrifice of her intelligence in 1949. She gradually ceased writing as mental aberrations increased over the next decade. By the time of her death in 1961, she had reached what Fr. Benedict Groeschel C.F.R. has described as “as state similar to catatonic schizophrenia.” Illness would suffice to explain her decline without looking for diabolic causes, as some critics have tried. She died on October 12, 1961.

Originally composed as 10,000 handwritten pages between 1943 and 1947, the published Poem is a 4,000-page Life of Christ in which scenes describing visions are interspersed with direct commentary by Jesus and Mary. Valtorta could remember—and later clarify—what she said she saw in her visions but not the dictation she recorded through a process resembling automatic writing. Valtorta’s randomly generated texts were typed and arranged in Gospel chronology by Fr. Migliorini, who began circulating select bits privately.

Sometime after April of 1947, a bound copy of Valtorta’s complete manuscript was sent to Pope Pius XII via the papal confessor. The Pope received Fr. Migliorini and two other Servites in a special audience on February 26, 1948. His polite murmurs about the Poem reportedly included the phrase “publish this work as it is” which the Servites afterwards remembered and interpreted as a “Supreme Pontifical Imprimatur” This alleged oral imprimatur is the only one the publishers of the Poem have ever received—or sought.

Although a pope could in theory grant such an imprimatur and even do it orally, no one has produced a modern instance of this. Surely, so meticulous a man as Pius XII would have made his intentions perfectly clear and not left his words to be construed after the fact by interested parties.

It’s impossible to determine how much of the Poem Pius XII actually read. Given his crushing burdens leading the postwar Church and the many crises he had to face while the Iron Curtain thundered down, how much time could the pope possibly have devoted to reading and evaluating thousands of pages of manuscript?

After a harsh rejection at the Vatican press, the Poem was released by Italian publisher Emilio Pisani. On December 16, 1959 the Poem was condemned by the Holy Office, then headed by Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani. Osservatore Romano printed this decree on January 6, 1960 accompanied by a hostile unsigned review of the Poem entitled “A Life of Jesus Badly Novelized.”

Valtorta’s defenders try to blame this and subsequent censures on a secret “Modernist clan” within the Holy Office. They offer no evidence of how “Modernists” could operate undetected by the strictly orthodox Ottaviani nor why Modernist and other anti-Catholic books continued to appear on the Index, 1948-60.

Moreover, as Ottaviani’s successor Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger has declared, the 1966 abolition of The Index of Forbidden Books in no way sanitizes previously banned works, including the Poem. In 1994, Ratzinger’s office issued another statement through the apostolic nuncio in Canada reiterating its judgment that Valtorta’s works are simply fiction: “These writings cannot be recognized as being of supernatural origin.” (The Poem’s English edition has been distributed from Canada since 1986 by Editions Paulines of Sherbrooke, Quebec.)

Furthermore, on April 17, 1993, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith directed the Italian Bishops’ Conference to order this disclaimer placed in future re-issues of the Poem: “…the ‘visions’ and ‘dictations’ referred to in it are simply literary forms used by the author to narrate in her own way the life of Jesus. They cannot be considered supernatural in origin.”

Almost from their beginning in 1981, the Medjugorje apparitions became entangled in the Valtorta controversy because pilgrimages to the Bosnia site were major vectors for disseminating the Poem. Two of the seers, Maria Pavlovic and Vicka Ivankovic (who is writing her own “inspired” Life of Mary), were queried on Our Lady’s views of the work and reported a positive response. “Our Lady says that The Poem of the Man-God is the truth” according to Vicka. Several other seers /locutionists/prophets of the time concurred. Is it healthy to treat private revelations as the ultimate arbiters of Catholic belief and practice?

Controversy, popularity, and a fundamental flaw

But not everyone was enchanted by the Poem. By the early 1990s, disputes spread beyond the followers of Medjugorje to the overall Marian movement. The Poem’s prominent defenders included Prof. Leo Brodeur, Bishop Roman Danylak, Fr. Rene Laurentin, and Fr. Stefano Gobbi while Paul Likoudis, Fr. Philip Pavich OFM, Fr. Mitch Pacwa SJ, and Fr. Brian Wilson LC argued against it. But these debates largely centered on how the Poem came to appear on the Index and whether that condemnation was justified. Problems with content got less attention. I, however, wrote a general critique for Catholic International magazine in 2003.

So, who am I to re-enter the fray at this late date? The undying embers of the Longest Hatred—anti-Semitism—are reddening again among some stern Catholic conservatives as they denounce “globalism” and George Soros. I also bring unique credentials. Although I’m a mere laywoman and no theologian, I did receive a traditional pre-Vatican II Catholic education, which I’ve employed in the service of the Catholic press for 38 years. History is my field and, unlike any other debaters known to me, I’ve written, edited, and analyzed fiction professionally. I’ve read the Poem in the five-volume English edition (Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl. Isola del Lira, Italy, 1986, reprinted 1990) and consulted its online version retrieved from archive.org. (I haven’t examined the latest edition of 2014, The Gospel as Revealed to Me in ten volumes from the same publisher.) Its defenders can’t accuse me of ignorance or taking quotes out of context.

The Poem reached hundreds of thousands of readers across the globe in many languages but its anti-Semitic elements seem to have slipped by unnoticed. These are entwined with other objectionable aspects that ought to have disqualified the work from consideration as serious spiritual literature—much less a heaven-sent account of Our Lord’s life.

The Poem’s fundamental flaw is its claim to compensate for the inadequacies of the Gospels. As Jesus himself explains to Valtorta, the New Testament needs to be supplemented (I: p. 432) because of the evangelists’ “unbreakable Jewish frame of mind.” Their “flowery and pompous” Hebrew style kept them from writing everything that God wished. (V: p. 947) So nineteen centuries later, he finds a worthy secretary in Valtorta, his “Little John,” to expand what the Apostle St. John and the others wrote. “There is nothing of my own in this work,” she insists. (I: p. 57) She presents herself as a mere transmitter of Divine content.

But Hebrew is no “flowery” language. Neither is the simple and concrete koine Greek, in which at least three of the Gospels were composed. Moreover, the evangelist Luke was Greek, not Jewish. Nevertheless, Jesus denounces future critics of the Poem who dare to search for mistakes “in this work of divine bounty.” (V: pp. 751-52) The Poem is self-authenticating and any discrepancies were put in it by Jesus himself. (V: p. 753)

Valtorta’s own prose, however, is flowery in the extreme. Consider her page long description of newborn baby Mary (I: p. 24-25) wherein her fists “are two rose buds that split the green of their sepals and show their silk within.” Her figures of speech monotonously feature flowers, jewels, and fabric. The literary effect is further hampered by her fondness for exotic words (“noctules” for bats) and translators’ clumsiness (a line of laden donkeys is rendered as an “asinine cavalcade.”)

The Poem also presumes to “correct” the received text of Scripture. Valtorta’s reading of John 2:4 adds a novel “still” to Christ’s remark concerning the wine at Cana: thereby making it a comment on their own relationship: “Woman, what is there still between me and you?” (I: pp. 283-84) But her reading has no basis in the Vulgate or in any translation into a modern vernacular from the original Greek. The Poem presumes to place itself above the Bible and “Little John” beyond criticism.

Despite claiming a purely celestial origin, the Poem somehow incorporates legendary material from the Apocrypha (ex.” The Acts of St. Paul and Thecla), The Golden Legend, The Meditations of Pseudo-Bonaventure, the revelations of St. Birgitta, and other medieval texts. (Is she borrowing from Carmen when Mary Magdalen tries to attract Jesus’ notice by throwing a rose at him?) Valtorta is at odds with the revelations of Maria de Agreda and Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich in chronology, familial relationships, and details of key events such as the Passion and Assumption. For instance, in the Poem Mary lives and dies in Jerusalem, not Ephesus as the other two visionaries say. The personal stories of the Apostles, however, aren’t traditional. Peter is a short, middle-aged buffoon; Simon is an actual “Canaanite” and not Jesus’ cousin. Judas gets far more coverage than all the other Apostles put together.

A flower-strewn fantasy world and a ranting Jesus

Valtorta supposedly used only the Bible and the Catechism of Pius X as references. There’s no way of knowing what she may also have absorbed earlier from her schooling, reading, sermons, or conversation. What little she knows about first century Palestine and Jerusalem could have come from maps and study aids commonly bound in Catholic Bibles. Otherwise, it’s a flower-strewn fantasy world. Her landscapes, sets, props, and costuming recall soft, gilt-touched Italian holy cards. She is amazingly ignorant of the local living conditions. Her houses resemble Italian farmhouses with fireplaces, porches, and kitchen gardens. The rich enjoy jasmine pergolas and hedged gardens closed with iron gates. The countryside abounds with apple orchards. fields of rye, stands of cactus and agave. Apples are ubiquitous. Dates, figs, and olives seldom appear; lentils, chickpeas, or onions never. People routinely drink fresh milk, even honey-water and cider, but wine scarcely ever appears. The screwdriver and the iron horseshoe are in use, although they were unknown in ancient Palestine.

Valtorta acknowledges her confusion about the layout of the Temple, but still erroneously pictures it as having multiple gilded domes, angel-headed capitals, and a choir of maidens. Not only does Jesus have a bar mitzvah, a ceremony which didn’t yet exist, everything described is false, even to the name of the Bible book he reads as a “test” administered by a bored Temple functionary. Although speaking the Divine Name was taboo, Jesus himself says “Yaweh. “Jehovah”, a word unknown in antiquity, is freely used by other speakers, including Mary and Peter.

But Valtorta’s anachronisms are not nearly as objectionable as her distorted characterizations of Jesus and Mary. They are, of course, fair-haired, blue-eyed, alabaster-skinned and straight-nosed, quite unlike the swarthy Jews around them. A pale complexion—usually but not necessarily—signifies great holiness. (Note that Mary Magdalene and girlish John are fair while Judas is dark.) A hooked nose, however, is always an ominous feature.

Our Lord is a ranting, hypersensitive Mama’s boy whose stripped body “looks like a delicate lady.” (V: p. 564) His last word on the Cross is, in fact, “Mother.” (V: p. 620) Jesus must exercise supreme will power to restrain his aversion toward sinful mankind: “My first contacts with the world had sickened and depressed me. It was too ugly.” (I: p. 432) He would rather touch a corpse than an impure person. “I feel such disgust for lewdness that it upsets me.” (I p. 695-96) “. . . He never laughs.” (I: p.282) (italics in original) He also demonstrates his sublime purity to a prostitute sent to tempt him by trampling a “lascivious” caterpillar underfoot. (IV: p.785) Needless to say, this gesture helps bring her to repentance.

Calling himself the “Man-God,” Jesus openly proclaims his Divinity and Messiahship from the beginning of his public life. He baptizes his Apostles with kisses and preaches every doctrine in the catechism. The Decalogue is the only part of the Mosaic Law that Jesus accepts; all else is priestly accretion. (I: p. 273) But aren’t Leviticus and Deuteronomy books of the Bible? Souls go to heaven before his Passion and Resurrection. (I: p. 263) Incredibly, the wounds of the Risen Christ, his “stigmata,” still hurt and his joints are stiff. (V: pp. 762-64)

His followers are already called “Christians” before the founding of the Church (V: p. 253) despite Biblical testimony to the contrary (Acts 11:26). He even denies that Christian beliefs developed across time because he had already delivered them all, using correct terminology, while on earth. (V: 946) The Poem isn’t “new” revelation added since the death of the last Apostle because it’s just offering material that the Evangelists left out.

Mary, whom Jesus calls “the Second-Born of the Father,” (I: p.7) and “second to Peter with regard to ecclesiastical hierarchy” (IV: p.240) preens over her unique exemption from “the torture of generating.” (I: 115) during her cousin Elizabeth’s hard labor. After the Crucifixion, she rages in morbid hysteria with incestuous overtones (V: pp. 630-59). The grieving Virgin proclaims her hatred of men, who are likened to wolves, snakes, and hyenas. “Man disgusts and frightens me.” (V: p. 640) Yet in the next day’s dictation Jesus praises the Sorrowful Mother’s forbearance and forgiveness (V: 670). Then, in a final twist in his envoi to the Poem, Jesus excuses his Mother’s emotionality by her ethnicity because “…they should consider the nationality of Mary. Hebrew race, eastern race, and times very remote from the present ones. So the explanation of certain verbal amplifications, that may seem exaggerated to you, ensues from these elements.” (V: 947) Valtorta really could not recall what she had written after committing it to paper.

The Poem titillates with several invented subplots of “delicate” maidens barely escaping the Fate Worse Than Death and guilt-ridden harlots’ descents into utter degradation. In one especially tasteless moment, Herod tries to tempt captive Jesus with his lascivious African dancing girls who “touch Christ lightly with their nude bodies.” (V: p. 562)

Despite the vaguely homoerotic flavor of Christ’s frequent kisses, cuddles, and caresses of his disciples, Valtorta has an almost Gnostic loathing of sexuality. To Jesus, all humans are nothing but souls. (I: 672) She claims that unfallen humanity would have reproduced asexually. The Primal Sin was Eve’s perverse dalliance with the serpent followed by intercourse with Adam. (I: p. 83) Now sexual satisfaction is “bread made with ashes and excrement.” (I: p. 665) She never acknowledges it can be licit within wedlock.

Jesus’ sermon on the Sixth Commandment, more vehement and accusatory than on the other nine, betrays an uncertain grasp of human reproduction. (I: p.664). Contraception and abortion were not common in New Testament times. Jesus absurdly claims that animals mate soberly, only for the sake of offspring. (I: p. 30) Can the Man-God be unfamiliar with male dogs? He also teaches delayed ensoulment after a human embryo has started to take shape. (I: 635)

Valtorta’s deplorable anti-Semitism

But Valtorta’s worst fault is her deplorable anti-Semitism, both religious and racial, that stains the entire Poem. Contrasted with Roman soldiers, Valtorta’s swarthy, stinking, big-nosed cowards are stereotypes straight out of The Eternal Jew. To Romans, Jewish corpses are “so many snakes the less.” (V: p. 623) Legionaries gleefully insult the Jewish crowd they are dispersing with blows. (IV: p. 804) Pilate’s confrontation with a delegation from the Sanhedrin is an embarrassing exercise in vulgar comedy with Pilate sniffing a flower to ward off the “billy-goat” stench of Jews. (V: pp. 557 ff)

Valtorta repeatedly compares Jews unfavorably with Romans: “Hebrew wombs conceive vile perjurers. Roman wombs conceive nothing but heroes.” (V: p. 790) Mary Salome calls Jews “cowards” but considers their Roman conquerors “just and peaceful.” (V: p. 652) Mary Magdalen speculates that converted Jews won’t be brave enough to be martyrs. (V: p. 663) Gentiles will be better followers of God than Israel was. (V: p. 852) Significantly, Valtorta’s account of Pentecost doesn’t climax with the conversion of 3,000 Jews. Assuming that the first Christians immediately changed their Sabbath to Sunday, she’s unaware of the slow disentanglement of Synagogue and Church related in Acts.

