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Donald Trump calls 6-week abortion ban a ‘terrible mistake’ 

President Donald Trump during a September 16, 2023, interview with Kristen Welker of NBC. (Image: Screen capture/YouTube)

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 18, 2023 / 17:04 pm (CNA).

Pro-life leaders condemned President Donald Trump for calling a six-week abortion ban a “terrible mistake” during a Saturday NBC interview.

Trump made the comments in reference to Florida’s six-week Heartbeat Protection Act abortion ban signed by his chief opponent in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

During Trump’s more than hourlong interview with Kristen Welker, he said: “DeSantis is willing to sign a five-week and six-week ban” and “I think what he did was a terrible thing and a terrible mistake.”

“This is politically stupid,” Shawn Carney, founder and president of 40 Days for Life, told CNA. “No liberal will now vote for Trump because he’s less pro-life.”

Though Carney said that “Trump is accurately labeled as the most pro-life president ever, by far,” he “continues to alienate those who elected him and shrink his base.”

Carney, a Catholic, also added that “many pro-life Catholics were hesitant to vote for Trump in 2016 but the death of Justice [Antonin] Scalia and the importance of the court pushed them to give Trump a chance. It paid off greatly with the overturning of Roe but instead of bragging about his record, Trump has treated being pro-life as if it’s something we need to apologize for.”

“This is a loser disposition heading into the 2024 general election,” Carney said.

Lila Rose, founder of the pro-life group Live Action and a prominent Catholic and pro-lifer, called Trump’s take “pathetic and unacceptable.”

“Trump is actively attacking the very pro-life laws made possible by Roe’s overturning,” Rose said Sunday on X.

“Heartbeat [six-week] laws have saved thousands of babies,” she posted. “But Trump wants to compromise on babies’ lives so pro-abort Dems ‘like him.’”

Rose, who has previously expressed support for DeSantis, went so far as to say that “Trump should not be the GOP nominee.”

What did Trump say?

After calling a six-week abortion ban a “terrible mistake,” Trump went on to say that he would focus on reaching a consensus between Republicans and Democrats on abortion.

Asked at what point of pregnancy he would ban abortion, Trump said: “We’ll come up with a number, but at the same time Democrats won’t be able to come in at six months, seven months, eight months and allow an abortion.”

The interview, which covered a wide range of topics, included a 10-minute segment on abortion.

During the segment, Welker asked: “How is it acceptable in America that women’s lives are at risk, doctors are being forced to turn away patients in need or risk breaking the law?”

“I did something that nobody thought was possible and Roe v. Wade was terminated, it was put back to the states. Now, people, pro-lifers have the right to negotiate for the first time, they have no rights at all,” Trump responded. “The radical people on this are really the Democrats that say that after five months, six months, seven months, eight months, nine months, and even after birth, you’re allowed to terminate the baby.”

When asked whether as president he would sign a national abortion ban, Trump said: “I’m going to come together with all groups and we’re going to have something that’s acceptable.”

Pressed further, Trump refused to say whether or not he would sign a 15-week abortion ban into law.

“I’m not going to say I would or I wouldn’t,” Trump said. “I would sit down with both sides and I’d negotiate something and we’ll have peace on that issue for the first time in 52 years.”

Though saying that “we will agree to a number of weeks where both sides will be happy” and that “we have to bring the country together on this issue,” Trump also said “I frankly do not care” when asked if abortion should be a national or exclusively a states issue.

“Everybody, including the great legal scholars, love the idea of Roe v. Wade terminated so that it can be brought back to the states,” Trump said. “From a pure standpoint, from a legal standpoint, I believe it is probably much better, but I can live with it either way, the number of weeks is much more important.”

Trump also noted that abortion bans should include exceptions for rape, incest, and to preserve the life of the mother. He did not answer whether he believes an unborn child, referred to during the interview as simply a “fetus,” has constitutional rights.

Trump’s campaign did not respond to CNA’s request for clarification.

What do pro-lifers have to say?

Matt Walsh, a Catholic podcaster with the Daily Wire, said in Monday X post that Trump’s take is an “awful answer from a moral perspective.”

“There is nothing terrible about stopping the satanic abortion industry from mass murdering human children,” Walsh said.

“You can’t win over Democrats by going squishy on this issue. Republicans have tried that brilliant strategy for decades and accomplished exactly nothing by it,” he went on. “Defend life clearly and powerfully and unequivocally. That’s the only way.”

