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Say the word, Mr. President, and tell the truth about abortion

Women, being beholden to the abortion lobby is not freedom. Being encouraged to kill your offspring is not healthcare. They are lying to you.

President Joe Biden delivering the 2024 State of the Union Address on March 7th. (Image: Screenshot /

Euphemisms are often used in polite society to make distasteful words more palatable. But sometimes they are spoken to hide the truth. Nowhere was this more evident than in President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on March 7th, when he refused to say the word “abortion” and instead repeatedly referred to it as “reproductive freedom”.

Biden, who claims to be “a practicing Catholic” who is “not big on abortion”, spent just a handful of minutes discussing abortion. Yet his words were carefully crafted to not only incite anger but to make it seem like those who oppose abortion have waged a war against women. This was especially evident when he stated that “freedom and democracy are under attack.”

And when speaking about the Dobbs decision that allowed states to make laws regarding abortion, he asked, “What freedom else [sic] would you take away?”

He went on to lament the “chaos that has resulted” from Dobbs. And, in a misguided attempt to pull at the heartstrings of those who want abortion to be legal anytime and anywhere, he pointed to a woman in the audience who had to travel to a different state to kill her child.

Many in the audience shook their heads in disbelief or in dismay, indicating how terrible they felt it was for this poor woman to not have had access to this “freedom.”

Biden then referred to the “power of women” saying that, if reelected, he “will restore Roe v. Wade as law of the land.”

Women, beware! Biden and his followers want you to believe that you have no power unless you can kill your preborn child. They want you to believe that you are better off with a dead baby than a living one and that you accomplish less in life if you have a child.

They also want you to believe that killing your baby is a simple procedure that gets rid of a “problem” and that women can happily move on with their lives and accomplish bigger and brighter things.

And the worst part? They truly expect you to believe these lies.

The reality is that abortion kills a baby. Every single time. And quite brutally. Depending on the baby’s age when the abortion is committed, he will either be starved to death and expelled from the womb or torn apart limb from limb. This is the truth they don’t want you to think about when you hear the word abortion. That’s why they call it “reproductive freedom” or a “right.”

And they don’t want women to see the damage abortion does to their own bodies and minds. Police officers and military personnel will tell you that taking a life—even in self-defense—takes a mental and emotional toll on them. Indeed, studies have found that “killing or seriously injuring someone in the line of duty was significantly associated with PTSD symptoms.”

How much worse is it for a mother who kills her own innocent baby? Pro-abortionists are lying to you when they say it will not affect you. Counselors, like those at Project Rachel who deal with post-abortive women, know the reality. They know that women feel regret after having an abortion. Sometimes this regret doesn’t surface for years, maybe even decades. But it does surface, and its symptoms are very similar to PTSD.

When our president throws away his Catholic faith for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver he gets from pro-abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood, is it any wonder that he wants to hide the ugliness of abortion by using terms such as “women’s autonomy,” “healthcare,” and “reproductive freedom”? Is it any wonder that he wants women to believe that they are being attacked?

Women, being beholden to the abortion lobby is not freedom. Being encouraged to kill your offspring is not healthcare. They are lying to you.

They don’t want you to believe that you can be strong and raise a child alone. They don’t want the man to stand up, be responsible, and be a father. They don’t want you to embrace your womanhood.

It’s a theme that came full circle when, toward the end of his speech, Biden yelled, “I see a future where we restore the right to choose and protect our freedoms, not take them away.”

If you repeat a lie often enough, many people will think it’s the truth. This well-played tactic was out in full force during this speech.

But they will never change the truth that, no matter what you call it, abortion kills a baby and harms the mother. Abortion destroys families and weakens society.

Biden and his allies apparently don’t care about this. They want more abortion—death to the “unwanted,” death to the unloved, power to those who advocate for this death, and disdain for those who work to protect life.

What will it take for women to stop believing these lies? It takes all of us. It takes a refusal to be silent. It takes parents and grandparents teaching children the science behind a developing baby. It takes priests standing up in front of congregations and discussing the sanctity of life. It takes each one of us having the courage to vote for those who protect life and to always tell the truth about abortion.

We do this because we love both moms and their babies and because true power comes in embracing life and in caring for another person, not in destroying them.