Mary rages that Rome was right to fear this “tribe of killers.” (V: p. 642). She declares: “I am no longer a Jewess, but a Christian, the first Christian. One fictitious Jewish character converts because “the cult of Israel has become Satanism” and promptly breaks the Sabbath.” (V: p. 673) Nicodemus, having shed his Hebrew identity, plans to carve a statue—the future Holy Face of Lucca. (V: p. 903)

Most distressing of all, Valtorta makes Jews Deicides. The Romans weren’t responsible for the Crucifixion—only Pilate. Aside from Christ’s followers, “the whole Jewish people gathering in Jerusalem wanted his death.” (V: p. 293). The entire city pours out to jeer at Jesus like many thousands of “rabid hyenas” (V: p. 566). Longinus and the Roman soldiers try to minimize his sufferings, but executioners with the “clear Jewish profile” (V: p. 563) scourge the Savior and nail him up. Christ’s plea “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” seems to be directed at the squabbling thieves, not at his diabolical Jewish persecutors.”

As his Passion approaches, Jesus complains about Jewish resistance to conversion: “How grievous it was to be so close to death for so few.” (V: p. 64) He detests Jewish worship: “I loathe your solemnities which are nothing but outward appearances. I will abolish my covenant with the stock of Levi….” (V: p. 426) Later, the Risen Christ declares that God has withdrawn from Jewish rites and Judaism is “dead forever.” “Her rituals are nothing but gestures that any histrion could mime on the stage an amphitheater.” (V: p. 831) He scorns Jerusalem as the site where the synagogue received the libel of repudiation from God for its many horrible crimes.” (V: p. 869) To quote thunderous eternal curses against the people and land of Israel as the very words of Our Lord Jesus Christ while the flames of the Holocaust blazed is detestable blasphemy.


Why in all these years have so few readers of the Poem noticed it blatant defects? Did they meekly follow the recommendations of those they admired as spiritual leaders? Surely few in the audience shared the contempt for Jews and Judaism presented in the Poem. Or does this phenomenon demonstrate Reader Reception Theory: people see what they want to see in a text?

Countless fervent testimonials to “this great and glorious work” suggest this might be the case, especially since promoters advised reading it slowly and meditatively. In my opinion, the cult of Maria Valtorta has been a tragic waste of devotional time, treasure, and zeal—as well as an unfortunate woman’s life.

To have written such things while fires blazed in Auchwitz is sheer obscenity. Valtorta is a one-woman argument for Nostrae aetate, the Vatican II decree that condemned the notion of collective Jewish guilt.

These are only a small sample of Valtorta’s many and pervasive errors. “Childishness, fantasy, false history and exegesis” make the Poem exactly what an unnamed writer cited by Cardinal Ratzinger said it was: “a monument to pseudo-religiosity.”

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About Sandra Miesel 35 Articles
Sandra Miesel is an American medievalist and writer. She is the author of hundreds of articles on history and art, among other subjects, and has written several books, including The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code, which she co-authored with Carl E. Olson, and is co-editor with Paul E. Kerry of Light Beyond All Shadow: Religious Experience in Tolkien's Work (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2011).


  1. I share the writer’s horror that writings such as this, writings bearing the mark of severe mental illness, would have ever been taken seriously. Other examples exist, i.e. disturbed reflections describing Mary as a person “who once was known as Mary”. These words were prayed, in my presence, by persons of high good will and faith. They honored a picture which placed Mary in front of the Cross of Jesus and saw no contradiction in this, explaining to me that the prayer had been approved by a bishop or archbishop of one European nation.

    • Thanks for this tremendous essay. Contrary to some here, if a theologian of Cardinal Ratzinger’s caliber condemned this work, that’s good enough for me!!

      • I pray that God will correct your errors

        Poem of the Man God is the best book second
        To the Bible in my opinion

        It feels like i am there with Jesus when I read it

    • But Benedictus XVI beatified in 2012 Padre Gabriele Allegra, who praised Valtorta’s work as “a masterpiece of the world Christian literature. I believe it comes from the Spirit of Jesus: here there is the finger of God”.

    • I wonder if those who are so against Maria Valtorta’s visions and writings are as skeptical of Our Lady of Fatima’s appearance or the apparition at Lourdes ? Might this have something to do with the fact that you cannot believe that the Lord could not choose an obscure woman to use as a “voice” ? There is no heresy in this work. If there was, there would not be so many who have been drawn to conversion because of it. Cherry picking quotes can’t make a solid case against it.

    • It should be noted that this article has several basic factual errors that indicate a lack of research and knowledge about the book in question. A few examples: the 1947 delivery to Pope Pius XII was not via the papal confessor (Msg Augustine Bea) but the papal postman Msg Francesco Norese who handled the pope’s mail. There was no bound copy of the book in 1947 because it had no publisher yet. Norese simply put a large stack of unbound papers on the pope’s desk. Augustine Bea did not even see the book until several years later. The book was not published by Emilio Pisani but by his father Michele Pisani who signed the contract in 1952 when Emilio was still a school boy. I could go on, but the list would be too long. The author of the article has a very sketchy familiarity with the subject and the opinions expressed in the article can not be taken seriously.

    • This article scores high in anger, and low in accuracy and knowledge. The suggestion that Hebrew is not a flowery language made me chuckle. Maskilic use of flowery Hebrew is well documented. The suggestion that Valtorta’s geographic knowledge came from maps available in 1945 indicates a lack of knowledge of the history of Palestinian cartography. The author of the article is well advised to read the scholarly work of Dove Gavish, unrelated to Valtorta. The accuracy of Valtorta’s cartography of obscure towns amazes those of us who have studied the subject. The author is obviously unaware of the subject.

  2. Excellent article. Well researched. Love the question you present: “Is it healthy to treat private revelations as the ultimate arbiters of Catholic belief and practice?” A question we must all carefully answer when considering any person (or other entity) that claims to be a “transmitter of Divine content” when that content clearly conflicts with Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium.

    • Todd C., Did I read “well researched” in your comment? Consider Ms Meisel’s statement that the word Yaweh did not exist in antiquity. What can I say except suggest that you order a copy of G. Parke Taylor’s book Yahweh: The Divine Name in the Bible, 2006 and send it to the author as a gift. Chapter one of the book explains that the term existed in antiquity and describes the various approaches to its origin. The real questiion is why have none of those commenting here notice this type of blatant error in the article, even the priests. Personally, given this type of error I do not believe anything the article says.

      • That’s not what Ms. Miesel wrote, is it? She wrote:

        Valtorta acknowledges her confusion about the layout of the Temple, but still erroneously pictures it as having multiple gilded domes, angel-headed capitals, and a choir of maidens. Not only does Jesus have a bar mitzvah, a ceremony which didn’t yet exist, everything described is false, even to the name of the Bible book he reads as a “test” administered by a bored Temple functionary. Although speaking the Divine Name was taboo, Jesus himself says “Yaweh. “Jehovah”, a word unknown in antiquity, is freely used by other speakers, including Mary and Peter.

        Try again. But read for comprehension first.

        • The source of the problem is her use of 3 double quotes which makes her sentence ambiguous as to a reference to Yahweh or Jehovah. But the issue of the “exact term” people spoke in her book also depends on the translator. The translator for the English version has often used various English words to refer to a specific term in the handwritten Italian text. And given that we do not know what language Valtorta claims to have heard things in we can draw no conclusion from the use of specific words in the text in any translation. But that is just one of Ms Meisel’s errors and ommissions. I can produce a longer list if you like.

          • The Holy Ghost can shed His light on things, we don’t have to rely strictly on linguistics. It’s the same whether it is to do with this saint or any other matter. Valtorta did not write “another Gospel”. She was gifted to put in /give forth details that aren’t strictly necessary to make the Gospel but nevertheless edify the faith and our history. What a gift.

            Many things to do with daily life and anecdotal experience would have occurred during Jesus’ life, would not have been taken up by the Synoptics and the Evangelist; and I believe the Virgin Mary who herself knew every single detail, would have been a powerful influence on them in the way they sought to present the New Testament.

            It’s important to understand this because at this time there is a spreading feeling and mindset that wants to turn every anecdotal encounter into a kind of dogma and divine intervention, but as a matter of fact it is neither healthy for the whole body, nor wise, nor truly inspired nor right.

          • Carl Olson, I looked into this issue and it is clear that Valtorta made no error and the confusion was on the part of the translator and the author of the article. First note that the Italian alphabet has 21 letters and the letters k, j, w, x and y do not exist in Italian. The language uses ch for k, g for j v for w etc. So Valtorta would have never written Yahweh with a y and a w. The typical rendition of Yahweh in Italian is Geova which Valtorta uses. Now the specific case in section 40 of the book where the word Yahweh appears twice in the same paragraph where the young Jesus is in the Temple. The Italian text uses the terms “Signore” and “Dio” and the translator used the word Yahweh to translate them both. The word Yahweh or Geova does not appear in that section. Elsewhere where Valtorta wrote Geova the translator used Jehovah or Yahweh at will. Valtorta made no mistake. Rest assured that I will personally give the translator a hard time when I meet him “upstairs” in the distant future. Now that my attention has been drawn into these issues, with your permission, I will clarify a few other things in the next few days

        • Carl Olson, I looked into this issue and it is clear that Valtorta made no error and the confusion was on the part of the translator and the author of the article. First note that the Italian alphabet has 21 letters and the letters k, j, w, x and y do not exist in Italian. The language uses ch for k, g for j v for w etc. So Valtorta would have never written Yahweh with a y and a w. The typical rendition of Yahweh in Italian is Geova which Valtorta uses. Now the specific case in section 40 of the book where the word Yahweh appears twice in the same paragraph where the young Jesus is in the Temple. The Italian text uses the terms “Signore” and “Dio” and the translator used the word Yahweh to translate them both. The word Yahweh or Geova does not appear in that section. Elsewhere where Valtorta wrote Geova the translator used Jehovah or Yahweh at will. Valtorta made no mistake. Rest assured that I will personally give the translator a hard time when I meet him “upstairs” in the distant future. Now that my attention has been drawn into these issues, with your permission, I will clarify a few other things in the next few days.

          • Continuing my comments, perhaps the best example of the fact that Ms Meisel has not “done her homework” is her speculation about how much of the Poem Pope Pius XII had read and if he had issued an imprimatur. These issues are clearly and frankly documented by Emilio Pisani in his book on the subject. After reading about half of the book, Pius XII asked the priests to come over for a chat. The driving force wad Fr Berti and his prior Fr Cecchin tagged along to meet the pope. Pius XII asked his assistants to help the priests get an imprimatur from some bishop, preferably at the Servants of Mary. He did not issue one himself. The Servite were prepared to issue an imprimatur, but the Holy Office made it clear to them that they should not do so, if they “know what is good for them”. So no imprimatur was ever issued. That is 100% certain given Pisani’s close relationship with Fr Berti. The fact that Pius XII said “print it as is” is quite certain because Berti’s prior, Fr Cecchin was at the meeting, and he was not a Valtorta supporter. Berti would not lie in front of his prior, if ever. So the facts are clearly documented, but not in this article.

          • Frankly Nathan so far it’s not clear where your comments are trying to go and it isn’t even clear how they’re developing. You’re touching on things others have covered here already, too. People find the story related by Valtorta to be awesome and there’s nothing wrong in it and miracles have been accompanying the author of the work, very auspicious and joy-filled. In these days when there is some stress laid on “accompaniment” Valtorta has outshone them in advance.

            There is some information collecting going on to help members of the Papal leagues not run out of steam and somebody should be correcting them for their excesses. They put themselves in danger of spoiling what they appropriate in a misplaced zeal.

          • Continuing my observations. Perhaps the most egregious issue in this article’s treatment of Valtorta’s writings is the Marian aspect. It shows thst the article is completely one sided, biased snd incomplete. I am 100% certain that Ms Meisel knows about Msgr Gabriele Roschini’s book “The Virgin Mary in the wrtings of Maria Valtorta” given that Valtorta supporters mention it again and again. But she chose to ignore his views altogether and instead generated her own criticism of the Mariology of Valtorta. Of course, Roschini and Meisel’s views are completely opposite to each other. Recall that Roschini and Rene Laurantin (who is also a Valtorta supporter) were the top two Mariologists of the 20th century. Why not mention the fact that Roschini (whose 4 volume book Mariologia is considered a landmark in the field) wrote that “Valtorta’s Mariology was superior to anything he had ever read”. Roschini was no novice and was also an expert in the wrtings of the saints, having written books about them. By the order of Pius XII Roschini founded the Marianum faculty in Rome and educated the key Mariologists in Rome. Let us ask: why was Roschini so impressed by Valtorta’s book? There is only one answer: he recognized the value of Valtorta’s work. He had nothing to gain by supporting Valtorta, but he did so because he believed in the value of her work. Who should I believe about the Mariology of Valtorta? Ms Meisel, or Msgr Roschini? You know the answer. Has Ms Meisel ever written a book on Mariology, or taught a university course on the subject? Not that we know of. Let us also ask: how can Valtorta, a bedridden person who never went to university, write material that “Rome’s top Mariologist” considered superior to anything else he had ever read? Did she write it herself, or did she receive messages as she said. I think the chance that Valtorta could compose text on her own that impressed Roschini is zero. She did not write it herself. She could not. She told the truth about receiving visions. I am sure. You should be too once you think about it.

        • Carl Olson, one issue that has surprised me here is the overall level of confusion about the writings of Anna Emmerich. Ms miesel is under the impression that they are considered “authentic” and Valtorta’s conflict with them is serious. But that is not all. The people who type comments here seem as confused as Ms Miesel. I would like to suggest that you publish a separate article that clarifies the issues about Emmerich and Brentano. The first suggestion that Brentano fabricated much of Emmerich’s book was of course made by Fr Winfrid Humpfner in 1923, as I am sure you know. And as Fr Peter Gumple said at the Vatican in 2004 “it is not certain that she wrote any of this”. But in the October 7 issue of Osservatore Romano, the week Emmerich was beatified, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins was much more direct. He said only 3 letters by Emmerich are authentic and the rest of the material came from the “artistic fantasy of Brentano”, his words in quotes. Cardinal Martin’s article should be read by all who want to mention Emmerich. Your audience needs to know about it. Thanks.