Harry Scherer, a representative for Americans United for Life, told CNA that “we owe protection to preborn Americans at every stage of gestation.”

Scherer categorically said: “Americans United for Life is proud to stand with pro-life governors and legislators enacting lifesaving legislation in their jurisdictions.”

Though many pro-life advocates condemned Trump’s latest abortion take, Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, told CNA that the former president’s stance is rooted in the difficult political landscape currently surrounding abortion.

“The most prudent course going forward is to choose restrictions, which most favor, and then try to persuade the public to opt for further restrictions the next time this issue is put to a vote,” Donohue asserted.

“It appears that this is what Trump may be getting at,” Donohue said.

“What makes no sense is to allow the pro-abortion side to appear as though they are not the real extremists,” Donohue went on.

“Most Americans want some restrictions on abortion, but when they are perceived as being too tight, they reject them,” Donohue said. “Ever since Roe v. Wade was overturned, states that are at least welcome to the pro-life message have drafted laws that have failed with voters in most instances, and that is because they are considered to be too restrictive.”

Erin Hawley, vice president of the Center for Life and Regulatory Practice with Alliance Defending Freedom, told CNA that “we support Florida’s efforts to enact its law protecting unborn babies the moment their hearts begin to beat, as well as numerous state efforts across the country that protect unborn life as much as possible and provide real support for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies.”

“All life is valuable and deserves to be protected,” Hawley said.

In a Sunday post on X, Kristen Waggoner, president of Alliance Defending Freedom, said that “governors who protect life should be applauded, not attacked.”

“Laws protecting the unborn are not a ‘terrible mistake.’ They are the hallmark of a just and moral society,” Waggoner added.

What is the current law?

Abortion is fully banned in 14 states, according to data collected by Planned Parenthood Action Fund. Currently, all total abortion bans on the state level include exceptions for cases of preserving the life of the mother.

Additionally, 11 other states have varying levels of restrictions ranging from six-week bans, as in Georgia, to 20-week bans, as in Iowa.

The six-week ban signed by DeSantis and referenced by Trump during his NBC interview is currently blocked. Current active Florida law bans abortion after 15 weeks.

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  1. “I do wish thou were a dog, that I might love thee something.”

    Again, all of us who know this road apple agree: In the end, Trump will betray everyone.
    We got our SCOTUS Judges. He’s fired!

  2. If Trump loves this country as much as he claims to – he will quit the race. By doing so he will give the other GOOD candidates a chance to step forward and state their cases. Yes, the left and their many friends in the ‘media’ will have their victory, but methinks that theirs will soon prove to be a pyhrric (sp?) victory, and without their favorite target they will soon be left adrift. Who is on the other side? Biden, Newsom, Harris? Laughable all three.

    Biden v. Trump – Shirley we can do better than that.

    Can’t we?

  3. We saw the impact of the Roe reversal very clearly in the last election. It was devastating for Republicans and conservatives, which is the only party to represent real moral values as the DEMs have turned communist on all levels. The reality is that most people no longer go to church, believe in God, or have any moral positions based on their religious beliefs.They are secularists. Only a small part of the population is religious. They are not enough to carry an election. The reality is, without the basic consideration of the woman to be able have an abortion for rape, incest or to save her life ( which the vast majority of the population supports) , most secularists, catholic or not, will not vote for Republicans for any reason. In that refusal, all other good that republicans could accomplish if in office, is flushed down the toilet. Period. This does not mean we need accept abortion past 12 weeks. Certainly not in the third trimester unless to save the mother. The truth is, this is not 1940 and the political right no longer has the luxury of treating this as a blanket issue. Sadly, so many women have been so thoroughly propagandized on this issue that it has become their SOLE voting issue. They will vote pro-abortion candidates even if they are 70 years old and have no daughters. We cannot turn back the clock. And soon, if DEMs prevail again, the issue will NEVER be brought back to even moderate control. New issues like trans ideology and sexual grooming of our kids have been suddenly and dramatically instituted in school as we have seen. This will be even more commonplace. We no longer have the luxury of demanding the whole loaf on abortion, the support isnt there, and having a tantrum if we do not get it only hurts us more. Lets take the half a loaf we CAN win, and move on from there.Trump is speaking the truth, even if many do not like it. He is pragmatic enough to understand you need to get the best deal you can, instead of insisting on the deal your opponent will never agree to. A few more DEM sweeps and the country will be destroyed forever. This is the one issue which gives these loathsome leftists power. A small and reasonable compromise is the only way to take their power away. Yes, we will still lose some babies. Think rather of the babies we can SAVE if conservatives were in power.

