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Chris Christie ties his shift on gay marriage to Vatican ruling on same-sex blessings

GOP Presidential Candidate Chris Christie at a town Hall in Bedford, New Hampshire on Dec. 19, 2023. / Credit: Sophie Park/Getty Images

CNA Staff, Dec 29, 2023 / 17:30 pm (CNA).

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie, once an opponent of same-sex marriage, said Thursday his views on the matter have shifted, citing the Vatican’s recent document on same-sex blessings as evidence that “even the Church is changing.”

“And so you know for me, it’s still, it was a process I had to go through to change the way I’ve been raised both from a family perspective and what my mother and father taught me and felt and also from a religious perspective and … what my Church taught me to believe,” Christie said at a town hall event in Epping, New Hampshire.

The former New Jersey governor continued: “[T]his past week or two Pope Francis is now allowing blessings of same-sex couples; even the Church is changing.”

Christie, who identifies as Catholic, said: “Society has changed and what people are accepting in our country now is different than when I was growing up, certainly than when I was your age. And you know I don’t have any objection to it any longer. In the end, I think I’ve been convinced.”

Christie was the governor of New Jersey from January 2010 to January 2018. When running for governor in 2009, he supported civil unions in New Jersey but said he would veto any bill legalizing gay marriage.

In 2013, Christie spoke out against the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as between one man and one woman. He called the ruling “a bad decision” and an example of “judicial supremacy.”

In 2015 he said that he thought legalizing gay marriage should be decided by individual states, according to the New York Times.

Christie’s comments regarding Pope Francis and same-sex blessings are a reference to Fiducia Supplicans, a document from the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published Dec. 18.

That declaration on Church doctrine said that “blessings are among the most widespread and evolving sacramentals” and that it is possible to give “blessings for couples in irregular situations and for couples of the same sex.”

The declaration clearly states that the Church’s teaching on marriage between one man and one woman has not changed and emphasizes that such blessings should “never” occur within the ceremony of a civil union “and not even in connection with them” to avoid confusion or scandal.

The document has caused division among bishops across the world, with some criticizing the document and others welcoming it.

The former leader of the Vatican’s doctrinal office, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, said that any priest blessing a homosexual union would be committing a “sacrilegious and blasphemous act against the Creator’s plan and against Christ’s death for us.”

“Blessing a reality that is contrary to creation is not only impossible, it is blasphemy,” he said.

Catholic bishops’ conferences and bishops in Kazakhstan, Malawi, and Zambia are refusing to implement Fiducia Supplicans in their dioceses.

The head of the German Bishops’ Conference, Bishop Georg Bätzing, said he is “grateful for the pastoral perspective [the declaration] takes,” which “points to the pastoral importance of a blessing that cannot be refused upon personal request.”

Christie is currently polling at 9% nationally in the Republican primary race, far behind the front-runner, former President Donald Trump, who is at 51% in the latest Rasmussen Reports poll.

Christie has been doing the best in the early primary state of New Hampshire, where he has been polling around 10%, still far behind Trump and behind Nikki Haley.

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  1. He “identifies” as catholic in the same way that Biden does. Twisting it to suit his political purposes. I find that dishonest and disgusting. Since there is no chance of his winning the nomination, Christie should have at least kept his moral stance intact. Pathetic.

  2. Catholics aren’t required to take everything that comes out of a pope’s mouth as gospel truth. This is a misconception of many Protestants.

    • To be fair, the Pope has never denied Church teaching on marriage. Gov. Christie’s use of the declaration to appear more current and politically woke is even more disheartening than Fr. Martin’s publicized actions. Unless Gov.Christie actually misunderstood the document as changing Catholic marriage requirements, which is
      possible considering the confusing way it’s written and how it’s been presented by the media. And perhaps the level of catechesis in people of Gov. Christie’s generation. Who knows?
      We live in strange times.

      • Well if he can say, as he clearly did in Amoris Laetitia, that a man can “discern” that in his concrete circumstances that he can abandon his family and run away with his mistress to start a new family, he can conclude that this is what God is asking of him at this time, then it sounds pretty clear to me that Francis’ idea of marriage isn’t exactly the same as a Catholic idea of marriage.

      • I don’t thin kit is wise for Christie to follow the “changing times” instead of the Word of God. First the Pope never said it was legitimate to bless gay marriage. The blessings he speaks of is the same as blessing a Rosary or a home. It doesn’t seem that Christie knows his ancestral faith very well.

