In New Hampshire, Trump withstands Haley onslaught


Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks on Jan. 15, 2024, in Des Moines, Iowa; former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign event on Jan. 17, 2024, in Rochester, New Hampshire. / Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images; Joe Raedle/Getty Images

CNA Newsroom, Jan 23, 2024 / 21:28 pm (CNA).

Former President Donald Trump won the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday in a closer than expected race, defeating his opponent, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

As of 9:25 p.m. ET Tuesday and with 36% of the vote reporting, Trump was garnering 55% of the vote in the Granite State. Haley trailed the former president, hovering around 43% of the vote.

While the exact margin of Trump’s victory in the state was yet to be seen, the Associated Press and major networks called the race for Trump shortly after the polls closed on Tuesday evening.

Trump’s win follows his historic 30-point margin of victory in the Iowa Caucus last week, and propels him further on his way towards securing the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Prior to this week’s primary, both Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out of the race. Both also endorsed Trump over Haley.

Haley addressed her supporters following the defeat. In spite of the loss, she said she intends to continue running and that voters do not want a “coronation.”

Haley: race ‘far from over’

“Now you’ve all heard the chatter among the political class,” Haley said. “They’re falling all over themselves saying this race is over. Well I have news for all of them: New Hampshire is first in the nation; it is not the last in the nation. This race is far from over.”

In posts on Truth Social Tuesday evening, Trump called Haley “delusional.”

“Haley said she had to WIN in New Hampshire. SHE DIDN’T!!!” Trump said.

New Hampshire is a state where Trump also strongly performed in 2016, when he won by nearly 20 percentage points and beat out Texas Sen. Ted Cruz with 44.9% of the vote compared to Cruz’s 25.1% of the vote.

This year, however, Haley secured the endorsement of popular New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu and polled far better in the state than her national average. According to a compilation of polls from, Haley was polling at about 36%, whereas Trump was polling around 54%.

Recent national polls show Trump’s support surpassing 70% among Republican voters, while Haley has stood between 9% and 14%, according to a compilation of polls from RealClear polling. The polls have not yet taken into account DeSantis’s recent exit from the race.

On Monday, the day before the primary, Trump secured an endorsement from the political advocacy group CatholicVote. Brian Burch, the group’s president, announced that the group “will begin working in upcoming primary states, together with the top swing states to register, educate, motivate, and turn out every Catholic voter to back Trump — and defeat Joe Biden.”

“We had four years to watch him,” Burch added, speaking of Trump. “And he delivered. From executive orders, reform on regulations touching abortion, religious liberty, conscience, faith, and families — to wages, jobs, administration appointments, and of course, judges and the Supreme Court.”

Pro-life positioning of the candidates

Neither Trump’s nor Haley’s campaigns have focused much on the issue of abortion, but both have expressed pro-life sentiments in different ways.

In a Fox News town hall on Jan. 10, Trump did not get into specifics about what pro-life policies he would support in a second administration, but told a pro-life voter that “we’re going to get something that people want, that people like.”

The former president also said he was “proud” to have nominated three of the Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe V. Wade. The overturning of Roe v. Wade allowed states to further restrict or outlaw abortion.

During a recent GOP presidential debate, Haley stated that Americans should “find consensus” on the issue of abortion and claimed that a national 15-week ban would be implausible to get passed through Congress.

“Let’s agree on how we can ban late-term abortions, let’s make sure we encourage adoptions and good quality adoptions, and let’s make sure we make contraception accessible, let’s make sure that none of these state laws puts a woman in jail or gives her the death penalty for getting an abortion,” Haley said. “Let’s focus on how to save as many babies as we can and support as many moms as we can and stop the judgment, we don’t need to divide America on this issue anymore.”

The next Republican contests will be the Nevada and U.S. Virgin Island caucuses on Feb. 8. The South Carolina primary will be held on Feb. 24 and the Michigan primary on Feb. 27. Idaho and Michigan caucuses will be held on March 2; the Washington, D.C., primary will be held on March 1–3, and the North Dakota caucus will take place on March 4.

There will be 16 contests on Super Tuesday, which is on March 5: Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia.

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  1. When Haley gets trounced in South Carolina- the State where she was governor – she will finally be consigned to the dustbin of history and seen as the fraud she was and the tool of the Wokes in the Republican Party.

    But she will have served the unintended purpose of making Donald Trump a hero in the eyes of that many more voters who hadn’t totally lost their minds.