  3. Madame, I leave you to discuss further with other scholars and experts, which I am not. However, when Valtorta wrote her handwritten texts and made her drawings (1943-47) people in Italy and where I live (Lugano, Switzerland) did not have any Bible at home because this was not allowed by the parish (until the 1950s at least, one old lady told me once). Imagine also at war how the situation could have been. Moreover, certainly, those few Catholic bibles around would not hold maps or introduction chapters as we see today. Same for the Cathechism of that time. Please research on that

    Moreover, on the statement “Mary as the second-born of the Father” , I can say that I recently read a text by a Dominican theologian saying the same and so indirectly confirming it. Please look at it with an expert with the same level of preparation. As far as I know, there are no errors concerning neither the Catholic Faith nor the moral behavior in Valtorta’s writing.

    As for the antisemitism accusation, it’s known that the facts refer to individuals during the events and not the entire Jews forever. Valtorta’s pages are within the same narrative expressed broadly by the Gospels. In the Gospel, Jesus doesn’t hate those individual Jews (nor anyone), but the hypocritical way in which they think to worship God (when they do it). At least this was also my impression when I read some of Valtorta’s pages.

    • Sir, you read “some” of Valtorta’s work. Ms. Miesel has read all of it. I, too, have read some of this work, and I would call erotic spirituality or a type of religious porn. It’s very weird.

      Also, the Dominican theologian (whom you do not name but should) can say whatever he likes but it still is not part of Catholic Dogma.

      • Sir, I’m a 66 year old man, life long Catholic. I read all 10000 pages many times over. What you consider religious porn, I consider as a God send in my life which saved me from my sinful self. Thank God for the Poem of the Man-God!

        • Amen! These books changed my life and brought me back to true faith! These books are like sitting right there while Jesus speaks and teaches us parables. These books are miracles given to us By Jesus and as a grace by the Father. I sincerely hope those speaking ill of them pray or fully read them for themselves before making such harsh judgments. These books reveal the teachings of Jesus in amazing detail.

      • It’s Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, O.P.(https://padrecavalcoli.blogspot.com/p/maria-figlia-del-padre-e-sposa-del-padre.html). Theology is the study of Revelation which is always an ongoing process in deepening (not changing) the Truth and so our understanding. So the Catholic Faith is not made of “dogmas”, but of truths of faith. Dogmas are pontificial documents to establish a Truth when necessary and timely useful.
        I don’t think you need to read all 10 books to express an opinion. Many scholars (and Popes) before me have read them in private, too and found Valtorta absolutely ok.

        • Padre Cavalcoli’s theology seems rather dodgy, to say the least:

          “In un mio recente articolo sul mio blog ho dimostrato come la Beata Vergine Maria sia da considerarsi non sposa dello Spirito Santo, come alcuni sostengono e neppure sposa di Cristo, come sostengono altri con una metafora ancora peggiore, ma sposa del Padre per il semplice ed ovvio motivo che lei e il Padre sono i genitori del medesimo Figlio Gesù Cristo.”

          This sounds more like Mormonism than Christianity. God is not the spouse of the BVM, and the BVM is not the spouse of God. The BVM had only one spouse on Earth: St Joseph. If God were the spouse of the BVM, that would make adulterers or fornicators out of the BVM, and either St Joseph or God. None of this absurdity would be necessary, iif the reverend author had not left out the part played by the Holy Spirit in the Incarnation.

      • An important point: how can anyone write an article about Valtorta and not mention the word “astronomy”? The physics professor Lonnie Lee Van Zandt noticed many years ago that astronomical details about star observations, days of week etc. In Valtorta’s book are so accurate that they would require a computer. Please Google Van Zandt and Valtorta and astronomy and you will find the paper at Perdu university. The physicist Liberato Decaro wrote a book (in Italian) about the accuracy astronomical details in Valtorta. He also says the details needed a computer. Look on Amazon, you will see the book. Either she had a computer or her visions were real. I think she did not have a computer in 1950.

      • He condemned it for an obvious reason, same as the writer of this article. It’s a crime to condemn a Divine revelations to hide certain truths and trust me I know why it was condemned by the cardinal and by the writer of this article, I know why very well.

    • My mother was alive during WWII & I still have a copy of her pre1950 Douay Rheims Bible which has detailed maps of the Holy Land & surrounding regions.
      I don’t know what was going on in Italian parishes but American Catholics certainly had access to bibles in that time period. Whether many lay Catholics made use of their bibles is another issue.

      • Mrs. Cracker,

        Quite true. And the printing on the maps of the late 19th and early 20th century books was usually beautiful.

        It is utter nonsense to say that people were not allowed to read the Bible. Pope after Pope after Pope urged them to do so (some quotes can be found here: https://defendingthebride.com/bb/ and note in particular Popes Leo XIII, Pius X, Benedict XV, and Pius XII, in the late 19th and early to middle 20th centuries.)

        • Thank you, you both are right on all points (but I said that “keeping at home” and not *reading” a Bible was discouraged). Moreover, I checked on an Italian website which confirms that Maria Valtorta had access to a Bible and the Cathechism of Pio X along with frequent visits of a priest (Father Migliorini) tutor and friend, here: https://scrittivaltorta.altervista.org/sfida.htm

          There was a long period after the Council of Trento where the PERSONAL reading of the Bible ON ONE’s OWN was not favourably seen without proper guidance and control. Today, I must say it’s the opposite with hundreds of DIY Bible Studies spread commercially on the web and through all denominations (including Catholics)

          Finally, ehm, Maria Valtorta never said she was the author of those writings but only the writing tool, the “writer” in a broad sense which is clearly visible by observing her one-way handwritings without corrections. Her handwriting text and sketches were the original sources from where the books were later printed by a third party. So, I would suggest reading her Notebooks (“quaderni” in Italian), too, and not only the 10 books of the “Gospel as revealed to me” in order to have a complete picture, please. In those notebooks, Jesus speaks to her and explains much more. I shall wish and encourage another, new Essay on them by Mrs Miesel.

      • No books ever described in details the 261 trips that Jesus made in Palestine during His acrive life covering 3,500 miles, mostly by foot, as in Valtorta’s 10 books (5,000 pages against the few pages of the 4 Gospels).

        • So? I could sit down and write details of trips that Jesus (or, indeed, anybody else, made), with lots of details. That wouldn’t make my descriptions true.

          Are you genuinely comparing Valtorta’s book to the Gospels, and deciding that Valtorta’s book is much better? That’s horrifying.

      • The main problem in this article is the assumption that “if it is not written in English it does not exist.” Much of the research on the authenticity of Valtorta is in French and Italian. E.g. see “Dictionnaire géographique de l´evangile d´après Maria Valtorta” which in 432 pages shows that her knowledge of the geography of Israel was far beyond what was known at her time. The telegraphic comments here about maps and Valtorta are by those who have not read the books in French. Ms Meisel does not seem to know about them either. Please do “research” before writing articles about Valtorta. Thank you.

  4. The mention of Bishop Roman Danelak as supporting this book is evidence enough it is false. I knew him personally and he promoted every seer and apparition. His credibility was zero due to this. Nice man, a man of prayer, but way off on these.

    • It is not false. On Dec. 6, 1947 Jesus said: “I order you to believe this: the Work contains my manifestations, the words and actions of my Mother, the Twelve, those surrounding Me. Calmly take the Work, just as I gave it to you.It is right and it is supernatural. The Work contains the exact and complete truth of my teaching”. (“The Notebooks of 1945-1950” by Maria Valtorta – page 446-447)

      • No, Valtorta claimed that Jesus said that. But Valtorta has no credibility nor authority, so it’s circular reasoning. You’re saying, “I know the book is true because Jesus said it was true, and I know He said it was true because the book says that He said it was true, and I know that the book is true because Jesus said it was true, and I know He said it was true because the book says that He said it was true…” and on and on.

        Books can’t validate themselves.

        • There are millions of people still, that don’t believe in the Holy Bible. Does that makes the Holy Bible, a doubtful book? No.
          This Divine Work shed the light on the Bible to make it more understandable, it filled the gaps missing. In the Bible we know so little about Jesus’s Passion. Through numerous revelations, we know more about His Passion not just in Valtorta’s writings. If God wants to reveal more about Himself, about His life and teachings, about His Mother, etc. who are we to object it?

  5. “… the 1990s when the Christian world was convulsed with End Times speculations and many Catholics rallied to the apparition of the month.” The author writes as if this time has passed. That certainly is not my experience. Maybe the “charismatic” bubble in which I live skews my perception, but I still see false apparitions and fake messages as a major preoccupation – and business venture – of a great many Catholics, including prominent clerics and well-known authors.

  6. “Is she borrowing from Carmen when Mary Magdalen tries to attract Jesus’ notice by throwing a rose at him?” (Miesel). This satirical line, welcome comic relief, sealed the deal. Ottaviani was right.

      • Giovanni I agree with you on Mary Magdalene’s conversion, although not recorded in the Gospel’s, must have been a great moment of grace. The woman who wept at his feet and dried them with her hair feet may have been her. Also, Magdalene’s great love for Christ indicates conversion, not simply exorcism of demons. As far as her throwing a rose at Christ it doesn’t appear consistent with her Gospel portrayal. Then I’ve read Padre Pio’s The Agony Of Christ in which the Saint says Jesus at the washing of feet pressed Judas’ feet to his breast and kissed them. I have difficulty with that, although we don’t know. At least it wasn’t recorded. Saint Thomas Aquinas says sometimes a prophet will speak from the heart rather than what God revealed. After reading Padre Pio it seems it doesn’t really matter insofar as both Maria Valtorta and Padre Pio expressed the impressions of their love for Christ.

        • Most of the Christians think that the woman caught in adultery that the Pharisees brought before Jesus is Mary Magdalene. Most of the Christians think that Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus is different than Mary Magdalene. The Poem of the Man-God showed the truth and shed the light on Mary Magdalene. That’s one example why I believe in and love the Poem of the Man-God.

          • Richard, I wasn’t familiar with Maria Valtorta until I read this article. Although I read a portion since, the Annunciation commented by me here and was impressed. Recently I renewed contact with a saintly woman who raised a large family, her husband debilitated and she did very well managing the household, teaching them the faith. She told me she has been reading all Valtorta’s works for some 30 years, commending how important her writings were to her faith. So Valtorta’s Poem has been a valuable resource for many as attested to by the commenters.

  7. Ms. Miesel, say what negatives you want about Jesus of the “Poem of the Man-God”, I begin reading these Heavenly Words (yes, I believe every word is from Heaven) 20 years ago, and found my heart burning with love for Jesus while reading the Poem. I am in good company with thousand and thousands of other lowly and unlearned followers of Jesus.

    As to your petty claim of Jesus being anti-semitite, well, Jesus was God, and when he called out the Jewish leadership or other Jews of everyday life, for their hypocritcal behavior, or other blatant sinful behavior, then it was GOD calling them out, and GOD cannot be accused of being anti-semite. I think the author of this article is taken up with something that is irrelevant to the truth of the entire Poem. It’s a classic case of projection, just as the Jewish leaders of Jesus time projected on Jesus that he was a false messiah, a sinner who ate with sinners, etc.

    All I know about the Poem of the Man-God is akin to what the man who was born blind and healed by Jesus, said to the Jewish leaders who interrogated him about who Jesus was. He said to them, “All i know is that I was born blind, and this man Jesus healed me!” Likewise, all I know is that I never truly knew the love of God the Father in Jesus His son, and the beauty and suffering of the Blessed Mother Mary until I begin to listen to the words of Jesus in the Poem of the Man-God. And without any reservation whatsoever, I would recommend the Poem of the Man-God to any and all who have a sincere desire to know who Jesus truly is. Others, far more erudite and knowledgeable and spiritually advanced, have refuted this author’s shallow and misguided criticisms of Jesus in the Poem. But then again, Jesus himself in his day was branded a heretic as well. And the rest is history …..

  8. It’s my understanding that Padre Pio (1887-1968), Mother Teresa (1910-1997), and John Paul II (1920-2005) were all fans of the Poem of the Man-God. I trust their judgement.

  9. Blessed Feasts – of Our Lady of Sorrows and Yom Kippur , grateful for one more thing today – 1 – for having been spared from reading the Poem , being guilty of not having given ‘enough ‘ time for the Scriptures , although grateful for hearing same in The Church
    2- having come across one more of the the good ( ? newer ) bible study talks by
    Frances Hogan on EWTN , blessed in waking up early enough not to miss most of it .
    3 – Yet another good homily of Rev.Fr. Wade , with the ? old / fresh for me joke – ‘ Call your Mother , she has not heard from you in decades ‘ 🙂
    May be the Rosary decades are the antidote to an extent for the concerns raised in the article too ..

    The awarenes that the imagination of the writer is also put to use to an extent and the errors and such in the writings , if in contradiction to the revealled Truth having to be discounted – ? one reason many persons do not raise fuss about such , since The Church could have done a good enough job in promoting that truth .
    ? These errors allowed in these writings to see with mercy , ? the horse / elephant in the room as to how a whole culure that have fallen for such , from having denied The Truth and manifesting the violent effects of same are to be helped by calling The Mother , hoping that the tenderness of her love would help to reveal the hypocrisy that can be in every heart as warned in the gentle admonishing words of our Holy Father .
    Thank God too for the humility and wisdom in The Church that allowed the Diary of Divine Mercy , written with 3rd grade level and needing the help of those called to do so was redeemed from the Index ..and all these info coming into our times even as we can also get pulled into the flood waters of the dragon with far more poisonous themes and lies .
    The Redemptive Mercy at work , at all levels as the Sun Rise of Divine Will , to bring Truth into all dark and distorted ares of all our lives – the tears needed to do so , tears shed ( in a spiritaul manner ), for each of us
    by The Mother and The Incarnate Word right from early days , bringing us the Oneness in the wounds – may same flow in to the deserts of aridity and loss of faith all over .
    FIAT !

