Welcome to the Church of Perpetual Change and Confusion

An argument could be made that “change” has been the word of Synod 2021-2024 so far. That is both disappointing and expected.

Synodal artwork 2021-2023 (Image: Synod.va Instagram); Prelates at 2018 Synod (Image: CNA)

I recently was on the road for a while and went to Mass at a parish (in another state) that I’d never been to before. The small church was quite lovely, the liturgy quite reverent, and the homily quite horrible.

There were several reasons for the latter, but foremost was the strange description of the (then) upcoming Synodal gathering in Rome. In sum: the month-long event in Rome, was about “change,” said the priest. To wit: might the Church change her teachings about women being priests? And would the Church change how she sees and understand LGBT+ individuals?

The priest put forward the questions, but without any background or context. And he certainly didn’t mention that Pope Francis has already, with somewhat rare clarity, emphatically dismissed the possibility of women being priests, as well as the possibility of “gay marriage” in the Church.

Two words came to mind: “change” and “confusion.”

An argument could be made that “change” has been the word of Synod 2021-2024 so far. There is constant talk of structural change, of processes that will result in change, and of necessary (if almost always hazy) changes that will and should and must take place.

The fixation on change has provided some humorous moments, as when one writer for a “Catholic” publication explained, a few months ago, how the “change of venue, seating (and bathrooms)” during the October meeting on meetings in Rome might possibly suggest how “symbolic changes now lead to substantive ones, as well.”

More substantially, some of the Synodal leaders have indicated their support for a change in the Church’s teaching (surprise!) about matters moral and sexual. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich of Luxembourg, in early 2022 said he thought Pope Francis might change Church teaching about homosexuality: “I think it is time for a fundamental revision of the doctrine.” Then, in August 2022, he changed his call for change, saying the Church must change her “attitude,” not her doctrine. Perhaps he should change his name to Cardinal Jean-Claude Change? If these are the folks leading the charg—er, change, all bets are off.

See what I mean about change and confusion?

Just this week, it was reported that the “next stage of the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality opened Wednesday with a call to focus on authority, decentralization, the co-responsibility of the laity, and concrete changes to the institutional Church.” How’s that for a non-change?

And, in the midst of that, Pope Francis gave a lengthy interview in which he emphatically stated:

Since the Second Vatican Council, John XXIII had a very clear perception: the Church has to change. Paul VI agreed, just like the succeeding Popes. It’s not just changing ways, it’s about a change of growth, in favor of the dignity of people. That’s theological progression, of moral theology and all the ecclesiastical sciences, even in the interpretation of Scriptures that have progressed according to the feelings of the Church.

That particular interview was published the same day that Pope Francis had a nearly hour-long meeting with the controversial—that is, censured and repeatedly reprimanded by Rome and the USSCB—Sister Jeannine Gramick of New Ways Ministry. Gramick, whose disdain for Church teaching about homosexuality (as well as for Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI) is well-documented, stated: “I think Pope Francis is trying to get us to move forward, to open our eyes and look to the future and to the changes in the world…”

There’s that word again. Along with the requisite confusion: What was being discussed? Why did Francis meet so long with someone who dissents from Church teaching? Why was pro-LGBT+ propagandist and guru-of-gayness James Martin, SJ, tagging along?

Yes, it’s a silly question: we all know that Martin has openly called for the Church to—wait for it—change what the Catechism says about homosexual tendencies (“objectively disordered,” CCC 2256) and homosexual acts (“acts of grave depravity,” CCC 2257). And this after swooning over the “revolutionary change” in language used in the 2014 Synod about “gay people”.

Again, more about “change”—and more confusion.

To be clear: I am not anti-change. Change can be good. It can be bad. It can be neutral. I am, however, pro-“explain in clear terms what you want to change and why.” When I hear brainless calls for “change”—from politicians, movie stars, theologians, and sportscasters—I always ask: “Can you be specific? And change to what end?”

Alas, specifics and ultimate goals have not been a strong suit of this entire synodal process, unless you think “synodal process” is specific and “synodal process” is the goal. In which case, you can simply mumble: “The synodal process is about change, bringing about more synodal processes.”

And, really, isn’t that the point for so many of the key synodalites? To create a state of flux that calls into question what has been clear and established for millennia, while trying to concretize “processes” that are as ambiguous as they are absolute?

We are told that one goal of synodality is “mission.” But isn’t it more than a bit strange how so many synodalites squirm and scream “prosyltyization!” at almost any attempt to explain, promote, or defend Church teaching? And then have no qualms about enforcing top-to-bottom changes in the name of synodality?

It’s almost as if they have far more interest in changing the externals of the Church than they are in seeing changed lives and saved souls.

Or, as I put it in a recent tweet: “Show me someone who goes on and on about the Synod ‘changing the Church’ and I’ll show you someone who doesn’t give a damn about metanoia.”

Everything that I have read in the past two weeks about talks and presentations in Rome has been about changing structures, institutions, processes, balances of power, perceptions, positions, etc.

