After suffering life-changing and debilitating side effects they claim are from COVID-19 vaccines, 11 physicians are going public with their stories in hopes other doctors and the federal government start taking vaccine safety more seriously.
Attorney Aaron Siri of the law firm Siri Glimstad released the testimonies of the doctors, saying the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have turned a deaf ear to these and other stories arising from the mass vaccination of the United States population after the Wuhan coronavirus.
“These physicians and their patients all supported the Covid-19 vaccine. Almost all of them are fully vaccinated,” Siri wrote in a letter to the FDA, CDC and U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. “It is understandable that you would not want to admit that a product you have authorized, approved, and widely promoted caused harm, but we implore you to have the moral fortitude to rise above your personal interests.”
“These physicians stand to lose an incredible amount coming forward – their income, jobs, careers, privacy, etc.,” Siri wrote. “But they do so to put the interest of the public and of their patients ahead of their own. We ask you to do the same.”
In a Nov. 1 email reply to Siri, an FDA communications official suggested the doctors report their side effects to the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), something they all had done. That drew a rebuke from Siri: “Your response continues to make clear you have no intention of taking their concerns seriously. They detail in their sworn declarations that they have submitted the serious injuries they and their patients have suffered to VAERS, but have received no adequate response.”
The VAERS database has logged over 800,000 reports for COVID-19 shots. Established in 1990, VAERS is a passive surveillance system that takes reports of injuries, side effects and deaths from doctors, health care facilities, vaccine manufacturers, state health officials, patients and the general public. Data in the system are not meant to prove cause and effect, but rather be a red flag for safety concerns that warrant more detailed study.
Doctors report their own injuries
A board-certified pediatrician from Pennsylvania reports suffering from a variety of neurological problems since taking two doses of the Moderna vaccine eight months ago. Symptoms include joint pain, fever, tachycardia, palpitations, paresthesias (tingling sensation), muscle fasciculation (twitching), fatigue and brain fog. A “strong believer in vaccines,” this doctor expressed frustration that the medical community is not taking vaccine deaths and injuries seriously.
“It is devastating to me, not only that this happened, but that the medical community as a whole is not willing to acknowledge that this is happening,” the doctor wrote. “I have been injured by the vaccine and I am honestly terrified of what will happen if we don’t look into this and continue to give booster shots to adults and doses to young children.”
A dermatologist in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas experienced tingling in her hands at the time of her second vaccine injection, a condition that has worsened, along with a feeling of “shaky muscles and weakness.” She developed small-fiber neuropathy and lost pin-prick and temperature sensation in her extremities. She went to three neurologists for help.
One doctor “had no treatment options to offer other than, ‘I suspect this will improve over time.’ It hasn’t. I have been struggling with fatigue, exercise and heat intolerance, burning sensation of bilateral upper and lower extremities, gastric paresis, constipation, irritability and weakness since this began,” the doctor wrote. “It is difficult to work with a marked decline in stamina.”
A Los Angeles pediatrician said she was forced to take a second vaccine in September or risk job loss. She was denied a medical exemption based on reactions to the first dose. After experiencing arm pain for five days, she reported numbness and tingling in her hands, and right shoulder pain that has lasted nine months since the first vaccine dose. This doctor reported treating four patients for vaccine injury, ages 13, 15, and 17. The 15-year-old began having auditory hallucinations within 48 hours of receiving the second Pfizer dose.
A 17-year-old patient reported chills, fatigue and enlarged lymph nodes that lasted for weeks; along with diarrhea that persisted for four months. A 13-year-old reported lower extremity pain and fatigue a week after his first dose that has continued for four months. A 15-year-old girl has endured four months of tinnitus in the left ear, which started within one to three weeks of receiving her second Pfizer vaccine dose.
Children need protection
“We cannot just throw children under the bus and say they need to get the COVID-19 vaccination for the sake of the rest of society,” the pediatrician wrote. “We must put their needs and health first, especially when we don’t know the long-term effects. Doctors are dismissing the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccination without any evidence or telling patients it is due to anxiety. The side effects to the COVID-19 vaccination are real and not always transitory.”
Danice Hertz, a retired California gastroenterologist, reported suffering a “life-threatening and life-altering severe reaction” 30 minutes after receiving the first Pfizer dose in December 2020. “I have suffered from severe and painful paresthesias in my face, head and body and have been incapacitated for 10 months,” she wrote. “I have suffered from tremors, twitching, internal vibrations, the feeling of a tight constriction band around my chest, loud tinnitus, blurred vision, dizziness and imbalance, weakness and headaches since receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.”
Hertz filed reports with VAERS and has 93 pages of email exchanges with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health. “It is time that these reactions be acknowledged by the medical community,” Dr. Hertz wrote. “The medical community needs to be educated about these reactions and research must be funded to determine what caused these reactions and how to treat them.”
A Georgia pediatrician reported experiencing sinus tachycardia and small-fiber neuropathy three days after taking a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. “When my neurological symptoms began, I was terrified that I would lose my ability to practice medicine because the weakness was so significant,” the doctor wrote. “I worried that I had developed MS (multiple sclerosis) or myasthenia gravis. I am fortunate that my neurologist had another patient with very similar symptoms who was farther along in her evaluation, and was willing to take my concerns seriously.”
The pediatrician reported the side effects to VAERS and the National Institutes of Health, but received a reply “telling me that they did not need to hear my story.”
“I am a pediatrician and steadfastly pro-vaccine. However, I am concerned that these vaccine injuries are not being discussed openly,” the doctor wrote. “ If we are not honest with the public, they will have further reason to distrust the medical community. Additionally, I was fortunate enough to have physicians who listened to me and thoroughly evaluated my symptoms; I have seen multiple physicians on social media who are less receptive to their patients’ stories.”
Dr. Robert J. Benkendorf, an emergency medicine physician from Palm Coast, Fla., reported injuries suffered by three patients and the death of one patient who developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome within two weeks of her COVID vaccine. A 75-year-old man developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome within two weeks of getting a vaccine, he said. Two women, ages 35 and 40, developed heart-rhythm problems within weeks of getting the shot.
“I am aware that incidents such as these are being under-reported and ignored,” Dr. Benkendorf wrote. “I can only speculate as to why. People deserve informed consent before submitting to any vaccine. Furthermore, people with naturally acquired immunity are being ignored.”
Dr. Joel Anthony Wallskog, an orthopedic surgeon from Mequon, Wis., said he experienced numbness, weakness and balance difficulties after he got a first dose of the Moderna vaccine in December 2020. He was diagnosed with transverse myelitis and a demyelinated lesion on his spinal cord. He was forced to go on long-term disability. He refused to get a second dose.
“Why are we so dependent on UK and Israeli COVID data and only see U.S. data that supports the current pro-vaccine narrative?” Wallskog asked. “…People are not receiving informed consent when they get vaccinated. They are unaware that the COVID vaccines are exempt from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and that getting compensation from the CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program) is, I understand, almost impossible and is extremely limited.”
Many doctors not taking vaccine injuries seriously
A family medicine doctor reported severe reactions within minutes of both the first and second COVID doses, including tachycardia, dizziness, flushing, facial numbness and elevated blood pressure. The doctor reported almost passing out on the freeway on the drive home from getting the second shot. “I started turning beet red and hot all the time and my heart would race to the 150s for no reason, even in the middle of the night in bed,” the doctor wrote. “I couldn’t stand up or walk more than 100 feet due to severe dizziness, racing heart and feeling like I was burning all over. I then began to experience significant muscle fatiguability in my lower extremities, as well as overall profound fatigue.”
This doctor reported elevated blood-clotting levels and was diagnosed with mast cell activation sydrome, dysautonomia/postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and small-fiber neuropathy. She lost her job because she could not return to seeing a full patient load. Later she returned to her practice, but had to seek a job with more flexible hours due to the fatigue. “My allergist has officially listed the Pfizer COVID vaccine as an allergy,” she wrote. “My cardiologist and neurologist attribute this to the vaccine as well as doctors at the NIH.”
The doctor reported details of her own patients who suffered vaccine injuries after the COVID shot. A 67-year-old woman experienced syncope (fainting) the day after the vaccine, suffering facial bruising and a concussion. The fainting recurred several times in the following weeks. A 32-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes developed shingles shortly after taking the vaccine, resulting in “huge wounds” that would not heal. The wounds on his back penetrated to the muscle level.
