What do you do when your Catholic President isn’t actually Catholic? The question, in fact, is even more critical: What do you do when your Catholic President actively undermines the Catholic Faith in word and policy?
That is the dilemma of the US Catholic bishops regarding Joe Biden, who is only the second Catholic ever to hold the office of President of the United States. The bishops, admittedly, are in a tough position because Mr. Biden not only considers himself a good Catholic, but is at the same time publicly, dishonestly, and obstinately opposed to everything the Catholic Church holds sacred. I use the word “obstinately” with emphasis and for good reason, as I’ll explain.
Recently, we got a sense of how the bishops are handling—let’s call it what it is—this scandal when Mr. Biden dismissively told a reporter at the White House that the bishops were not all taking a stance against taxpayer funding of abortions (“No they are not all doing that,” were his exact words.) Then, for good measure, he added, “Nor is the Pope doing that.”
For the record, Yes, our bishops – all of them – are “doing that” and standing unified like “a wall of brass” (Jer 15:20) against using our tax dollars to fund the killing of innocents. But it does not deter President Biden from promoting the most radical pro-abortion legislation in our country’s history.
As the President of the USCCB, Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese of Military Services, issued an immediate response to Biden, sending a clear message that this is simply a bridge too far for the bishops.
“The Catholic bishops of the United States are united in our commitment to life and will continue to work as one body in Christ to make abortion unthinkable. As the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has said, ‘It is not right to “do away with” a human being, however small, in order to solve a problem. It is like hiring a hitman.’” (Emphasis mine. Read the whole statement.)
That seems like very strong language from a bishop (and the pope) who, in the President’s mind, don’t care about the public funding of abortion. And we can only applaud Archbishop Broglio and the united body of bishops for pushing back so quickly and unambiguously on this issue.
A dissenting Catholic, no matter how high his or her profile, doesn’t speak for the Church. The bishops do. But all Catholics, in any sphere, have a responsibility not to contradict, by word or example, the teaching they supposedly embrace.
I’d like to think that the bishops’ patience is finally wearing out after decades of overt scandal from public figures who tout their Catholic credentials while they smugly slap the Church in the face. As every faithful Catholic in this country knows, it’s not only President Biden whose positions and behaviors are the cause of scandal.
Catholics make up 28% of the (newly-elected) 118th Congress. Bill Donohue of the Catholic League has analyzed the numbers and offered a stark reality check for bishops, clergy, and faithful alike:
- 65 Democrats in the House of Representatives claim Catholic affiliation, and 54 of these have a perfect pro-abortion voting record; all ten of the newly-elected Catholic Democrats are pro-abortion;
- Of the 15 Catholic senators, twelve of them (80%) have perfect pro-abortion records.
The scandal of public dissenters is far from being a small, localized blaze that can be put out with a bucket of water. When 98% of Catholic House Democrats and 80% of Catholic Senators are pro-abortion, you’re in the path of a massive wildfire raging out of control.
In the preparations for the Eucharistic Congress in 2024, the bishops have spoken a great deal about “Eucharistic coherence,” which is an abstract term that most of us understand as the principle of non-contradiction. Namely, people are not “coherent” if they say one thing and do another.
But the same can be applied on a macro level to the Church as a whole. If we say the Catholic Church believes in the sanctity of the Eucharist as well as the sanctity of life, marriage, and family, then it is a blasphemous contradiction to allow members callously to disregard these infallible teachings for political expediency, or for any other reason.
We either believe these truths or we don’t. The corollary is that we either discipline the offenders or we face the consequences of the disintegration of our own integrity as a community of believers. Archbishop Aquila of Denver recently made a similar point when commenting on the shrinking number of churchgoers.
In response to Mr. Biden’s championing the culture of death, our bishops have made it clear that they are not a house divided on the teaching of the Church. Every Catholic of good will undoubtedly stands united with them in their role as teachers.
Which brings us to the core of the issue.
We, as laity, can do nothing in the realm of church discipline for public officials. For that, we need our shepherds to live up to their office. The leaders of the flock are the only ones who can effectively speak out and exercise spiritual authority over their wayward sheep, some of whom are actually wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Recently, certain prelates, such as Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco, have taken principled measures, in accord with canon law and due process rights, to correct high-profile members of their flock who are walking scandals. He was merely echoing the canonical process and logic voiced by His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, as far back as the 2004 presidential election. We support these few brave prelates wholeheartedly.