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About Susan Ciancio 66 Articles
Susan Ciancio is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and has worked as a writer and editor for nearly 19 years; 13 of those years have been in the pro-life sector. Currently, she is the editor of American Life League’s Celebrate Life Magazine—the nation’s premier Catholic pro-life magazine. She is also the executive editor of ALL’s Culture of Life Studies Program—a pre-K-12 Catholic pro-life education organization.


    • The truth is quite simple. Abortion is murder. And Ireland’s present stance on it has killed Catholicism, killed a faith that men and women died for in the past and killed thousands of children who had a place booked for them in this present life.
      If there is a category of punishment for encouraging abortion, then those who advocate abortion should suffer it.

  1. The Democratic Party is a death cult. And that’s Biden’s only true faith.

    Democrats favor killing children in utero. At any time. For any reason. In this way, generations of individuals are canceled from existence.

    And for the lucky children who escape that horrific death? Democrats favor mutilating and sterilizing them.

    Again, more generations of human beings are erased from reality.

    Legalizing drugs; gay “marriage”; the sexualization of children; the green new poverty; the open border fentanyl conduit; the denial of the biologically determined sexes; the racist, divisive CRT curriculum — everything the Democratic Party advocates is aimed at restricting life and promoting death.

    Death is the Democratic Party’s central tenet.

    Which is why it is quite clear. Undeniable, in fact.

    The Democratic Party is doing the bidding of its real master, the lying, ratfaced evil one.

    And, no, I am not referring to Biden.

    You Catholics who continue to vote Democratic, look to your souls.

  2. With his every word and with every passing day this silly old man becomes more and more pathetic – and more and more dangerous.

    It is safe to say that by his actions he has ex-communicated himself, never mind the fact that no Catholic prelate has the courage to say it out loud, leaving it to US to say it. IMO all it takes is one Priest with the courage to refuse him Holy Communion, and then let the chips fall where they may. In the meantime he desperately needs our prayers, as does the whole nation, as does the whole world.

    • Thank you. I’m not especially fond of Pres. Trump, and I feel badly that he is supporting IVF (but at least he equates it with “beautiful babies” and not “a woman’s choice”). But under Pres Trump, Supreme Court justices were appointed who helped repeal Roe v Wade. And the Republican Party platform is opposed to an abortion. So the Republican Party is the Party of the rich? Get real- most of the Democrat politicians are wealthy, too. The Democratic Party has completely given itself over to evil policies. As for the economy, better poor and pure of heart than well-off and guilty of voting for sin.

      • I think Mr. Trump like many others only sees the end result of successful IVF: a beautiful baby. If the IVF industry was transparent about the massive disposal of unwanted & “defective” embryos parents would at least be making an educated choice. Not to mention the shrinking success rate of IVF pregnancies as women age. It’s really a racket & a huge money making industry.

        • I have a close friend whose children all went through Catholic schools. Two of them graduated from Notre Dame and Catholic University. Each has had children using IFV. So much for well educated Catholics.

  3. Joe Biden, I would not want your soul. He has so much blood on his hands and here is more blood from pre-born babies. This article covers it all! I wish they would put this article on the news because it is the truth. Job well done Susan!

    • I wouldn’t want to be in Joseph Biden’s shoes on Judgment Day or his bishop’s. You don’t get to that advanced age with those deranged ideas without being enabled.

  4. “Mr. President: Say the word and tell the truth about abortion.”

    This man is constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. The definition of a psychopath is someone seriously deficient in conscience formation. The basic sin is one of pride and an exaltation of self. Pray for the man’s immortal soul.

  5. Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world.

    In 2021, more than 43 million people lost their lives in abortions.

    Multiply that by 50 years and you’ll know why abortion is the most horrific cataclysm ever visited on humanity.

    BTW, it works out to well over two *billion* children slaughtered over the past half century.

    That’s two billion.


    You Catholics who are still voting for Democrats, look to your souls.

    • Brineyman, we had a priest in our diocese who informed his parishioners that if they voted for Obama, they needed to examine their conscience, and consider the need for sacramental confession before receiving the Eucharist. This pastor was forced by the Administrator of the diocese to issue a public retraction. My guess is that this forced retraction was ordered by an archbishop who will remain nameless but who is still an archbishop of a prominent diocese in the USA.

      Just to refresh everyone’s conveniently short memory – Obama was a proponent of partial birth abortion (PBA). PBA takes a full-term, ready to be delivered, healthy baby and allows just the skull to emerge. The procedure then calls for a scissor to be plunged into the skull of the living child in order that a tube could be inserted into the base of the skull to suck out the contents of the baby’s skull i.e. its brain.