The doctor said physicians need better education on these side effects. “There are still many who do not believe these reactions are real,” she wrote. “On my first two trips to the ER, I was treated very poorly (at the hospital where I worked). I was told it was anxiety, postpartum hormones, etc. To be fair to the doctors, they are constantly told these vaccines have a great safety profile.”
A hospital physician on the East Coast became disabled within hours of receiving the Pfizer vaccine. “I developed disabling symptoms,” she wrote. “The majority of these symptoms are still present to this day. My symptom list is long and includes the following: tinnitus, menstrual cycle irregularities, hair loss, paresthesias, fatigue, bladder incontinence, inappropriate tachycardia and cognitive impairment.”
She said many friends and acquaintances on social media are “fighting to be believed.”
“As time goes on, it hurts my heart to see physicians gaslighting their patients by refusing to believe or see these vaccine injuries,” she wrote. “By being closed-minded regarding COVID-19 vaccine-induced injuries, physicians are actively contributing to the cover up of the vaccine injured. This goes against the oath we took as physicians and is entirely inappropriate.”
(Editor’s note: This report has been edited and updated for clarity and accuracy.)
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To mandate a vaccine against a person’s prudential judgment and conscience would, in my mind, constitute a grave matter and mortal sin – especially when we now know that vaccines do, in fact, have serious adverse effects. Are you listening Pope Francis? (Not that imperiling another’s eternal salvation is of any great consequence.)
Thank you for that comment. I had not considered the sinful nature of the mandate.
Finally, a sane jurist.
US Federal Appeals Court Freezes Biden’s Medically Coercive Vaccine Mandate
Great comment. A Vaccine with zero clinical trials is at best a sham. We, good people are the trial. Also Medicare and Medical pay extra (look it up) for a covid diagnosis, an additional extra payout for use of a ventilator and an extra bonus payout if you die on a ventilator. All doctors know that a lung infection (covid) patient should not be put on a ventilator. look it up.
i have develoed severe inflamtory arthralgia form the Moderna bivalent vaccine started the day after i recieved the vaccine. just now got into see a rhumatologist
onpredic=sone with some relief 75%better.
An orthopedic surgeon from Wisconsin described the serious side effects after his first dose of Moderna COVID vaccine, and he urged the CDC, FDA, NIH and all other involved governmental agencies to listen to dangers, and to maintain open and transparent on COVID vaccine data.
here is a court ordered document that pfizer had to release. it shows how the vaccination killed over 1200 people in the first month. this is only the first data dump. i can only pray the next dump doesnt show worse.
WELL NOTICE HOW THERE are no names or sources to actually confirm this information…I smell anti vaxxer GOP
i took all the covid vaccines available i m not an antivaxer but ihave a vaccine injury and i want to let the world know that there are problems with the covid 19 vaccines
Also, thousands of people got caught in the rain within a week of their vaccinations and several formerly logical thinkers began committing post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies.
Shame on you.
He’s absolutely right. Just because someone THINKS they had an adverse reaction to the vaccine because something happened to them in the weeks following the shot, does not mean that it was CAUSED by the shot. In a high number of people, SOMETHING medical will happen in those weeks after the shot. The VAERS database wants them to report all incidents to them, then they can try to figure out if the event was actually linked to the Vaccine, or was just something that happened to them normally.
Sine hundreds of millions of people have received the vaccine, 17,000 is an incredibly small number of REPORTED POSSIBLE side effects. We balance the probably 1-2 million lives saved by the vaccine against those possible side effects. This article is just a scare tactic by 11 fruit loops doctors to try to make a name for themselves. There are a lot of fruit loops doctors out there trying to fool the public into being scared of things they don’t need to be all that scared about.
Calling a deaths “REPORTED POSSIBLE side effects” is simply assanine.
17,000 is an incredibly small number of REPORTED POSSIBLE side effects.(sic)
Actually, VAERS is reporting the number of possible deaths due to the injections in the United States alone as 18,078 through October 29, 2021. The number of possible adverse reactions due the injections in the United States alone is 1,697,752.
Dismissing both figures as “incredibly small” is wholly irresponsible on your part. I’d wager that you’d be singing a much different tune if you had been personally affected. However, since there is no long term data on this experimental mRNA therapy perhaps you’ll gain firsthand experience in the future.
Bulls eye Gary!!
You mean the inventor of MRNA and PCR molecular inventors who have been warning us not to take the vaccine that they are not safe. Or what about the all the whistleblowers from Pfizer, and others about the falsified data on the trials. Or the highly accredited cardiologist, virologist, like Peter McCullough warning of unrepairable heart damage. And cardiac arrest. There is now beyond a doubt that these vaccines are not safe. The vaccinated can still contract and transmit and end up in the hospital. And by silencing doctors and not allowing individuals to question the safety of these Pharma products is absurd. It still blows my mind how people have no concern about a drug that has no long term studies and has killed thousands in the first year from release date. These vaccines are a failure dangerous and should be immediately pulled off the market. And until these vaccine companies take financial liability for any injury that’s happen to date they should be shut down all of them. Billions of dollars have been made while millions of people have been injured. It’s pure evil if you just open your eyes.
Thank you! Well said! Millions of us feel exactly this way and you put it into words all can understand. It is an absolute CRIME for these to be continued to be pushed, mandated and for people to be forced into taking them. They are DANGEROUS and have NO long term data or studies worth bragging about. Pregnant women, women and men of child bearing age, infants and children are most in harms way. They are our FUTURE. We all need to stand up to this evil plague of money mongers pushing death upon us all globally.
I believe that number of people with reactions is around 800,000, that is something to be concerned about
Small number if it isn’t you who dies or your family member.
Oh wow! By that argument, the number of people that have died of COVID in comparison to those that simply had a case of the sniffles is very very small too. We can’t have one set of statistics without the other. Just a thought..
A healthy 17 year old, with zero medical problems who suddenly falls dead on a soccer field a week after receiving an experimental flue shot is not a normal incident. It’s not about the shot anyways, it’s about the coercion, tyranny and unprecedented propaganda.
“Just because someone THINKS they had an adverse reaction to Covid because something happened to them in the weeks following a [most likely false] positive result from a PCR test, does not mean that it was CAUSED by the virus”
It’s impossible to know how many lives were saved by the shot.
You are brain washed. The vaccine has not ever been tested on humans, we do not know the long term effects. ..and you suggest still having unknown substances like this but into one’s body. Hell NO.
Do you realize that millions have died from Covid? Listen to our Pope and get vaccinated.
Agreed Mary!
I urge you to access VAERS records for yourself and read the reports. Here are just a few examples which show a DIRECT correlation of adverse reactions immediately following injection:
1. My 16 year old daughter had a “medical reaction” to the first Pfizer vaccine. The shot itself was fine. As we pulled away from the tent, in an alarmed voice, my daughter exclaimed that she could feel the shot traveling down her left arm into her hand. She said her arm felt really weird and her hand felt buzzy. By the time we rounded the corner to get to our mandatory 15 minute wait period, the reaction began. She lost eyesight and hearing – foggy hearing and began to sweat profusely. Her pupils were completely dilated. She became very weak and her hands were cold and clammy to the touch. The sweat was beading on her face and arms. Her hands became rigid and she cried that she can’t move her fingers. When the ambulance arrived, they put her on oxygen – as she was blue at the extremities. Her eyesight faded in and out several times throughout the reaction as did the foggy to almost gone hearing. We went to the hospital via ambulance. They tested her with an EKG. We were there for 4 hours. Her eyesight returned and her hearing became less foggy as time went on. When we left the hospital, my daughter was still very shaky. Her symptoms of shakiness lasted another 2-3 days and emotionally took another week to calm down. The trauma of the event is still with her. She was diagnosed with “”medical reaction”” from hospital.
2. Thurs 5/20 4pm 1st COVID vaccine given Friday: tingly all day; 6pm developed diffuse erethema, scc alp brigh tred Sat 5/22: redness, hives worse, facial swelling started. Seen at Danbury ED. Given all supplental anaphalsix stuff, then epi. Discharged home Sunday: 5/23: Facial swelling returns, mom gives IM Epi, returns to hospital. Found to have ST abnormalities on EKG, sent to hospital for prolonged allergic reaction and eval of possible pericarditis. 5/24: continues to have urticaria, now with new petechiae/purpuric breakouts in areas where hives were, but most prominently in bilateral ankles.