Denying communion to dissenters who obstinately persist in their scandalous behaviors is a forceful witness from churchmen who have the courage of their convictions. Remonstrating, exhorting, rebuking, reprimanding, excluding, denying communion—even excommunicating, as a last measure—are all time-tested measures of ecclesiastical governance that can be and should be directed against those who persist in causing scandal. But they must be applied by men in authority.
These are not random sinners we’re talking about. They are recalcitrant public sinners who cause immense spiritual damage to the Church when their scandal goes unaddressed by the hierarchy.
We need the bishops to draw a clear line of discipline to exclude those who cause grave scandal. When a bishop exercises his authority in such a way, it is an act of immense charity toward the sinner; the shepherd refuses to let the sheep be lost in their sin, or at least he attempts to save them from the real wolf who ever stalks the flock.
When a bishop exercises his authority in such a way, he is also greatly assisting in charity the faithful members of the flock who are responsible in our own ways for the souls of children and family members who are often led astray by heresy in high places.
To paraphrase a quote from the bishops themselves: “We deserve better.” We deserve righteous leadership and stand ready to support our priests and prelates who protect us from the wolves in Catholic clothing.
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Yeah, uh, no. I agree with Biden. The bishops can talk alot, but that is not at all “standing unified like ‘a wall of brass’ (Jer 15:20) against using our tax dollars to fund the killing of innocents.” It is just talk. And talk is cheap.
When they all stand in solidarity and deny Biden (and the others) from Communion in any diocese in the US, that might be actually like “a wall of brass.”
This is true.
I agree, if the bishops do not walk the talk, all they do is talk, talk, talk ad nauseam.
That’s right, Kathryn. The cheap talk of the bishops in this country and of Bergoglio in Rome for that matter is never matched by action. The self-anointed “devout Catholic” in the White House and the overwhelming majorities of self-anointed “Catholics” in the Senate and House are “unified ‘like a wall of brass'” but rather in their 100% pro-abortion actions, votes, and legislation. There are no denials of Holy Communion, no personal condemnations, no excommunications or interdicts for even a single one of these genocidal barbarians by any American bishop, including preeminently USCCB President Broglio himself. The charade is over for the USCCB and its see-no-evil hirelings who posture in cynically hypocritical public statements like these. They deceive no orthodox Catholic, only themselves.
Well said. Our Bishops are not teaching their flocks in this regard. To save his soul, his Bishop should speak out to avoid further scandal and the desecration of the Blessed Eucharist.
Before the bishops get carried away! I would like to ask how many priests, bishops, nuns and Catholics voted for Biden. We knew what he stood for before election. It has only become pronounced.
It was news back in 2013 when Bishop T. Tobin (Providence, RI) left the Democratic party, so I am guessing the overwhelming majority of clergy vote for the Democrats.
Yes, I would like to know, too, Katie. The bishops are a big part of the problem.
Well said. I do not hear or see any voices or actions from our Bishops, nor from the Pope towards these evil doers. Even in our own parishes, where there is grave disbelief is their no voice from our Shepherds. This saddens and angers me too. Yours in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary……..JoAnn
Yea – Be firm. Kick out all 98% of Catholics that accept birth control. Then the bishops will have nothing to complain about. Everyone will be happy in Christ.
Says the anti-Catholic. Don’t speak for us.
Well witnesses…right now wall of teflon…sadly
AMEN! Other than Archbishop Cordilione, which members of the USCCB have taken any action against pro-abort politicians? How many Bishops have been arrested for blocking a clinic door? How many have offered their lives in exchange for innocent lives? How many have turned down the millions of $ in hush money from Uncle Sam? Is the preservation of the sanctity of Life and the sanctity of the Real Presence mean so little to these prelates?