    • The fact that DeSantis signed the bill at 10:45p on a Thursday night in a private ceremony with only a few attendees.
      This does not sound a big political victory DeSantis etc al are proud of and can use their his (their) advantage.
      I think by focusing strictly on the battle of abortion (laws) without addressing the underlying fornication/divorce/family breakdown culture that feeds into it, a major tactic to end it the practice has been neglected.
      We do not live in a pro-life world at all, but a strongly pornified one.

      • “…underlying fornication/divorce/family breakdown culture” If you think THESE are the reasons women seek abortion you should go back to an institution if learning and EDUCATE yourselves.

        What about 50 years of wage stagnation? A minimum wage that is frozen at $7.25/hour? Income inequality? Inflation? Lack of affordable housing, health care, child care? What about the lack of parental leave for new parents regardless of whether the child is biological or adopted? I can keep going with all of the issues that contribute to abortion but you’re probably so stubborn and brainwashed by hateful right-wing media that you will never listen or even take the time to consider what REAL PROBLEMS are.

        People like you never want to acknowledge real problems or offer any kind of meaningful help to fix the problems.

        You just want to be a judgey b-word sitting on your high horse pretending you are God.

        • Kay, European nations that have adopted nationalized healthcare, state supported childcare, & parental leave policies still have feticides committed. Not just committed but paid for by their taxpayers.
          Family breakdown really is an important factor here. Mrs. Hess is correct in that. And as Christians we shouldn’t assume the worst in others or what sort of media they may listen to.

        • Well and courageously said, Kay, but maybe too accusing? It gets even worse…

          Wage STAGFLATION applies to everyone except for Bill Gates and George Soros, both, and is linked to bogus paper money policy underwriting a national debt of now $31 Trillion. The minimum wage in most places is a scandal, and yet the economy is turning into a carnival of cheap-consumption jobs, e.g., drive-through junk food to match drive-by shootings.

          Affordable HOUSING? This went out the window when, in the 1970s, banks were allowed to consider both family incomes as a credit toward home loans. Whether they want to, or not, both spouses need to work to afford a hovel, and yes, then there’s the high cost cottage industry of day care. Predictably, market costs ramped up to absorb the new MORTAGE money. Economic theory (more theory!) calls this “rent seeking”–the same sort of thing as has turned a generation of students into indentured servants beholden to educational/banking industry complicity. Universities become the largest day care facilities in the country, equipped with “safe spaces” for 30-year-old adolescents, while campuses gotta keep place with the Joneses in terms of new buildings larded up with ever more administrative layering!

          HEALTH costs? Everybody is awash in the pharmaceutical-administrative complex, ever since the feds retooled “doctors” and “patients” as health care “providers” and health care “consumers.” Yours truly got a hip replacement some years ago–the insurance bill was something like $45,000 while the doctor, himself, was capped at $1,200. Go figure.

          Somewhere in this tale of woe is the embedded (literally?) belief in instant gratification, that there is no ACCOUNTABILITY, that long-term considerations are eclipsed by short-term fixes (not only in illicit drug victimization), that even marriage, for example, is no different than a test drive from a used car lot.

          Somewhere at the bottom of the mix is the breakdown of the FAMILY, aided and abetted by the Great Society handout-approach inaugurated in the late 1960s. Heard at the time: “when I get outa school I want to have a baby and go on welfare!” CHILDREN have a right to a stable home…most of family poverty is linked to single-parent families, and probably half of children now are born out of wedlock (a quaint term). I hear tell that 30% of women are into porn, so the ratio for men must be 60%. Another big industry duly recorded in the GNP.
          POLITICS: “all politics is downstream of culture.” And Marriage? Redefined! Butt, me thinks that the collapse of human CULTURE is what commenter-mrshess had in mind with her too-brief comment. So, why not hold an omnibus town hall meeting? Call it a synod!…

          Possibly another exercise in currency devaluation (of the Church), or grade inflation (the “clericalization of the laity”), or whatever. Everything that the cat drags in, except some clear notion and commitment to (what’s that thingy called again, oh yes) the NATURAL LAW? As in the Commandments (the 6th and 9th, and also wage stagflation against the 7th) and Veritatis Splendor…

          Too bad about human grief on the ground (the circular crises raised by you and mrshess)—as useful think tanks, Catholic academia abdicated half century ago when they signed the Land O’ Lakes Declaration of ivory-tower autonomy.