3. The child was injected with 0.2ml of Pediatric Pfizer. The vaccination went smoothly –the child was calm. The child was in the waiting area with his family and within 5 min felt nauseous and vomited. The child then became less responsive and was not focusing with his eyes when family members were talking to him. He closed his eyes and was not answering when family talked to him. His breathing seemed normal and he was sitting on his own. Help was called and paramedics responded quickly and took him to the ambulance.
4. The night of the vaccine child started having a slight fever, became fatigue and very tired. The next day she started vomiting a lot and wouldn’t eat nor drink. Her became unbalance and kept falling down. She started having difficulty speaking. As the days went on her balance became worse and always tired. When she did eat and vomit it all back up. As she was trying to walk she kept falling down. Took child to the ER.
5. The patient was given Modern instead of Pfizer for their second dose. 4 hours after injection (6pm), patient complained of and was admitted to a hospital ICU floor with high fever, rapid heart rate, and arrhythmia.
6. Patient was administered a Janssen COVID vaccine lot # 043A21A at approximately 10:33 on 4/10/2021. Patient expressed no history of difficulty with shots or vaccinations. Patient gave no indication he was not feeling well or any indication he was experiencing difficulties. Shortly after administration of the vaccine, approximately 3 minutes and while handing Patient his paperwork, he became unresponsive. Patient was lowered to the floor where he exhibited what could be described as minor convulsions that were very short lived. His feet were elevated and he regained consciousness after approximately 2-3 minutes. His vitals were taken and recorded. Patient reported that he has no remarkable medical.
These are all reports for children – this is NOT normal medical behavior that just HAPPENED to occur – coincidences cannot happen by the hundreds of thousands in a short period of time. Show some respect for these poor families. They obviously thought the shots were going to be safe for their children or they wouldn’t have chosen to do it. They submitted this confidential data to try to save other children, not for publicity.
You are intractably ignorant, or, you are on the payroll of the CDC or FDA.
It has to be one or the other.
Unfortunately, for a great section of society, no evidence will be sufficient until it happens to them or a loved one. It’s just the way it is. People defend the vax like it’s their mother.
And when it happens to them it still won’t be evidence. The plural of “anecdote” is not “data.” Over 221,000,000 vaccinations in the US and over 800,000 heart attacks per year in the US and they “link” (a weasel word if ever there was one) 8600 of those to the vaccine? That’s a rate of 0.0039%. There are way more people struck by lightning each year. Add to that the fact that the vaccine has become both politically and theologically polarizing, and the incentive to report “side effects” and “complications” goes way up. The VAERS system isn’t science, it’s a dump site.
According to the NWS Storm Data, over the last 30 years (1989-2018) the U.S. has averaged 43 reported lightning fatalities per year.
Were it truly a “dump site” rather than a voluntary reporting one, your comment might have a modicum of veracity. The feds don’t want to make reporting to VAERS mandatory because if they did the false efficacy/safety narrative they are peddling would be destroyed.
I’m surprised this comment passed “review” by the moderator given that it’s 100% ad hominem.
Obviously, you did not read the article. If I recall your name correctly aren’t you the same Evangeline that promotes the SSPX? That would figure.
Exactly Evangeline!! Perfectly said!
As I was reading the article this fallacy came to mind. If this vaccine was like most other vaccines, voluntary, I would be willung to dismiss the small # of anecdotes. However if you are going to mandate a vaccine you darn well better have a compelling reason, and the adverse reactions certainly deserve a higher level of scrutiny.
While post hoc ergo propter hoc is a fallacy, it can’t be used to dismiss every anecdote. We know that vaccines in general can and do cause adverse reactions, even fatal ones. The number of personal stories of people having really bad reactions is too great for me to ignore.
It just doesn’t make sense that people get a shot and then the next day have aches, pains, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and hallucinations. A lot of people, people I know. It usually goes away after a day so those likely don’t make it to VAERS.
SO if these vaccines can cause many temporary, minor reactions, is it a stretch of logic that some percentage are severe?
No, no, no. Before you take the vaccine, they give you a long list of things that they EXPECT to happen, most of which you named. They expect you to feel a little bad the day following and any number of aches and pains are normal and to be expected.
These are normal and acceptable. However, the 17,000 events recorded in the VAERS database are not those things. Sure Vaccines can cause side effects of a more serious nature. The problem is figuring out whether those things happened because of the vaccine or would have happened to you even if you had not taken the vaccine. So the 17,000 are things they suspect were vaccine related, but they don’t really know.
I agree. Yes, it is scary to not know. Makes it difficult to make a decision. VAERS information isn’t accurate data. One of my grandson’s other grandma died of multiple strokes yet her death was reported due to Co-Vid, which she never had. Until we get accurate data, there is no real information as to causation.
You keep saying 17,000 reports. 17,000+ are just the deaths temporally associated with just the 3 “COVID vaccines” reported to VAERS. Typically VAERS will receive approx 150-300 reports of death per year for ALL vaccines combined. To those discounting VAERS #s.. whether or not the vaccine caused the effect is nearly irrelevant. What matters is the discrepancy in comparable VAERS metrics. Dr Jessica Rose has posted an analysis of data taking single point metrics re “COVID vaccines” and COMPARED them to all previous vaccines. The discrepancies are massive on all accounts. Let’s not forget VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. It exists for a reason and is sending clear safety signals re these mRNA treatments. Ignoring these signals is unscientific and an obvious danger to all.
After consideration, it is important to carefully evaluate cause and effect, especially in critical matters as COVID. However, the same concern can be stated about claimed survival from the virus solely due to the vax. Yet, there are other glaring anomalies with respect to medical expertise during this pandemic. With respect to medical response, why the suppression of early treatment? Why the hubris laden dismissal of stronger natural immunity, coupled by insistence that an artificial “gene therapy” with known diminishing efficacy is still needed? Why the push to inject children as young as five with a still largely untested—certainly long term—gene therapy? The data clearly demonstrates the very low risk to youth. Then there is the reality that the vaxxed still transmit the virus? Why the mandate? Finally, I would venture that many are personally acquainted with serious highly suspicious, at minimum, adverse reactions. I personally know of one death. At that juncture, the parallel proverbial rainstorm still serves… to illuminate the gloom.
Putting physical safety aside, I cannot fathom a religion that does not judge the morality of the decision to vaccinate based on the fact that this vaccine would not, could not have been developed without the sacrificial use of at least one unborn baby in it development. Good doesn’t come from evil, it may postpone the effect of it but it is an evil act, we are benefiting from that evil act. Is there nothing immoral about that? Hypothetically, the mother of that baby is old enough she would have taken the vaccine and the booster. For me, as a Christian, this is appalling and gravely sinful.
don’t judge unti you walk in anothers shoes …the vaccine injuries are real. wake up
Burying these reactions is lot like many corporate cultures; when a problem is brought up by an employee the uppers don’t believe it, or choose to just ignore it because it’s easier etc…
Nobody is burying anything.
Nobody is burying anything.
By misstating the numbers, you certainly are attempting to.
Addressing vaccine safety, CWR is outside its area of expertise. The article relies on personal anecdotes with no serious data analysis. CWR is a valuable source of Catholic news and perspective. To remain so, it needs to have higher standards than this article meets.
Sorry but I disagree. The media blackout of information on a this critical subject should be part of CWR landscape. It is similar to the media blackout of the horrid number of abortions in this country. This issue represents government control of media to control the population and extend its control over the populace. Freedom of speech is an important part of democracy and the Catholic way of life. If you like media blackout of information maybe you should limit your reading to the Washington Post etc.
I disagree and am grateful for this information from this source. I appreciate your opinion but am concerned it further limits open dialogue, which at this time is essential for children’s health.
Safeguarding human dignity and expressing reasonable health concerns is well within the purview of CWR. I have friends who are dead (perfectly healthly before the shot) or injured due to these inoculations (and many more that are afraid to admit that they feel ill). At least this website is not being censored or cancelled by exposing the critical concerns regarding these novel and hasty treatments. It is the “experts” who have placed us in this epidemiological conundrum by engaging in dangerous experimentation and conflict of interest policies, largely driven by pride and greed (and a huge lack of wisdom). It is the only contention that can be readily ascertained when one learns what the data are screaming at us.
