A worshipers waves the flag of China as Pope Francis leaves following the weekly general audience on June 12, 2019, at St. Peter’s square in the Vatican. / Photo by FILIPPO MONTEFORTE/AFP via Getty Images
Rome Newsroom, Jul 15, 2023 / 06:30 am (CNA).
Pope Francis has decided to approve the appointment of the bishop of Shanghai who was previously installed by Chinese authorities without the Vatican’s approval.
Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin announced on Saturday that Pope Francis wanted to “remedy the canonical irregularity created in Shanghai, in view of the greater good of the diocese and the fruitful exercise of the bishop’s pastoral ministry.”
Parolin said that the pope’s “intention is fundamentally pastoral” and will allow the bishop to “work with greater serenity to promote evangelization and foster ecclesial communion.”
Bishop Joseph Shen Bin was installed in Shanghai in April in violation of the Holy See’s provisional agreement with Beijing on the appointment of bishops. It was the second unauthorized appointment by Chinese authorities in the past year.
Pope Francis formally confirmed Shen Bin for the Shanghai post on July 15. Parolin said that the Vatican intentionally made “the decision to take time before publicly commenting on the case” to evaluate the pastoral situation in Shanghai, which has been without a bishop for over a decade.
In an interview with Vatican News published with the announcement of the Chinese bishop’s appointment, Parolin underlined that it is “indispensable, that all episcopal appointments in China, including transfers, be made by consensus, as agreed, and keeping alive the spirit of dialogue” between the Holy See and China.
The Holy See first entered into a provisional two-year agreement with Beijing on the appointment of bishops in 2018, which was renewed in 2020 and again in 2022.
One month after the Holy See agreed to renew the deal last October, the Vatican said that Chinese authorities violated the terms stipulated in the agreement by installing Bishop John Peng Weizhao as an “auxiliary bishop of Jiangxi,” a diocese that is not recognized by the Vatican.
Parolin explained that the text of the provisional agreement has been kept confidential “because it has not yet been definitively approved.”
“It revolves around the fundamental principle of consensual decisions affecting bishops,” he said.
“We are, therefore, trying to clarify this point, in an open dialogue and in a respectful confrontation with the Chinese side.”
When asked what other topics need to be discussed in the Vatican’s dialogue with China, Parolin listed evangelization, the bishops’ conference, and the communication between Chinese bishops and the pope.
The cardinal called for a Chinese bishops’ conference with “statutes appropriate to its ecclesial nature and pastoral mission” and the establishment of regular communication between Chinese bishops and the pope.
“In fact, it must be said that too many suspicions slow down and hinder the work of evangelization: Chinese Catholics, even those defined as ‘underground,’ deserve trust, because they sincerely want to be loyal citizens and to be respected in their conscience and in their faith,” Parolin said.
Despite the repeated violations, Parolin added that the Holy See is “determined” to continue dialogue with China.
“Indeed, the dialogue between the Vatican side and the Chinese side remains open and I believe that it is a path that is in some way obligatory,” he said.
“In order to make it smoother and more fruitful, it seems to me that the opening of a stable liaison office of the Holy See in China would be extremely useful. I take the liberty of adding that, in my opinion, such a presence would not only favor dialogue with the civil authorities, but would also contribute to full reconciliation within the Chinese Church and its journey towards desirable normality.”
Bishop Joseph Shen Bin
Shen Bin, 53, was consecrated as a Catholic bishop in 2010 with the consent of both the pope and Chinese authorities, according to the Vatican. He served as bishop of the Diocese of Haimen until April 2023 when he was transferred to Shanghai “without the involvement of the Holy See.”
Since 2022, Shen Bin has been the president of a group called the Council of Chinese Bishops, a state-sanctioned bishops’ conference not recognized by the Vatican. He previously was the vice president of the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association established by the Chinese Communist Party and under the control of the United Front Work Department.
One month after Shen Bin’s installation, officials from the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) visited Shanghai to evaluate the progress of “Sinicization” in the diocese.
In his installation ceremony, the bishop said that he would, “continue to carry forward the fine tradition of patriotism and love of the Catholic Church in Shanghai, adhere to the principle of independence and self-government, adhere to the direction of my country’s Catholicism in China, and better promote the healthy inheritance of Shanghai Catholic evangelization.”
The Diocese of Shanghai
The Diocese of Shanghai is the largest Catholic diocese in the country and home to the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians, also known as the National Shrine of Our Lady of Sheshan. The shrine, consecrated in 1873, is considered the first Basilica of East Asia and is one of the main pilgrim sites on the Mainland for Catholics.