I am afraid I dont see the Bishops taking ACTION at all. TALK is just that—talk, which is easily ignored. More so when the liberal media refuses to even print the most mild reproof from ONE Bishop. You can use that singular quote from the Pope about hiring hitmen. It rings hollow after he personally pats Pelosi and Biden on the head, grinning at them with approval. This, when he COULD have taken them aside privately and told them in no uncertain terms that, no matter their political position, they were endangering their souls,and the souls of others. He could have told them unless a drastic change was made, they would be henceforth barred from communion, and that a public announcement of the same would be made, as they were , as prominent Catholics, giving scandal to the faithful.That the Pope did not do so, that he did not do anything at all to address this issue, is an abject failure on his part in the role of leader of the Catholic faith. His mixed signals and unclear statements on matters of sexual morality have done nothing but serve to confuse the laity, and possibly given false hope to those liberals that a change was immanent in the 2 thousand year old moral theology of the church. Bishops in Germany are poised to do even worse. Yet the pope says little and DOES nothing.
Well said
You nailed it!!! The Pope is the one to make it right, and he doesn’t. Starts at the top….some bishops try, but they get their traveling papers.Priests that have stood up to right from wrong have been excommunicated.The buck stops with the Pope!
I agree whole heartedly with LJ. It leaves not only the Faithful flock bewildered, but the world at large too. Why should they believe when our own Bishops and Pope do not take a firm, physical and vocal stance!? SHAME ON THEM! & GOD HAVE MERCY ON THEM!
98% of the Bishops have done nothing down through the years, and it’s a safe bet that this will continue.
And, given the knee-slapper from Joe that the last time he spoke to Benedict XVI they talked about Thomas Aquinas – don’t hold your breath waiting for any changes or any action.
And they wonder why attendance continues to decline.
“And, given the knee-slapper from Joe that the last time he spoke to Benedict XVI they talked about Thomas Aquinas – don’t hold your breath waiting for any changes or any action.”
As told by Joe “I graduated top of my law school class” Biden.
Top of mind, perhaps.
Our bishops’ recalcitrance is no excuse for Catholics to stop attending Holy Mass and distance themselves from their parishes!!! That’s childish and immature and rebellious–in other words, no different than the President and the other government leaders who have failed to understand what “separation of church and state” means. IF Catholics would return to their parishes and offer themselves up on the altar of service to those parishes and the many service opportunities (especially pro-life work and work with children and teens), and our churches were filled to overflowing with faithful Catholics in regular fervent prayer for our country’s elected leaders–THEN we would probably see more action from our bishops as they would know that they have a vast army of faithful Catholics standing with them! At the moment, a disturbing number of Catholics who are not elected politicians AGREE with those politicians and their evil laws! II Chronicles 7:14-“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Still, if a reporter went to any bishop in the nation, even McElroy and Cupich, and asked them to state for the record if they support public funding of abortions, I’ll bet they would say, No. I sent an email to Karine Jean Pierre and asked her to get a list from Biden of every bishop he believes is in the “not all of them” camp. Then to read that list out loud at a Press Conference so the reporters could go to them for comments on the record. She hasn’t comp[lied.
I am genuinely encouraged that some of the faithful are finally seeing the errors and yellow spines of the heirarchy. Look at what is happening around you….it’s time for you all to clean out the swamp. Trump, a pagan, is the only president to actually attend the pro-life march in Washington. Biden and Pelosi, who verbally claim and defend the Catholic beliefs, both are adamant baby killers……..this should not be! In order to call out the hypocrisy of the priests to the pope, it’s important to put on the whole armor of God…”Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of the evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit,with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me,that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospelfor which I am an ambassodor in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:10-20.
Remember Acts 6:29…But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather that men”.
The sad thing is that in this country the Bishops, as many have said, are all talk and no action. If they were truly serious the USCCB would take out full page ads in all the major and even local papers citing the evil of abortion and name the Catholic politicians who are in the state of mortal sin for supporting abortion. Additionally they would lead protest of abortion centers and in effect walk the talk. Unfortunately the Bishops do not have the spine to do any of that.