  10. Maria Valtorta’s writing is bound to give any hardened Jew a pounding headache.

    What possibly might help such a one is, let him telescope for a brief time, in his mind, the crumbling down of Judaism during and after Solomon and following the Exile. In the era of Jesus the process was already complete and what the temple and other things they later made there from the Herodians, were not Davidic but anti-Messianic. The Saviour came and the authorities rejected Him and reasserted those concoctions.

    What today can the Jews propose? Are they going to find a descendant to David and “rebuild The Temple” and proclaim everywhere that “The Messias” is coming? And that they and their new “True Temple” are the authority of it all? Even though through all these centuries they had no prophet and they wanted for none?

    Jesus Christ fulfilled the ancient promise to the Jews and to mankind. If you are a Jew what you have to accept is that the old is dead and the new is already far advanced in the love meant for heaven that only Jesus Christ can afford and share.

    What is there in any of it that suggests Jesus Christ will not embrace Maria Valtorta?

    • Re your last sentence: 1 John 4:3 : “…every spirit that severs Jesus, is not of God, but is of Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he is coming, and now is already in the world.” (1941 Confraternity version)

      The Christology in The Poem of the Man-God is straight Nestorianism. That alone merited it to be on the Index.

      • Broadly speaking, Nestorians do not accept Mary as Theotokos and they have Jesus as a man whom the Word of God takes as a kind of special personal ally.

        Margaret USA, today is the first time I saw your note. I do not know where Valtorta demonstrates Jesus and Mary according to the Nestorian conception.

        The Bible I am using is New American St. Joseph Edition, Catholic Book Publishing Co. 1991-1992, Imprimatur O’Boyle/Hickey/Pilarcyzk, Nihil Hartdegen/Ceroke.

        Here it says, 1 John 4:3, ” … and every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus Christ come in the flesh, does not belong to God.”

        • Elias, I noticed that somewhere below you tried to respond to Ms Meisel’s comment about horseshoes not existing in the first century AD. You considered the issue debateable. There is no debate on that. Ms Meisel is 100% incorrect, of course, because an Etruscan metal horseshoe from 400 BC is currently sitting in a meuseum in Philadelphia. See W. N. Bates, American Journal of Archaeology, 6, 1902. Or just look up horseshoe in Wikipedia and read carefully. This article has so many errors…

  11. I applaud the many illuminating passages offered as evidence for the writer’s assertions.

    Argument seems a lost art these days, whereas slander, invective and calumny are ubiquitous.

    I have known good, devout people who love this work. I was never tempted to read it, since I am wary about replacing the mental imagery I have collected over a lifetime of exposure to scripture. But now I certainly, decidedly, definitively will not.

    • My dear Brineyman, if there is ever a time for you to read the Poem, it is now! Don’t let the negative words of others hinder you from that which will make your heart burn with love of God and others. The images of God’s love in Jesus that you have been blessed with over a lifetime will only become more crystal clear when you read the Poem. Yes, the Poem is the work of the Holy Spirit and you will not be disappointed.

      • I’ve read a fair amount of it. It is dreadful. And it certainly bears little or no resemblance to Sacred Scripture. Worse, it is quite contrary to it, as Sandra Miesel explains very well.

        • Because of my academic position, I receive a LOT of unsolicited emails from all sorts of people who communicate urgent spiritual messages to me. A few years ago, some fellow started sending me long passages from Valtorta’s “Poem.” I had never heard of it or her before, so I read through some of it casually. It was frighteningly deranged. In these chaotic times (like all times in Church history) a lot of good people are drawn to such “visions.” For most of them, it is harmless. But not for all. I have known Catholics absolutely paralyzed with fear and suspicion based on a the loopiest “revelations.” I wish the Church was a little more forceful in addressing these heresies, for that is what they are: heretical writings by people who should never have undertaken to put pen to paper.

          • “It was frighteningly deranged.”

            That was also my impression in places. For the life of me, I don’t get it. (Well, I do. But I don’t.)

        • Carl,

          You find it dreadful, just as so many in our Lord’s day found him dreadful, too, especially when Jesus proclaimed that, “Unless you eat my body and drink my blood you will have no life in you”. But, it’s your choice to take or leave Jesus in the Poem. What you found dreadful and unappealing, countless others find incredibly beautiful and life giving, and very much true to Sacred Scripture. And that’s the mystery of our Catholic Faith, that our Heavenly Father provides nourishment in some ways that are often mysterious through the saints of our times. Too many Saints during their time, and before they have left for their Heavenly reward, have been crucified with white martyrdom, because some felt that the Holy Spirit really was not evident in their lives. Heaven vindicated them, as recent events of St. Joan of Arc, St. Faustina, St. Pedro Pio, and so many others have shown.

          Carl, I take your take on the Poem as a sincere one; it’s simply not your cup of Catholic Tea, and I understand that. It wasn’t mine either, until I opened my mind and heart to it, and then I discovered the great Poem Pearl, and my Catholic Faith life has not been the same since.

          • Charlie: I don’t recognize the Christ described in the “Poem” as the same Christ depicted in the Gospels. Gonna go with the Gospels.

            “…just as so many in our Lord’s day found him dreadful, too, especially when Jesus proclaimed that, ‘Unless you eat my body and drink my blood you will have no life in you’.”

            I’ll just quickly note that one of the key reasons I became Catholic in 1997, after growing up in a Fundamentalist home and attending an Evangelical Bible college was because of John 6. I could not escape those words, nor how the Church has understood them from the beginning.

      • Fr. Mitch Pacwa has written thus on the Church’s condemnation of the Poem:

        “Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, present head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (formerly the same office that condemned the “Poem”), informed Cardinal Siri in 1985 of the “Poem’s condemnation:

        “After the dissolution of the Index, when some people thought the printing and distribution of the work was permitted, they were reminded again in L’Osservatore Romano (June 15, 1966) that “The Index retains its moral force despite its dissolution.”

        “More recently (April 17, 1993, Prot. N. 144/58i), he wrote:

        “The ‘visions’ and ‘dictations’ referred to in the work, “The Poem of the Man-God,” are simply the literary forms used by the author to narrate in her own way the life of Jesus. They cannot be considered supernatural in origin.”

        “The best that can be said for “The Poem of the Man-God” is that it is a bad novel. This was summed up in the L’Osservatore Romano headline, which called the book “A Badly Fictionalized Life of Jesus.”

        “At worst, “Poem’s” impact is more serious. Though many people claim that “Poem” helps their faith or their return to reading Scripture, they are still being disobedient to the Church’s decisions regarding the reading of “Poem.” How can such disregard for Church authority and wisdom be a help in renewing the Church in these difficult times?

        “When Catholics insist on reading “Poem,” despite Church condemnation, I make these requests: First, read three hours of Scripture for every one hour spent in the “Poem.” The Church guarantees that the Bible is God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Church has judged the “Poem” to be a poorly done human work. Second, read solid Catholic theology books in addition to Scripture. G.K. Chesterton, Frank Sheed, Archbishop Sheen’s “Life of Christ” and many other works are excellent starts. Third, maintain a strong prayer life, drawing closer to Christ Jesus, Our Lord, at Mass and at eucharistic adoration, and to our Blessed Mother Mary, especially in the Rosary.

        “If sheep insist on bad pasturage, at least let them take antidotes.”

        NOTE: Prefect of the CDF Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger condemned the reading of the book. Reading it manifests a disobedience to Church direction. I wonder: Do you think ‘Pope’ Francis walks on water? Did the Pope Emeritus? Why or why not?

        • Merion,

          Remember now, the Church authorities of their time treated the works of St. Faustina and St. Pedro Pio the same way as they are now treating Maria Valtorta and Heaven’s work in the Poem. Yes, Heaven will vindicate her just as Heaven has vindicated so many other saints who underwent white martyrdom. It’s true.

          • Charlier,

            What WORKS of Faustina or Padre Pio has the Church condemned? The Church has condemned Valtorta’s work of the Poem.

        • Before their beatification Saint Pio from Pietralcina and Saint Faustina from Poland did not have a good consideration from the Church. The same for the future Saint Maria Valtorta. History proves that even the Church makes mistakes and afterward says: “Sorry, I have changed my opinion”.

    • I will not read it because so many of the people who recommend it are so frothing-at-the-mouth determined that one must, must, MUST read it.

      Ummm, no, there’s no “must” about it.

  12. “Reader Reception Theory: people see what they want to see in a text.” Amen!

    Church has a more ancient & poetic description: Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipientis recipitur “whatever is received, is received according to the condition/mode of the receiver.”

    Ms. Miesel does not escape the same judgment.

    But so is it in all of human life, most persons see what they want to see rather than what is actually there. True seeing is an act of grace.

    Still, it remains for her to overturn the affirming witness of St Theresa of Calcutta, St Padre Pio, Blessed Gabriele Allegra (sole beatified scripture scholar of the 20th century), and Blessed Mother Maria Ines Teresa, who all read and affirmed the Poem in the positive.

    Her 3,439 word effort here, which is limited to only select controversial points while overlooking the vast inexplicable rest of the document, will simply have to do much more, especially to overcome the work of Stephen Austin ‘s 1,362 page 100,000+ word defense which addresses practically everything already mentioned here.

    Anti-semitism? OK. But Christ was not about gentile or jew, but children of light. That’s all that matters, then and now. Free-will to cling to a tribe, but that’s not the kingdom.

    • I’d like to have some proof of these “endorsements” of the Poem. I don’t believe they exist. They are probably like the dubious Medjugorje endorsements: “The fruits seem good.”

      • Spending a few minutes on internet, searching for said ‘endorsements,’ I found only ‘hearsay’. Persons other than the saints have reported that the saints said such and thus.

          • Meiron,
            From the article, “two of the seers, Maria Pavlovic and Vicka Ivankovic (who is writing her own “inspired” Life of Mary), were queried on Our Lady’s views of the work and reported a positive response. “Our Lady says that The Poem of the Man-God is the truth” according to Vicka. Several other seers /locutionists/prophets of the time concurred.”
            I don’t know if you believe the seers at Medjugorje related to all the things they’ve said, but if you do, why do you not believe they said that Our Lady said the Poem of the Man-God is the truth? How can you randomly pick when you believe the seers? You criticize groups that support the Poem, but probably only because you are of a group that does not believe it. I believe I would trust what the seers said.

          • Dear Dan,
            That seers of one private revelation authenticate another private revelation is not the same as ‘The Church’ approving private revelation. Many (?most?) saints within the RCC underwent severe trials, tests, and serious suffering at the hands of the Church. The Church may purposely ‘cross’ seers in order to test their docility and obedience to the Church.

            Jesus required his disciples to follow his commandments as he followed the command/will of His Father. True disciples in the Church will follow the will of Church authorities (fair or just or not). 1Peter 2:13 says to “submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme…” Jesus said to render to Caesar and to God…
            He knows everything to which we are subject, and He and His permissive will allow all for His greater glory and His good.

            Sure, it seems a double bind, a “Catch-22” for those who see themselves edified by private revelations, to think it unjust that they and their beloved seer suffer at the hands of the Church. But that is what the Church traditionally has required to lead her to approve private revelation. There is no resurrection without the cross.

            I found this article helpful. https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/public-and-private-revelation-12423

        • “Spending a few minutes on internet, searching for said ‘endorsements,’ I found only ‘hearsay’.”

          The same can be said of the alleged statements by Pope John Paul II about how wonderful Medjugorge was. Quotations found only on a small group of pro-Medjugorge websites, with absolutely no credible sources cited.

          And if any of the “seers” of Medjugorge commented that it was raining, I’d require at least three independent sources to corroborate it, and even then I’d go and check for myself. By all that I’ve read, they’re liars, one and all.

      • That’s what struck me, too – the only places you find mention of these alleged endorsements are on the sites that are pushing the book, and the documentation appears to be skimpy if not nonexistent.

        • Valtorta’s editor and publisher? Oh, yes, there’s an reliable witness! The fact that he continued publishing it after it was put on the index is quite revealing of his character.

  13. Catholics should feel free to ignore any and all private revelation, as none of it is constitutive of the Catholic faith. You can believe certain “approved” private revelations if you want to, but you don’t have to. There is absolutely no basis for the claim that any of it is from the Holy Sprit.

    • I agree, within reason. But even private acceptance and study can go much too far. I once knew a Catholic who studied the Quran for knowledge of the Blessed Virgin, on the theory that private revelations to Mohamed could be accepted if judged useful or orthodox!

  14. I’m only responsible for my own opinions. “Quid scripsi, scripsi.” Theological and literary questions aside, the POEM’s wild inaccuracies about everyday life should be enough to discount it as an accurate rendering of New Testament Palestine. Compare the words of Jesus reported by Valtorta with those in St. Faustina’s DIARY–very different in tone and content. In my rush to meet the deadline, I couldn’t locate a significant quote from one of Valtorta’s notebooks in which she quotes Jesus condemning the whole Jewish people as a “race of Cains,” cursed everywhere forever. Is that the Christ we worship?

    • My father sometimes irritated my mother by pointing out anachronisms and continuity errors in films and TV shows.

      In the Wikipedia article about Maria Valtorta, we read about how Fr. Mitch Pacwa noticed that she has Jesus using screwdrivers, before there were screws. Rebuttals from Valtorta supporters mention that several ancient Greek devices and pieces of machinery had screws, but that does not make screws common enough in Nazareth that Jesus is going to be buying some screwdrivers for J&J Woodworking.

      • Does this mean she can’t be a saint?

        Although we know the screw as a metal machine it can be constructed in wood and the female part can be a separate emplacement. We see a screw as a tight spiral but a screw can be a shaft with cubes on it that would twist snugly into place.

        Did Valtorta say it was metal screws? And if she did, the embellishment nullifies sanctity?

        You have to consider St. Joseph as tekton. You also must consider vagaries of history. I had a good idea for work once which I couldn’t realize alone; and shared it with a confidante. Some of it has come into being within another group where I am not acknowledged and it has no reference to me (no hard feelings).

        The iron-horseshoe could have been treated as debatable, if you want to be naysayer; however, Sandra Miesel seems to have admitted it as a given -as fact.

        Charles E. Flynn seems to suggest it is highly unlikely St. Joseph would have had such things in Nazareth. This would raise some issues.

        I never saw St. Joseph as a rustic bumpkin or paysan; rather, I see him as well-learned, very skilled, very intelligent, well-traveled craftsman. That he came from a background that taught him in these affairs and allowed him a breath of experience. The whole area of Palestine was a trading intersection and he would have known where to go for what and when to go.