To be clear, I think those things—in general—can be either good or bad, depending on a variety of factors. But they are not essential to mission; they are not essential to Who the Church is; they are not essential to being a disciple of Christ.

But repentance is. For each and every one of us. “Repent,” declared Jesus at the start of his public ministry, “for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt 4:17).

The Greek for “Repent” is Μετανοεῖτε. Metanoia, wrote Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger in Credo for Today (Ignatius Press, 2009), is “the fundamental datum of Christian existence.” Dr. John Grondelski, in a recent CWR essay, unpacked this vital truth in this way:

Catholicism takes the human person as he is: broken by sin and in need in redemption. The Church truly welcomes him by calling him to healing, which demands conversion. Conversion first of all involves repentance, because people’s fundamental problem is their enslavement to sin and evil. The word used in the New Testament for “conversion” and “repentance” is metanoiete (from which comes the Anglicized “metanoia”). Metanoiete literally means “to change one’s mind,” “to change one’s way of thinking.”

The biblical call to conversion is not, therefore, a celebration of “thinking in a different way.” St. Paul didn’t call on the first Christians in Philippi to be “thinking in a different way.” He called on them to put on the mind of Christ (Phil 2:5). That is the way of thinking to which we are to be “converted.” As St. Paul told the Christians in Rome: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rom 12:2).

Change! And conversion. But not confusion.

In the meantime, the Synod (or at least this part of it) continues. Processes abound. Expect much more talk about change—and not so much about authentic conversion to Christ and His teachings.

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About Carl E. Olson 1247 Articles
Carl E. Olson is editor of Catholic World Report and Ignatius Insight. He is the author of Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?, Will Catholics Be "Left Behind"?, co-editor/contributor to Called To Be the Children of God, co-author of The Da Vinci Hoax (Ignatius), and author of the "Catholicism" and "Priest Prophet King" Study Guides for Bishop Robert Barron/Word on Fire. His recent books on Lent and Advent—Praying the Our Father in Lent (2021) and Prepare the Way of the Lord (2021)—are published by Catholic Truth Society. He is also a contributor to "Our Sunday Visitor" newspaper, "The Catholic Answer" magazine, "The Imaginative Conservative", "The Catholic Herald", "National Catholic Register", "Chronicles", and other publications. Follow him on Twitter @carleolson.


  1. “Take care, brothers & sisters, that there is not in any one of your community a wicked mind, so unbelieving as to turn away from The Living God. Every day, as long as this era lasts, keep encouraging one another so that none of you is hardened by the lure of sin, because we shall remain co-heirs with Christ only if we keep a grasp on our first confidence right to the end.” Hebrews 3:12-14

    No trace of confusion in this clear Apostolic instruction for us to avoid sin and stay constant to our Commander’s instructions so as to inherit eternal joy with Him.

  2. I think you captured the angst of many of us. I am catechist and director of our RCIA/OCIA. I am printing the quote of Fr. Grondelski and will reference it as necessary . He captures the mission of the Church well. It is concise and elaborates a little more the the “Church exists to make saints.” I am confused by the rhetoric and real purpose of this synod. My experience is most of the remaining faithful are also confused. My reaction is to pay it very little attention. Progressive parishes will move that way. Faithful parishes will not. The pope said early in his reign he was going to make a ‘mess’. Here we are.

    • And Synodaling affirms: God has His truth. I have my truth. You have your truth. Others have their truth. And we can all be happy. Negativity is so backwardist. So yesterday. As Papa Francis says, “The Church must no longer be a Church of No”!!!

  3. Thanks…great thought…truly the banner over this papacy is: “make a mess” & that is very true…
    The good news? This might be the last Jesuit to be elected to the see of Peter…

  4. Love the theme song of Synodaling – “Don’t go changing, to try to please me…” It’s all such fun for the papal guests!
    Fr. James plays the piano. Cardinal Hollerich dances, while Cardinal Grech grins. Sing it Pope F! 🎹🎼

    “I don’t want clever conversation
    I never want to work that hard
    I just want someone that I can talk to
    I want you just the way you are.”

  5. I have to say, I am far less concerned about the chaos that is being generated by this synod than I would have been if CWR and other sources weren’t around to catalog the insanity.

    Thanks to Mr. Olson and his contributors, we saw this clown show coming a long way off.

    As it is, I am mostly just amazed and amused that these ‘catholique’ subversives actually think that their opinions matter more than the faith handed down to us by the Apostles.

    Speaking of amusement, did you all see the Babylon Bee’s article yesterday about Bergoglio glueing himself to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel to protest global warming?

    I would suggest that that’s exactly the kind of lilting, bemused, offhanded response that this papacy deserves.

    • Topping that Babylon Bee image is Bergoglio glued to the loftiest layer of hell, arguing that he was right about global warming but wrong about its location and duration.

    • You state, ”
      I am not amused. I am upset. I don’t know where our church is going. So many have left and this confusion does not help. A deacon in my church defends any and all of Vatican II. He believes it is wrong to criticize the authors, the church. I don’t. I agree with “these ‘catholique’ subversives actually think that their opinions matter more than the faith handed down to us by the Apostles.”

