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A new season of The Chosen is coming soon

The first episode of Season Four of The Chosen will be released theatrically on January 17, 2024, in Los Angeles.

A scene from "The Chosen" (Image courtesy of "The Chosen" and Mike Kubeisy)

If you enjoyed the first three seasons of  the docu-drama The Chosen, chances are you’re eagerly awaiting the release of Season Four. Cast members are excited for the next season, as well.

And, apparently, you won’t have to wait much longer. Studio executives met with reporters last week, sharing news about the successful worldwide distribution efforts, about the roll out of the upcoming season, and about other projects which are currently in development.

Katherine Warnock, The Chosen‘s vice president of original content, is proud of the studio’s many successes, including registration for the weekend’s Chosen Insiders Conference, called ChosenCon, which invited fans to spend the whole weekend with the cast and crew, either in person or from the comfort of their own couch. Registration for the in-person ChosenCon event on October 14-15, dubbed “the ultimate backstage pass,” reached full capacity of 3,500 in only 36 hours. “Our hope will be to carry this on for many years to come,” Warnock reported, adding that several thousand others would participate in ChosenCon virtually.

Warnock also revealed that The Chosen will be releasing a Christmas film in theaters on December 12th. The film combines two earlier projects: The Messengers (the story of the angels who appeared to Mary and to Joseph) and The Shepherd, a dramatic short film about the birth of Jesus. It will incorporate seven different musical acts, including beloved tenor Andrea Bocelli’s presentation of “O Holy Night” in French and other presentations by Bocelli with his son Mateo. Ticket sales for the new Christmas film will go on sale November 20th.

As for the popular series The Chosen, Season Three recently launched in theaters in Brazil, drawing high numbers and widespread acclaim. Warnock predicted that, following the highly successful premiere in Brazil, they could expect their release of Season Four to be just as popular.

And Season Three, already available on some streaming services, has just launched on Amazon Prime, further boosting its sizable audience.

The first episode of Season Four of The Chosen will be released theatrically on January 17, 2024, in Los Angeles, and will then open to audiences in theatrical premieres in the U.K., Poland, Miami, and Brazil. Warnock added that the decision to release the opening episodes in theaters was actually made by the fans themselves. “Our fans,” Warnock said, “really loved the experience last year of being able to go and watch episodes in theaters. We felt like we wanted to give fans even more of that experience.”

And it’s not only the fans who are enthusiastic about The Chosen. Katherine Warnock reported that many of their cast are not Christians, but that they are taking this historic show seriously. For example, Nick Shakoour–who plays Zebedee, father of James and John, in the series–revealed recently that he’d converted to Christianity. He had grown up in a Christian environment, he told Michael Foust of Christian Headlines, but had never experienced a personal conversion. Then, on the set of The Chosen, he was influenced by the “behind-the-scenes people who are Believers” and by their friends. Through them, Shakoour began to seek out God. In September 2022, Shakoour was invited to a church conference where he experienced the presence of God in a new way.

The series’ construction workers, too, have been influenced in a positive way by the gospel story. Nick Shakoour shared a behind-the-scenes story: The construction team, he reported, had written Bible verses on the walls of the sets before they painted them. Perhaps not surprisingly, the first Chosen home in which they wrote Bible verses was that of Zebedee himself. Shakoour reported that the crew had gathered in prayer for one of the actors to receive the Holy Spirit, so that he might become the seed that would spread the gospel. “It’s been one mind-blowing thing after the next,” Shakoour said, “with what’s been happening in and outside of the show.”

What’s the status of Season Four at this time? Mark Sourian, president of production, told the reporters gathered via Zoom that series creator Dallas Jenkins couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming season. “He’s deep into editing,” Sourian said, “He’s really hard on himself! He’s got this look on his face like he’s got something really special.”

This season marks a turning point, according to Sourian. In the first season, Jesus and his disciples faced obstacles, real challenges. There were enemies which they had to confront, and these enemies came from a world that was alien to the disciples. But as the season progressed, it was critical to Dallas that the production achieve a balance: maintaining the sense of the spectacular while at the same time protecting the sense of intimacy of the characters.