        In the Gospels we are introduced to him as from Nazareth but perhaps he only moved there because he became betrothed. Perhaps he had occasion in his earlier years to visit Egypt; he had gone there and other places already, Hebron, Bethlehem, Damascus, etc. As a Jew he would have found himself in Jerusalem often for the festivals but also as a matter of convenience when he made trips.

        Maybe even he’s from Jerusalem originally. Isn’t it possible to get a better sense of St. Joseph’s familial and kinship contexts and domestic origins by looking more closely at his lineage in Matthew; and by looking at his own characteristics?

      • Fr Pacwa’s inaccurate article kept me away from the Poem for at least 10 years. Here is what is said in Vol 1: “Nothing annoys Him: neither a knot in the wood which will not be planed, nor a screwdriver (I think it is a screwdriver) which falls twice from the bench”. So, she is not affirming that she definitely saw a screwdriver. Even when she is confident of what she sees, common sense dictates that we must make allowances for error when she is faced with what may be an unfamiliar object.

  15. “…4,000 pages…the sacrifice of her intelligence…mental aberrations…randomly generated…catatonic schizophrenia…

    I’m not sure which of these is the most alarming. What could possibly go wrong?

  16. “For instance, in the Poem, Mary lives and dies in Jerusalem, not Ephesus as the other two visionaries say.”

    I never read the “Poem of the Man God,” so I have no idea of its contents, but I recently finished reading “City of God” by Mary of Agreda, and I have read the contents of Anne Catherine Emmerich’s visions in the past.

    Mary of Agreda and Anne Catherine Emmerich contradict one another regarding Our Lady’s last days and death. Emmerich has Our Lady living at Ephesus for 9 years and dying there, after which She was entombed there.

    Chapters XVIII and XIX.

    However, according to Mary of Agreda, the Blessed Virgin lived in Jerusalem until AD 40 (The Coronation, Book Two, Chapter I, para. 366), lived in Ephesus for 2.5 years with Saint John (The Coronation, Book Two, Chapter V, para. 465), and then returned to Jerusalem, where She lived at least another 3 years (The Coronation, Book Two, Chapter XVII, para. 699). Our Lady then died in Jerusalem and was entombed there (The Coronation, Book Two, Chapter XIX, para. 732, et seq., para. 754).

    https://sensusfidelium.us/meditations/the-mystical-city-of-god-venerable-mary-of-agreda (uses different book/chapter designations from what is cited above).

    • Contradictions in last known, earthly mailing address, but not to diminish the witnessed Assumption and Mary’s final “place” beyond the empty tomb(s), e.g., Emmerich:

      “As this vision, becoming ever clearer, streamed down upon the rock, I saw a shining path opened and leading up to the heavenly Jerusalem. Then I saw the soul of the Blessed Virgin, which had been following the appearance of Jesus, pass in front of Him, and float down into the tomb. Soon afterwards I saw her soul, united to her transfigured body, rising out of the tomb far brighter and clearer, and ascending into the heavenly Jerusalem with Our Lord and with the whole glory. Thereupon all the radiance faded again, and the quiet starry sky covered the land.”

  17. If the CDF has determined (over the course of decades) that these words are not of supernatural origin, then the case is mostly settled.

    Of course, one may receive consolation and benefit from all sorts of pious works, some of which have an Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat. This does NOT mean that they have a supernatural origin, much less some sort of quasi-inspiration in the truest sense.

    It’s great if this work led people to Jesus. All sorts of imperfect people and works do. But if you defend the work, you must be willing to counter Ms. Miesel’s arguments, which are compelling. She raises serious historical and scriptural concerns. Can they be answered sufficiently?

    • Dear Father David, please read what Jesus told Maria Valtorta on February 4, 1944 (“The Gospel as revealed to me” Volume 1st – Chapter 45): “Do you know Mary, what you are doing? Or rather what I am doing in showing you the Gospel? I am doing a stronger attempt to bring men to Me. You yearned for it with your fervent prayers. I will no longer confine Myself to words. They tire men and detach them. It is a fault, but it is so. I will have recourse to visions, also of My Gospel, and I will explain to make them more attractive and clear”. Maria Valtorta, “crucified” in her bed from 1933 until her death in 1961, could never do what she did without Jesus dictations and visions given to her. More than 10,000 details of Jesus’life that only He could know them.

  18. There is nothing to stop the Church looking again at Maria Valtorta but more now with the predilection that may be due to her. If I am right, the Lord kept Fr. Benedict alive long enough to see it happen here and include him into it, with perspective.

    Thomas More wrote UTOPIA. This novel is not the basis for his sanctity and if it were weighed more than his sacrifice, it make the novel something it is not. UTOPIA is very wordy and reading is hard-going so that the kernel does not readily appear.

    • One interpretation of More’s “Utopia” (NoPlace) is that it simply portrays the best kind of world that is possible if based on reason alone (e.g., the ease of divorce, euthanasia and both married priests and female priests).

      As for Miesel’s most welcome demolition of Valtorta’s imaginings, in one detail (only), we might pause. Miesel writes “She claims that unfallen humanity would have reproduced asexually.” I am prepared to be corrected, but I do seem to recall reading, somewhere, that this view did hold some sway in early theology. If so, take a close look at Michelangelo’s creation of Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Adam’s still-unused tools seem remarkably diminutive and unfunctional! And then, again considering visual metaphor as a wonderful artistic language, also take a close look at Adam’s left calf…a few (I think perceptive) art critics see here the female torso–still bone of Adam’s bone and flesh of Adam’s flesh (Genesis 2:23).

      • Peter D. Beaulieu, the insight for UTOPIA could be helpful but whenever I approach More’s pages there is such a thick of words and contexts thrown together that I find it difficult to continue. It could be I have a lazy understanding and a diminutive memory! But on the other hand, if I read sections of Valtorta it’s not that hard to continue on really. Perhaps with More it has to do with the era and its stylizations and it’s not the fault of the author’s. In those days the only other media would have been music and theatre and the like available mostly at a distance; people could allocate a lot of undisturbed time for reading. More was early known for early taking part in local plays, acting. I do not know ALL where and when Valtorta meditated or wrote, perhaps her eventual confinement was quite difficult for her and yet she could bring it together with literary merits according to her own mastery?

        To me the Adam’s calf depiction would go against Michelangelo if he did it deliberately; and whoever wants to have that appreciation. If it started with Michelangelo I wouldn’t be surprised. Not artistic enough.

        The bone was from Adam’s side. Borrowing Valtorta’s imagery, this was asexual creation. So Valtorta would have begun the Genesis story and a teaching on man’s sexuality that he can attain, at a point that is quite true.

        Poetic licence and modesty would have constrained her to using the vocabulary. The only Jew and only other person that could have taught her this is Jesus Christ.

        • Some scholars observe or at least say that the Aramaic word for “side” is the same as for heart, but I am not qualified to say. Similarly, the word for “camel” is apparently the same as for rope, which makes a lot more sense–without affecting the meaning–when we read of a “rope” passing through the eye of a needle.

          And, as for Michelangelo, in his depictions of muscular backsides, I have read that he was “artistic enough” as to invent something like eighteen muscles that do not exist.

          • We are made in God’s image and likeness. In terms of physical image and likeness to God, Eve was made from a rib of Adam. Adam and Eve were of one substance, one flesh. They were physically consubstantial. This was also the case in the virgin Incarnation of Christ in Mary’s womb. This points to, and anticipates, the Nicene Creed.

        • More precisely, this from Pope St. John Paul II:
          “It is interesting to note that for the ancient Sumerians the cuneiform sign to indicate the noun ‘rib’ coincided with the one used to indicate the word ‘life.’ As for the Yahwist narrative according to a certain interpretation of Genesis 2:21, God rather covers the rib with flesh (instead of closing up its place with flesh)and in this way ‘makes’ the woman who comes from the ‘flesh and bones’ of the first man (male)” (“The Original Unity of Man and Woman,” General Audience of Nov. 7, 1979, fn. 4, part of the later compendium “Theology of the Body”).

  19. Obviously, there’s controversy. And clearly Ms Meisner has justification. I might add if saints had absurd faults it’s likely the saintly would. If Maria Valtorta is held in esteem by many, a few with credentials there’s the presumption of value in her work. For example: “Publish it just as it is. There is no need to give an opinion as to whether it is of supernatural origin. Who reads it will understand.” (Pope Pius XII on February 26, 1948 to Frs. Berti, Migliorini, and Cecchin, after reviewing the Poem of the Man-God for a year). “I don’t advise you to [read Maria Valtorta’s books] – I order you to!” (Saint Padre Pio’s answer to a long-time spiritual daughter of his, Mrs. Elisa Lucchi, in 1967). “When His Holiness Pope Paul VI was Archbishop of Milan, he read one of the books of The Poem of the Man-God. He told me how he appreciated it, and had me send the complete work to the Library of the diocesan Seminary.” (Msgr. Pasquale Macchi, Private Secretary of Pope Paul VI 1963). With no familiarity I read a piece that exhibits a high degree of intelligence and a true sense of the inner workings of human thought portrayed in poetic form. A form that gives liceity to suggest and improvise. The following is a sample: “Follow Me? But do you know where I am going? No, Master, but certainly to glory. Yes. But not to a glory of this world. I am going to a glory which is in Heaven and is conquered by virtue and sacrifice. Why do you want to follow Me? He asks them again. To take part in Your glory. According to Heaven? Yes, according to Heaven. Not everybody is able to arrive there. Because Mammon lays more snares for those yearning for Heaven than for the others. And only he who has strong will power can resist. Why follow Me, if to follow Me implies a continuous struggle against the enemy, which is in us, against the hostile world, and against the Enemy who is Satan? Because that is the desire of our souls, which have been conquered by You. You are holy and powerful. We want to be Your friends. Friends! Jesus is silent and sighs. Then He stares at the one who has spoken all the time and who has now removed the mantle-hood from his head, and is bareheaded. He is Judas of Kerioth. Who are you? You speak better than a man of the people. I am Judas, the son of Simon. I come from Kerioth. But I am of the Temple. I am waiting for and dreaming of the King of the Jews. I heard You speak like a king. I saw Your kingly gestures. Take me with You. Take you? Now? At once? No. Why not, Master? Because it is better to examine ourselves carefully before venturing on very steep roads. Do You not believe I am sincere? You have said it. I believe in your impulsiveness. But I do not believe in your perseverance. Think about it, Judas. I am going away now and I will be back for Pentecost. If you are in the Temple, you will see Me. Examine yourself” (Live for the Destination not for the Journey Vol 1 54. Jesus meets Judas. Maria Valtorta).

  20. If Maria Valtorta is meant to be a saint, her life has to be examined for heroic virtue. It not only makes sense, it is the ordinary and usual way. Then if she is declared venerable, she will be 2 miracles short of becoming a canonized. It takes a lot of humility to read her work and therefore in the event of what I am suggesting, likely even more humility to be able to perceive how she might be -how she is- holy. But look at it this way: if you start with her life first and Divine Providence reveals what is so pleasing about it, God will humble us more than enough to then be able to read what she had written without becoming hardbacks and sticklers for it.

    Canonized means -: truly beautiful.

    • Elias, you state it well. It’s only due to Sandra Miesel’s article that I first peered into Valtorta’s writings. Aside from the inconsistencies to sanctity shown by Miesel, my brief readings of Maria Valtorta’s visions show a charm that someone might well find an attraction to faith in Christ. If I may, hoping to avoid being tiresome, note the following, poetic, somewhat flowery, exaggerated but possessing that charm, The Annunciation 16: “What I see. Mary, a very young girl: She looks fifteen years old, at most. She is in a small rectangular room: a room most suitable for a girl. Along one of the longer walls, there is a bed: a low bed, without bedstead, covered with thick mats or carpets. Her beautiful young face is slightly bent forward and She is smiling gently as if She were caressing or following some sweet thought. There is a great silence in the little house and in the kitchen garden. There is a great peace both on Mary’s face and in the surrounding place. There is peace and order. Mary begins to sing in a low voice, then She raises Her voice slightly. But She does not sing loudly. Still, it is a voice vibrating in the little room and one can perceive the vibration of Her soul in it. I do not understand the words as they are spoken in Hebrew. Mary’s face, flushed and girded by the plaits She wears rolled up like a crown round Her head, seems a beautiful flower, as it emerges from Her plain white dress. The song changes into a prayer: “Most High Lord God, do not delay any longer in sending Your Servant to bring peace to the world. Grant us the favourable time and the pure and prolific virgin for the coming of Your Christ. Father, Holy Father, grant Me, Your servant to offer My life for this purpose. Grant Me to die after seeing Your Light and Your Justice on earth and after knowing that our Redemption has been accomplished. O Holy Father, send the Promise of the Prophets to the earth. Send the Redeemer to Your maidservant, so that in the hour of My death, Your abode may be opened to Me, as its gates have already been opened by Your Christ for all those who have hoped in You. Come, come, O Spirit of the Lord. Come to the faithful who are expecting You. Come, Prince of Peace!…” Mary remains absorbed thus…The curtain moves fast, as if someone behind it ventilated it or shook it to draw it. And a pearl white light mixed with pure silver makes the slightly yellow walls clearer and makes the colours of the cloths brighter and Mary’s raised face more spiritual. And in such light, while the curtain is still drawn on the mystery to be accomplished, the Archangel prostrates himself: Hail, Mary, full of Grace, Hail! The voice is a sweet arpeggio as of pearls thrown on a precious metal plate. Mary is startled and lowers Her head. And She is even more startled when She sees the shining creature kneeling at about a metre from Her and looking at Her with infinite veneration, his hands crossed over his chest. She subconsciously presses Her hands against Her breast hiding them under Her large sleeves. She stoops, endeavouring to conceal Her body as much as possible. An attitude of gentle modesty. No. Do not fear. The Lord is with You! You are blessed amongst all women!” (Maria Valtorta March 1944).

      • Fr. Morello,

        Thank you for your providing that very poignant episode of the Poem for readers to see the beauty of the Poem.

        This beautiful scene of of our Blessed Mother being visited by the Archangel is truly touching!. Many people such as Ms. Meisel and others who are antagonistic towards Maria Valtorta and the Poem, can say what they want. All I know is that this work of great Love for the Catholic Church, drew me deeper into the Life of C Christ. The blind man given sight back by Jesus, told the Temple authorities, “Look, all I know is that I was born blind and now I see because of this man named Jesus!” So, too, do I similarly say, “For so long I hungered more fully to know the Life of Jesus and Mary, and after being blessed with the Poem, I, too, now see.