          So, now, nature abhors a vacuum, and the Aztec culture steps in, in dress whites and a necktie! The desperate and very direct killing of the unborn universe within. Galileo was ahead of his time. From both the telescope and now the ultrasound: “eppur si muove”—nevertheless, it moves.

        • Yes, I fully affirm that “…you should go back to an institution if learning and educate yourselves [sic]. ” Too bad we have no way of knowing if an institution is learning….

          • I can tell you where you should go. But I promise you won’t like it, especially because deep down inside you know I am entirely right.

      • You appear to be missing my point. If you are starving and being offered half a loaf, would you refuse it because you can’t have the entire loaf?? This has been the pro-life movement’s position for a very long time and has gotten us nowhere. As people have become more secular in belief, we have lost ground and support. Its time to take back whatever ground we can by making some concessions which are undoubtedly painful. It is however, better than letting the DEMs rule the country and allowing third trimester abortions for any reason at all, and lately, even giving the OK to infanticide. Get it?

    • You would never write like this about slavery. Are you from the USCCB? Except for Bishop Strickland, our Bishops in Texas talk like you as they lobby in Austin. They brow beat against pro-life abolition for decades, petting their RINO friends with weak calls for incremental compromise. DC still listens to this fake compromise talk. Nothing ever gets done. Your call for compromise is a canard. Pro-life groups that have have made real progress ignore your fake political wisdom.

      For instance, see what uncompromising pro-life leaders in Texas have accomplished since they stopped listening to RINOs in 1999 when Governor Bush left for DC. Actual incremental laws got signed. Even our trigger law that enacted abolition took effect with Dobbs.

      Regarding Trump, those of us in the room last time know he is a narcissistic chameleon. We held him accountable and got our judges. No one really believed he would be faithful to anyone about anything if he got his second term.

      Time to try our luck with the next knucklehead nominee.

    • Mr. Trump is being pragmatic. If we hope to win an election we should be pragmatic too.
      I personally would prefer both Trump & Biden step aside to spend some time with their grandchildren & allow younger candidates to run but if Donald Trump becomes the GOP candidate again I’ll vote for him.
      Just from the little I know, I don’t believe that medically speaking there’s actually any occasion to commit feticide to save the mother’s life. A premature delivery, yes. That’s not a direct killing of the child though.
      And the smaller part of our population that’s religious is actually the only segment growing demographically. The rest of the US is headed on a greying, shrinking path. Of course that will take some time but things may look very different in the future.

      • Thank you for a voice of clarity and reason. Better to present a proposal that is more likely to pass than to take the “moral high ground” and insist on a total ban,certain not to pass. So here we see examples of the Right’s version of virtue signaling. It looks great, but is nearly certain to be rejected by most voters… But if you really want to see Divine Retributions fall on America, don’t expect to escape.

        • That’s a part of the problem isn’t it? It’s not only the woke who engage in virtue signaling. We’re all susceptible to that.
          In a perfect world we’d have political candidates that were perfectly virtuous in every way. But that’s not how things work in the fallen world & certainly not how the political world operates. I’ll take what I can get on the ballot if it moves us even a little closer to our goals.

      • Trump “pragmatic”??? Manical lying that influence our children and the uninformed. Trump has a mental disorder and must be removed from running. Biden? NO! WHO then?

        • That is a silly, unbalance comment. Trump is extremely pragmatic and gets things done. With his supreme court victories he has given the pro-baby movement the biggest victory in decades. He did this in spite of an all-out leftist attack from day one of his presidency. No lie or deception was too low for democrats. On his worse day he is ten times better than any of the lefties on their best day. day

      • Just to note—
        An ectopic pregnancy where the fallopian tube ruptures can endanger the mother’s life—I do know of one pregnancy where the baby’s full gestation was remarkably inside the mother’s abdominal cavity and was delivered full term by laparotomy. Remarkable!

    • LJ – Excellent job of stating the problem, i.e., the energy the Dems get from (mostly) women voters on this issue is enormous. However, the compromise is so difficult. I always think of the story about the excellent brownies that only has one teaspoon of dog poop in them.