  2. Trump owns the GOP. The religious right regards him as some sort of messianic figure, which is laughable but strangely true. The Republican Party has become a cult, much like the Peoples Temple with their very own Rev. Jim Jones.

    The old guard Republicans like Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney are gone, replaced by sycophants who are almost robotic in their devotion to Trump. It’s bizarre how the GOP has become a personality cult like North Korea.

    • I don’t disagree. But the exact same thing could be said, say, for the Democrats and Obama, who was undeniably viewed as a sort of messianic figure (“which is laughable but strangely true”). Further, it could be argued, I think, that this messianic aspect has long been more pronounced in the Democrat party (FDR, anyone? JFK, anyone? Bill Clinton, anyone?). Meanwhile, that same party is surely controlled and populated by sycophants who are entirely robotic in their devotion to abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism. So, certainly, keep on beating on the “Trump is X, Y, Z” drum, but bear in mind that the real problem is not This Party or That Party, but what has become the basic American approach to politics.

      • Let’s not assume that because a voter supports Trump that he’s looking for a messianic figure. I have but one Messiah. He alone is the Christ. I have no illusions about the foibles of candidate Trump or anyone else for that matter. If a candidate promises to go after Deep State and dismantle it, he or she will get my vote every time. The same goes for those political pundits online who call out Deep State. They get the most traffic on their sites. The problem as I see it is out of control bureaucracies that conspire to tred on the inalienable rights of the citizenry.

      • I have voted for both Democrats and Republicans. I do not regard either of them as messiahs. Indeed, the best thing that can be said about Joe Biden is perhaps (not certain) he might be the classic “lesser of two evils.”

        Perhaps we need to be a little cynical about politicians, you are correct,the Democratic Party is too beholden to gays, transgenders, abortion, etc. unfortunately, that is where they get much of their funding. The Republicans have been a little too welcoming to white supremacists, Neo fascists and others who do not deserve respect.

        I wish that I had an answer, but our politics are a mess and neither party really represents the vast majority of the people. So, we are forced to hold our nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.

        • Name a single white supremacist or neo-fascist for whom the Republican Party has ever “welcomed”. Just one single individual in any town, state, or public forum. Just one. Are you even aware of the hard core left-wing reality of fascism, or do you simply accept left-wing projections of their own evil, reinforced by a subservient media and academia?

    • “The republican party has become a cult”???? LOLOLOL!!!Thats just hysterical. Meanwhile, by my observation, it is the democrats and the left who are attempting to impose DEI, have tacitly approved anti-semitism in our colleges to witless students,have tried to eliminate the use of gas stoves and gasoline cars by average citizens, and allowed open borders to a flow of burdensome illegals who threaten to collapse our cities one by one under the financial burden they represent. In Bidens US, illegals come first. To the point of recently forcing NYC high school students to vacate their school so it could be used to house illegals who dont belong here in the first place. What about those crickets you hear from the Dems about the problem of more than 100,000 annual American fentanyl deaths and the sex trafficking which accompanies the wide open border? What about the needs of veterans and American poor in Chicago who are forced to the end of the line for services being prioritized for illegals. The bogus ploy of blaming republicans for this problem of illegals is an outright lie, since Trump managed to greatly reduce the problem while in office and in the face of DEM opposition who refused to fund the wall. BIDEN rescinded those rules and STOPPED building the wall on his FIRST DAY IN OFFICE. Every fentanyl death, every sex trafficked child, every homeless American denied services, every poor American aced out of a job in favor of an illegal has Biden and the dem party to thank. The blood is on their hands. It is a FACT that life was better when Republicans were in charge. Trump put AMERICANS first, as should every US President who is not bought and sold to the globalists or on a chinese payroll. And finally, it is always LEFTISTS Who feel a need to delete history and tear down statues and change history to suit their own new narrative. And to destroy those who refuse to go along. Think Hitler, Stalin, Mao. And , under WHOSE influence was the statue of Teddy Roosevelt removed from the Museum of Natural History for being “offensive”??? Average Dem voters should think long and hard about how their personal vote has damaged the country, our history and our national security and suppressed the freedoms we have been able to have—until now. Oh honey, if you think the Republicans are a cult, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

          • The polarization and extremism on both ends of the political spectrum predates Trump by decades. Trump, in many ways, is only possible because of what the radical Dems (known now simply as “Democrats”) were doing for many, many years. That’s not a pro-Trump statement, but simply a fact. If Trump didn’t exist, he would have to be created, because the Bushes, Doles, and Romneys of the world proved that they were not going to ever doing anything to push back in any real sense.