  6. Nobody seems to understand or to know that the Synod is not Magisterial. Therefore in any case there will not be changes made in the Magisterium.
    Being nice and loving to gays is great, nobody should want anything else. Pope Francis said that we should love them and understand their suffering because they ARE suffering. The SIN is NOT being a homosexual . The SIN is the Homosexual ACT. That will never change in the Magisterium.

    • nice distraction Helena, but not so….blessings for their sins and sinful relationships is changing The Divine Revelation, The Divine Immutable Magisterium, for strange ‘teachings’ (cf Heb 13:8-9a; Mal 3:6). Mercies and miracles!

    • Do you realize that a supposed “failure of legal contraception” was used as an argument FOR abortion? Admittedly, that was in a civil case brought before the Supreme Court.

      As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, once you start giving a ‘wink and a nod’ to sin (communion to the divorced and remarried; giving “blessings” to those living a homosexual life, etc), youre well on your way to dismantling the Magisterium and helping to pave the road to hell for people you’ve been bending over backwards because you “want to be nice.” Unfortunately, for Francis and his Sinod friends, all Catholics aren’t idiots.

      • I stay confused. Growing up and attending a Catholic grammar and high school, I never felt the Mass was too something or the other. The only good thing I felt was allowing the Mass to be said in the local language. But so much was taken away, I don’t feel as if I am attending a Catholic service. It never bothered that at times the priest turned away from the congregation, knowing he was facing the East and knowing why he did that. I just don’t feel the mystery, the awe of what the Mass was. I will be 90 this year so I grew up with the Latin Mass (and better music).

    • Those undermining truth deceive themselves first, then they try to convince others. No needs to be lectured on the obvious. Believing that those who are often upset with what Francis says because they possess a hardness of heart that needs to be informed and corrected might well reflect a willingness to harden their own heart of what is really going on. (nothing personal) A more compassionate-than-thou attitude generally indicates someone who refuses to consider the negative consequences stemming from their desire to feel more sensitive, even when such uncritical sentiment comes from a high prelate. Rewarding bad behavior with false compassion always, not sometimes always, has long term destructive consequences.

    • This isn’t about keeping the gates of hell from prevailing over the Church. It’s about saving souls. They Synod might be completely incapable of destroying the Church, but it’s entirely capable of Scandalizing souls, believers and unbelievers, on a massive, worldwide scale. At this point, even silence on the issues would scandalize.

    • Amanda;

      Your 10/25 8:22 a.m. – Well said. And it’s always a good idea that one occasionally points out that everyone is welcome in Christ’s house, but HE makes the rules, and that is that.

      • I stay amazed at people who demand the Catholic Church make changes so as to incorporate issues that are against what is found in the Bible. That’s asking the church to desist being Catholic.

    • It is difficult to calculate the “suffering” of the most worshiped people within Western culture, nor the suffering they cause to their many victims. And only God knows of what sins might have been committed in the course of habituating homosexuality as a way of life. A problem for Catholics is the seductions of mind and soul that create an exagerated blindness to the evilness involved in the darkening of the homosexual mind so devoted to sex that, as a population group, they are almost unanimously supportive of killing the unborn.

  7. It wouldn’t matter if Holy Mother Church should change all their teachings on these controversial issues to try to satisfy those who are demanding “change.” The Catholic Church could be the most open, welcoming, tolerant, modern, charitable, loving organization in the world–but Satan will find another way to make people hate and reject it because it teaches belief in Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, crucified, died, buried, and risen again, Who offers us forgiveness for our sins and eternal life with Him if we believe in Him. If the Church should open up the doors and welcome practicing homosexuals and even encourage them to marry, Satan will use this as the opportunity to divide the Church. And eventually, another issue will come up, and the Church will cave again, and again will be divided. This has to be stopped NOW. This isn’t just a question of more modern music, eliminating the “veil” and “midnight fasting” requirements, and encouraging Catholics to read and study the Bible outside of Mass–all good things that have helped many Catholics. This is allowing evil to flourish in the Church.

    • Thanks, dear Mrs. Sharon Whitlock: “. allowing evil to flourish in the Church.”

      Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, pandemics, pollution of water, earth & air, biological extinctions, political & economic chaos, explosion of enslavement & people trafficking, burgeoning drug addictions, mindless mass shootings, cruel wars & rumors of more wars, ghastly atrocities, tidal waves of refugees, and the men-of-lies manipulating the Church – ummm . . .

      “THEREFORE, since we have a Great High Priest, who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.” “Let us the approach The Throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find Grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:14 & 16

      God has made provision for us to cope with even the worst of times.

      Soaked in the love of our Saving King, Jesus Christ; blessings from marty

    • Mainline Protestant churches adopted the way of the world long ago, and they’re nearly extinct now. As the Anglican Dean William Ralph Inge observed long ago, “He who marries the spirit of the Age is soon left a widower.”