    • Frankly, I would prefer that the federal government stay out of the abortion controversy completely. Let the matter rest with the several states, as it did prior to Roe v Wade. Those of us who believe in the sanctity of life can exercise our belief with our actions and our votes. Where I disagree with Trump, in essence, is the idea that the federal government should intervene in this matter at all. That intervention rately results in anything good, so those who desire it had better think twice, because what you allow the federal government to bestow, the federal government can take away.
      We will achieve more and more lasting results by winning hearts and minds, as we did during the Roe era. You can disagree, certainly, but my “credentials” in this matter will bear scrutiny.

  4. Catholics should never miss an opportunity to bash Trump. Now Catholics can be free to once again support the fully pro abortion Biden. I’m beginning to think that Catholics are either idiots, insane or in league with Satan. And I dont rule out the possibility that all three could co-exist. LET’S GO, BRANDON! FOUR MORE YEARS!
    I had a friend who once remarked” I feel like I’ve been parachuted into a Fellini movie.”

  5. Trump isn’t trying to win over Democrats, he’s attacking DeSantis politically and trying to destroy him as a candidate.

    Trump is for Trump. He will stop at nothing to get the power and control he wants, even if he’s blinded to his own self-destruction.

    We need to support a candidate who can serve more than one term. Trump’s heyday is in the rear view mirror.

  6. At this point (although it’s still early days), I don’t think anyone can beat Pres. Biden except Donald Trump. I think we need to be wise and vote for a candidate who not only supports (or at least doesn’t disparage) righteous issues, but also one who is most likely to win–even if they don’t check ALL the “Christian boxes.” So far, none of the Republican candidates except Pres. Trump have any realistic hope of actually being elected. They will lose by a landslide (and the media will rejoice!) and this will make it even more difficult for Christians to live in the U.S. as the liberals will dance in the streets while abhorrent laws will become the norm in our country and most of our taxes will be used to fund projects like climate change and LGBTQ rights, as well as the dismantling of our public schools which will become indoctrination centers rather than places to learn the Three Rs (reading, writing, and ‘rithmetic!). While in office, Pres. Trump did great things for pro-life and other Christian causes, and in his private life, he has demonstrated a willingness to get involved with organizations and charities that help regular people to have a better life and income (which makes it easier to have and raise children). I know that there is controversy about the COVID vaccines, but many of us (I am a medical technologist who recently retired after 41 years of working in hospital microbiology labs) are grateful that Pres. Trump cleared all the usual regulations, red-tape, and bureaucratic hurdles for getting a COVID vaccine out there fast (usually vaccines take decades to develop because of the red tape). I only wish the vaccine could have been available BEFORE my beloved husband contracted COVID and died of it at age 62 after a month in the hospital. We need to get behind who is electable, and none of the other Republican or Independent candidates have a chance (or even a prayer) of winning. We have to weigh the cost of 4 more years of Pres. Biden, or even worse–his resigning from the Presidency for health reasons (or tragically dying while in office), and the awful, unthinkable, hideous assent of the incompetent VP Kamala Harris to the Presidency!!!!

  7. There isn’t any doubt that I would vote for a stronger pro-life candidate than former President Trump. It looks like there is at least one of those so far.

    Only an honest demonstration that Trump had changed his mind concerning this would change mine.

    Imagine if a person advocated for a “law” that would outlaw murder – except if it occurred indoors. Who would support such an unjust “law?” This is why anything short of a total ban on abortion is indefensible.

    Incrementalism or the idea that the banning of abortion is politically “necessarily” a slow process of shrinking the time period during which an abortion is permitted is two-faced treachery.

    There is never any excuse for a politician failing to stand up to injustice. Abortion must be prosecuted as murder at any point in a pregnancy.

  8. Were there any exceptions that would have been acceptable rather than the total and complete abolition of American slavery? No. Of course not. Why was that the case? Because no human being can ever be legitimately bought, owned and sold as though they were merely property. Period. No exceptions.

    In the same way it is never legitimate for an innocent human being to be lethally disposed of as though they were merely property. Period. No exceptions.

    Bigotry made slavery possible as it makes “legal” child killing possible. Racism persisted long after American slavery was completely abolished.

    Bigotry that victimizes the innocent child in the womb will persist long after American law (in accordance with the verdicts of the Nuremberg trials) officially recognizes that the state has no authority whatsoever to legalize taking the lives of innocent humanity.