        • Clap trap?? REALLY? Please provide any facts or proof of which item I mentioned is untrue. I won’t hold my breath. Leftists always limit their bomb-throwing to accusations or innuendo. They never HAVE any facts. Its too bad that so many Americans are gullible enough that they are sucked in by such tactics.

        • Will,
          Is it that all “claptrap” is equal, but that some claptrap is more equal than others?

          My own view of broad-band claptrap is shaped by the Spring of 2020 in Seattle when protesters seized several blocks of central Seattle for several weeks, even occupying a police precinct station. Fire and emergency aid trucks were unable to break through and there was at least one shooting, and a few deaths.

          During the first morning in Seattle, the ultra-liberal mayor was heard over the radio likening the insurrection to a “block party” and appealing to the mobbed client group: “We gave you free college education; what more do you want?!” (a reference to free junior college in Seattle for all high school graduates, except those from Catholic schools).

          Our Entitlements culture? And worse? A microcosm of the Liberal mindset as at least half of our national polarization?

          In several liberal-mayor cities all hell broke loose in the Spring and Summer prior to January 6, 2021 in DC. My QUESTION is this: without these media-splashed precedents in liberal-mayor America, would January 6 even have been thinkable? As Congress then began its investigation of meltdown America, Speaker Pelosi ruled-out a broad-angle vision on the big picture and, instead, isolated January 6 for deserved but narrow-band attention.

          Regarding candidate personalities, however, I do largely agree that what’s left of our Nation is faced with the choice—as Russell Crowe explained in “Master and Commander”—between “the lesser of two weevils.”

        • So you don’t like claptrap? Why not take the trapdoor out? Cannot find it? Try glasses. Watch for the twinkle of sense and glimmer from God above. Read Aquinas and grow.

    • Will, please. The anti-religious left embodies a robotic cult-like faith in inevitable progress and demands that every depraved idiocy they present as a “new idea”, leading to a greater liberations of humanity, for their betterment, thanks to their presumed superior insights. So presumptuously superior they believe themselves to be, every opponent to their elitist conceits becomes a target of unrelenting mendacious propaganda until all domains of human culture are forced into submissiveness, a tyrannical drama that has demonstrated original sin on a large scale for thousands of years. Trump, an anti-elitist and threat to their conceits, is currently a convenient target. For the religious left, evil is not personal. It is not sin. Leftists cannot conceive of the thought of their own sins. So they demand that everyone accept schemes of eliminating evil from the human condition through social engineering, not through religion. And many religious pretenders there are, who are robotically willing to side with them and join their cult.

    • The old GOP was not a really party of the working class and that’s what’s changed. The Establishment GOP is trying to hold on with a death grip but voters just aren’t buying it.

      • Party of the working class? They still push for more tax cuts for the rich. Oh, they beat up immigrants and gays to placate the populist right, but the primary goal is tax cuts for the rich.

        The populist right gets bamboozled again and again by the GOP. The GOP is clever. Rant about transgenders, gays and immigrants, but be sure to cut taxes for the rich before anything else.

        The culture wars are a bright, shiney object meant to distract the working class from the fact that their pockets are getting picked by the billionaires. So go ahead, rant about transgenders and Confederate statues and other distractions, but see how wages have stagnated fir 40 years and billionaires continue to get richer and richer. You fell for the big con.

        • “You fell for the big con.” And you have not?!?!? How do you not see both sides of a bigger picture? How old are you? Are you a Catholic?, Pro-life?, Believer in the Real Presence??

        • In three paragraphs you repeat the propaganda, five times, contrived to exploit hatred and¬ economic illiteracy regarding roll backs of unconstitutional confiscatory government taxation of employers and investors as “tax cuts for the rich” whenever those who already pay most of the taxes are not excluded from tax cuts for everyone.
          Those who the willfully ignorant malign and slander as “the rich” ignore that they pay most of the taxes, but in the thought of amoral Marxist banditry this is never enough, even while it forces numerous businesses into bankruptcy. The slothful always conceive of employers as among “the rich”, even when the middle class and lower middle class who are employed by business and invest in them, along side “the rich”, are economically damaged as well by ever expanding economically crippling government tyranny.