  8. Carl,

    I think this is an excellent piece.

    The only change we need right now is: the priests, prelates, catechists, and teachers teach the unchangeable moral and theological truths of the Faith with zeal and clarity.

    This metanoia would be borderline miraculous, however.

    Thanks for this article. I pray that others, especially those in education, may take your lead in exposing our need for true conversion through repentance. Unless this “change” of heart transpires, no good fruit can ever be conceived.


    Ave Maria!

  9. The surprises from the Holy Spirit – ‘staunch conservative and major liberal photographed together at the Synod ‘- Cdnl Gerald Muller and Fr.James Martin – https://spiritdaily.org/blog/news/staunch-conservative-and-major-liberal-photographed-together-at-synod
    King David refused to grant a visit to Absalom …could Bathsheba have intervened in the situation , to have brought blessings into her g.children through Solomon, instead of all the heartache and wars ..King David himself suffering in his old age – ? a ‘coldness’ that had first afflicted his heart , with the guilt and shame at the site of Bathsheba …
    Thank God for The Precious Blood, devotion to same given again for our times , to undo much from generational lines too , to undo the death spirits and its manifestations in various realms , to bring true change ..as seen in the ministry of exorcism which too is getting good support from the Holy Father .
    Thank God that we have a Mother of Perpetual Help who knows the source of the New Wine …the call for ‘change ‘, its ‘confusions’ being more as the labor pains for the Divine Will Reign, light of which is also narrated through the Diary of St.Faustina , Flame of Love devotion too , to be more in Oneness with The Lord , who did not fear catching the leprosy or uncleanness in touching dead bodies … the call for The Church too , to ‘go forward ‘, in desiring to bring all unto His holiness and its peace .

    Agree that the seemingly misguided steps in some ministries are to be seen with caution . The discussions at this site and others helping to do just that, to warn the naive – 🙂 and may our Lord and our Mother richly reward the good intentions in all such persons , just as for the intention in the pleading to ‘lead all souls unto heaven’ even when we do not know if all would, yet that in some ‘mysterious ‘ manner the love and glory we owe The Father is going to be there at ever increasing levels perpetually … FIAT !

  10. Carl, i hope you suggested to the priest who said the Mass at the church you visited that he might avail himself of this website for orthodox reading material.

  11. The quick change artists moronically believe that they will bolster collapsing membership and own income supporting coffers with their “come one, come all” membership drive.

    When quite the opposite will happen, as since the Catholic Church basically gqve up on spiritual catechesis, its one and only draw has been that of guardian of original teachings, where seekers after God stood an objective chance of finding on their own how to get in touch with God.

    The quick change artists, by throwing out original teachings, completely destroy the credibility of the Church, turning it into something no different than the world outside its doors, a place with no answers.

    The quick change artists imagine a huge influx of members and money, while this quick change model has been destructive everywhere it has been adopted.

    They follow modern management and political practices that if something doesn’t work, then do that same thing even more, and things will get better.

    The quick change artists and their traditional foes both still forget the one reason seekers come….they want someone to show them the way to find this God. Without this finding, they both are empty and peddling only politics. The traditionalist one advantage is that they seek to preserve the truth, even if many/most of them are blind to it as well.

  12. About Church “leadership” defaulting into the CHANGE thingy, we are reminded of the confusion that prevailed with the collapse of the Roman Empire. Historians write that “Augustine was born into a world the perplexities of which have probably never been exceeded by any period, before or since, in human history.”

    Well, maybe not never. The comment was made in 1940 and today is 2023!

    The writer goes on to explain that of the charlatans, the question then (as today) was “not so much their capacity for thinking as the PRESUPPOSITION which governed their thought.” As in their unquestioned ideologies, ideology being the “prostitution of mind to its own fancies,” what Augustine meant by a term most fitting for today and the “hot-button issues” of synodality: “fastastica fornicatio.”

    Of the discovery of Truth, not its invention, we read: “Ultimately, however, it depended upon an acknowledgement of the claim of the historic Christ to embody in his person a full and final revelation of the divine nature and activity. Accordingly, the promise of the pneuma was to be understood, not as the promise of a power to create a ‘new’ truth [as in ‘change’!] but rather as a gift of insight into truth which was, in fact, AS OLD AS CREATION ITSELF. In this sense, it pointed to what was described as a programme of ‘fulfilment’ for mankind” (Charles Norris Cochrane, “Christianity and Classical Culture,” 1940/1974).

    Take THAT, court jesters, intellectualist prostitutes and ecclesial groomers of “change,” all willing to “question” everything except your own damn presupposition from hell.

    • Wonderfully felt & said, dear Peter D. Beaulieu.

      The Pope Francis clique as contumaciously ‘fantastica fornicatio’ . . .

      May Christ have mercy on us & give them all a Damascus Road encounter.