The data are myriad and easy to find for those truly curious. I have a huge collection of studies, peer-review and published that have informed by conscience. Check VAERS, the official government repository of data on vaccine adverse/serious adverse effects incidence. Every vaccine reaction given to millions can be reported. Reported COVID inoculation AEs and SAEs blow them out of the water (and this is only in the U.S.). Nothing anecdotal about 20K reported AE, SAE’s and death. All highly inoculated populations are reporting similar grave medical problems and death to include the Euro Med Association (EMA) and Israel. These jabs are neither safe nor effective, and they do not lead to herd immunity because they were too hastily tested and released. These jabs have Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) written all over them. The Scandinavian countries have restricted Moderna (under 30) and seem poised to do the same with the others. They have seen the evidence (data) and decided to protect their general populations from unnecessary vaccine injury.
Early protocol treatments are the way to go and have drastically reduced hospitalizations in Mexico, India, and many European countries. Everyone will get the virus eventually, so early treatment is essential regardless of injection status. Don’t believe me, look to the increasing hospitalizations in the most jabbed nations on the planet: Ireland (~91%) and Iceland (~90%) thanks to this false panacea narrative transmitted 24/7. For contrast look how well the never-jabbed Amish are doing, demonstrating the durability of natural immunity since the first wave. Vaccines are never the only solution, and often not the best one depending on the type of virus. I recommend you follow Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA tech, and Dr. Peter McCullough, international recognized cardiologist, who know much about the deleterious effects of these novel treatments (and tones of data to back up their concerns). The policy folks (not experts) running the show are on auto-pilot (no branch plans) and will lead us down the road to untold suffering (because of ADE and upcoming mutations) if the shot roll-out is not stopped, and very effective treatment protocols are not immediately put into place. Pride comes before the fall.
I often wondered how 6 million Ukrainians could starve to death before the Soviet 5 yr policies were changed. It was all about meeting economic/political goals and hubris; human dignity be damned. You know a tree by its fruit, and the chaos from these mandates and hasty acceptance of a very experimental treatment are palpable. Now children? Have we lost our collective minds? If the shots worked well, and the chance of Covid death for children is smaller than the annual flu, why would any “expert” in their right mind not exercise prudence in the matter? I implore you to be rigorously curious. The data, like ambivalence, is manifest.
I think there needs to be context in your remarks about spikes in vaccinated countries. Ireland in particular is clearly in the midst of a spike in cases and hospitalizations. What needs to be added to your data is that while 90% or more of the adult population is vaccinated they make up slightly less than 50% of ICU admissions. I’m hard pressed to believe that when over half of your most ill patients are coming from less than 10% of your population that the vaccine is not working.
It would be great if the vaccines prevented all infections. It’s clear they do not. Time and time again, however, they hold up to the promise of preventing severe illness and death. I am a pediatric oncologist and have never seen the flu do what Covid has done to some of our patients. This is my anecdotal experience and it is shared by the majority of my colleagues.
Absolutely spot on! Good job here. The most belligerent of vaxers, Marxists or Satanists, must adhere to science as their God. They aren’t responsible for their own lives, the government is. They aren’t accountable to God, nor do they believe any savior or sacrifice was paid for their wrongs. Science and government rule. Desperation and terror will set in if reality is accepted, that the Rulers (principalities and powers) of this World are Evil, that faith in our Savior is the only way.
Lucy, that is like saying you are an expert in this field yourself, and an expert in being an editor, reporter, etc, like CWR’s, and thus, can with amply shown data of this degree and expertise, judge that the CWR is not meeting the bar and demands that you and others are??
Of course, the God’s gift of the intellect makes us ‘experts’/informed, with right reason and thus we can speak on many issues – did you ever buy anything and research it first or know of anyone who did – did you tell yourself or your loved ones, friends or others, to stop researching on cars, tv’s, homes, etc, because you and they were not engineers, mechanics, contractors, experts in these areas?? No, you used the gift of the intellect from the Beloved, (and the Light of His graces???)…same here, YET, even worse of an error, the Beloved says, ‘what is hidden from the learned experts is revealed to the merest children, Father, You have graciously WILLED IT SO’…and then too, we need to stop Baptisms and Confirmations and tell the world that the Gifts and prayers to the Holy Spirit do not bring us His Light, the Gifts of Knowledge, Understanding or Wisdom, He will not show us the truth even when we pray to Him, we cannot bear witness to the Truth because we are not ‘experts’ – that there is no way the Holy Spirit can show or impart to us the truth and what to do and witness in areas where we are not experts…really??? See how easily satan deceives and tricks us….we do not need to be experts to discover or know the Truth, we have the Holy Spirit, and other experts, and our intellect, and thus are more than able to discern and speak on the truths of many sciences and realities in which we are not ‘experts’. Blessings of the Triune Beloved with the Poor Holy saints/Souls
Yeah…just wait a couple more months toll that MRNA kicks in….
Obviously,neither you nor your dear ones happened to be hit by these serious side effects, otherwise you would be singing a different tune and your experience would not be merely anecdotal then would it? These are doctors and physicians speaking and who are you exactly? What is your area of expertise pray? CWR has every right to publish such material, and we are deeply grateful for it, without you dictating its standards of reporting.
And would you prefer that these true stories, which are a microcosm of the devastation that is going on out there not be told? Do you want to stick to your narrative out of fear of what is really happening? No…the truth about this planned virus must come out. We are way past these few physicians stories. There are thousands of stories coming out of Israel, the first to get all their people vaccinated. Their hospitals are now filled with doubled vaxxed patients because the vaccines are CREATING the new variants. Truth must be spoken so that evil and greed are exposed.
CWR has excellent standards and along with Thecatholicthing it is without doubt a site of integrity. Thank you CWR for reporting on this absolutely critical issue. Please God I am wrong, but I fear the Vatican endorsement of these vaccinations will.eventually make the abuse scandal look like a picnic. That is what is at stake here, so well.done CWR and your wonderxul editor Mr Olsen.
You can’t learn from the experiences of others? These physicians have already come out, so if you are determined not to believe these stories until you have 100% proof, due diligence ought to get you there. Incredible.
I am a catholic physician and work in a large urban tertiary care center. I have not seen these patients. I don’t see the devastation that the vaccines are causing nor do hundreds of my colleagues that work in my medical center. We do see many patients with Covid. Some who sadly die (most still unvaccinated) with their lungs filled with fluid and blood clots choking their vessels. That is my reality.
Its to bad that you guys don’t want to save live with proven medicine ,so yea it must be difficult to be a murder .Ivermectin
Other Catholic Media outlets such as LifeSite news have hosted many articles, interviews and seminars with eminent subject matter experts such as Dr Robert Malone, Dr Ryan Cole and Dr Peter McCullough. Don’t gaslight.
All very true. However, a Catholic magazine can discuss items of geneal relevance as well. Just because 11 doctors tried to get some publicity does not mean much at all to me. It happens all the time.
These are not “personal anecdotes”, these are the diagnoses of trained, experienced medical professionals. And just how many hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of serious adverse effects and deaths will satisfy your “serious data analysis” requirement? God gave you a brain, use it!
I believe it was the swine flu vaccine that was withdrawn after causing 50 deaths, and swine flu was enormously more deadly than covid-19. That became the standard number of fatalities to trigger a vaccine withdrawal. Until now, that is… Times change and so do values at the FDA, obviously.
No, the 17,000 reported in VAERS are not deaths, they are suspected (reported) side effects, not deaths.
Hilarious! Now death is just a “side effect”. Wow!
That is not what was said.
Nope, over 800,000 reported side effects, of which 17,000 are deaths: https://openvaers.com/
The above VAERS site reports the following post vaccination events in the US in the past year:
Adverse Effects: 594,000
Life-Threatening Events: 9,000
Hospitalizations: 35,000
Deaths: 7,500
Permanent Disabilities: 8,600
Birth Defects
(after vax) 330
Thanks, Meiron.
I’m a retired Critical Care RN. I have always loved Western medicine and had great faith in its practice. However, I think the medical community has lost a lot of credibility and trust. I am honestly afraid to need surgery or have to go to the hospital for any reason.
I asked my doctor for a prescription for HCQ and she said no, all the science says it doesn’t work. My husband asked his doctor for a prescription for Ivermectin and was told that he didn’t know anything about it.
So, all my friends have found various online pharmacies where Ivermectin can be obtained. Most of us are following immune booster protocols supplied online, as well as what to do if we get Covid symptoms. I find it very scary, though, to have to treat myself. After giving 45 years of my life to caring for seriously ill patients, I am left to treating myself because doctors put politics ahead of their patients? Very sad.