        • Yawn. Nice DNC talking points. At least Republicans aren’t the ones grooming kids in our public schools, for one example.

        • Working class people understand there are more important things than money. And they understand disrespect and spin whether it comes from Democrats or the Establishment GOP.

  3. With Trump one need separate the narcissism, bluster, insults from the incredible effectiveness in getting the job done as it should be. Our alternative is the continued corruption of America’s morals, life under antiChristian fascist despotism, death of a constitutional republic.
    Furthermore while the incumbent is a disjointed bore, Trump is at least entertaining.

    • St. Donald of Mar A Lago, pray for us….Amen. “Incredible effectiveness?” In your own words you confirm the cult like status of the GOP.

      • Obviously, you’re a pro-abort. Were you not, you would not have allowed your thought to be so willfully ignorant of the simple reality that it does not require a deification of a personality to recognize the indisputable facts that the actions of Donald Trump, in court appointments, and fiscal appropriations, both domestic and foreign, including extensive reapportionments of existing expenditures, had the effect of saving more lives than the actions of any individual in human history. It requires moral cowardice to allow one’s self to be manipulated by the constant drumbeat of disinformation that characterizes Marxist pro-abortion legislation as child welfare legislation and moral opposition to them as “attacks against the poor.”

  4. US politics are very changeable but some objective perspectives, from a non-US friendly observer, that will sustainably lend some balance, can be offered and be put in order.

    The Democrat party has become one thing very exclusive and fixed; change here is for all practical purposes, not happening in time for the election or any time soon thereafter.

    They feel both justified and adamant about this because it “represents” what they would say is “the great majority” and “the nation’s best interests”. Maybe they mean “the best majority”.

    An earlier vision the Democrats would have had in its most ideal form, would have many laudable just aspects; however, these do not stand any chance with the party the way it is now.

    Overlaying and inter-penetrating everything with the Democrats is the entrenched socialized policy of death-dealing in general along with abortion in particular; and inculturating of anarchism.

    They are shielding death activists and anarchists.

    Change-ups are possible in the Republican circuits and this party offers possibilities for representing many sides effectively. Can it make this into an good reality?

    Trump’s public presentations set up instability. He conciliates homosexualitas privately at Mar-a-Lago but he can throw away Haley and dump on McEnany, at the drop of a hat, in public.

    Trump had earlier ruled out Christie and got Pence as VP. Pence brought down the House in one fell swoop. Christie has now decided that homosexualistas are his group buds, just like Trump’s.

    Some will thus always have an advantage with Trump knowing when to bow in or act and others will always be suffering slights and setbacks still not seeing where the blows will come next.

    He wants to be credited with vanishing the Roe bogeyman but the result so far is that States rights have been confirmed yet still with no criminality on abortion -not even mentioned in Dobbs.

    Not normal.

    Kellyanne Conway is a formidable politician yet Trump has only ONE like her -her. What does he do? He attacks her husband.

    There are many formidable politicians like her, men and women; but they are dumbed down among the Republicans. So it seems as very obvious. Glaring.

    Conway is not pro-life but she excelled under Trump. If there is to be a true pro-life agenda these types of men and women must be pro-life and they must populate everything.

    The ones I am talking about are pro-life and they come in great numbers. Where are they?

    It’s true that it might not be possible to codify abortion into a federal law. At least not right now. But so what? What are you waiting for, for them to codify abortion!

    In general, huge chunks of US policy are how they go because of a for-profit military complex, enormous debts, a monopolistic federal reserve structure, an established abortion complex. Etc.


    And according to President Biden, because everyone should be Zionists. Zionistas.

    Republican consensus of the recent past hasn’t proven to be CONSISTENT, even under President Trump. Or, there is some formidable consensus but even Trump ends up squandering it.

    It could be he gets into such a dizzy centrifuging everything off from his place of conditioning, that he can’t identify the strong and weak points he has to capture from the real threats.

  5. This morning I discovered that the REPUBLICANS in the South Carolina General Assembly were seeking to appoint James Smith, a Democrat and a friend of Biden, as circuit judge. You read that right, Republicans. At one time in South Carolina Republican meant prolife. No more. Mr. Trump made the Dobbs decision, which reversed Roe v. Wade, possible and for that reason I will vote for him in the SC primary and in the general election.

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  1. In New Hampshire, Trump withstands Haley onslaught – Via Nova

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