    • . . . Aw, come now, Mr. Beaulieu, out with it; tell us what aggravates you?! (I shudder considering the fate of the last group you mentioned- as lampooned by your “literary fencer’s sword” -No, by a Pauline-esque “sword of Gospel Truth”! -“Touché”!)
      As I’m well-aware of those who you’re calling “court jesters”, I prayed a Sorrowful Mystery for them tonight after Feast of martyred Pope Evaristus at Traditional Latin Mass. You’d have been inspired there by throngs of young Catholic men singing “Salve Regina”!🎶)
      Truly, thank you for your necessary clarity in the discussion of continued “insight into/discovery of Truth” (“not its invention”) by the Holy Ghost to the Church Fathers. On my drive home now, for all Catholics like us- to have HOPE- and maybe a little JOY?!- I’m praying The Glorious Mysteries to complete my third Holy Rosary (which Marian priest St Louis-Marie de Montfort recommended, daily).
      Peace, love, joy of Christ, Believers. Heaven, eternally awaits.
      P.S. Some Laugh-Out-Loud replies you generated, Mr. “CEO”, Editor Olson. 56 Replies. . . (A record?!) Your thoughts totally resonated within the Body of Christ (albeit hopefully still the Sleeping Giant). Merci tres beaucoup for sharing your theology and wisdom!

  13. At best the direction of the Church toward inclusion absent of the requirement of repentance and conversion may be interpreted as a last ditch effort to convert the wayward. That loving embrace will prevail toward inspiring that end. Pope Francis had mentioned a similar stratagem early on, that lowering the doctrinal barriers would aright itself by God’s eventual intervention.
    Although Francis’ adamant remarks prohibit female clergy, homosexual marriage [in the Church], there’s indication that his views are less than permanent. Much of what is occurring within the universal Synod was forecast by the German Synodal Weg, a process that has been acknowledged to likely include papal collaboration by credentialed Catholics. If His Holiness does indeed hope to convert by loving embrace without prior requirements such as repentance, the chance of those persons remaining in their sins and eventual condemnation is too high a risk. Fallen human nature always seeks the easier option – indications within the Synod are for doctrinal change as noted by editor Olson. The editor’s bottom line is correct.

    • Doctrinal change may be the effort of Synod leaders Hollerich, Grech although in agreement with Olson and a host of others that cannot be done. The simple effect of placing permanent doctrine up for discussion, proposal of errors sends a message to the Church at large that doctrine isn’t permanent. That of itself is sufficient for the new reformers, which is why the cause for perpetual confusion, Synod meandering on faith and morals must be denounced.

    • All one has to do is cast their eyes towards the Episcopalians and United Church of Christ folks to see that inclusion without repentance leads to insanity and the rapid vaporization of parishes. The Holy Spirit withdraws from those communities the moment they ordain women and begin calling evil good. Every church which flies the, “All are Welcome” banner without adding the, “On Christ’s terms” banner is dying or already dead. Many Catholic parishes will suffer the same fate, and many will decay and become filled with cobwebs while ecclesiastical blessings and secular fanfare accompany them to their demolition. It’s called spiritual suicide.

  14. A mapping survey can best locate where this usual diatribe against Pope Francis can be understood and see where this can evolve to if not not checked. Olson here is best viewed together with other CWR, EWTN, National Catholic Register, and other hard right Catholic media stalwarts in this stage that can be considered the “loyal opposition” with its use of trigger codewords to describe the positions of the Pope: ambiguity, confusion, dubious (that’s why it elicits the “dubia” of the antagonistic Cardinals). Generally these pundits still consider and respect Francis as the Pope. The second stage goes beyond this after after simply bashing the Pope then moving into outright disrespect and disloyalty. Examples of these are Bishop Strickand, Father Altman, and Peter Kwasniewski who have crossed the line by calling the Pope with more inflammatory trigger codewords: heretic (all three of them) or satanic (Altman) or illegitimate (Kwasniewski) which makes them hidden or open “sedevacantists.” The third stage which develops from the second is the form taken by Archbishop Lefevbre, the SSPX and their symphatizers that makes them “schismatics” and outright disobedient to the Pope and the magisterium. In this stage they are no longer in full communion with and are outside the Church making them borderline if not full Protestants.

    • “…this usual diatribe against Pope Francis…”

      The focus here is the entire synodal process, as any fair and intelligent reader can see for themselves.

      And I’ve lost count of how many Catholics and non-Catholics have asked me, over the recent years: “What is going on? I’m confused? This pope doesn’t make sense.” These are ordinary folks, not ideologues.

      Speaking for myself and CWR, we have been consistent in raising legitimate questions and making fair criticisms about this pontificate. And backing up said questions and criticisms.

    • Deacon Dom, who are you to judge? All are welcome!

      Speaking for myself and not CWR, I have been inconsistent in raising legitimate questions and making fair criticisms about this pontificate. And I rarely back up said questions and criticisms. That is why Carl and company publish only some of what I spew forth.

      As for this Pope, no need to label me on your map. My concern is that Francis is the Pope.

      • For same, picking on the democrats. I am one and like being a Catholic I try to stay true to what is true and ignore the malarky.

        • I fully understand disgust with all political parties. It’s the affection for one I find childish.