The diocese was the hub of Catholic counter-revolutionary activity in the 1950s (and the city where the CCP was founded in 1921). Following Mao’s victory in 1949 Bishop Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei helped establish the apparatus of Catholic resistance that would become the underground Catholic church. On the night of September 8, 1955, Bishop Kung, along with several hundred other clergy and lay Catholics, were arrested for their defiance of the regime and their refusal to renounce union with the pope. By the end of the month, some 1,2000 Shanghai Catholics were arrested. Kung was imprisoned for a total of 30 years before coming to the United States in 1988.
The Diocese of Shanghai has been functionally vacant since the death of Bishop Aloysius Jin Luxian in 2013. Jin had been imprisoned and sent to reeducation camps, only to be fully freed in 1982. He was made bishop of Shanghai in 1985, during Deng Xiaoping’s period of opening up, but it wasn’t until 2005 that he was recognized by the Holy See. He played a critical role in reestablishing the Sheshan Seminary and in rebuilding the local Church in Shanghai.
Bishop Joseph Xing Wenzhi, who was ordained with papal approval and government approval, was made auxiliary bishop of Shanghai in 2005 and disappeared from the public in 2011.
Auxiliary Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin, Xing’s successor, denounced the CCPA during his ordination mass on July 7, 2012; later that night he was put under house arrest in the Sheshan Seminary, where he remains to this day.
Yes, to the genius of women…Helena, the mother of Constantine I and who discovered the True Cross; Golda Meir, the fourth prime minister of Israel; Margaret Thatcher, the long-serving prime minister of the British Empire…
and now this: Mazzucato, an economist on the Pontifical Academy for Life (Life!).
But what else can you do for a living member? Margaret Sanger is dead!
Don’t think I have the stamina to read this report.
The Holy Father often tells us quite directly where he stands on a given issue. On other occasions, we have to read what he does (e.g. his recent appointments to the PAL) and what he fails to do (e.g. condemn the legalization of abortion in Argentina a few years ago) to know where his head and heart are. He simply cannot come right out and tell us in plain language that he favors “a woman’s right to choose” as that might cause some difficulties with even our laid-back hierarchy, so he needs to speak by his actions, while maintaining some maintaining some plausible deniability. By now, I bet he has tired of trotting out the shopworn “abortion is like hiring a hitman” analogy” and wants to go beyond it. He is, and from the beginning has been, trying to send us a message. Are we listening?
Sending us a message?
He is a mime performing in front of a blind audience.
Something fundamental is missing if all PF can do is dance, nod, wink and smile.
He is the seventh pontiff i have had during my lifetime.
Of those who served in the Chair of Saint Peter, all of them preceding PF displayed absolutely no ambiguity in communicating with his global sheepfold.
What kinship does he have with the church?
Bergoglio should hang his head in shame for destroying the PAL. A future Pope should simply disband the institution as it has been corrupted beyond recognition.
The train wreck pontificate continues unabated.
This report contains a mass of propositions that were being thrown about already in the 20th Century in local situations. The idea here seems to be that they are truly universal and should be established for the 21st Century, proof of which being (would be) that they are announced by the Pope and sealed in a kind of rapture in joy, brotherhood and unity. Apparently what was blocking them until now is “not going deep into shame”; and this “not going deep” and/or “shame” warrants to be resolved for the 21st Century and to be “more than local”?
In my experience of these things in my local situation, in the late part of the 20th Century, the proponents in the setting were Freemasons and Rosicrucians, who were very concrete, very non-formalist and very nesting. Is this report the answer to these types of problems too?
The headline reads that the abortionista is outwardly upheld and praised; and yes, I have seen such things happen before as well during in the 20th Century. Cardinal Kasper had said something about the rising of “a southern wind” and this makes complete sense when applied to my particular Church and my experience of it in the 20th Century. Again in the 20th Century I witnessed the joining of the issue of “women” to coddling of abortion, as if it must be so and only so.
What was local and isolated in the 20th Century, it seems must become ubiquitous for the 21st?
There is a possibility that the report is not of an actual dialogue with the Pope but the result of written questions answered by a ghost-writer and presented as THE on-flight presser.
I wonder how the report would have read had it included the pro-life position and culture though. It seems to stretch out the Holy Father’s first words to make a picture of someone else’s spectrums.
Taking up with something to give it an importance it does not have, a wrong kind of emphasis, a repacking of obligation – is not faith. Inevitably it carries with it a negation of hope -somewhere, somehow. And in both faith and hope, it is a blocking up of love.
“And now, I put on the family council Mazzucato, who is a great economist from the United States, to give a little more humanity to this,”
Just the thought of Pope Francis, with his “family council”, down at the abortion mill crushing little children’s heads and cutting them to pieces alive, while the children are silently screaming, for the sake of his ‘humanitarianism’, makes me dreadfully ill.
What the hell!