Grand Rapids Mike, full-page ads in newspapers cost a lot of money and I think many parishioners would prefer to see their offerings used to help women in crisis pregnancies, possibly through their local pregnancy care center (pro-life). Also, sadly, newspapers are rapidly losing their readers, as many (possibly most) Americans get their news from online sites, many of which are liberal. Older folks like me still love a newspaper, but the cost is pretty high for a smallish local paper that doesn’t even carry the good comics anymore. I can watch the local news about car accidents, crimes, and local events on television (which also is costing more and more!) or listen to the radio (free). Sadly, many younger adults don’t watch TV news or listen to the radio anymore, either. What I’m basically saying is that we need to be careful about spending money on secular information sites to get a pro-life message out to the public that doesn’t use those info sites. I think a better strategy is for our parents and our parishes to train children and teens to be pro-life, and to enlist thousands of Catholics and Protestants to get involved (with hands and funds) with pro-life centers and organizations that help women in practical ways and also educate them about the value of human life. One more thing–as the population in the U.S. continues to decline alarmingly (my generation of Baby Boomers are dying off and many of us didn’t have large families to replace us and the workplaces are finding out that there isn’t anyone available to hire–this is a SERIOUS crisis in hospitals and other health care facilities!), I honestly think that we will begin to see a push for women to have more children, and I think that the government will begin to see the value of funding programs that help mothers (and fathers) raise their children well and give them opportunities to succeed in life. We’re already seeing China ask couples to try to have at least three (3) babies–this is a complete turn-around from the “1 child” policy that brought China’s vast population to a low point that has made it impossible to find workers for that country’s many jobs! If the U.S. doesn’t start producing more CHILDREN, either through non-aborted pregnancies and/or through welcoming more immigrants, we are in deep trouble, and I and other old folks will probably end up in “poor houses” as we approach the end of our lives.
Maybe we should take out full page ads insisting the bishops do their job and shame those like Gregory who have failed his flock miserably and promote sin, confusion, and error all in the name of political expediency.
And Cupich and McElroy.
Looking back to the non-violent eruption of Solidarity in Poland, which triggered the collapse of the Soviet Union, what’s the difference between their “web of mendacity” and ours?
“…people who were there have a simple, straightforward answer to the question, What broke the fever of fear, and when, in Poland? With virtual unanimity, the answer: the fever was broken by the first pilgrimage of John Paul II to his homeland in June 1979. That was when the issue of who ‘we’ were, and who ‘they’ were, was decisively clarified [….] ‘We’ were society; ‘they’ were the crust [….] ‘they’ were a pitiful minority of the wholly co-opted” (George Weigel, “The Final Revolution: The Resistance Church and the Collapse of Communism,” 1992).
What’s the difference now?
Possibly a needed conclave at the top, aflame with the real Holy Spirit, and with eyes to see and a global witnessing to leaven pockets of renewed sanity and political courage. A Second Spring that could take generations to really take hold (and to inspire a later book: “The Apostolic Church and the Collapse of Cannibal-Consumerism”).
In the meantime, did St. John Chrysostom get it just about right?…“The road to hell is paved with the bones of priests and monks, and the skulls of bishops are the lampposts that light the path.” Not complicating his earlier apostolic times is today’s politics where much of the Catholic laity have been lured onto “the path”…
Two generations of drifting informality and moral muddling, from chummy “Father Joe” to now the brainwashed heresiarch, President Joe.
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and your religious act like religious.” Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Write to THE bishops (not just your own), write to your politicians, especially those who claim to be Catholic, and VOTE!
Or you can do as I just did, email this article to your Bishop.
I will do that as well.
In the early 1960s the archbishop of New Orleans excommunicated 3 or 4 politicians who were opposing school integration. This quickly brought an end to their opposition. The time (early 1970s?) when similar results could have been accomplished at the national level has passed. I have often pondered what would happen now if national leaders, even the president were excommunicated. Obviously, the media would have a field day with them running to their favorite priest or bishop with an opposing view. There would be calls (and possible success) to remove the Church non-profit status, and massive numbers of Catholics would leave, even among the so called “faithful.” There would certainly be attacks from other Christian traditions – and likely also from Rome.
Maybe the Church should learn to live with the taxes she certainly does not seem to mind being imposed on the laity to fund the welfare programs they promote
Or better still, use the taxes that she doesn’t have to pay to pay their parochial school teachers a decent wage.