          I view Catholic Democrats as Kosher hams.

    • While you accuse those you accuse of accusing, you fail to note a single one of the hundreds of legitimate concerns worried Catholics have expressed about this pontificate. You apparently believe in the secular notion of a political spectrum in religious thought without explaining how this can possibly exist. Nonetheless, Do you really believe there is such a thing as a Catholic who has nothing better to do than desire to have a what they regard as a badly misguided pontificate? Do you think we think there are not enough problems in a vale of tears world?

  15. J.M.J.

    Let us reaffirm The Charitable Anathema for the sake of Christ, His Church, all who will come to believe, and all those prodigal sons and daughters who, hopefully, will soon return to The One Body Of Christ, outside of which, there is no Salvation, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque).

    “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain. “

    At the heart of Liberty Is Christ, “4For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated, have tasted also the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5Have moreover tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come…”, to not believe that Christ’s Sacrifice On The Cross will lead us to Salvation, but we must desire forgiveness for our sins, and accept Salvational Love, God’s Gift Of Grace And Mercy; believe in The Power And The Glory Of Salvation Love, and rejoice in the fact that No Greater Love Is There Than This, To Desire Salvation For One’s Beloved.
    It has always been about The Marriage, In Heaven and on earth.
    “Blessed are they who are Called to The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.”
    “Hail The Cross; our only Hope.” 🙏💕🌷

    Pray that Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart Will Triumph soon 🙏💕🌷


    “Blessed are they who are Called to The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.”

  16. Dear Mister Carl,

    I’ve been reading you since the old days when you were with Patrick Madrid at his site. Really appreciate your writing. This article, as always, was excellent. Thanks much!

  17. I am astonished that not ONE of the commentors responding to your very excellent piece above even ALLUDES to the remedy given to us Catholics when we are afflicted by the likes of a PF when such a personage comes along, which happens maybe every 900 or so years; and that remedy is DEPOSITION. the errant pope is simply DEPOSED, after a Council is called.Am I wrong? God bless all — RTR

    • Bishop Schneider has a recent article on this topic:

      From Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the Validity of Pope Francis, September 19, 2023:


      Even in the case of a heretical pope he will not lose his office automatically and there is no body within the Church to declare him deposed because of heresy. Such actions would come close to a kind of a heresy of conciliarism or episcopalism. The heresy of conciliarism or episcopalism says basically that there is a body within the Church (Ecumenical Council, Synod, College of Cardinals, College of Bishops), which can issue a legally binding judgment over the Pope.


      The pope cannot commit heresy when he speaks ex cathedra, this is a dogma of faith. In his teaching outside of ex cathedra statements, however, he can commit doctrinal ambiguities, errors and even heresies. And since the pope is not identical with the entire Church, the Church is stronger than a singular erring or heretical Pope. In such a case one should respectfully correct him (avoiding purely human anger and disrespectful language), resist him as one would resist a bad father of a family. Yet, the members of a family cannot declare their evil father deposed from the fatherhood. They can correct him, refuse to obey him, separate themselves from him, but they cannot declare him deposed.

    • No earthly power can depose a Pope. At most (and this itself is controversial) a council could recognize that the Pope had effectively deposed himself by heresy or apostasy.

      Besides, how do you call a council without the Pope’s consent?

      Conciliarism is a heresy, it is not the way out of our woes.

  18. As an African priest, I worry for my church and the little ones whom I initiate into the faith when glaring confusion is becoming the norm. What may I tell them to hold onto?

    • Dear Fr Caesar, as someone who has worked much in Africa & loves the people, I’d say give them affordable copies of The New Testament in the local language(s) and your own SHORT summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

      Teach your sheep always & in all circumstances (no matter how good or bad) to trust & call on King Jesus Christ, The Name Above Every Other Name. Teach them to follow to their best abilities what Jesus has commanded; and, when they fail, to be confident to tell Him and ask for His forgiveness & for strength to do better.

      Teach them to always be listening for Jesus’ still, small, beautiful voice.

      Organize a weekly prayer group where your sheep can share with you, their shepherd, how they are going in seeking to follow Jesus.

      Get them to lay hands on any sick and needy brothers & sisters and to pray with confidence for healing & provision. Get the rich to share from their abundance with those experiencing hard times.

      Teach all that the lowliest, loving servant is the greatest in God’s eyes.

      And: SING Christ’s Praise in every way at every opportunity. Praise & worship songs are God’s front door . . . So many Catholics have forgotten that!

      Ensure no one pays any attention to weak & useless speculations & philosophies and the anti-Apostolic disobedience coming out of the current pope’s fraternity.

      Am sure you are already doing all of that & more; this is just an affirmation from a humble servant of the LORD.

      Ever in the grace & mercy of KING Jesus Christ; love & blessings from marty

      • Thank you, Carl, for another excellent and helpful piece.
        And thank you, Caesar and Dr. Rice for your great work in service of our Lord Jesus Christ in Africa.
        Lastly, I believe, Caesar, that Dr. Rice’s reply to your question is wonderfully comprehensive and spot on.