Indeed. Your experience, your credentials in medicine, is similar to these doctors. Many do not recommend the ‘medicine’ the politicos are trying to shove down our throats.
Prudent Christians realize what some others may not. There is little to no basis on which to base our trust in ANY institution. The leaders of some of these institutions are Catholics-in-name-only. That in and of itself cries “LIE.”
I’m willing to bet that your parents warned you against getting into a stranger’s car. No matter how good the candy looked.
. . . and then, there’s the fact that the vaccinated can contract and spread Covid-19. Not to mention the connection of the currently available vaccines to abortion and fetal cell research, which is implicitly approved by those accepting the vaccines.
BINGO! Donna!
Those are different issues. There are many issues around the vaccines, so we need to keep each issue separate and discuss that separately.
The reason why the federal government is not taking vaccine safety seriously might be because it has exempted Pfizer and Moderna from lawsuits.
I would think that this ultimately puts the federal government at risk for any vaccine related lawsuits — thus the disincentive to competently monitor for safety.
Why is this an article for a Catholic newspaper? Why is the Church supporting anti-vaccine folks? I don’t get it. This is not the Cu=hutch’s arena of expertise.
Do you think that Catholics should not care or have an interest in this topic? In COVID? In health and medicine? In truth? Goodness.
Mr. Olson, please see the disclaimer on the VAERS website for an explanation of the limitations of the VAERS data. It is clear that the “VAERS Analysis” site misuses that data.
YES! It is very clear that ANYONE who THINKS they have an adverse event after a vaccine can use the database and report the incident. This means that almost all of the reports will be found later to be not related to the vaccines at all. 200 million people have been vaccinated. Only 17,000 REPORTS of POSSIBLE side effects. That is incredibly small percentage.
@ samton911. Your callousness is phenomenal.”ANYONE who THINKS’? Are you a physician, even a mediocre one? You presume to dismiss these physicians as merely imagining a connection between so called vaccines and serious side effects. Come back here and do the wise guy act if you, your loved ones or friends suffer grave side effects after being jabbed. I’m sure you would not be bandying numbers then.
It is now over 18,000 reported deaths on VAERS. The EU adverse reaction site is stating 28,000 Deaths. These experimental vaccines, for one, aren’t that effective, two, the seem to be problematic in the long run. Not enough trials, and not long enough development. Further, the mRNA technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone, is stating this vaccination rollout is the biggest experiment in world history. By the way, he is vaccinated, and had an adverse reaction to the vaccines. These vaccines were also designed for the alpha variant, not the new variants, treating Covid with “yesterdays” vaccines. Why the efficacy is poor.
Francis is sure involved. He even invited Fauci and others to the Vatican to promote the vaccines.
“Supporting anti-vaccine folks”??? How is it doing that! Are you kidding me, these are your fellow HUMAN BEINGS, greatly harmed by an injection they are trying to spare others from experiencing. You clearly prefer censorship and information suppression. What on earth is wrong with people.
Beth, your comment prompted me to reflect on the fact that as Father Corapi used to say, “God put limits to our intelligence, but non-whatsoever to our stupidity “
And Corapi himself was certainly evidence of the truth of his statement.
Why is a Catholic newspaper covering this topic, Beth? Perhaps because Pope Francis himself, along with many other Bishops and other Catholic leaders, have been spouting things about how loving your neighbor is getting an experimental pharmaceutical product that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission, with no discussion whatsoever of how immoral all these attempts to coerce people into getting a pharmaceutical product they don’t want and possibly don’t need are (get it or you lose your job, get it or you can’t go into any public space such as a library, store, restaurant. etc).
I’m ashamed of the Catholic church and Pope Francis in particular. I’m a lifelong Catholic, my mother is Catholic, her mother before her, and who knows how many other of my predecessors were Catholic. What is going on in the world today is BULLYING and that the Catholic church is part of it is shameful. So it’s frankly a breath of fresh air to see a Catholic publication discussing serious adverse reactions to these vaccines, since the mainstream media ignores vaccine injuries for the most part, and these mandates of a new pharma product which are not safe for everyone, are immoral.
The Catholic Church, founded on Christ and by Him, is not to blame.
HOWEVER, we rightly blame many Church leaders, administrators, and corrupt pretender descendants of the apostles with NO FAITH in its founder. As such, they are corrupt, fit for the perpetual furnace. Of those fools, I am ashamed. Of Christ and the Church He founded, I am proud.
I am ashamed of
Scamdemic. Pure and simple. A tool of Satan in the battle between “powers and principalities…” People (especially elderly) are not dying of pneumonia or influenza anymores, but of this covid19 routine. So, the annual covid19 (pnuemonia or influenza?) death rate of 350,000 or so, out of a US Population of 350 Million, is very much the norm of America’s annual death rate. As a funeral director for 35 years, I know a little about this type of stuff. And when you send elderly infected people back to their respective nursing homes, to infect their roomates with their sickness, then of course, your gonna have a real upsurge in death, as was the case in New York. even common sense tell a person that this IS NOT TO BE DONE! Hellooooo! Like i said, this covid19 thing is just another part of Satan’s plan to bring about death in a myriad of ways.
Doctors I’ve talked with take Lucy’s viewpoint. That is, discount contrary viewpoints, & in this case discount VAERS as a credible source of data to draw conclusions from. Mainstream conformity to a fault.
Ostriches & sand come to mind.
Good for CWR for reporting this. When the public wakes up to the vax bioweapon, as they eventually will, there will be enormous rage against the shepherds of the Catholic Church for going along with the hoax, for their silence and even their cooperation with this genocide.
But I trust the science. It’s so safe!
In twenty years, late-night comedians in need of a quick laugh will make a reference to the Covid so-called vaccines, which are set to go down as much of a failure as the smallpox vaccine was a success, which will simply demonstrate that one solution doesn’t fit all problems.
You are correct, these are not vaccines. Rather, they are gene therapy which instructs your body to make the vaccine.
Try within the next the year , massive amounts of countries are waking up to this plandemic insanity!
no, they instruct to the spike protein to go off course, the GT is not vaccine creating, even the CDC says otherwise:
The CDC:
“Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein that will trigger an immune response inside our bodies”.
“How mRNA Vaccines Work
To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.
First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. The mRNA will enter the muscle cells and instruct the cells’ machinery to PRODUCE a harmless piece of what is CALLED the SPIKE PROTEIN.
NEXT, our cells display the spike protein piece on their surface. Our immune system recognizes that the protein doesn’t belong there. This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. This is what your body MIGHT do to fight off the infection if you got sick with COVID-19.
“Moderna and Pfizer, this is not a vaccine. This is gene therapy,” he continued. The Moderna and Pfizer creations send “a strand of synthetic RNA into the human being and is invoking within the human being the creation of the S1 spike protein, which is a pathogen.” Dr Martin, PhD.
“This is not only not keeping you from getting sick, it’s making your body produce the thing that makes you sick,” Martin added.
An independent lab founder and seasoned pathologist has graphically displayed the inflammatory damage to vital organs inflicted by the COVID jab-created spike protein.
Cole presented these images, which showed post-COVID jab inflammation in organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys, as corroboration of lab studies in which injecting the spike protein “with no body of the virus” in animals “induced the same disease” that COVID-19 causes.
Cole supported the finding by other scientists that the spike protein doesn’t remain in the shoulder area, but “circulates in your blood” and “lands in multiple organs in the body,” where ACE2 receptors allow the spike protein to bind to organ tissue.
Cole kicked off his visual evidence of spike protein-induced damage with images displaying the spike protein’s effects on mitochondria, the “engine” of our cells. The microscopic image showed that post-COVID jab, one person’s mitochondria became abnormally disjointed and fragmented.
According to Cole, the spike protein bonded to the ACE2 receptors in the lung, provoking an inflammatory response in which the immune system “attack[s] your own body.”
The issue of mRNA therapy is presented in a totally misleading way by a non-clinician, Dr. Cole in particular. mRNA is used as a vector, to introduce a vaccine, those who claim otherwise are quite simply failing to comprehend its use. Those of us who receive siRNA treatment for hATTR and other genetic diseases would consider the opinions in this reply unworthy of publication in any form.
Dr Malone would disagree with you Doc
I note the absence of any supporting evidence in the article, reducing it to the level of speculative anecdote. I am a physician, who is suffering from multiple comorbidities and has received three doses of the Pfizer vaccine. I had minor local side effects only, and from review of the literature, i am content that I have teceived the appropriate treatment. Shame on the author for writing such misleading and anecdotal rubbish!