A smaller church with more faithful members does not feel like a bad thing to me. Today at Mass I saw an awful lot of people LATE ( this happens every Sunday, and it should not. Then, at the conclusion, people were moving out the doors before the priest even walked down the center aisle. Its disgusting. In my opinion, every pastor needs to write a letter reminding people of the timely expectations when attending Mass. Failure to do this is massive disrespect. SOMEBODY needs to call people out on inappropriate behavior. If some people are offended and stop attending Mass, let them. None of the rest of us will miss their late appearance.
Those who do come to Mass early tend to have social conversations with those around them, even in those churches that have the tabernacle in the sanctuary. The few who would like to use the time to reflect and pray are unable to do so, and the priests are just as bad as those in the pew. We have become more like the protestant churches. It’s better to go to a weekday Mass and skip Sunday all together.
This does not happen in my strictly TLM parish. Throughout the Mass, you can hear a pin drop at the silence and reverence. At the end of Mass, we gather outside in front of the church for some socializing, then we proceed to the basement for coffee hour for more of the same. Note that many of our parishioners are young people and young families with wailing babies. What a sight to behold.
I’ve said a few times that I like to go to the 8:30 a.m. TLM Mass in Lewiston Maine. I like to get there at least 45 minutes early and sit in the front. I say a Rosary, read, etc.
When the Mass begins then – and not until then – I turn to see how many people are there, and it’s always a wonderful surprise because the Basilica is always at least half full, but when they enter the Church they are QUIET. And at the end of the Mass they are quiet – many stay behind to pray. Some of them have come more than 100 miles for the TLM.
There is much blessed silence before during and after the TLM, and methinks that that is the single biggest reason that those who are trying to abolish it – up to and including the Pope – are trying to abolish it.
They FEAR that silence.
McKenna is accurate when he calls for bishops to correct high-profile Catholics who publicly oppose the teachings of the Church. It is incumbent, however, on all of us to speak the truth in charity. Two years ago, I mailed a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to Joe Biden at the White House. I highlighted the teaching against abortion and wrote that he could not call himself a devout Catholic and support the murders of millions of babies. My letter and gift of the Catechism likely did no good, but what if every true believing Catholic did the same?
Put simply? Joe would add your and my Catechisms to his great book fire.
Because the books’ paper was derived-from-renewable sources, Joe would celebrate his self-righteous justification. Then he’d put his chair in front of the fire, call his favorite cameraman and deliver an address to the citizens entitled: “Enshrining Abortion Rights” in the Constitution. He would remind us of his Catholic faith. He would reiterate his personal opposition to abortion because of that. I also see him exposing and fingering his Rosary, and I believe Jesus would see such acts as egregious sins and crimes against His Mother, His People, and Our God.
As for the bishops and popes who do not speak on God’s behalf? Eternal shame on them and their Skirts.
Our unfortunate dilemma is indicated by McKenna, that the vast majority of Democrat Catholic congressmen favor abortion. Which reflects equivalency of deterioration of Catholic belief among the population. Consequently, a strong stand by individual bishops is tolerated, relatively speaking, whereas a combined effort would very likely be met with extensive outcry of religious interference in political affairs.
Prejudice is deep at this time, recently leaked FBI surveillance of traditional Catholics, Catholicism in general as a danger to freedom. Is it worth the enormous risks, possible legal sanctions?
Yes. We cannot continue on the path toward total irrelevance. Although the next question is how many bishops really believe the Catholic faith they profess? And despite Pope Francis’ ‘strong words’ against abortion [the famous hitman speech], what exactly has he done actionwise to implement his words? His other statements, focus on world poverty and ecological concern give a different message. The Synod on Synodality pressing for a general laity opinion for solutions while sidelining bishops and their Apostolic office indicates His Holiness is more in favor of laissez faire diversity.
What will save us short of divine intervention is an heroic stand by those bishops and cardinals who have retained the true faith to act in unison with fearless conviction. Who knows that Christ would effectively intervene less drastically than otherwise.
I truly believe, if we do not bring back reverence for Christ in the Holy Eucharist, meaning communion on the tongue only, and make Jesus the center again, this moral abuse will continue. People don’t even believe in the Real Presence anymore. By allowing communion in the hands, particles of the Host fall on the floor or wherever they land. That has been proven time and again. No paten is being used. If we are so callous to let Christ fall anywhere and show such disrespect, why is anyone surprised by what is happening in the Church and in the world? We need the Pope, Bishops and all clergy to allow the Holy Spirit to guide them without fear of what the world thinks. We cannot hide from God Almighty!