  19. I know the Church will not fall. But isn’t it rather absurd that the “Pope” is the brass head of the battering ram being hurled at Church by the “gates of HELL”? The Lord Jesus assured us that the gates of hell would not prevail but He did not say Satan wouldn’t try! I remain convinced that both the Devil of hell and his puppet Bergoglio are laughing and mocking us for our eye-rolling, hand-wringing impotence. There has never been a heretic Pope. A very good indication that this man is no Pope. “His Creepiness” encourages people whose lives are in shambles to stay that way! Christ urges us to bring the Gospel to those in need. This vile man REFUSES God’s medicine to those in need. Instead, HE HANDS THEM A SCORPION. I suppose if this were just about what might be written in books, we might think that God doesn’t expect US to DO anything. But it’s NOT just about words: Bergoglio is wrecking LIVES. Throughout the life of the Church, The Lord has chosen to act through men and women. How will He judge us if we make no attempt to stop the battering ram? Make no mistake: He is calling. Who is responding, and who “crosses to the other side of the road”?

    • We must cross because Jesus told us to take it up and follow Him to salvation, yes, through the Church as His Body until he comes again. We avail ourselves of all Christ’s helps of faith and Church as they’ve been handed by Christ to his apostolic successors through the eons, but we must obviously suffer and ignore or reject or rebuke any current hideous teaching which is obviously in contempt of Christ as the true Head of the Church.

      We still have the sacraments, particularly the Sacrifice of the Mass (even if irreverent) and the Church with Christ at its center are necessary.

      Christ did not say that Peter was necessary to our salvation. Peter and successive popes are unifying SIGNS of the Church but in and of themselves they are NOT OUR SALVATION. Bergoglio and friends appparently are happy to enjoy their stupid silly 15 minutes of worldly power, glory, and adulterated fame. Consequently, they’ve chosen temporal and terminal substitutes of God’s everlasting mercy. Rejecting Christ’s teaching on the necessity of taking and carrying the cross, choosing instead the pleasure of sins below the belt, they’ve chosen temporal mercy and bodily pleasure which do not perdure unto eternity.

      We, like Christ, choose the cross and will rejoice in our wounds for eternity. Blessed are we.

  20. Thank you, Mr. Carl E. Olson, for this piece. I have also received jabs from people confused by Pope Francis’ ambiguous comments suggestive of heresy. Just Catholics are angered as to why accused pedophile “priest” McCarrick and heretical “priest”(?!) J. Martin haven’t been removed, but respectively, sent to allow China’s govt. to set up (-gasp!) their hand-picked Bishops, and allowed to teach heresy- to Catholic school students! 🙁
    Appreciate Mr. Charles Flynn’s presentation from devout Traditional Mass Bishop A. Schneider re: papal error. Grateful for brave Cardinals’ dubia asking Francis for clarity in key theological standpoints to avoid error in “possible liberal interpretation”. Marian prayers continue, with Legion of Mary acts of evangelization.

  21. “It’s not just changing ways, it’s about a change of growth, in favor of the dignity of people. That’s theological progression…” This is of course not “theological progression”, but progressive theology which is not truly “theology” at all but “demology”, a study or elevation of the people (demos), a new human “anthropology” or “ecology” of assessing those whose feelings are being hurt by Sacred Tradition and hence “victimized”, thus needing the correction of our charity toward their human dignity. Well, if we can bless two men living in sin because there can be found some so-called subjective “good” in their objective sinful activity, then we should also add a cohabitation-premarital sex blessing too. Pope Francis seems to be willing to give over the dignity of God for his “dignity of people”.

  22. Over at La Croix Oct 28, Robert Mickens is writing about how the Synod is now going “liminal,” with “unpredictability” the agenda for the next 11 months until installment II. He (and apparently Franciscus) view this as positive: I do not. That we will spend the next 11 months wondering what may become of doctrine and morality that is clearly settled while the world and modernity is burning is evidence of the callowness and shallowness of this process and, unfortunately, the way this pontificate is “leading” the Church.

  23. I can’t find anyplace else to put this – during the past baseball season The Texas Rangers were the ONLY team NOT to have a ‘pride night’ or whatever these moronic gatherings are currently called, and The Texas Rangers won the World Series – easily.

    That makes me happy.

  24. Amanda;

    Your 10/25 8:22 a.m. – Well said. And it’s always a good idea that one occasionally points out that everyone is welcome in Christ’s house, but HE makes the rules, and that is that.

  25. Confusion occurs in the mind of the confused, not springing from a text. Reading and interpreting assuming that only the reader is right in her/his opinion, i.e., being closed-minded when reading somebody else’s text, can only be avoided by rare means. Preempting the risk of jumping to conclusions demands the opportunity to directly ask the text author for clarification. Most readers, at least in the general public, do not have direct access to writers. On the other hand, important authors or professors who publish likely would not attend to such type of correspondence.