        • Also Charlie, whatever the controversy, and I empathize with and appreciate Sandra Miesel’s criticisms there was approbation by the CDF 1992 to publish Ms Valtorta’s Poem. “The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith gave permission to Emilio Pisani at the Centro Editoriale Valtortiano [the publishing house of Maria Valtorta’s works] to continue publishing her work as it is without modifications. In a letter dated May 6, 1992 [Prot. N. 324-92], addressed to Pisani, Bishop Dionigi Tettamanzi, secretary to the Italian Episcopal Conference, gave permission for the work to continue to be published for the true good of readers and in ‘the spirit of the genuine service to the faith of the Church’” (Wikipedia).

  21. This distinctive Catholic inclination to read devotional books of visions, dreams, and apparitions of and about Jesus and/or Mary more than the Bible can be directly linked, I dare say, to inadequate formation, training and love on the part of most Catholics for the intentional and sustained reading, study, prayer of the Bible. Added to this should be the official endorsements given by the highest church leaders to devotional books like these. Look at the Diary of St. Faustina, who knew about her and her book before the papacy of Polish compatriot St. John Paul II? Had there been a recent Italian Pope very sympathetic to her and her book, Maria Valtorta could be a canonized saint and The Poem of the Man-God could surpass St. Faustina’s Diary in diffusion. Who knows?

  22. Sandra Miesel’s objections are largely embarrassments – to her – I would remind her that the work was originally written in Italian. Also, Miesel’s obsessive focus on Jews and their deaths in WWII ignores the far, far larger number of Christians who perished – many in the Jew-led Bolshevik slaughter earlier in the century. About the value of the book, i think it is immense, As revealed in the text, the supplementation to The Gospel is a concession to the truculent ignorance and cosmically shameful under appreciation for Jesus’ redemption. So many critics snarkily jibe at God’s belated revelations – and thus prove themselves in dire need of spiritual refreshment as is revealed in The Gospel as Revealed to Me. I was elevated by every single page, and have grown in my love for the Triune God’s dispensation, the horror and beauty of the divine condescension to torture, misunderstanding and death for our sakes, has grown greatly with this writing, as has my veneration for Our Lady.To all, especially you, Carl Olson, all I would do is what I have done – pass around the first one or two volumes with my commendation and encouragement to “tolle, lege.” They don’t realize I am willing to purchase the rest of the set for them – though some have. Brutalize the work, desecrate it, revile it – but it remains the most powerful Christian writing in centuries.

    • “Also, Miesel’s obsessive focus on Jews and their deaths in WWII ignores the far, far larger number of Christians who perished – many in the Jew-led Bolshevik slaughter earlier in the century.”

      I think that’s all we need to know.

      “Brutalize the work, desecrate it, revile it – but it remains the most powerful Christian writing in centuries.”

      Lord have mercy.

    • “As revealed in the text, the supplementation to The Gospel is a concession to the truculent ignorance and cosmically shameful under appreciation for Jesus’ redemption.”

      Say what, Bro?

      “Also, Miesel’s obsessive focus on Jews and their deaths in WWII ignores the far, far larger number of Christians who perished – many in the Jew-led Bolshevik slaughter earlier in the century.” Vladimir Lenin was baptized in the Orthodox
      church. Joseph Stalin was a student at an Orthodox seminary. It’s true that Trotsky and other Bolsheviks were Jewish but they were weeded out of the party and frequently condemned in Stalin’s show trials. After the defeat of the Nazis, German anti-semitism was totally ignored in Soviet writing about the war and the Shoah was denied into the 1980s.

  23. I’ve never read Valtorta, Emmerich, or Agreda…. and I never will. I believe Medjugorge, Bayside, and Necedah are bullocks. I take Lourdes and Fatima with a grain of salt. None of these supposed “revelations” or “apparitions” make up or are part of the Deposit of Faith and assent to them is not required for salvation. But obedience to Church Authority is required. And given this Poem thingy was on the Index and condemned by the CDF, every Catholic is morally bound not to read it under pain of, at least, venial sin.

  24. I owned “Poem of the Man-God” back in the 80s. I loaned it to someone and never got it back which is just as well. I recently found “Poem of the Man-God” in the bookcase of our Perpetual Adoration chapel. At my request, the book was removed. I then stumbled across two websites that praised Valtora’s work, and I felt a twinge of guilt that I had perhaps been judgemental. Thanks to Sandra Miesel’s article, I know that I did the right thing.

    I am forever baffled why Catholics do not read the Sacred Scriptures and turn instead to writings like “The Poem of The Man-God”. I don’t understand the aversion to the Word of God. When I encouraged one woman to read the Bible, she replied that she received her spiritual food from “Commonweal” and actually stated that she had no interest in the Bible. Others I know turn to Richard Rohr for their primary spiritual enlightenment while never cracking open the Sacred Scriptures.

    One private revelation that I have read is the “Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena”. I am moved by Catherine’s emphasis on the Blood of Christ and the paramount need for humility.

  25. Fr. Peter Morello, it’s truly beautiful. I can’t get any of the credit for it! And even so she ought to be canonized on her own merits and I do not find any cause not to pray for it, while the attraction to pray for it increases.

    If I wanted to be less polite about Michelangelo I would have said “revelry” and/or “devilry” and explain the “un-artistic” more explicitly in those terms.

    Some comments above are to do with condemnations of writings. Saints got into all kinds of troubles, writings condemned, confinements, personal rejections, harassments and hounding. Think of some, Teresa Avila, John of the Cross, Rita. In more recent times there is Rosmini and as it turns out Rosmini’s very work redeemed the onslaught against it and cleared up the detractions/contumely people accumulated for Leo XIII.

    • St. Teresa of Avila, a Doctor of the Church, did her writings at the command of her superiors, under obedience. Her writings were subject to Church review. She had spiritual direction. St. Faustina had spiritual direction. Her Diary entry 939 says in part: “A soul that will not fully submit its inspirations to the strict control of the Church; that is, to the director, shows that a bad spirit is guiding it.”

      • GregB. Why make an allegation without knowledge? “In 1942, Valtorta was visited by Fr Romuald M. Migliorini of the Servants of Mary, who became her spiritual director. As a missionary priest, Father Migliorini had previously been the vicar apostolic in Swaziland, Africa. Early in 1943, when Valtorta had been infirm for nine years, Father Migliorini suggested to her to write about her life and, in about two months, she had produced several hundred handwritten pages for her confessor which became the basis of her autobiography” (Wikipedia).

        • I was trying to clarify the status of St. Teresa of Avila and St. Faustina. It is my understanding that a lot of St. Faustina’s problems came from a bad translation, and that clearing things up was greatly hindered by the Cold War Iron Curtain. I’ve read her Diary and many of her letters. She struck me as being a down to earth person. She wrote about a variety of topics. Diary 445 is about the malice of ungrateful souls, Diary 446 is about crucified souls, and Diary 741 is about her vision of hell. The quote that I gave in my comment is good advice for anyone involved in mystical theology. Sometimes a person’s followers can go overboard. Consider poor St. Francis and the Fraticelli. Blind zeal can be a very dangerous thing.
          I saw a video series about the origins of the Bible by Dr. Brant Pitre. and in it he said that there were heretical works in circulation at the time of the early Church. He gave examples of the “Lost Gospels” that are uncomfortably similar in nature to the quotes in the article. Dr. Pitre has also done a series of videos about the Jewish roots of our faith.

          • I am only asking that her life details should be visited instead of reducing her to what is in her book interpreted on a random eclectic of ideas and impressions. Moreover she didn’t put the false imprimi and she refused early publication. What is there that she withheld from the director?

            Perhaps she was more interested in writing than in following the indications of her director? I do not know. GregB you seem to invite another contribution! But you do not want to make your zealous searching explicit!

            Jesus saying “still” to the BVM at Cana, can be understood consistent with the Gospel. This way: Mary’s singular gifts and perfections were always “filling out” like for eg. a flower opening slowly; and at Cana her Son was affirming her in the same path of fidelity and illuminating it, Himself.

            The Gospel version can seem stern and so it is arguable that “still” actually softens it. May I appropriate the word teleology? Mary’s destiny was not “completed” at the Incarnation and Nativity, rather these were like “epiphanies” in becoming Mother of the Church while being Mother of God.

    • Elias, Catholic intellectual William F Buckley, surprisingly, acquired a remarkable devotion to Maria Valtorta after reading her account of the Crucifixion. I’m confidant you’d be interested in reading the article posted on the internet, “William F. Buckley’s Little-Known Devotion to Italian Mystic Maria Valtorta Articles Cool People by Fr. Daniel Maria Klimek, T.O.R. – Apr 5, 2016”.

  26. I’ve heard about this so called “poem” that it is something like Anna Katharina Emmerich. But there is no comparison. That poem is from hell in my opinion. And I’m impressed by the amount of propaganda that this or that Saint liked it. This is all false statements.

  27. Nicodem but you yourself are an anonym to me and to others. Why listen to you? Have you looked into the little lady’s life? If you have and she’s not a saint show us the results instead of leaving her and us at the mercy of WIKIPEDIA and anonyms.

    Or at least say who you are then, allow us to gauge it better. Yes?

    Nicodem, one Nicodemus Jew in history had only a strength at one time to come to Jesus in the night, in secret; and more is needed than that.

    At least he then said who he is. If later she is a saint you have to find the grace to approach her.

    The Nicodemus I mentioned took Jesus down from the cross for burial ahead of the Sabbath: even then he was tied with the clock. But if she is a saint the Spirit of God is rejoicing in her and didn’t have to wait on any of us.

  28. We would all like our favorite heroes of the faith to be saints. If you bother to read her autobiography you will note two things of interest: She complied with Fr Romualdo’s suggestion to write of her life, owing to her evident holiness and her clinging to life as a sacrificial victim to save souls and console Jesus for the “sacrileges, offense and indifference with which he himself is offended (to borrow from the angel at Fatima). When she finished, in four months, she felt certain that she was about to die from an assortment of afflictions; certainly not the disposition of one about to set about writing 15000 pages of handwritten notes from her immobile position in bed.
    The second point to note is her extreme (yes, extreme) humility in writing. in her reception of dictation and thoughts from Jesus she was informed that her writing was not to appear till after she died so that she would not be accused of writing it herself. Also, she was informed that if she was ever tempted to garner acclaim for herself for the writings that would end her revelations. More along this point of her humility, she was deeply annoyed that Fr Romualdo had violated the conditions by printing off pages from his typewritten transcriptions causing confusion. One woman even went to Maria to tell her of the miraculous revelations that had been passed along to her, to which Maria naturally acknowledged nothing.
    A third point (consider this a bonus): Although I absolutely love the writings it is not because of Maria, per se, though I have had her in my prayers. That is wrong – the value is in them being from Jesus (the Father, the Holy Spirit, etc.) himself. Though I love Maria Valtorta herself, I do not think she would like to be known as a saint. In fact, definitely not! Though she was a good writer before and during The Writing, she frequently failed to understand some of it, and joked of her sadly modest intelllect. No, the attention should not be on Valtorta herself, but on the writings and dications from the heavenly realm. If you can’t grasp this, don’t bother with picayune snipes; rather recollect your faculties, open your mind and take a try at volume 1.
    Another bonus point: Because I’m just plain old Bob, I haven’t studied the original 15000-page handwritten manuscript. You should know that the modern 10 volume edition in about 5000+ pages is only a large part of the manuscript. There is also about 3000 pages of 3 “Notebooks” and other material. My understanding is that, in the original manuscript the organizing material and overview material in the Notebooks and the entirety of the Gospel as Revealed to Me were “shuffled together,” so to speak. In other words a section of the Gospel travels and sermons followed by back and forth with Jesus. And the Gospel material was not in order, all of which was set to rights by Jesus during and after the finish.
    Final bonus point. So many objectors are in denial of the possibility of anything like this. If so, ignore me and everyone who has greatly profited from this writing. For those without hidebound prejudice against even the possibility of those in the heavenly realm trying to throw a lifeline to a church which is too often lost in secularizing nonsense – give this a try. Do you dare to read even volume 1?

    • Dear Bob,

      Your words are very good. “We” who have blessed with a common love for the Poem understand the Heavenly beauty of it all. Again, Thank you for your thoughtful reflection.

  29. So now we have the “seers” of Medjugorje endorsing the authenticity of the “visionary” Maria Valtorta? And I suppose Veronica Lueken endorsing the Medjogorje folks? Who needs the Church, with all this “revelation” going on?

  30. GregB, and Elias, a saint’s writings [or what they may say] don’t necessarily exhibit perfection. Saint Thomas Aquinas correctly taught that not everything said by a prophet is from God, rather it may emanate from the heart of the prophet. That may apply to Maria Valtorta’s objectionable statements cited by Sandra Miesel.

  31. This poem states the gospel is too Jewish? Jesus is Jewish!! It paints a picture of a different Jesus and Mary. A Jesus that says, he is disgusted with sinful men, where Jesus is just the opposite: He came down from heaven to save sinful creatures because He loves us.
    The Evil one is satisfied with even a little distortion
    He is satisfied with a distortion of the real Jesus and the real gospel. Even the title is diabolical. Man-God sounds like Magog. Jesus is not a man in God but a God-Man, a God in man.
    I pray for all who get sucked into this poem.