Keep reporting on this. No one should be forced to take a medication they do not want, especially if it might harm them.
Incidentally, behind the scenes, research is going on regarding vaccine safety and there are cracks forming. The Mayo clinic appears to have found an increase in cerebral thrombosis with the J&J vaccine:
God help your patients!
Shame on you for anectodally generalising from your case and downplaying what other physicians, far more expert than you can ever hope to be, are warning of the deadly injuries and side effects of the experimental serums. Raoult and Montagnier are world renowned experts, and who are you pray?
Then you are a useful peasant! Imagine taking a fake experimental vaccine for a commy lab made wuhanvirus that has a 99.7% Recovery rate?! Hahahaha the death rate for the fake experimental vaccines are higher than the lab made virus!
This article depends on the misuse of VAERS data. See the disclaimer on the VAERS site for reference. It explains how the data cannot reasonably be used to support the claims that “VAERS Analysis” and the author make. At the very least, the article should be removed from CWR. Considering the damage done by such misinformation, a retraction/apology from the publisher would be in order.
Lucy (et al),
I am going to guess you are shocked and appalled at the sexual abuse by bishops/priests/brothers/nuns clergy. We all wonder why it was allowed to go on for so many, many years. Well, it was just some child’s (or parent’s, or seminarian’s) against the word of a priest or bishop, etc, who would not, could not, do such things–“They are Men of God. They are holy, and how dare anyway say such filth!!”
But there were always whispers–Father Geroge did this, Sister Mary did that–“personal anecdotes” if you will. And the truth came out. Those “holy men (and women) of God” did some nightmarish stuff.
Now of course we Catholics know we have had problems with sexual abuse and perversion among the clergy. It was a big enough problem to cause some diocese to declare bankrupcty protection and insist on “safety procedures” for those in youth ministry. (How big the problem is currently in Nov 2021 is open for debate, but no serious person denies that we still have one and it still needs tending to.)
Telling the vaccine injured that their stories–their narrative–is irrelevant is walking on very thin ice indeed. You might want to check into DES or Thalidomide history. Or Vioxx. Possibly Oxycotin/opiods, etc.
It is entirely possibly these injuries are due more to the maner of injecting (hitting a vein and injecting into the vein) than to hitting the muscle, but these stories need to be told, need to be researched, and addressed.
This is a remarkably unwise comment. Trying to tie this into the sex abuse crisis is beyond irresponsible. If you took the time to find out what VAERS is, you would realize this. VAERS allows any member of the public to report an adverse response to the vaccine PRECISELY because the CDC wants to know all about what people are saying about their vaccine experience. But of course, just because someone has a medical problem a week or so after the vaccine, it does not mean that it was CAUSED by the vaccine. The government is going out of their way to collect all the data so it can be analyzed carefully. But now you claim they are not listening to people.
Any parent that makes their kid take the fake experimental vaccine should either have their precious kids taken from them by DCF and or thrown into jail! Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates lied, millions have now died…..and millions more will die cause of the mass pyshcosis!
You are not a doctor. You’ve been listening to various propaganda outlets. I agree that there seems to be little need to vaccinate children. But your comment is over the top.
Funny you saying that.
Pressuring people to take experimental gene therapy is propaganda too. Part of their scare tactics.
This is a very well-written and researched piece that chronicles the horrific side effects this “vaccine” can cause. It is unconscionable that people are being forced into this for fear of losing their livelihoods, being unable to travel, dine out, go to concerts, etc. It is also incredulous that those who are pushing a certain political narrative would try and devalue and squelch this excellent story. My heart goes out to these doctors and the countless others who have suffered adverse and deadly reactions.
Everyone knew from the start there would be some side effects in a small number of people. And that is what we are seeing, considering 200 million have taken the vaccine in the US alone, about 4 billion people worldwide. If the side effects were truly numerous and dangerous, we would have seen that in the data by now. We are not seeing any such data. In the US, about 1-2 million lives have been saved by the vaccine, against this 17,000 that REPORT POSSIBLE side effects.
Samton911, either you did not go to the Open VAERS link or you choose to be wilfully blind.
It says: 18,078 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 27,155 Total Reported Deaths.
18,000 deaths, not possible side effects.
Maybe you are part of their propaganda machine?
One big problem woth Covid reporting is the lack of transparency on why some people are at more risks than others. The death counts frequently give the impression that everyone with Covid has an equal chance of dying. The state of Arizona does a decent job of breaking out Covid deaths and inffections by age groupings. Based on my recollection of when I last looked the data (about 2 months ago), it showed that in Arizona about 75 % of deaths were in ages 65 and above, while that group had only 15% of the infections. So if you are old and or other co issues, having the Covid Vaccine has some logic to it, like me. However if you are young the basis for taking it, the vaccine, is not validated by the data.
So the Government essentially ignores this data when mandating vaccine across all age groups etc. It is a real overreach. It has shades of the current Biden regime of attempting to make or change America into a totalitarian acceptance culture. I think those that reject this tolalitarian type mandate are carrying foreward their American right as a free people.
The weekly reports from the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) are quite good, and they do break things down into age categories. They are also counting “unvaccinated” as people who have taken no shots at all, and then they step through 1 shot, 2 shots and “fully vaccinated” after suitable time has passed.
Right now, a large number of the UK “cases” are under 18 and the death rate among that group is very, very low.
You all do realize that the VAERS database contains any and all claims of adverse events that a participant in a drug trial reports. This enables the researchers to find patterns to help pinpoint ACTUAL side effects from whatever therapeutic is being studied. It is NOT a list of actual problems that have been reported and then researched and proven to truly be side effects of said drug/therapeutic. These subjects are not kept in a padded room, they take their therapeutic and then go on with life. If they trip and fall down they are supposed to report that in case other participants start tripping and falling. If this is reported by a certain number of participants, it will be investigated. They report their experiences to the researchers who put it in the database so they can find patterns of adverse events to investigate. VAERS is a tool, NOT a list of ACTUAL SIDE EFFECTS. Just because you received a vaccination does not mean that the heart attack or stroke that in reality was waiting in the wings to happen was caused by the vaccine. Adverse health effects happen all the time and they surely will happen in the approximately 191 million people who are fully vaccinated in the US regardless of their vaccination status.
Why is it so hard for folks to believe these mRNA vaccines are not necessarily as safe as people have been lead to believe? They may not be as bad as the “anti-vaxxers” make them out to be, but that doesn’t mean they are 100% safe. We already know these shots are not effective at stopping infection or transmission of the virus when those in authority initially said they were.
If they were wrong on how well these vaccines work, they may very well be wrong on the “safety” aspect.
DES, Thalidomide, Vioxx–thsoe are among the medications used for years before they were pulled from the market due to safety concerns. The Thalidomide case was especially egregious (which is a shame, not simply because of the children’s bodies that were destroyed by the drug, but because the drug does have useful applications and can be used safely in the “right” patients.)
I am currently on one of the most common high blood pressure drugs. Used by hundreds of millions of people all over the planet. It’s been around for a few years. Guess what? It very likely causes cancer. They only recently found out about that.
These whispers about vaccine injuries need to be taken seriously and fully investigated by truly independent parties (which we likely no longer have in the US). Simply saying “These vaccines are safe!” does not make them safe anymore than saying “These vaccines are death shots!” makes them death shots.
NOTHING, not even aspirin, is 100 percent safe! Since when do we demand that a medicine work perfectly in 100 percent of people before anyone can take it? We have never had that standard.
No one ever said that once you take the vaccine, no booster shots would be necessary. The flu vaccine has to be taken every year! Nobody complained about that. You are absolutely righ that they often find out about side effects years and years later. But that only happens in a tiny proportion of drugs. Not all drugs. So you are exaggerating the possible harms. We all face some risks.
This was the common “wisdom” a few months ago (March 29, 2021):
And it’s fair to say that these remarks by Rachel Maddow of MSNBC sum up what was being presented by many other outlets and talking heads.
Anthony Fauci continues to insist, “We can end the pandemic in this country by getting the overwhelming proportion of our population vaccinated.” But the evidence and data suggest that is not true, in large part because, as Julius Ruechel notes, “Eradication is hard and only appropriate for very specific families of viruses.” Further, Ruechel argues:
One doesn’t need to have a medical degree to see the difference between Maddow’s pie-in-the-sky perspective and Ruechel’s much more realistic explanation. And yet variations of the former continue to dominant the narrative while the latter is dismissed as cranky or conspiratorial.