      Now you tell me who was on the side of life, justice, and charity: the pastor who gave his parishioners moral counsel regarding abortion-supporting politicians or those on the other side who opted for the fecklessness of popular opinion? I know my thoughts on the matter.

      • Similar experience here. In 2004 John Kerry, a professed pro-abortion Catholic, was the Dem’s presidential candidate. My Gospel of Life group wanted to hand out pamphlets in the church vestibule. The pamphlet did not mention by name any political candidate or party. It simply stated the Church’s position on abortion, asking the Catholic voter to take into account the Church’s teaching.

        A few bishops or a few Catholic leaders around that time coincidentally explained why Kerry might not be admitted to Holy Eucharist. Our pastor gave a homily.
        Said homily elicted a standing ovation by about 95% of the parishioners, accompanied by shouts of ‘Bravo!’ HE was adamant. He would NEVER deny ANYONE the Eucharist so long as that person held out his hand in line to receive.

        Said same pastor received a couple letters as did the archbishop. Said pastor reportedly received admonition that he refrain parishioners from applause at his homilies.

        At the same time, said pastor denied my Gospel of Life permission to distribute, on church property, pamphlets re-stating the Catholic Church position on abortion. We obeyed, sort of. Since the sidewalks were not church property, we stood there.
        We also made available the pamphlets to certain friends at coffee/donuts in the church hall after Mass. We believed we had every right to distribute Church teaching on Church grounds. We reasoned that the pastor had no right to forbid Catholic catechesis.

        Nothing came of any of it. Parishioner applause continued at heterodox homilies. We continued to claim a right to catechesis. The same problem arose when we insisted the Divine Mercy novena be made known in our parish and when state laws for euthanasia were being promulgated. Where was this? In the great PNW US. The World’s Fair was here in 1962. JFK was president, having won a large number of Catholic votes. This was also when some leading voices began touting some Jesuit theological thinking that a Catholic could vote, in good conscience, for a candidate who supported abortion.

        BTW, in 2004, Kerry LOST. Biden today IS lost in many ways more than one. God help his immortal soul.

    • Amen. Guarantee you that when the Bidens, Pelosis and all the other high profile Catholics take their last breath, the church will give them an elaborate funeral and declare their souls are in heaven. Christians know that at their last breath without any true repentance, their souls are in eternal torment in the hell that God created and predestined them to for eternity. TRUTH!

      • Yes. I think there will also be plenty of fundamentalists thrown into the lake of fire on that day as well. Best to put one’s own house in order before casting stones.

        • Yes, the unrepentant will enter by the wide gate along with the majority of those following Catholic teachers/teaching that leads to destruction. see Matthew 7:13-14
          Christians follow the scriptures and teaching of Jesus and are justified by faith and trust in His cross work alone.

          Catholics follow the man-made cathechism teaching and are justified by death (supposedly).

          • You obviously have, as the degenerate Luther did, misappropriated Scripture and corrupted the very words of Scripture for your own personal prideful agenda, a recipe for damnation.

  6. The use of the term ‘abortion’ is a Leftist lie of language. And when one uses the term one has submitted to the chicanery of the Father of Lies. An aborted project gone awry is in no way characteristic of the murder of a Holy Innocent in the womb; say its name – it is murder. We must emphasis with moral clarity to the men and women resorting to this barbarism that it is murder and they not only kill their baby, Created by Almighty God by their agency, buy also imperil their souls to eternal damnation. Think of telling the Beloved One on the day of judgment “I had to kill my baby.”.
    The stats on depression, drug abuse and haunting sadness and psychological problems after murdering a baby are well established. A local women’s center told us that that these unfortunate women seek counseling at something like 15 years after the event. It has been gnawing at their souls all that time.
    It has been reported that 60% of ‘Catholics are pro choice. Just like ALL the lies Biden employed the term ‘pro choice’ is another demonic lie of language. One is either pro life or one is not. Let your yes be your yes and your no be your no.
    The silence of the our bishops and priests will be punished by the undiminished cries of murdered babies in eternal anguish.
    Who will stand up and speak against this hellish President who mocks Almighty God with pagan lies?