Energized by their past successes, the team plans to begin filming Season Five in the spring of 2024. Like Season Four, which will be offered in theaters through the month of February and into March, the entire fifth season will be featured first on the big screen, then later made available for viewing on the Chosen app and through multiple streaming services.

Their goal as they continue to create seven seasons of content, team members said, is to be one of the most-watched television shows ever. They also aspire to be the most translated show, with more than 50 dubbed translations available at this point. And, of course, the most important goal of their content is to introduce people to Jesus, and to draw them closer to him.

• Watch trailer for Season 4 of The Chosen:

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About Kathy Schiffer 43 Articles
Kathy Schiffer has written for the National Catholic Register, Aleteia, Zenit, the Michigan Catholic, Legatus Magazine, and other Catholic publications. She’s worked for Catholic and other Christian ministries since 1988, as radio producer, director of special events and media relations coordinator. Kathy and her husband, Deacon Jerry Schiffer, have three adult children.


  1. My wife and I love the Chosen, even though it includes some scenes that are painful to watch. I cringe every time they talk about the Nativity of Jesus. While I love how they portray the humanity and Divinity of Jesus, they go too far when it comes to his birth. Portraying Mary screaming in labor pain. Ample evidence is available that shows that Mary did not deliver Jesus in post-fallen fashion. His birth can be likened more to light passing through glass. Furthermore, if man had not sinned, then all human birth would have occurred in the same way as Jesus. What I’m happy about, though, is they do help to emphasis the intercessory role of Mary with her Son.

  2. Is God using the show as a means of awakening souls based on the vast amounts of touching comments on ‘The Chosens’ youtube channel?

    I have been ATHEIST for 30+ years & am now with Christ. I never thought it possible!
    2nd time watching & I have started reading my bible again.. It’s like I hunger to read the Word…….I love this series; it’s ABSOLUTELY amazing. I’m gonna use this to spread the gospel. GREAT JOB!….. The show has been healing & impactful for me & I’m not really one to join things, but I joined a Chosen bible study at the local church. Others in the group have mentioned the same things.

    This is making me read the Bible with understanding of the old testament. I am eager every day to read the bible. This show helps me to have a better understanding. Thank you for this show from above, it heals me…..All of these series had me cried over times. Thanks Holy Spirit for touching & cleansing my heart.

    Love this show & is an eye opener & have motivated me in my journey. I keep weeping but my tears are tears of joy & gratitude. Thank you Jesus for all that you are & all you have given us. Truly He Is The Son Of God….. I’m now a believer & in tears. God bless ya’ll! I adore The Chosen. Thank you for sharing this with the world……Oh my God!Thank you for making this video! I owe you lot! I love it. It shows the human side of all. Amen.

    I came into this show very skeptical. Thinking it would not be good or worse veer away from the scripture to tell its story. I’m pleasantly surprised. It’s lot & writing are great. It’s depiction of Jesus is also refreshing…… This show is fantastic! Jesus is awesome he Loves us. I want to thank you my Lord & thank everyone who helped to pay-it-forward so my son & daughters can watch it…..Cast is brilliant. Direction is absolutely amazing. You can tell the gospel is understood the Holy Spirit took over me every episode this season.

    I loved this absolutely & when the boat was filled: tears did flow from my eyes, I’ve never cried watching a movie in my life I’m 59 years old !….I can’t stop crying for the love and kindness of our Lord and Savior. I so which I can make Him proud like the children did and speak boldly and proudly about Him…….It gives me goosebumps; literally I cry at many scenes. The suspense & the details; thank you for helping me see the bible I’m reading now!

  3. The CHOSEN Series has emboldened me to be a better wittness of JESUS CHRIST more than my whole life, & I’m 81!😇

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  1. Angel Studios offers new season of The Chosen; new content on the big screen – Via Nova

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