You don’t have to be in a TLM parish to bring back reverence for the Eucharist. Last night we held a one hour adoration sponsored by our men’s group and the Knights of Columbus. We had about forty men a few with wives, with readings, meditation, Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Litany to St. Joseph. During the meditation periods, a pin drop would have been very loud. This was driven by the laity in our parish. Of course, you need a cooperative pastor (ours loves opportunities like this), but it can be done!
Exactly Father it was a dramatic speech with illustrative words and no substancenn. The mark of a man who loves the sound of his own voice.
Blessings and appreciation as you tend to the flock God has placed under your care.
His sheep know the voice of the guardian of their soul. Your words bring to mind:
Jude 1:20-21 But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.
Hebrews 12:28-29 Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.
Yours in Christ.
Two thoughts: As the saying goes, “For God so loved the world, He didn’t send a committee.” And,
wouldn’t it be wonderful if all the legislators who profess to be Catholic would go to mass today and listen to the readings and Gospel with their hearts and turn their journey around. It might help slow down the ride to perdition.
Yes daily mass would help. The homilly should sometimes be taken with a grain of salt.
I wonder how many of them even go to mass on Sunday, except maybe, to be like the pharisees, to be seen lengthening their phylacteries.
Thanks for the article, Thomas.
Isn’t it way past time for a public excommunication of a public figure?
WAAAAY past time.
I am among the severest critics of the American bishops, but I would readily acknowledge that most of them have wanted to do something regarding Biden. It has been Francis who has stopped them from taking even the mildest steps at the time of the inauguration and later when they were drafting their Eucharistic Coherence Statement. The Pope also did his best to help get Biden elected in the first place and then gave the Democrats a boost in the mid-terms by meeting with Biden and Pelosi at the Vatican. By refusing to face up this unpleasant reality, writers like Mr. McKenna undermine their message and credibility.
I say Bravo to Archbishop Broglio. May his tribe increase. The bishops need our support, not our stones.
I can’t add too much to the previous comments regarding the bishops and pope being all talk.
Whatever the pope may say, what he did was appoint
a couple of pro-abortion members to the Pontifical Academy for Life.
Not sure how the author thinks that the bishops are united on the abortion front. Sixty of them voted against naming abortion as the preeminent issue.
Sixty-Five Catholic House members voted against saving the life of a baby born alive during an abortion. No action from their bishops.
Some bishops and cardinals have stated clearly that they will continue to give communion to Biden.
Do these bishops have any concern for the eternal salvation of these politicians?
Or their own?
‘Catholic‘ politicians who get elected have made a judgment relative to how far they have to go in order to get enough votes. Truly pro-life politicians need pro-life voters to get elected. They need a Pro-Life ‘caucus’ of registered voters – Republican, Democrat and independent. Surveys still seem to support the fact that pro-life sentiments outnumber pro-death. We need to find a way to pool our votes for Pro-Life candidates who are bold enough to stand for the truth all the way, or we may never succeed.
No person who supports unborn-child-murder is a Catholic. They are at least a material heretic.
Also, I understand that those in a position of authority are the people with the DUTY to punish those under their authority who are “out of line.” To fail to effectively punish (i.e. induce a change of attitude) amounts to complicity with the EVIL. And this is applicable to all superior-inferior relationships.
Nothing serious will happen until our priests and bishops in the DC area start refusing communion to the pro abortion politicians who show up to receive communion.
Nothing serious will happen because the church refuses to live by God’s word. Your supposed to be salt and light…Catholics for the most part are just one of the boys. Biden and Pelosi know they will get a funeral filled with all the pomp and pageantry the Catholic church can muster and all you people will say what wonderful people they were…wait and see. Catholics have no backbone when comes to dealing with their own and sinful situations like homosexuality, transgenderism, child molestation, etc.
“Catholics for the most part are just one of the boys.”
“For the most part?” From what lofty perch hast thou conducted your airbrush survey, or is this your—what’s that word again, oh yes—“judgment”?
