Rupnik Affair exposes leadership crisis in Jesuits, Roman Curia

This is either kabuki theatre, or there’s one camp in the Jesuit leadership trying to deal with a guy who is a criminal pervert and another group in the Roman curia—lots of whom have SJ after their names, too—who … aren’t.

Pope Francis greets Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik during a private audience at the Vatican in this Jan. 3, 2022, file photo. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

The disgraced celebrity artist-priest, Fr. Marko Rupnik, requested release from the Jesuit order several months before the Society of Jesus dismissed him. The claim came in an Italian-language statement released Saturday over the signature of Maria Campatelli and the Centro Aletti, and was confirmed by reporting from the Associated Press.

Campatelli is the current director of the Centro Aletti, an art studio Rupnik founded in the mid-90s when he came to Rome.

Her statement accuses the Jesuits of trumping up the grounds of stubborn disobedience on which the Jesuits expelled Rupnik, saying a “last chance” assignment to a new Jesuit house and mission outside of Rome was no last chance at all, but came months after Rupnik had asked to leave the order and was a pretext for his expulsion. The statement also accuses the Jesuits of running a smear campaign—a “lynching” to use her word—making use of the press to spread allegations against Rupnik that she described as “defamatory and unproven” but did not quite say were false.

The statement goes on to say, “[O]ther Jesuits of the Centro Aletti have also applied for permission to leave the Society and are awaiting the conclusion of the relative procedure, to be able to continue the exercise of their priestly ministry,” having also lost faith in the leadership of their Jesuit superiors.

From the outside looking in, the business has the appearance of a mutiny or defection in the face of late pushback from the top of the Jesuits against a fellow who was without meaningful oversight for too long and gathered a coterie of irreducibles around himself. Rupnik and his band of ultras—if there really is such a group—may well be counting on a sympathetic hearing from above the leadership of their erstwhile Company.

Rupnik is accused of serially abusing as many as twenty women—many of them vowed religious—over three decades. Rupnik escaped trial and most penal consequences at Church law for his alleged crimes, after the Vatican office responsible for investigating an initial set of allegations brought by at least nine women, of psychological, spiritual, and sexual abuse, ruled in October of 2022 that they were beyond the statute of limitations and declined to prosecute.

In 2020, a secret Vatican court found Rupnik guilty of absolving an “accomplice” in a “sin against the Sixth Commandment”—Church-speak for a broad range of sexual transgressions— but punished him only with ratification of an excommunication he had already incurred. The Vatican lifted the excommunication within a month of its imposition. After the judges had determined that Rupnik had in fact done what he was accused of doing, but before they had pronounced sentence, Francis invited him to preach a Lenten retreat in the Vatican.

Earlier this year, the Jesuits announced they had opened an internal investigation and received further abuse allegations from at least fifteen people—the vast majority of them women—with the time span of the abuses running from the mid-1980s to 2018.

As a matter of policy, the Vatican waives the statute of limitations in cases involving clerics accused of sexually abusing minors, but Pope Francis has expressed reluctance to do the same in cases involving adults.

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith—the Vatican department responsible for investigating and prosecuting most such crimes under Church law—refused to do so in Rupnik’s case. The DDF is headed by Spanish Cardinal Luis Ladaria SJ, and the chief prosecutor at DDF is American Robert Geisinger SJ.

The Jesuits have gathered a lot of evidence this second time, too. They liked their case the first time around, though the DDF refused to take it. If the investigating Jesuits have plans to try again with what they’ve got, they haven’t said so.

This is either kabuki theatre, or there’s one camp in the Jesuit leadership trying to deal with a guy who is a criminal pervert and another group in the Roman curia—lots of whom have SJ after their names, too—who … aren’t. Actually, those aren’t mutually exclusive options, but it’s ugly any way you slice it.

It is worth mentioning in these regards that Daniele Libanori, the auxiliary bishop of the Rome diocese who uncovered the original allegations against Rupnik while conducting an apostolic visitation of the Loyola community of religious sisters Rupnik helped found in his native Slovenia, is also a Jesuit. Libanori has said that Rupnik’s superiors both in Rome and his home country spent years ignoring allegations when they weren’t actively working to discredit the people making them.

In an interview with the Associated Press earlier this year, Pope Francis said he never involved himself substantially in the Rupnik investigation, but admitted to intervening procedurally in the case to assure that a second set of allegations from the nine original accusers would be reviewed by the same body as had reviewed the first.

Earlier in June, Pope Francis recorded a video message in which he praised a work by Rupnik—a mosaic depiction of the Madonna and Child—to the participants in a Marian Congress in Aparecide, Brazil. The influential and semi-official Italian-language blog, Il Sismografo, bluntly asked whether that was “an error or a provocation?”

Frankly, that’s a reasonable question.

Even if there is a fine distinction to be made between the artist and his art, in Rupnik’s case the art was—is—central to his perverted diabolical schtick. One accuser—“Anna”—told Italy’s Domani magazine about the things Rupnik used to do to her:

Father Marko asked me to have threesomes with another sister of the community, because sexuality had to be, in his opinion, free from possession, in the image of the Trinity where, he said, “the third person would welcome the relationship between the two.” On those occasions, he would ask me to live out my femininity in an aggressive and dominant way, and since I could not do so, he would deeply humiliate me with phrases that I cannot repeat. (The Pillar got permission from Domani to translate and bring out the whole thing in English.)