    Lincoln, who was far from being a flaming Abolitionist, was nonetheless used by God to bring about the abolition of slavery — no exceptions.

    Pray that Trump, who is far from being a Fr. Pavone, will be used by God to bring about the abolition of “legal” murder — no exceptions.

    • Well the British managed to abolish slavery without a drop of blood being shed & certainly without over 600K lives being destroyed in a terrible war. But they did require a mandatory, extended period of indenture/apprenticeship for the ex-slaves following abolition. Which if you consider it, was not really fair or just, especially as the slaves, unlike their owners, did not receive any monetary reimbursement from the UK govt. But it was a compromise that saved the colonial economies from imploding & further hardship created. Had Haiti done the same thing, as Toussaint Louverture suggested, we might not be seeing the kind of disaster going on there today.

      Abolishing a non-negotiable moral stain like feticide or slavery is absolutely a worthy goal but sometimes it’s accomplished more incrementally, not overnight.

  9. There you are Catholic folks for suspending your compasses to assess his moral standing and leadership fitness when you voted for this guy simply based on the single issue of abortion.

    • Pres. Trump delivered on that single issue, thank you. As well as a long list of other accomplishments in office. How soon we forget.
      A public servant’s private life is just that-his own business. Whether he’s a president or a trash collector, I just care about him keeping his campaign promises & representing his constituents.
      If his behavior crosses a line & makes him ineligible to run for office, well we just find someone else. It’s that simple.
      GOP establishment politicians have played us for half a century using “Prolife” as a sure way to get votes & seats of honor at banquets. But delivering nothing.

  10. I’m intending to do a write-in vote for Pope Francis and encourage everyone to do the same. If he’s elected, he then can put America on the right course.

      • I’m serious. After all, the Roman Pontiff seems to have his finger on the pulse of all that’s wrong with America. Four years on the job and Francis will have straightened out all that is wrong with America. He will also be in a better position as President of the USA and leader of the free world to bring about peaceful harmony among all nations and an end to all war. His expertise in matters of finance should certainly help our ailing economy. And once and for all, we as a country will be able to rid ourselves of fossil fuels.

    • Great idea!
      Make America Franciscan Again – MAFA..? Guaranteed to win back San Antonio and California…
      And of course, being actually Franciscan (or anything) is not required for political success.
      We should synodal about this idea…

  11. The all or nothing vs. the incremental approach has been debated since Roe V. Wade.
    We now have 14 states prohibiting abortion. We have that because of one person – Trump. It would be great if abortion was totally prohibited, but even the judges that voted for Dobbs have said that the 14th amendment does not apply to the unborn. It was only a little over a year ago that all the pro-life groups were praising Trump for the judges that gave us Dobbs. A number of national groups have said that candidates should be for a national 15 week ban on abortions. I have read that 95 % of abortions are done by the 15th week, so I don’t see that as such a great position.
    Trump has a record on delivering on moral issues such as abortion, no transgenders in the military, etc. As a president he was exceptional for doing what he said he would do.
    Looking at things today, the only way for Trump not to be the nominee, and for one of the other single digits candidates to be the nominee is for Trump to no longer be alive.
    Politics has been called the art of the possible. I would love to see a total ban on abortions. That is what we should hope and pray for. In the meantime, barring further information, I would go with someone who has a record like no other recent or current republican on delivering on the moral issues.

    • I think Crusader that some prolife folks would rather sit on their hands waiting for a 100% perfect candidate to come along than to make any practical decision for change.
      No candidate will check off all the boxes.
      Overturning Rowe has allowed the state I live in to completely ban feticides. Every single clinic is now closed. The only reason our state is completely free of legally enshrined feticide is Donald Trump’s presidency.

      • Ironically, our State, Michigan, is the opposite. Because of Dobbs, we got Proposal 3. The unborn had some protections; there were some regulations. Not great, but at least a bit.

        Now? Hmm, well, it is a little early to tell, but the pre-election analysis was that Prop 3 would strip any and all protections/regulations on abortion. And not just for the unborn, but for those who are put on the gender reassignment pathway.
        The pro-abortion side did not get abortion all at once. They started with contraception for the married. Then the unmarried. Then sterilization, then abortions here and there, then Roe, then IVF and pregnancy/surrogacy etc.
        We are not by any means a pro-life society anymore, not even close. It is doubtful Christianity (as it is practiced) is pro-life.

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