And, from whence hast cometh the underlying and lying sexual revolution? The Lambeth thingy of 1930 (Anglican)? And even earlier the individualized and disintegrative interpretation of scripture itself–launched, lo, these five centuries past (Lutheran, Calvinist, Zwinglian ISMS)? And then, the resulting ease of collectivized politics (Marx, Hitler!)—now including even our post-modern ISMS mopping up whatever is left of secularist Western civilization. Might we take the long view; but, here, yet another predictable and “encouraging” (your self-satisfied word, elsewhere) dunking of “Catholics” into Old Brine!
Mayest thou removeth the beam from thine own “I”…might the repetitive monologue of intellectual masturbation also be a sin?
“… the church refuses to live by God’s word…” ETC.
Well, that reads just like the fantasy gospel according to Brian. It is nothing more than an unimproved version of yesterday’s heretical protestant position, modernized by use of the LGBTQ lexicon.
Where were “ALL” the bishops before the election? They knew then that he was pro-abortion. They need to take a long look in the mirror.
May i wager that a majority of Catholics are self-excommunicated? Probably most of them are not aware that they have done that but they have. Perhaps Bishops too. They forgot what the crook is for.
Bad and false theology for centuries is finally catching up………it’s proven to be a cruel taskmaster for Catholics today but unfortunately for Catholics suffering for eternity in hell……..so sad, but God does tell us He chooses some for honorable use and some for dishonorable use. It getting easier to see the unhonorable more and more each day. Catholics are not automatically exempt from the wrath of God just because they were baptized as infants or any other works oriented activities they will use as their “ticket” to heaven.
The Archdiocese Annual Appeal is about to get underway. Vote with your wallet. That will get their attention since nothing else seems to get the message across.
Yes and Dr. Marshall Taylor alerted us to the Bishop’s donation from a Catholic Charities arm of $300,000 to Biden’s campaign.
I guess all I can say is that we knew this was coming. Many of of us did not think it would be in our lifetime, but it’s here. So now what do we do. Sunday of priest had a compassionate Homily. It directed us to be aware of the corrupted world we live in, but also to go out among the flock and share the truth. We are currently surrounded by so many evils that it’s hard not to get angry. I do, that’s when I have to check myself, I remember that these people are the ones Jesus directed us to pray for. Even if we know they are destroying or church and souls. So pull yourself up, fight back, go to coffee and donuts and fellowship with parishioners. We win souls one at a time. Be righteously angry, don’t worry about the bishops, you have more intimate contact with your brothers and sisters than the bishop. Fight back win souls be that Church Militant.
It’s too easy to put all the onus on the bishops. I’m reminded of a recent survey of bishops by Francis Maier. One of the bishops said we bishops are generals without soldiers (words to that effect). What are we, the laity, doing to build up the army?
I agree with all these comments. The whole reason why we have a fake Catholic in the White House causing these problems is because of the WEAKNESS of the bishops.
I would go a step further and say the reason Biden has no idea what a Catholic is, goes back to the weak bishops. Period.
Re Rick Calkins above – “So pull yourself up, fight back, go to coffee and donuts and fellowship with parishioners . . . .”
Amen. We, not just the bishops, are the Church Militant.
The Church itself is under attack. This starts with the Pope…then to the Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Priests. Unfortunately as the people of God we, as Practicing Catholics, see corruption from the top to the bottom. Who will speak out against the lukewarm, ‘Modern’ religious authority. They are now more worldly then the devout parishioners. So to report about Bishops and their silence on Biden… it’s more of the Authority in the Church and the crumbling of their worldly views. Now more than ever in the Church’s history has Satan himself crept into the minds of the disciples that was to hold on to the real beauty of our Faith. Changing sound, Biblical truth to world ideology.
With all the backslapping I see in the comments among people who obviously agree with each other and believe they have the correct answer, I will point out something no one has commented on. In the article Mr. McKenna notes that 28% of the people in Congress are Catholic, which is actually a tad bit higher than Catholic representation in the country. We should not be surprised that Catholic positions are not going to rule the day, whether it be on abortion, capitol punishment, immigration, or a just economy. Politicians, including Catholic ones, are elected to serve the interests of their constituents and the nation as a whole, not a particular religious viewpoint. If you insist on a purity test for Catholic politicians you will end up with a Congress in which Catholic representation will shrink away to insignificance. I am old enough to remember the anti-Catholic bias of the American political system that lasted into the Sixties. We as Catholics gain nothing by going back to that situation.