    • I remember seeing an enormous chair especially built to hold the weight and girth of President Taft.
      I’d never vote for Gov. Christie but it wouldn’t be based upon his size. You’re correct that he needs to be concerned about it though.

    • I think this comment is a little mean-spirited. Like many Americans, I have struggled with weight since my early 30s. I gained a lot of weight while pregnant and have had a terrible time losing it and have actually gained even more weight over the years–and lost it—and gained it back—and lost it—and currently, have gained back around 12 pounds of the 40 that I lost last year after retiring, and am determined to get back on track with healthy eating and walking daily and limiting my sweets–it’s HARD to lose excess weight, and I imagine that with Mr. Christie’s crazy schedule due to his choice to get involved with politics, it’s even tougher than for someone like me that has a lot of free time since retiring! Thin people have no concept, no understanding, and no sympathy for how someone like me can eat an entire large package of Oreos in 24 hours–I’m guessing that sweets are one of Mr. Christie’s weaknesses, too! It’s a lot harder than thin people think to change your entire lifestyle (which revolves around food!) and find healthy ways to deal with the cravings for sweets/salts/sofas! My motivation to continue the fight against fat is my beautiful 2-year-old grandson–I want to live long enough to see him graduate from high school! I hope that Mr. Christie can find a way to be healthy, and I pray that he and many others will continue to be wooed by the Holy Spirit (perhaps through his priests) into all truth regarding same sex couples.

  3. I don’t look to Chris Christie for guidance on issues of moral probity. And, in a similar vein, I don’t look to Mr. George Bergoglio to explicate the perennial teachings of the Catholic faith. I look to Jesus Christ, the Scriptures, Church Tradition and the continuous Magisterium of the Church to guide my thinking. Bergoglio I consider to be an anomaly who will go down in the history of the papacy alongside those other popes who breached the mission of the office they held.

    • THE Gospels have no language condemning homosexuals. Christ instructs us to love our neighbors and homosexuals are our neighbors. We need our neighbors in Church where they can hear the Word of God—-that’s what changes people’s hearts. Whereas the Old Testament has language condemning homosexuals—-it also has language condemning the eating of pork and shellfish.

      • Gerald, the New Testament has plenty of language condemning that sort of deviancy. For goodness sakes. And Christ spelled out very clearly what and whom a marriage consists of.
        There’s an extensive list of vices and disorders Our Lord didn’t specifically condemn in scripture but do you think that suggests a stamp of approval?

  4. Christie is just revealing how out of touch he is.
    He might want to clue in on the excrement/fan response to FS before he rings in with his endorsement.

  5. What a can of worms a few bishops and the Pope have opened. Does it help anything? Does it do harm? I have never felt such confusion in our Church as I have the past few years. Where does it all lead? When will it end?

    • It has all been prophesied. The second part of the Fatima third secret reveals that Satan has inserted himself to the highest reaches of the Vatican etc. This pope seems to be a Freemason who is leading the Church to the One World Church of the Antichrist. Remember, the Lord is in control. He seems to be making it clear who are the sheep and who are goats.

  6. Perhaps it’s time to rethink the part we, as Catholics, should play in Democratic politics. Should we belong to parties, campaign, even vote? What does it mean to be “in the world but not of the world” ? What does it mean to be the leaven, salt, or light in the world? We live in a democracy but is this really compatible with Christianity. Don’t we live in a Kingdom right now. How can we have two masters? Arn’t we told that we are strangers and pilgrims merely passing through a foreign land? Why all this concern and bother about the temporal when we should be preparing ourselves for the eternal. Let’s come out from among them and get back on the straight and narrow path to eternity.

    • Not only are we Christians, but we are citizens of the United States of America. Your grandfathers, fathers, brothers, and husbands (and many women as well) have fought and died for this country, and every day, military, police, firefighters, and other first responders work to keep Americans safe. Our elected officials are mere men and women and make mistakes and go astray–AS WE ALL DO!!! It is our DUTY as citizens to participate in our government, which is OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE!! To not vote is to hand our country over to candidates who are willing to do anything to win–and I do mean ANYTHING-spend billions on a campaign, say anything, wine and dine anyone, endorse any policy–we can’t let this happen. We need to be involved as much as we are able and still manage to do our duty to our other responsibilities (church, family, workplace, etc.). And we need to do it all with the love of Christ as our motivation, and the teachings of Holy Mother Church and Sacred Scripture as our guide. If we lose and have to march into stadiums full of lions, at least we will know that we did our proper duty to our God and our Country. I love the United States and want it to be the shining beacon that our forefathers visualized.