One is left with the impression that Francis really doesn’t know in any significant detail what Rupnik is accused of doing, or else doesn’t care. If Francis forgot the piece was Rupnik’s, his people ought to have told him. Then, Francis is not one to be told what to do, nor does he like very much to work with traditional communications structures. In any case, someone in the comms dicastery apparently still likes Rupnik very much.

Vatican News has continued to make use of Rupnik’s work to illustrate and accompany various articles, including their brief on the June 16th Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, but then it’s been a while since “What’s wrong with these people?” became a reasonable question.

Now, with Rupnik’s you-can’t-fire-me-I-quit routine—one the Jesuits failed to mention in their statement announcing his expulsion from their Society last week—the optics of this whole business, already sordid beyond reckoning, have got even worse.

It’s not only the optics.

L’Affaire Rupnik lays bare the untenable condition of what passes for Vatican justice, with investigations and prosecutions juridically dependent on one office, in turn entirely dependent on an all-powerful ruler who—this time as in at least one other case during this pontificate—is personally connected to the accused and has more than the appearance of more than a little skin in the game.

Next time, I’ll delve wonkily into some of the structural reforms that may avail, but for now, suffice it to say that time is running out for Francis to see that crippling carelessness and dysfunction will be a part of his legacy, and act to make sure that they are not the sum of it.

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About Christopher R. Altieri 258 Articles
Christopher R. Altieri is a journalist, editor and author of three books, including Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith (Catholic Truth Society, 2021). He is contributing editor to Catholic World Report.


  1. May God have mercy on the Jesuits. As for the Order, it is headed for dissolution on account of worldly attachment.
    Proverbs 14:12

  2. #1. QUESTION: Can you count on the Vatican and the Jesuits to tell the truth?
    #2. QUESTION: Can you count on the Vatican and the Jesuits to do the right thing?
    #3. QUESTION: Can you count on the Vatican and the Jesuits to respect the demands of Justice?

    I’ll leave it to the keen minds of readers here to answer those questions for themselves.

  3. As far as being a Catholic religious order, the Jesuits have been in a crisis of leadership for at least 50 years.

  4. What shocks me is that Rupnik wasn’t dismissed for allegedly raping nuns or desecration of the Eucharist. He was dismissed for “disobedience”. Let that sink in. It tells you everything you need to know about the Vatican and Jesuits and their twisted morality.

    • Precisely.

      This is the absurdity of the post-Christian outlaw cult: they ignore the commands of the Son of God, and render to their own pathetic human authority the obedience otherwise owed to God.

      A life-long excursion into the abyss…

  5. As the graduate of a Jesuit High School – Loyola Blakefield – (once upon a time) this is disgusting, this is sad, this is outrageous, and this goes on and on.

    Deacon Peitler – Well said. The very fact that these questions are – HAVE TO BE – asked, pretty well sums it up.

  6. I pray daily for the conversion of Pope Francis. These issues won’t be resolved unless he converts or leaves the Chair.

  7. A leadership crisis? Or, what in the secular world is termed “implicit bias?”

    That is, the expanded and conveniently foggy gray area where instead of clear manipulation, things are allowed to remain obscure and then just move along, ever “forward” so it is said.

    Wondering here, therefore, if part of what the Church has suffered in recent years is a lingering resentment within the Jesuit Order for having been bested by the Dominicans in the 18th century Rites Controversy in Confucian China, and even more justifiably for being suppressed in the 18th century for more political reasons (largely for opposing the European colonial slave trade)?

    Why else the flawed “provisional agreement” which China which, it is said, thinks in terms of centuries, and a likely provisional agreement with Secularism (e.g., upended sexual morality) where, it is said, the Church’s own synodal listening process is a response to the fluidity of the Holy Spirit, such that synodality itself devolves into another provisional agreement termed the “endless journey?”

    Of human tensions among the religious orders (?), even regarding history’s embarrassing Galileo incident, we read:

    “If Galileo had only known how to retain the favor of the Jesuits, he would have stood in renown before the world, he would have been spared all his misfortunes, and he could have written what he pleased about everything, even about the motion of the earth,” (See Giorgio de Santillana, “The Crime of Galileo,” 1955, Chapter XIII, “The Problem of the False Injunction”; citation from a Fr. Grienberger in Galileo’s letter to his Paris correspondent Elia Diodati, July 25, 1634; p. 290).

  8. “Pope Francis on Monday appointed Cardinal Gianfranco Ghirlanda, SJ, to succeed Cardinal Raymond Burke as the patron of the Order of Malta.”

    …And the beat goes on…

  9. Does anyone expect anything different? The problem is not the Jesuits. It’s Francis! He has said on more than one occasions sexual sins are minor sins. It’s no big deal to Francis. Adultery, Homosexuality, abuse, they are all minor sins for Francis. His words, not mine. Sins below the belt, sins involving the 6th Commandment are small sins. Remember that! Can anyone who has made such comments be trusted to take any real action against sexual abuse? He’s protected abusers himself. Things bishops get in trouble over get swept under the carpet with Francis because he’s favorable to homosexuality.

  10. The only redeeming value (if you can call it redeeming because it does not go against nature) of this sordid affair is that Fr. Rupnik abused mostly women rather than men.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  2. A pesar de violar sus votos y abusar serialmente de religiosas, el jesuita Rupnik no fue expulsado de la Orden; él pidió salir de ella

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