“…. whether it be on abortion…”
Being opposed to abortion is indeed the Catholic position, but it is also the position of any civilized, logical, moral, humane civilization.
Which is not, of course, what exists in the U.S. today. Nor has it, for a long time.
But, more to the point of Mr. McKenna’s essay, the Church’s on abortion is clear and always has been.
So, if an elected official says he is “personally opposed” to abortion but then supports is 100% (as do Biden, Pelosi, and numerous others), then they are simply saying, in word and deed, that political power is more important to them than truth, decency, goodness, and life. For that alone they do not deserve any position of authority and power.
Biden has flip flopped and it’s easy for him to be proud of his abortion stance along with Whitless and her Prop 3 in MI.
Are you for Me or against Me?
I knew you before I formed you in the womb.
Would you have said the same thing about a Catholic politician in the early 19th century whose public position aligned with his Catholic faith against the slavery of Africans brought here against their will?
To be honest, I don’t believe Joe Biden is the president of the United States at all. How could he have won the elections when all he did during the campaign was stayed in his basement, travelled scarcely and not very far from it, spoke to scant crowds and uttered inane platitudes and jokes, while Donald Trump’s rallies were full to overflowing?
I don’t believe American voters were that stupid to have voted for a plagiarist, who lied about his school records, sniffed young women’s hairs, and has a son who deals in questionable activities.
Trump was not perfect, either; it was possible he might not have made it to another term. I’m just so sorry for the American people to find themselves in such a sad situation.
As far as I’m concerned, the office of the President of the United States is sede vacante. There is no one there.
But it does not really matter. The government is not run by people at the top, but by non-elected Silicon valley zillionaires, congressional advisers, assistants, underlings and bureaucrats. I’m an 80-year-old widow in California, living on a fixed income. An underling tax assessor assessed my house to be just a shade under a million dollars, for which I am being taxed the millionaire’s rate. Ouch! I may have to sell or be homeless. (I need your prayers.) No, it’s neither Biden’s nor Pelosi’s nor Newsom’s fault. They’re just vile billionaires who claim to be good, ardent Catholics who willingly kill innocent life in the womb and ignore their people’s cry about high taxes. Something just does not add up.
Margarita I am praying for you and I think you are indomitable and quite inspiring.
Thank you, Elias. A prayer of thanksgiving for you, too. May the Lord shine His Face upon you and give you peace.
Actions speak louder than words. Bishops and above, please help us. We will have your back. Please do something collectively. We need you and our unborn need you.
“What do you do when your Catholic President isn’t actually Catholic?” A more urgent question: What do you do when your Catholic bishops aren’t actually Catholic?
The bishops are students of scripture, and know full well that if they publicly call out today’s Herods for his or her sins of the flesh, the bishops risk losing their collective heads— here, the decapitation is not literally the head, but it is the loss of a lot of $$$. There is the old adage that remains ever-true. Follow the $$$—whether it be govt. grants or tax exempt status– and know why there have been no excommunications on this issue over the last 60 years.
Why people still are arguing about the failure of those they believe are bishops to do anything remotely Catholic and Christlike when 99% of them are not Catholics themselves is quite telling. This is like the brain has been systematically programmed to accept what is not true and reject anything that is true.
A spiritual director or two have encouraged me to fight the world’s and Church’s evils, not by angry denunciations and obsessing over the almost daily discouraging news, but principally by becoming holy myself. With Lent coming we all have another opportunity to make some progress in this regard. Let us not waste it!
Cordelione did only the basic! Excommunicated the whole lot of them period! The out cry will be terrible and if priests still give them communion excommunicate the also! This is like Japanese knotweed it goes deep so the remedy needs to do likewise!
“If you want to know who a priest is, watch what he does and not what he says”.
~Servant of God, Fr. John Hardon, SJ
I have been watching for
I not only question why the Bidens’ are allowed to receive Holy Communion. I would like to know if the Bidens are really “married” in our Catholic Church. They were married by a “priest friend” in the chapel of the United Nations Building in New York. Is Jill Biden even a Catholic?