    • James, be assured that there are many of us who have pondered the same dilemma – just how involved we ought to be in a government that’s corrupted beyond belief.

    • I don’t know about you James but I have 2 dozen descendants who have to live in this world after I’ve gone on to my reward. I have a duty to be involved in national and community affairs and elections even if I’d prefer not to.
      What we neglect in our lifetime, our children and grandchildren will inherit.

    • Never does Christ instruct his disciples to go to Rome and write man-made laws to change the world. Christ gave us the Church to change people’s hearts and the world. The path to eternity runs through the Church, not Washington, DC. That is why everyone should be welcome in the Church to listen to the Word of God.

    • give unto Ceasers what is Ceasers

      in the G address, Lincoln reiterated that our country was basically an experiment:

      Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth, on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

      Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.

  7. Who would have expected otherwise. The man is a product of post-conciliar catechesis at bests, if any at all. In essence, he is an example of the synodal katholic who live out of the virtue of convenience, with only a marginal grasp of up from down.

  8. God and Gods’ word never changes. God has sent numerous reformers to get this church back on track, but for some purpose He has hardened their hearts for His glory and purpose.

  9. His presidential ambitions are one big fat joke. No doubt he will immediately get a private audience with the Pope if Father Jimmy Martin doesn’t get there first.

  10. The new triumvirate: Obama, Christie and Fernandez? Read on…

    Yea verily, the attitude of President Obama was also said to have “evolved,” between 2008 and the days immediately following his re-election in 2012. In 2008 he said, “‘I believe marriage is between a man and a woman; I am not in favor of gay marriage.’ This was a flat out lie according to his political advisor at the time, David Axelrod” (Recounted by Thomas McArdle, “Is Al Smith Dinner Still Worthwhile,” National Catholic Register, October 30, 2016).

    Today, well, now candidate Christie already blurts that he’s in step with the signs of the times, whether married or not. But, let yours truly be the first to squash the possible rumor that Fr. James Martin is Christie’s campaign manager! Not at all! Martin is already too busy grooming Cardinal Fernandez.

    Oh, now about Fernandez and his shunning of Scriptural citations…How about this less serpentine counsel: “…let your yes be yes, your no, no; that you may not fall under judgment” (James 5:12). Judgment, what judgment; who am I to judge?

  11. “I had to change the way I’ve been raised both from a family perspective and what my mother and father taught me and felt and also from a religious perspective and what my Church taught me to believe”.
    If Cardinal Fernández were not aware of the expected general interpretation of Fiducia Supplicans [FS] he must suffer a gapping cognitive blindspot. Whereas former governor Christie, a career in the judiciary as US attorney for NJ entirely capable of reading the message as sanctification of homosexuality. And isn’t this exactly what His Holiness Francis has had as a major objective during his pontificate?
    Chris Christie’s sad conversion to the dark side of morality is a confirmation of Pres Biden’s all out promotion of disordered sexual behavior. How long will it take for a once staunch Catholic to acquiesce to abortion on demand? As scripture warned a time will come when even the elect will be in peril. What extravagant overtures of sanctity will we now hear from His Holiness to muffle the horror?

  12. Love your neighbor means inviting everyone to Church to listen to the Word of God. The Church is the tool Christ gave us to change the world. It is an act of kindness to invite our neighbors to join us at Church.

  13. It would be very mean to suggest that Governor Christie might be thinking that if the Church now allows blessings for homosexual couples that it could in the future declare that gluttony is no longer one of the deadly sins. Any comment to that effect should be blocked.

  14. Chris Christie would do well to reflect before speaking, but he may be a bit desperate to continue as a Presidential candidate. However, we already have plenty of people who will slide with the times and strive to look “hip” and “with it.” Sadly, genuine leadership is a rarity, and so called leaders of today just run faster than their fellow followers.

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  1. Chris Christie ties his shift on gay marriage to Vatican ruling on same-sex blessings – Via Nova

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