    • edith,
      The writings do not say the Gospels are too Jewish. Jesus omitted nothing in fulfilling the Temple requirements, as you will see in The Gospel as “Revealed to Me.”
      The writings do NOT present a different Jesus, rather one who is delineated in more detail – the intention being to draw more into the faith, which, as you can see is still missing in billions of humans!
      Jesus was disappointed with the Pharisees and Scribes who should have been first to recognize an acknowledge him as the anointed one. Some did, but most did not. Do you suppose Jesus was happy with this? Indifferent?
      You say ManGod sounds like Magog. Well. And God spelled backward is Dog, and Live spelled backward id Evil. ManGod was apparently a phrase in some use in Maria’s part of Italy. I myself have used it for decades in discussions, way before I read her work. Jesus was fully man and fully God. I believe this was hammered out over 17 centuries ago.
      Thank-you for praying for and others who have been drawn (sucked is a poor word choice) into the work. I have and will, pray for those who have been deceived, that they will venture to at least read the 1st chapter of the 1st book! If it’s not for you – well, little has been lost. If you don’t want to invest in all ten volumes, I think part is available as a digital download. Don’t get sucked in; be drawn in by the Word and his words.
      Have a heart Edith.
      Bob Gallo

      • Dear Bob, Valtorta after 1900 years of the Church, the mystical body of Christ, she invents a new gospel to her liking. She wants the “Jewish frame of mind” out of the gospels; the gospels, the true Word of God. God chose the Jewish people to bring forth the Messiah and they did. The Hebrew scriptures are the revelation of God to humanity. Jesus fulfills the promise and the prophets. Saint Paul says Christian gentiles were grafted into the vine on which the Hebrew vine was planted. All the apostles were Jews. Jesus was a Jew. Saint Paul goes further to say that the time will come when the Jews will be grafted back into the vine. Your poem writer is grossly anti-Semitic, which is a grievous sin. The Blessed Virgin Mary in her humility and devoutness vowed virginity and dreamed of becoming the handmaid of the mother of the Messiah. We can tell by the complete surprise at the angel’s message that she was the chosen one, that she did not pray for becoming the mother of the Messiah. Valtorta states Jesus had disgust for sinners, “the world has sickened and depressed me….too ugly”. This seem like blasphemy to the real Jesus who is God and God is love and mercy. He left heaven to live in poverty and to be tortured and crucified for sinners to open the path to redemption and heaven for everyone. Jesus took the debt of all horrific sin and atrocities to the cross. He told Saint Faustina, the greater the sins the more they can claim his mercy. God wants to purify and sanctify us to share in his divine life. “There is no mystery in heaven or on earth that is more paradoxical and unfathomable than God’s desire and plan to become the food of his creatures.” (Father Simeon Leiva-Merikakis). Jesus literally loved us to death to attain for us life eternal; and He loved us and died for us still sinners. I stay with the gospels, the incarnate Word of God Christ. No other misleading time consuming man made new gospel is needed. I will pray for you, God bless!

        • Edith, if Valtorta is going to be a saint, we, you and I have to swallow all of that as medicine. Seems to me you will be having a whole lot of troubles with it, if her sainthood came to fruition. Plus all this beating up will be in your system like bad sores no-one can touch. Was Valtorta attacked by a Jew that she is taking out a vengeance on Jews -the assailant fellow who struck her across her back? It would help to know. It would be relevant to show her level of forgiveness and that she might have lived a life twice-heroic for being confined to bed. Did the medicines they gave her for her illness, actually make the illness worse? It’s a likelihood for both catatonia and Autism Spectrum.

      • Dear Bob,

        Your words are wise about the Poem and go to what was said about Jesus in Scripture and I paraphrase here: If Jesus is only a human, then all that he stood for and all of his followers will go by the wayside; if, however, Jesus is from God and all that is said about his is true, then no human effort can cancel him. So, too, can the same be said of the Poem of the Man-God.

  32. Dear Edith, if people are reporting favours and miracles on account of Valtorta -Maria- it would tend to suggest more and more that she has intercession in heaven; it would not be merely on account that she wrote this book. Reports also shed light on the saint’s life, like a symbiosis; and we would deserve to know these too!

    Could it be that the book was banned, in the first instance, because it was published illegally?

    Then if her writing came to be accepted, it could very well be that the parts that appear strained would have their own type of correspondence with sections of the Gospel. I have some sins but not the horror of them fully; on the other hand yes sharp words evidence it is horrifying that Jesus Christ might reject me or anyone else.

    • Dear Elias, I find falsehood and lies in the poem contrary to the true Word of God. Voluminous poetic words do not warrant truth. Her Jesus is not authentic to the truth of the gospel and the faith of the church. I recommend “Final volume of commentary of Gospel of Matthew, Father Simeon interview on the same page of CWR. Fire of Mercy, Heart of the Word. I pray for you, God bless you

      • Thank you for your prayers Edith. And the recommended author. I hadn’t seen this before today.

        As it is with most people, I have my “preferred saints”. What I find is that it demands from me respect and appreciation for the preferences others may have, when they reveal it. I don’t mean to present this, showy or stentorian. Also I believe it is something that will have a greater fruition in heaven while here we learn to rely more and more on God to teach us its ways.

  33. Just one more final word: why would anyone even read another gospel than the one we have received from the apostles; the words of eternal life from the Son of God whose words are straight from the heart of God who is Love and Mercy itself. To Him be glory now and forever.

    • Edith, I agree with most of what you say, differing only in your strange expressions regarding the dictations given to Valtorta. It suggests to me you did not get very far into what is, admittedly, a long work – though I wish it were longer!

      You go on about this matter of Jesus’ Jewishness. I think it’s pretty clear that Holy Mary was Jewish, so it’s a moot point for you to bruit on about. The Work is NOT a different Gospel, which you assert. It is a completion written for the sadly inattentive world we live in – and it has been joyfully inspiring to many. Again, not a different Gospel! It’s the same Good News, the same Jesus and Mary, just more thoroughly filled in. If you aren’t interested, don’t have the time, well – that’s alright, I guess, but besmirching such a great gift is unseemly.

      In closing, I salute your appreciation of St Faustina and of the amazing “Fire of Mercy” commentaries of Fr Simeon. The latter are so good the label ‘commentary’ doesn’t seem adequate – they are more like the meditative prayer of an intensely probing mind. If the Valtorta work is not to your taste, the entirety of the Fire of Mercy set is certainly worth any time you have.

      Best to you,

  34. Per Encyclopedia Britannica Chicago 1973 Volume 3 “Bar Mitzvah”: the 2nd Century Rabbi “Juda ben Tema” mentions the bar mitzvah as the coming of age of religious maturity for the Jewish “boy at age 13”. Presently, WIKIPEDIA has no mention of this Rabbi, not in Bar Mitzvah, Tannaim, Rabbinical Literature or Midrash.

    Britannica says that the calling of the boy took place on the Sabbath following his birthday but that the festival made for him (aspect) is “not mentioned until the Middle Ages”.

    Closer to the modern era, the Jews, according to Britannica, developed a “confirmation ceremony” at age 15 for boys in groups and, separately, girls in groups.

    I am not an expert but the original bar mitzvah seems to have been a family affair that did not involve obligatory attendance at Jerusalem. Perhaps some families reserved it for the Temple. It could well be that in Jesus’ time, the bar mitzvah was reserved to be held in Jerusalem.

    Right now I can’t say for sure what the age of religious maturity would have been, in Jesus’ time, for the bar mitzvah.

    We can not make progress on what else we do not know if the Jews themselves have lost touch with the ancient past; similarly if they know the ancient past but refuse to share it; or if they want to dissimulate on it and lie about what they know.

    Luke’s account of the incident of the Finding in the Temple, says that this happened when Jesus was 12. It does not rule out the bar mitzvah – what it could indicate is that Jesus acted in this way “one year prior to bar mitzvah” to clarify to his parents that He was doing the will of the Father; and to distinguish it plainly, at this moment in their lives. Perhaps it can be added, it would give them a deeper understanding the following year.

    That is, if it happened that way; and, reckoning with the age 13.

    Allowing that the bar mitzvah existed in those times, at age 13, it would suggest that Valtorta is saying that Jesus did the “service” when He was 13. But on this point I do not know what Valtorta says. Did Valtorta say/write that the Finding in the Temple was Jesus’ bar mitzvah?

    Could it be that at one time bar mitzvah was celebrated at age 12? Could it be at some moments the age was elective?

    If Jesus’ bar mitzvah and the Finding in the Temple event coincide, this also would make sense in its own way. The Temple was Herod’s; and so whatever the sequence or unfolding of events could be, Jesus would still want to show his parents, without equivocations and according to justice, Who He is and what the occasion really should mean to them.

    The bar mitzvah issue has another dimension. By giving focus to it Valtorta injected Jewish elements, so that the expression “making the Gospels less Jewish” would now have to be studied in a penetrating light not via any excluding tenet.

    Praise be Jesus Christ the Living Word.

    • Elias,
      I don’t remember the word ‘Bar-Mitzvah’ occurring anywhere in Valtorta. However, the phrase “coming of age” is used a few times before the incident of Finding Jesus in the Temple. Maria states that he was 12 years 3 months at the time. According to the Valtorta account,

      Joseph brings him before 10 priests or doctors (she’s unsure of their title but they are elderly) in the temple to be examined There’s an interesting introduction by Joseph, but I can’t type well with the book flopping around). Here’s a brief summary of the examination:
      “What is your name?” “Jesus of Joseph, from Nazareth.”
      “A Nazarene … can you therefore read?” “Yes, rabbi, I can read the words which are written and those which are construed in the words themselves.”
      “”What do you mean?”
      “I mean that I also understand the meaning of the allegory or of the symbol which is hidden under the appearance, as a pearl does not appear but is inside an ugly closed shell.”
      “A clever answer and a very wise one. We seldom hear that on the lips of adults.; in a child, and a Nazarene in addition!”
      It goes on…eventually Jesus is asked to read from a scroll containing the Decalogue. He does so. Then a judge takes the scroll from him and asks him to “Go on by Heart.” – which he does.
      He is asked why he bows down deeply at every mention of the Lord:
      “Who taught You that? Why do you do that?”
      “Because that Name is holy and it is to be pronounced with a sign of internal and external respect. Subjects bow down to their king, who is king only for a short time and he is dust. To the King of kings, the Most High Lord of Israel, who is present even if he is only visible to the spirit, shall not every creature bow down since every creature depends on Him with eternal subjection?” They were pleased at his reply, of course.
      I will skip it, but there is trick question on a hen’s egg after this, and other valuable discussions. After all is answered they pronounce him “perfect” and take him to the real synagogue. There they shorten his hair, tie a long band around his waist, tie some strips on to his forehead, arm and mantle with some sort of studs.

      Aside from a lamb sacrifice and rejoining Mary and the women, the chapter (41) ends there. It appears to me the predecessor of what came to be known as a bar-mitzvah, though without the words. It is to be noted that in the next chapter Jesus is now referred to as an “adolescent.” It is dispute with the doctors in the Temple. This is even more interesting as there is back and forth with Gamaliel. It is much too long for typing in this fashion.

      I hope this gets at what you were looking for. If not, let me know.

      Bob Gallo

      • Bob, yes, I think that another angle of approach is to recognize that a number of developments in Judaism coming after the Resurrection of Christ, were appropriated from the life of Jesus as experienced by the Jews in an socio-historical way. I couldn’t say it all at once, I’m not too read on Valtorta.

        This would include the word “Rabbi” evolving subsequently. Things were taken and adapted culturally and arguably in an attempt to get the better of what transpired. So yes it is possible to imagine that the event described by Valtorta for Jesus at age 12 years and 3 months, came out from the piety of St. Joseph and the tradition in his family; and that our Lady helped organize the result and maybe add details.

        Above in these comments September 20 I also note that the wooden screw can possibly be attributed to the ingenuity of St. Joseph. I am not an expert but the Latin for it is the sow’s tail and it would be interesting to discover if there are ancient words for it in Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic.

        For this piece of machinery it would have been necessary to adapt (I speculate) the bow drill -putting a flattened plane at the end of the swivel-shaft to fit into the screw’s grooved head. Once the screw got turned into position, inside the female emplacement, likely with glue, the opening would have been plugged and the whole arrangement would have been varnished (VARNISHED) out of sight.

        A long time ago mid-1990’s someone not really in my life at the time brought a volume of Valtorta’s book to my parents’ home and recommended reading it. I must have read 15 pages or so when I decided to leave it alone. I haven’t seen it since.

        And thank you for your work done here for our sakes.

          • Relying on Scripture, however, what we DO know is that for the incident with the Finding in the Temple, the Holy Family was in Jerusalem for the Passover and its festivities; and Jesus was in his 12th year.

            It could be as simple a case as, that the Jews, perhaps including Gamaliel, later used the memory of this encounter with the 12-year-old Jesus, to eventually produce a custom of “calling up” individual boys and making bar mitzvah. With the lapse of time “Juda Ben Tema” would have been able to summarize the passage to maturity as if it were all ancient tradition, among the Talmudic Sages.

            ” 20. Yehudah ben Teimah says: Be brazen like the leopard, light like the eagle, swift like the deer, and mighty like the lion to do the Will of your Father Who is in Heaven. He used to say: [the] brazen-faced [are bound] for Gehinnom (Purgatory), and [the] shamefaced [are bound] for the Garden of Eden. May it be Your Will, Lord, our God and the God of our forefathers, that Your city be rebuilt, speedily and in our days, and grant us our share in Your Torah.

            21. He [Yehudah ben Teima] used to say: Five years [is the age] for [the study of] Scripture, Ten [is the age] for [the study of] Mishnah, Thirteen [is the age] for [observing] commandments, Fifteen [is the age] for [the study of] Talmud, Eighteen [is the age] for the [wedding] canopy, Twenty [is the age] for pursuit, Thirty [is the age] for [full] strength, Forty [is the age] for understanding, Fifty [is the age] for [giving] counsel, Sixty [is the age] for mature age, Seventy [is the age] for a hoary head, Eighty [is the age] for [superadded] strength, Ninety [is the age] for [a] bending [stature], One hundred, is [the age at which one is] as if dead, passed away, and ceased from the world. ”


          • The Passover of the event of the Finding in the Temple, was not “the Sabbath after” Jesus’ birthday! It was 3 months into his 12th year, ALL UNIQUE.

            Think about it, Joseph by himself could eclipse all the difficulties! That is why the saints have recourse to him with such and so much fervour.

        • Best not to worry about the “screwdriver”. The text speaks for itself, i.e. Valtorta was not certain what she was seeing: “Nothing annoys Him: neither a knot in the wood which will not be planed, nor a screwdriver (I think it is a screwdriver) which falls twice from the bench” (Vol. 1). Fr Pacwa is responsible for the allegation of Valtorta’s inaccuracy.

    • “..the Jews themselves have lost touch with the ancient past..” Generalization of a race or a nation is dangerous. Many Jews still believe in the faith of their forefathers, and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is apparent that there are Jews who absolutely lost faith and loath all religion. Saint Paul says: they received a veil, it is like a spiritual exile of 2000 years and that if they would have accepted the Messiah Jesus, the faith would not have even trickled out to the Gentiles. 2 Cor 3:14, 15). “Has God rejected his people? Of course not. ….But through their transgression salvation came to the Gentiles, so as to make them jealous….A hardening has come upon Israel in part, until the full number of Gentiles comes in, and thus all Israel will be saved” “For God delivered all to disobedience, that he might have Mercy on all.”(Read Rom chapter 11.) God willed the Gentiles and all nations to the end of the earth to hear the Gospel first. If we take a look at Christians how they left the true faith in droves and claim to be Christians but are actively not. So, we should look at the failings and fall of Christendom and get back to the core of the truth: the apostolic Gospel handed to us by and with the faith of the Church. God bless!