    • I worked for 30 years at a Catholic psychiatric hospital in NY. I never knew any clinician to ask a female patient admitted to the hospital for depression the following simple but profoundly relevant questions: 1. Have you ever been pregnant and, if so, how many times; and, 2. How did each of these pregancies end: a. an unplanned miscarriage; b. a live birth; c. an abortion.
      If anyone thinks that both a & c have nothing to do with the incidence of depression among women, it’s you who needs to visit a therapist.

  7. And when speaking about the Dobbs decision that allowed states to make laws regarding abortion, he asked, “What freedom else (sic) would you take away?”

    The irony of that question is gargantuan because if the Democrat party had their way, the 2nd Amendment would cease to exist. Biden and his puppet-masters would take that freedom away quicker than the last heartbeat of an aborted child.

  8. Joe Biden is just about the worst President that we’ve ever had. His full support of abortion is disgustingly sickening. We’re also stuck with the fact that he is showing major signs of early dementia. Even if he were conservative and pro life, I’d still want him to resign regardless of party.
    I don’t know about the rest of you, but I find it extremely embarrassing as a patriotic American citizen to have an 81 year old geezer with dementia in charge of our Country. Other nations have presidents with all their marbles, why can’t we? It’s 2024 ladies and gentlemen, isn’t having a president with a sound brain a pretty basic rule of thumb by now?!

    • You’d hope. It seems this president has walked us into his outhouse. Now there, some seem to like the smell. Some seem not to know or own the shame. Thank God for others with clear heads and functioning brains. We’ll be out soon. Kamala’s future, meanwhile, seems just a cackle away from Planned Non-Parenthood.

  9. The Pope Francis-generated discussion about inclusivity and about being too exclusive, of the past 11 years, if not completely wrong (which I believe it is), got things going on a wrong footing. This also extends into the topic of homosexual rights. Individuals have rights but homosexuality is unsupportable. You do not get special rights to enforce your unnaturalness using the society, legal system and philosophy.

    The Holy Father’s angles his ideas for political participation by himself but then uses it to oust the faithful for not being faithful enough according to this measure. May Jesus Christ protect us from his stubborn clinging to the veil covering his eyes.

    ‘ Women, being beholden to the abortion lobby is not freedom. Being encouraged to kill your offspring is not healthcare. They are lying to you.

    They don’t want you to believe that you can be strong and raise a child alone. They don’t want the man to stand up, be responsible, and be a father. They don’t want you to embrace your womanhood.

    It’s a theme that came full circle when, toward the end of his speech, Biden yelled, “I see a future where we restore the right to choose and protect our freedoms, not take them away.”

    If you repeat a lie often enough, many people will think it’s the truth. ‘

  10. “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”– Voltaire
    We’ve been watching that truth destroy our nation’s soul since 1973.

  11. I don’t like the idea of
    Abortion myself, I’m against
    late term Abortions
    But what is the Actual “truth”
    About Abortion. I don’t know who or what to believe
    What about Abortion in cases of Rape, Incest or the
    Life of the Mother,

  12. Thank you, Susan for a tremendous article. Wonderfully supportive comments, Brineyman, et al.
    Mark, I researched the teachings of the Catholic Church when Co-Chair of our Respect Life Committe with our priest. After rape, or incest, the woman is encouraged to go be seen and cleansed at a hospital to avoid conception. She’s seen as a victim.
    If a youth/woman is unable to care for or is not desirous of a baby, the healthiest option is to carry the child full-term, as she can give it to a couple who are infertile (many couples after birth control are sterile and would handsomely pay a mother to carry the child for that term and offer an adoption bonus). A benefactor pays to house pregnant women for a year. And I know 3 families who traveled the globe to find their babies).
    As Deacon Peitler attested, my 3 friends in their fifties all deeply regret their past abortions and are depressed from that terrible “choice” to kill their child!
    But conversely, I know 2 miracle stories of healthy babies adopted:
    1) A son found his birth parents, and reunited with his 12-member family! And his adoptive parents were welcomed into the clan, becoming “auntie/uncle” to the rest of his siblings! His family is overflowing with love and the parents have him in their life to love!
    2) A teen gave her baby- product of a rape- to a Catholic couple, awaiting her own husband and family in the future. Her mom was a catechism DRE in our parish. Each year the adoptive parents sent her a photo of her son!
    Following God’s laws keeps us from harming our minds, souls, and bodies. Our culture needs to return to the Traditional Church’s catechism, promoting virtues of modesty and chastity. It’s successfully implemented within Latin-English Masses’ families. Myriad happy, healthy, smiling youth, married couples, and families there!

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