I’m on a hypertensive med that is linked to cancer (rare) and well known to cause coughing and anaphylaxsis. Guess what? I am on it by choice because it works for me. No one is ever forced to take it, unlike this vax, which is now mandated by the government. It has already been admitted in the news that some people have died of this vaccine. No one should be required to take it if even one person has died. Heck, no one should be required to take it for any reason.
Thank you Gail Samples for laying this out! I’ve been hoping that CWR would take responsibility for fostering this misunderstanding. Questioning “VAERS Analysis” isn’t denying vaccine side effects; it’s precisely because this issue is so important that we need to be careful with the facts.
CWR has long been a dependable voice for Church teaching. I’m sorry to see them lose credibility by uncritically passing on bogus medical analysis.
I feel like I’m living in East Germany. I have had covid, I therefore believe I have natural immunity. I should not have to be forced to take this vaccine to keep my job, eat in a restaurant, or watch a ball game. Smells like it’s about power, not health.
To the doubters of side effects: Why is there an informed consent for regular vaccines but minimal consent for the Covid-19 shots?
Why did Reagan sign in 1986 the legislation protecting vaccine producing pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits?
Why has there been a $2 billion payouts from 1986 to 2016 for vaccine related side effect? This is only for 10% of claims filed that they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt, but still a significant number.
Why is there NO published articles from the CDC or FDA regarding the vaccines efficacy? Just guidelines with no sources?
Look at the FDA.GOV website on the published study regarding the Pfizer vaccine. 2 months of data and it gets emergency use? In that study roughly 29,000 patients and only 178 got covid and they are saying that since 95% were unvaccinated it shows that the vaccine works? Is that even close to being statistically significant?
Show me the evidence based medical studies that this ‘shot’ works. Why is only Israel publishing any real studies and data?
How come in Israel with close to 78% vaccination rate; they are seeing almost 60% of the hospitalized vaccinated?
I guess its anecdotal especially when the U.S.A. suppresses / with holds the data. Even the British data shows that 40% of Covid-19 hospitalizations are vaccinated (received any shot). (they play with the statistical data to suit their narrative…i.e. only include those who received 2 shots AND are over 60 days out as being ‘vaccinated.’).
Where is the unadulterated US data of hospitalizations for Covid in Vaccinated and Unvaccinated?
What are the antibody titers in the vaccinated? In the Covid recovered? How come the US is not publishing the data?
What are they calling a re-infection? A positive PCR swab, but no symptoms? Why not check the antibody titers in the PCR positive patients 6-8 weeks afterward to show the accuracy of the PCR in asymptomatic patient and false negatives in the symptomatic?
Why are they threatening to take away primary care board certification and state medical licenses for having concerns regarding limited data and notifying patients of such?
How come after 18 months of pandemic there is no more evidence? Where are the studies? This is not the immunology that I learned as an undergraduate nor as a medical student! Did everything I learn regarding immunology just change in the last 18 months?!
Where is the critical analysis? First, do no harm?
All of this is very bad, slanted information and I am just too tired to refute each and every point you make. Just be aware that you have partial or misleading information on almost all your points.
Is there partial or misleading information in his QUESTIONS?
Even his questions???
Samton, same thing applies to you.
You also have partial and misleading information. You just chose a different ideologist to mislead you.
Do we have reason to question government and the pharmaceutical industry?
Consider radiation experiments carried out under the auspices of the government’s Manhattan Project. https://ehss.energy.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/intro_3.html
“The need to protect the Manhattan Project workers soon gave rise to a new discipline, called health physics, which sought to understand radiation effects and monitor and protect nuclear worker health and safety. The Project was soon inundated with data from radiation-detection instruments, blood and urine samples, and physical exams. The “clinical study of the personnel,” Robert Stone wrote in 1943, “is one vast experiment. Never before has so large a collection of individuals been exposed to so much radiation.” [26] Along with these data-gathering efforts came ethical issues.
“Would disclosure of potential or actual harm to the workers, much less the public, impair the program? For example, a July 1945 Manhattan Project memo discussed whether to inform a worker that her case of nephritis (a kidney disease) may have been due to her work on the Project. The issue was of special import because, the memo indicated, the illness might well be a precursor of more cases. The worker, the memo explained, “is unaware of her condition which now shows up on routine physical check and urinalysis.”
Consider the tobacco industry’s knowledge of addiction while happily profiting. Later, opioids. Coal miners developed black lung disease and contractors were exposed to asbestos. Windmills and airplanes kill birds. Plastic in our drinking water, pollutants in our air, stories from people like Erin Brockovich and the Love Canal community, breast cancer risks following contraceptives or abortions. The list could go on and on.
You know after reading all the comments on the virus/vaccines, I get the feeling that more people have been affected by the vaccine and don’t know it, based on their comments. First, if the possible cure for the virus causes one death that is too many. Isn’t a vaccine suppose to help and not destroy? Second, if the vaccine is soooo good, why does it have to be mandated and rewards give out for getting it? Kind of like bribery? The evidence behind getting the vaccine doesn’t support its effectiveness and then there are all the possible aftereffects.
All this begs the question, what are people afraid of in regards to the virus/vaccine. Why all the cover up, why all the censoring, why all the punitive kick backs for those with a different opinion, why and many more why’s. I remember when the first vaccine came out, and that it was promoted as a cure all, right! Get your shots and no more virus! Now those getting the shots are getting sick from the same virus and can spread it as well. To fix this condition the CDC is now telling people they need to get a booster every 6 months. Doesn’t that seem odd? So did the CDC lie to us from the get go? I would say yes! Are all good actors when it comes to playing ignorant, or is it convenient? Right!
Then there is the narrative that the unvaccinated are causing all the sickness, etc. How stupid is that? First, if your vaccinated you should be immune to the virus, that’s if you got the first shots dependent on the vaccine. Second, then there are all the mask mandates and social distancing programs. So again why blame the unvaccinated, as by following the above you should be protected. Then there is the whole issue of normal human immunity and or antibodies to protect ones self. Isn’t the goal in all of this is to have immunity from diseases, so you can remain healthy?
We are being played people, and everyone needs to start thinking and stop listening to all the bull!
A related article on the supposedly more ‘prolife ‘ vaccine – with the needed caution on that claim as well – https://www.crisismagazine.com/2021/is-covaxin-the-pro-life-covid-vaccine-catholics-have-been-waiting-for
The O.T. admonitions about protecting the ritual purity that vaguely out lined the many ways of spread of contagion , both spiritual and material – as the seed from where we have some awareness of the pertinent cautions , that is applicable for our times and clarified in the Wisdom of The Church . Our Lord would have known how the drinking water source – from Lake Galilea had run offs from the pig fields atop the surrounding hills ; the Divine Will and its Sunshine was abundant enough to have same purified enough .
The Holy Father , in prudence not advocating against the vaccine and acting in charity ;
the fears about the vaccine from the aspect of prolife can thus be discounted to a good extent , since we live in times where the ‘contamination ‘ from unholy deeds is almost unavoidable , except by use of the spiritual weapons we have been given , against poisons and such too . The agonising over this issue can be seen as a call to put same to use at greater levels , to thus benefit the medical systems and hospitals , the hands of the providers and all , that are also handing out contraceptives , in places where there are the mutilating and destructive transgender surgeries and such going on .
Unsure if some of the adverse vaccine effects are preventable by supplementing Magnesium to correct its low levels , which ,in turn leads to inflammation , as the preaviling pathology in the illness as well .A mystery as to why not much mention about same either ; places such as Africa and Central America that are said to have low levels of infection could have diets that are richer in vegetables , low in sugar etc : . The lowly baking soda , in small amounts , with some lemon , a time tested simple means , said to have benefits in infections , allergies and inflammations also need not be neglected .
A quick , simple and reliable ‘breathalyser ‘ type antibody measure – to bring peace across the board – that too possible soon enough , as Mercy in His Divine Will , esp. if more of us open our minds and Hearts to The Breath of The Spirit ..
These statements seem to me to all be true:
(1) All of the COVID shots out there stack up well against the virus. This means that even though the shots can and have had both mild and serious side effects, they have now and will saved many lives and prevented many illnesses well above what they have cost.