  35. Above in these comments, I mention, on SEPTEMBER 22, 2021 AT 9:33am, that I could not locate “Juda ben Tema” in WIKIPEDIA and I noted 4 separate headings. I have managed now to find reference to him in WIKIPEDIA under Jewish Education, a fifth heading. The source for the quotation there is interesting too, see in the first section History.

    In MAGNIFICAT for today September 24 2021, the Meditation of the Day is a 3-paragraph quotation from Giussani, Servant of God; and the first paragraph reads:

    ” That Jesus is a man-God does not mean that God has been transformed into a man. Rather, it means that the divine Person of the Word possesses not only the divine nature, but also the concrete, human nature of Jesus the Man. [His] method [of saving man] responds magnificently to: a) man’s nature which needs sensible reality and b) the dignity of human freedom … as God takes it on as collaborator … ”

    The old has passed away and the new is everlasting and forever.


    • The umbilical cord is the means by which nourishment and oxygen are carried to the baby from the mother (via the placenta). It has nothing to do with being “created asexually.” You appear to be denying Jesus’ full humanity.

  36. There are any number of wonderful mysteries surrounding the conception and birth of Jesus Christ. He is conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. She conceived Him virginally and bore Him virginally, remaining a virgin before and after birth and during birth. And she was perpetually a virgin from conception to her Assumption and now remains a virgin forever. Her delivery of the Babe remains a mystery as painless and holy without any pressure or risk. It was neither endured nor was it over-anticipated by her. Some, I hear, believe that Jesus passed through her miraculously without the effort of labour and moreover as He did after the Resurrection when He came to the Apostles through closed doors. So that there was no loss of blood.

    All things are possible with God. Our Lady suckled her Son at her breasts in the most natural way and it would follow that she likewise nourished the formation of His Body within her own in the ordinary fashion. What the science would be that meant she did not lose her virginity, or any blood; or that she did not suffer placental degeneration -we do not know.

    The science we know is based on matter, mind and cosmos subject to Original Sin and its effects. The Jews can have a more difficult time with this as they expect the Messiah to conform to their speculative measures that have been accumulating more and more by the century. Not all of them recognized Mary.

    What does it mean that she conceived by the Holy Spirit. She conceived within her virginity the Redeemer, the Second Person of the Trinity Who became incarnate of her and within her: by the Holy Spirit. So what then would Valtorta have to do with “umbilical”? If this is a polite word, then, I think she is not referring to the placental biology but that there was never any human intervention in the Lord’s conception. Her virginity came as immaculate gift immaculately offered and immaculately fulfilled through an immaculate and unceasing fidelity.

    We can think of the virginity of the BVM as the womb God made for His Son.

  37. What a shame. I have been reading and studying the POEM for over 30 years. All of you who want to poke holes in at (for whatever reason is between you and the Man upstairs) sound like yet another part of our society which just enjoys negativity. Pope Pius said very simply “He who reads it will know”
    We have been given this AMAZING gift and so few are going to know about it. If you are a detractor, be careful. If you are a Catholic the Poem has come along and told you – you are in the right faith. I remind the author of this piece that there can surely be minor issues that you can choose to highlight for your purposes. Anyone who has read and studied this work knows that the universal message is clear and that this is a great chance to have your faith enlivened, if you were not so stuck in your humanism.

  38. Why no mention of the 1,000 page Apologetic citing numerable clergy at all levels of the Church giving full credibility to the Work, which incidentally is not the work of Valtorta but of God. It occurs to me that the 4 Gospels are 40 or 50 pages each. What detail can be expected when compared to the 5,000 pages of detail in the Poem?

    Good works inspire good people who are constantly open to receiving the word of God. Finally, why is Valtorta entombed in a major Basilica in Florence. Perhaps a reward of our good Jesus!

  39. You cannot be serious! The only thing that can happen when you read the books of M Valtorta is for the soul to start a journey of profound conversion. You get a better understanding and unequivocal interpretation of the message of Jesus. So what’s the problem of the author of this article? Your pseudo-analysis is completely biased and full of false claims. Only a person who has zero connection with the Holy Spirit can read the books of M Valtorta and come out with such horrific conclusions. I don’t not what you are pursuing but I am sure if you do not humble yourself and repent for misleading the souls by your pseudo- writings, you will be among those who will bow their heads before Jesus on the Judgement day. There is not obligation for reading M. Valtorta, so why deliberately spreading lies about it? You are acting like an instrument of the devil.

  40. I see so many supporting the book, the Poem of the Man-God. One thing is for sure: it is “private revelation”, but even that is questionable. If the Vatican put the book on the index it wasn’t done lightly. Just because something appeals to you, either intellectually, spiritually, or in some other way doesn’t make it true. If the author claims to correct either scripture or Church Tradition, it is false. I think that those who are upset with the author of this article “taking things out of context” should first of all realize, she probably could have written a lot more and was only trying to keep the article at a reasonable length. Also, if the author of the article is taking things out of context and you are upset, you should be even more upset that Maria Valtorta took scripture out of context. Her book didn’t end up on the index for no reason. My suggestion to all of you who so vigorously defend Maria Valtorta is to read and study the actual Scriptures without having to have everything spelled out in between, and realize that this is the real story of Christ. No commentary, no private revelation, no claim to “fill in” anything that the evangelists left out… Just scripture as Christ would like us to know and believe!

  41. Here is an example of one of the many false statements in this review. Miesel writes: “Souls go to heaven before his Passion and Resurrection. (I: p. 263)” This is supposed to indicate an error in The Poem. But later on that very same page Miesel cites, the Lord says that the soul in question (not souls as she says) will die after his Passion and Resurrection. I feel sorry for people not reading The Poem because of this review.

    • You are right. She seems so upset by a perceived hatred of Jews that she is willing to misrepresent what the document actually says. At least her motive is transparent; that of others in doing the same thing is a mystery.

  42. Carl Olson, I looked into this issue and it is clear that Valtorta made no error and the confusion was on the part of the translator and the author of the article. First note that the Italian alphabet has 21 letters and the letters k, j, w, x and y do not exist in Italian. The language uses ch for k, g for j v for w etc. So Valtorta would have never written Yahweh with a y and a w. The typical rendition of Yahweh in Italian is Geova which Valtorta uses. Now the specific case in section 40 of the book where the word Yahweh appears twice in the same paragraph where the young Jesus is in the Temple. The Italian text uses the terms “Signore” and “Dio” and the translator used the word Yahweh to translate them both. The word Yahweh or Geova does not appear in that section. Elsewhere where Valtorta wrote Geova the translator used Jehovah or Yahweh at will. Valtorta made no mistake. Rest assured that I will personally give the translator a hard time when I meet him “upstairs” in the distant future. Now that my attention has been drawn into these issues, with your permission, I will clarify a few other things in the next few days.Carl Olson, I looked into this issue and it is clear that Valtorta made no error and the confusion was on the part of the translator and the author of the article. First note that the Italian alphabet has 21 letters and the letters k, j, w, x and y do not exist in Italian. The language uses ch for k, g for j v for w etc. So Valtorta would have never written Yahweh with a y and a w. The typical rendition of Yahweh in Italian is Geova which Valtorta uses. Now the specific case in section 40 of the book where the word Yahweh appears twice in the same paragraph where the young Jesus is in the Temple. The Italian text uses the terms “Signore” and “Dio” and the translator used the word Yahweh to translate them both. The word Yahweh or Geova does not appear in that section. Elsewhere where Valtorta wrote Geova the translator used Jehovah or Yahweh at will. Valtorta made no mistake. Rest assured that I will personally give the translator a hard time when I meet him “upstairs” in the distant future. Now that my attention has been drawn into these issues, with your permission, I will clarify a few other things in the next few days

  43. Even Pope John XXIII kept it on the index….

    Irrespective of the thoughtful points Meisel presents here, the fact is Pilate tried REPEATEDLY to release Jesus; but he was howled down by a riotous Jewish mob. And there are a lot more than just George Soros at work behind the scenes. It’s an argument that’s easily won.

  44. A word without prejudice to either side of the Maria Valtorta controversy. It should be noted that the author’s title, The Poem of the Man-God – identifies the work as a Poem. It’s not a gospel. Neither is it intended to replace the Gospels. Rather it’s poetic verse, which literary genre is free to improvise, artistically imagine whatever insight it wishes to convey, whether imagined, or in her instance she believes was perceived in a vision.

    • As I understand it, “Poem of the Man-God” was not Valtorta’s chosen title. Rather, “The Gospel as Revealed to Me”, the Work’s new title, is what she wanted.

      On my YouTube channel “Catholic Reconquista” I am striving to promote her writings which I consider to be the greatest literary gift to the Church since the writing of the New Testament, as it is, I believe the Gospel itself amplified.

      • The article’s author finds problems with English words in the Poem, which Valtarota wrote in Italian. And honestly I never found screw drivers or horse shoes in the version I read. It seems to be a problem with the English translations she referred to.

        The latter parts of her article progressively descend into tarnishing the texts without any basis in the texts and by cherry-picking lines without understanding or wanting to understand the context. Yes, many of the lines in the Poem are difficult to digest and may not align with impressions we have had from the Bible.. but what we interpret from the Bible is our fault, not the Bible’s. The Poem gives much-needed clarity and context to extremely complex situations and emotions that cannot be expressed in 30 pages of the Gospel. I’ve never seen the Poem contradict the Gospels in any way, it’s only changed my idea of what I had interpreted from the Gospel. And my understanding has become more profound and deeper than what I had before reading the Poem.. a deeper understanding of the tremendous depth and breadth of Christ’s love. This is definitely a work of divine origins.

    • You didn’t read it, I bet.
      Humble your heart, open your heart and read it. You can hear the voice of the Divine Shepherd speaking to you through this Divine Work.

  45. Certainly, this author though intelligent, carries a certain hate. I have read the Poem and had an enormous conversion 20 years ago and I still live in that fire. My only comment would be the argument the Author makes against Valtorta also applies to her essay and she certainly read it with a lens etched with the words “I hate this”. I can’t wait until the the Infallible Papacy declares Valtorta a saint before more fallible men and woman spread lies. Peace!

  46. The amazing invalid criticism that the work “was placed on the idnex of forbidden books” and was never removed is the most dishonest criticism of Val Torta I have ever encountered with this whole debate.
    For the record, any mystic in the Catholic Church who claimed to have visions of Jesus would automatically have anything published with held until the Church had investigated and passes judgement on the whole matter. Poor old Padre Pio was banned for saying Mass in public for crying out loud. Sr Faustinas book “Divine Mercy” was blocked for over a decade,
    To try to make a point against Val Torta by pointing out this fact without including the surrounding context illustrates how unjust this review is.

  47. The author of this article condemned the work as antisemitism, “that was the main reason behind her absurd article. At one point she mentioned that when Jesus said Father forgive them for they do not know what they do, was for the thieves while in fact because the Pharisees were blaspheming His Mother for raising a madman and a criminal. That tells me the author of this article read the Poem of the Man-God just for the reason to criticize it. I read the work in 3 languages, French English and Arabic and I can confirm it’s an outstanding revelations, every times I had any doubts while I’m reading, comes the confirmation right after to appease my doubts and clear it. The Poem of the Man-God or The Gospel as revealed to me is genuine and it’s not just a book but a divine revelations for a divine purpose. Maria Valtorta didn’t have fun writing more than 15000 pages while being paralyzed and bedridden, it was a torture and a sacrifice she willingly offered it and went through for the love of Christ, His holy Mother and for the souls. Shame on that author.

  48. It’s hard to believe that this work is still being attacked. Maria Valtorta’s work is a great gift from the Lord for anyone who takes the time to read it. I have started reading it again after 30 years ago listening to the fearmongers turning us off reading it as being disobedient to the Church. Now it has an imprinatur by Bishop Roman Danylak in Rome and I’m again amazed and moved by the beauty of this work and of Jesus as she writes about Him.

  49. I have just read, but not completely, this text and review of the work of Maria Valtorta, because I was simply shocked by such criticism of this work.The work of Maria Valtorta is purely a God’s work and there is nothing more to say about it. Mrs. Sandra Miesel, who wrote this criticism, clearly does not understand the true spiritual message of this work, and it is truly unfortunate that there is a possibility that she can convince others of such a thing with such criticism. These words of criticism are against the words of Jesus. Whoever reads the work of Maria Valtorta and understands it in the true deep and spiritual way will definetely not agree with these criticisms.

    • Thank you for sharing your comments Mary. I had missed this article a few years ago and while I probably disagree with you, your comments led me to read it.
      Sadly, antisemitism is widespread these days and that was certainly the case in Maria Valtorta’s era also. You would think that we should know better today but that’s not the case at all. I find it deeply disturbing.

  50. Sandra Miesel’s (or is it Mamzer’s?) diatribe is a bad faith mischaracterization of a beautiful Christian Midrash. No less can be expected from a Sayan, Mesor, and Rodef who poisons the well of pure Catholic piety with vitriol against Christ and His Blessed Mother, the likes of which are well attested in the Talmud (Gittin 56b, Sanhedrin 106a). I advise all faithful Catholics to ignore this article and any other writings by this marrano.

  51. Poor, unethical and theologically incompetent analysis of the book. Gabrielle Maria Roschini, one of the top three mariologists ever lived on this Earth, and with more than 900 titles on mariology including the book: The Virgin Mary in the Writings of Maria Valtorta, says that he never found such and complete theology of the Mother of God in any other book or ecclesiastical document available.

  52. The author of this article, although claiming to be an historian, art cleavro, among other varied specialities, is nevertheless, writing from an obviously post Second Vatican prospective. Her worldview of piety, religiosity or whatever satisfies this post modern-day nomenclatueal approach is a mentally sanitization of faith, morals and ethics, to say nothing of devotion, either collective or personal. Hence, anything that is in contravention to service to the poor, downtrodden, or otherwise marginalized creatures is fake, contrived,inaccurate from every possible standpoint and the product of an individual’s warped or otherwise deluded imagination.
    How sad that this is ,unfortunately,the attitude of many Post Vatican Two Catholics, beginning at the top, with their theologians, bishops and cardinals

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