    • We read: “Preempting the risk of jumping to conclusions demands the opportunity to directly ask the text author for clarification.” Surely you must mean the questioning of the respectful “Dubia” of some years back–to which there was no response but strategic silence. Silence!

      Four points:

      FIRST, well, much confusion evaporates if we consider the nature of Gnostic movements as they appear in any period of history. “The first device [….]is systemic formulation of the new doctrine…[and] the second device for preventing embarrassing criticism [….] by putting a taboo on the instruments of critique” (Eric Voegelin, “The New Science of Politics,” 1952).

      SECOND, so, is the new doctrine the proposition that moral absolutes do not apply to the LBGTQ tribal religion, for example, or to other “irregular” situations? Rather, a blessing of such persons as “couples” (Fiducia Supplicans). And, rather that doctrinal faith and “morals” in concrete situations are now unrelated? A masterful and masturbatory stroke, because also very interreligious! The theory of contradictory double-truth is central to fatalistic Islam. And, if Islam fits in the big tent, then why not Pachamama localism, or even the monism of the One World Order? So, what about moral absolutes, yes or no (Veritatis Splendor)?

      Confusion, what confusion?

      THIRD, why not a proceduralist synodal “style” to ambulate synodally (!) whether open-range synodalism should redefine/replace (?) backwardist moral theology, and even the “hierarchical communion” of the apostolic Church as clarified already by the Second Vatican Council (Lumen Gentium, Ch. 3, including the further clarifying Explanatory Note if needed; and Gaudium et Spes)?

      FOURTH, not that all of the past eleven years is a total derailment, and many critics might say…Not at all, but a less Gnostic “style” is needed to speak not with strategic silence—but with one voice—about the Apostolic Church, the Natural Law, and the “universal call to holiness.” A call referring NOT to the laity apart from the hierarchy, but to the laity in full communion with the Eucharistic Church, and the ordained hierarchy directly commissioned (apostello: to be sent!) by some dead guy named Jesus Christ who isn’t dead after all: “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb 13:8).

  26. “And, really, isn’t that the point for so many of the key synodalites? To create a state of flux that calls into question what has been clear and established for millennia, while trying to concretize “processes” that are as ambiguous as they are absolute?”

    Yes. It should be clear to the Faithful that the moment it became obvious that the purpose of the synod is to make it appear as if it is possible for members of Christ’s Church to change Christ’s teaching in regards to Faith and Morals, The Deposit Of Faith, and thus defect from The Catholic Faith, is the same moment it was revealed the synod itself is beginning with an act of heresy. Heresy begets heresy, and thus we can know through both Faith and reason, that a heretic cardinal cannot possibly be validly elected to the Papacy, having defected from The Catholic Church, that every cardinal who , with full knowledge, voted for a heretic cardinal to be pope, has defected from The Catholic Faith, and that the election to the papacy of a heretic cardinal cannot possibly be valid, as a heretic cannot possibly have the ability and desire to accept The Office Of The MUNUS and thus The Ministerial Office, having defected from The Catholic Faith.

    The argument that Jorge Bergoglio’s fall into heresy cannot be judged because no one can judge a Pope is a nonsequitur , as the election to the Papacy of a heretic is not valid.

    Do not be deceived, the fact that a heretic cannot be validly elected to the Papacy is a defense of The Filioque, a defense of the infallibility of The Church’s Magisterium grounded in Sacred Tradition, Sacred Scripture , and The Teaching of The Magisterium grounded in Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, The Deposit Of Faith that Christ Has Entrusted to His One, Holy, Catholic, And Apostolic Church, for The Salvation Of Souls, outside of which , there is no Salvation, due to The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque), and thus it is a defense of The Papacy .

    For This is our Sacred Heritage , the Sacred Heritage of all human persons, from the moment of conception:
    Salvation Is of The Jews, From The Father, Through , With, And In The Son, In The Unity Of The Holy Ghost (Filioque).


    Do not let your hearts be hardened like a pillar of salt!

    The Sacrifice Of The Cross, The Sacrament Most Holy, Is The Sacrifice Of The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity; “For God so Loved us that He Sent His Only Son…”

    At the heart of Liberty Is Christ, “4For it is impossible for those who were once illuminated, have tasted also the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5Have moreover tasted the good word of God and the powers of the world to come…”, to not believe that Christ’s Sacrifice On The Cross will lead us to Salvation, but we must desire forgiveness for our sins, and accept Salvational Love, God’s Gift Of Grace And Mercy; believe in The Power And The Glory Of Salvation Love, and rejoice in the fact that No Greater Love Is There Than This, To Desire Salvation For One’s Beloved.
“Hail The Cross, Our Only Hope.”

    “Blessed are they who are Called to The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb.”

    “For where your treasure is there will your heart be also.”

    • Pope Francis has assumed that this had to happen to organize the meaning of synod and how synods would multiply. The secrecy recently imposed is a bad decision, I think.

      Someone, or some group perhaps including him, has the concept -“inspiration”? / “fixation”? / “preconception”?- that “synod” is the “fruit” of “synodality”.

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