(2) All of the COVID shots are morally permissible but some have legitimate moral concerns that require a response of all the faithful. The CDF documents discuss this in a way we should all know,understand and obey.
(3) The shots have measurable effects which decrease but don’t eliminate (a) symptomatic illnness (and therefore spread), (b) hospitalization, and (c) death. These three good effects aren’t in the same percentages. Hence, the shots prevent death better then hospitalization and spread. They prevent hospitalization better then symptomatic illness. And they prevent symptomatic illness better then spread. But they prevent spread better then remaining unvaccinated. The reason : Inoculation causes nuetralizing antibodies.
(4) These good effects of the vaccine diminish with time and are revamped by boosters.
(5) The shots have been and will be the best tool in ending the pandemic for everyone.
(6) The reporting which says that most deaths and illnesses linked to COVID are now in the unvaccinated is not a propagandist lie but the reporting that says that the shots caused the Delta surge is (a propagandist lie)
(7) The shots don’t inject microchips, magnetize, cause recipients to ‘shed spike’ harmful to others, or cause anything like the number of deaths and ilnesses claimed by some.
(8) The overall effect of articles such as this and much of the commentary on the further right has been many more illnesses, deaths and pandemic prolongation with all of its deleterious societal effects then need have been.
(9) Immunity acquired after infection with the virus can be very robust.
(10) Immunity acquired after infection and shots is generally superior then that derived from infection alone or shots alone.
(11) The comparison of ‘infection alone immunity’ and ‘shots alone immunity’ is still an open and complicated scientific question with many facets to consider.
(12) It is a matter of record that there was initially widespread pause and skepticism given to the notion that the shots could prevent spread. This was followed by a widely reported optimism and belief that they could and did prevent much spread, which was then followed by the more pessimistic realism of the mixed notion that they initially are more apt to prevent a lot of spread which then diminishes with time and/or variant.
Thank you for your consideration
This:(8) The overall effect of articles such as this and much of the commentary on the further right has been many more illnesses, deaths and pandemic prolongation with all of its deleterious societal effects then need have been.”
That is just plain hogwash and lacking in intelligent content. You have absolutely zero, nada, zilch way of proving that and yet you claim that this is true.
In fact, there is no way that you can say that any in your list is 100% true. They are just your opinion and they are not at all supported by facts.
Even in the case of someone who is vaccinated and survives, you don’t know that they will not have survived if they were not vaccinated. At most they are probabilities. They are not certainties.
I must shatter the groundwork for your unjust claim. As a representative of the deep state I must go out of my way to debunk your theories to advance our supreme agenda. I applaud those of you who sit back and watch as we move forward in reaching our goal of having 95% of the worlds population vaccinated with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Being the good little sheep we have trained you to be will allow us to carry out our master plan of enslaving the entirety of the worlds population in order for us to control the population at will. While at this time, you still have “rights” under federal and state law, the time will come very soon when we will have those rights stripped away from you, leaving you to the mercy of our will. The NWO is upon us and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Hi Jeff,
Just curious. Now that you’ve passed away, how is your money holding up? Are the girls young and pretty where you are now?
Peter, I said that my statements seem to me to be true. I think it reasonable that articles and narratives which stoke fears about the vaccines and discourage their use can only cause more disease and death. The reason: I believe the evidence shows the shots are relatively safe and effective.
I understand that you and many others view them opposite. I understand that there are many web sites which tout numbers, charts and studies to show all sorts of things about how awful these things are and how relatively benign the virus is. But I don’t believe those reports are presenting an accurate picture.
These statements seem to me to all be true:
Your discernment skills are lacking.
The CDF documents discuss this in a way we should all know,understand and obey.(sic)
Incorrect. The faithful are under no obligation to give credence to nor obey nonbinding prudential statements.
The research is in: COVID jabs are ineffective at preventing coronavirus infections
Twenty-two further studies and reports provide evidence that the COVID-19 injections are failing in their advertized purpose.
Direct from the horse’s mouth and yet there will still be some that continue to drink the false narrative kool aid that these drugs are something they are in fact not.
Not a Vaccine: Ghastly Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Admits Its Jab is ‘Gene Editing,’ Exposes His Clear Belief in Eugenics
Well, this was just published a couple of months ago. It has not made the MSM press that I know of. Folks, we are less than one year into using these mRNA vaccines. We have no way to know if they are safe or not, or I should say, we have no way to know if they are safe for everyone. And if they do harm some people, we need to know to know why. But before we can even begin to found the answer to that, we need to acknowledge that this vax is not necessarily a good idea for everyong and yes, some folks are being harmed.
And if some folks are being harmed, is it really appropriate to demand everyone get one as a condition of having a job? Of going to a restaurant? Even attend Mass?
Hyperglycemic Emergencies Assiciated with Covid 19 Vaccination, Journal of the Endocrine Society. Sept 25, 2021
I realize this is getting old, but here is more:
Professional mountain bike racer, Kyle Warner, took Pfizer and ended up with Pericarditis, POTS, and reactive arthritis, which put an end to his career.
Were is the concern for the vaccine injured by the (pro-SC2-vax) Catholic community?
There’s a theory that the drug “remdesivir” is causing the symptoms of the patients in the ICUs that are attributed to covid.
Start watching this at the 1:45 time mark.
I use DuckDuckGo and not Google and I read an article a woman in Ireland wrote explaining how 95% of individuals in Ireland have been vaccinated and that it has not stopped the infections is now evident and government and public health officials do not know what they are doing. I also read a paper stating Covid attacks the cardiovascular system first and respiratory system second. I read licorice and antioxidants like melatonin and foods with luteolin in them can help with side effects and symptoms.
I had a dream God told me to have compassion for cows and to stop eating beef and dairy foods. I did cut meat and dairy out of my diet and I then became slowly more aware. (After the initial resistance to my doing so.) I know not everyone can do that but I just wanted to share that because that really helped me. Good luck and God Bless.
My husbands work is forcing all employees to get vaccinated. He works from home. The reason why they are requesting to vaccinate is because he works with government contracts. Did I mention he works from home? What is a person to do to get out of this? I am frantic about this. My local catholic church will not write a letter of exemption for his religion.
You might try this:
It is a template religious exemption letter.
It is my understanding that various judges are striking down these mandates. You might want to get online with the Thomas More Society and see what they are able to do, or suggest.
Good luck
Pfizer smoking gun
There are more reliable data to model deaths after mRNA vaccination. Pfizer provides this data in its report, which was originally classified for 55 years. The data show that within 90 days, 1223 of 42,000 subjects died as a result of the vaccination. So that’s almost 3 percent. If we now apply that 3 percent to the more than 8.5 billion doses of vaccine administered worldwide, we arrive at an outrageous figure of more than 250 million possible deaths due to mRNA vaccines worldwide.
If I am not correct in this line of thought, please correct me. https://www.globalresearch.ca/bombshell-document-dump-pfizer-vaccine-data/5763397
Remember when the Pope called “anti-vaxxers” sinful and told the world that we have a moral obligation to protect others by getting a vaccine that does not stop transmission, does not stop infection and does not prevent hospitalization? Remember when people lined up to be Guinea pigs for Pfizer, because it was a sin to wait for safety data? Remember when churches closed, but bars, strip clubs and the liquor stores stayed open? Remember when waves of “died suddenly” went main stream and no one would say it could be the vaccines because that would be sinful-and make one a racist, bigot? Remember when Pfizer filed a claim for dismissal from a trial because they “did not defraud the government, they provided the fraud the government ordered”? Remember when the church was silent as pregnant women were vaccinated without safety trials or sufficient data to ensure fetal health? Remember when the church failed the world as we witnessed the greatest transfer of wealth in human history, as well as the creation of the most new billionaires from a single event? Remember when we were told that wet markets and basset hounds caused Covid? Remember when the church stayed silent as camps were built and pastors were jailed? I have a lot of memories of how the church, and the Pope, behaved during the Covid pandemic- none of them good and none of them loving. Now, those who have died, or have been injured by the Covid vaccines are mocked and ridiculed-silenced and censored by big tech and the media. The church stays silent. Those who question things are called conspiracy theorists as everything from racism to cold showers are blamed for young people and kids dropping dead. Still, the church stays silent. I have heard there is a marked falling away from the Catholic faith- I would say that the church, and the Pope, have earned and should own that falling away. I look forward to the day when the church’s, and the Pope’s, actions are put on trial of for their neglect, abuse and abandonment of the human soul.