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Extra, extra! News and views for May 25, 2022

Here are some articles, essays and editorials that caught our attention this past week or so.*

(Image: Patrick Fore/

The Leaked Decision – “The leaking of Justice Samuel Alito’s abortion decision caused leftist journalists and celebrities to erupt in hate-filled attacks on Supreme Court justices” Journos and Celebrities RAGE Over Supreme Court Abortion Leak Decision (Newsbusters)

University of Dallas – “‘How often do you have brunch with your students?’ An undergraduate at the University of Dallas asked me this, cheerfully and innocently, on a recent Saturday morning. Finding Refuge at the University of Dallas (First Things)

‘Personally opposed’ – “Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s pastoral letter, or notification, to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that she is barred from receiving Communion in the Archdiocese of San Francisco amounts to a depth charge beneath the surface of the Roman Catholic Church.” Opinion – Catholics ‘personally opposed’ to abortion? A fallacy.(Washington Post)

War Failures – Top Russian commanders have been suspended from posts after war failures in Ukraine. Russia removes top commanders over war failures, UK defense ministry says (Fox News)

Christian student stoned to death – “At least 50 uniformed policemen, including six Department of State Security officers, were at the scene of the stoning death by Muslim students of 22-year-old Deborah Emmanuel, but none acted in her defense…” Nigerian Police Stand by as Christian Student Is Stoned to Death (The Epoch Times)

Sacred Music – “Things began to change when I read a great article in my mid-20s that suggested characteristics of songs we should not sing at Mass.” A Young Catholic Discovers the Power of Traditional Sacred Music (National Catholic Register)

Orwell and Chesterton – The great writer and moralist George Orwell began his literary career as a disciple of G. K. Chesterton. What Orwell Learned from Chesterton (First Things)

“Blogging is dead, so the saying goes, but you know… it’s where I’m comfortable . . . ” Following the Guts: When you gotta go… (The Anchoress)

Women and philosophy – In the late Nineties I was an undergraduate studying philosophy, one of the only women majors in a department filled with young men eager to prove themselves . . . ” The Somerville Quartet (The Point)

Subsidiarity and Solidarity – Catholics can consider these complementary ideas that help us see the common good at different levels. Don’t pit subsidiarity and solidarity against each other (U.S. Catholic)

Playing the part – “The Broadway League has announced that all 41 Broadway theatres in New York City have extended the current mask requirement for audiences through at least June 30.” Broadway League Extends Mask Requirement for All Broadway Theatres Through June (Playbill)

Books, Come Back – “Soon the shelves will be gone, the books sold, leaving only the people, staring mesmerized at their screens.” The Decline of the Book and the Fall of Western Civilization (The Imaginative Conservative)

(*The posting of any particular news item or essay is not an endorsement of the content and perspective of said news item or essay.)

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  1. Subsidiarity and Solidarity: We read “The school (whether public or private) is the relevant community organized for the common good of the children’s education, in support of the parents of the community.”

    Back in the day, the late 19th century, education was provided by Quakers, Lutherans, Presbyterians and Catholics, but swelling Irish and German Catholic immigration fed into propaganda against the Catholics. “Eventually Protestants, ‘combining their forces against the common enemy, solidified public opinion in support of the nonsectarian public school’ and enacted legislation to prevent the subsidizing of parochial schools with public money’ (citation in Joseph Mc Sorley, “An Outline History of the Church by Centuries,” 1945).

    So, today, from non-sectarian to value-neutral, radical secularism with abortion indoctrination and gender theory, and with leading public figures, nominally Catholic and clueless, intent on mandating this religion of Secular Humanism on the national population.

    That went well.

  2. “Host Tiffany Cross was offended that the dimwitted Alito actually stuck up for the lives of unborn black babies in his decision. Pro-Life terrorists achievements came through violence” (The Leaked Decision).
    It’s clear that media, many who are intelligent, well read, even at one time rationally disposed [I used to enjoy MSNBC] on issues, have of late, beginning as it seems with the Obama administration, devolved into irrationality. No evidence however valid if it is contrary to their myopia is acceptable. Justice Alito’s legal opinion does save Black lives. Where does Tiffany Cross find violence in Alito’s opinion? Except if she believes the killing of infants in the womb is, as a Dem pundit calls it a human right. As if by human nature we’re unrestrained in what we may do. Despite the undeniable fact that abortion decreases the Black population. It’s logic turned upsidedown. Can’t Ms Cross see that Liberty is worshiped as a greater good than life itself?
    This deadly perspective is what Right to Lifers are contending with. Apparently, the volatility of the Left is increasing and no form of reason seems able to alleviate it. The further we reason the more it incites Leftists to target us as dangerous violators of justice. In the words of Christ, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that this kind of devil can only be vanquished by prayer and fasting. Reason should nevertheless continue to be our response since we have the hope that by our intercession grace may open minds and hearts. Which is why Archbishop Cordileone went at length with Nancy Pelosi.

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