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Trump’s Bible peddling: welcome message or ‘misunderstanding’ about the faith?

Trump announced his Bible project on social media during Holy Week, saying he partnered with country singer Lee Greenwood on the initiative. (Credit: Screenshot/EWTN News Nightly)

CNA Newsroom, Mar 28, 2024 / 12:00 pm (CNA).

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s message touting a patriotically-themed King James Bible is seen as either a welcome, “heartfelt” religious exhortation or a “potentially dangerous misunderstanding” about the Christian faith, according to several Catholic observers.

Trump announced his Bible project on social media during Holy Week, saying he partnered with country singer Lee Greenwood on the initiative. Greenwood’s 1984 song “God Bless the USA” is traditionally played before Trump’s campaign rally and event speeches.

In addition to the sacred Scriptures, the “God Bless the USA Bible” includes the Constitution of the United States and the country’s Declaration of Independence as well as the lyrics to Greenwood’s hit song.

“Our Founding Fathers did a tremendous thing when they built America on Judeo-Christian values. Now that foundation is under attack, perhaps as never before,” Trump declared. He went on to exhort Americans to “pray that God will bless America again.”

“Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country,” Trump stated. “It’s one of the biggest problems we have. That’s why our country is going haywire.”

“This Bible is a reminder that the biggest thing we have to bring back to America and to make America great again is our religion,” he repeated.

Needed and ‘heartfelt’ message

“We need more politicians promoting the Bible and our founding principles,” commented Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center and author of “Stops Along the Way: A Catholic Soul, a Conservative Heart, an Irish Temper, and a Love of Life.”

“Good for Donald Trump actually promoting religion,” he added.

CatholicVote President Brian Burch seconded Bozell, saying: “It’s refreshing to hear a presidential candidate talk this way.”

In contrast, Burch said, the administration of incumbent President Joe Biden “has put our churches under surveillance, refused to prosecute violence against our churches, and decimated religious freedom protections.”

For his part, Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, told CNA he also welcomed the message.

“His belief in God, his belief in the importance of Christianity, going to the core of his message [of] the intertwining of religion and the fate of this country — are all heartfelt,” Roberts said.

“I think it’s important we not overthink this, or over-scrutinize it, but to see it for what it is, which is a great witness by a political leader who has not always spoken about his faith,” he said.

Roberts argued that critics of Trump could learn from the parable of the prodigal son. “When any man or woman maybe has not been the greatest witness of God’s truth decides that he or she wants to speak up, let’s welcome him or her with open arms,” he said.

‘Potentially dangerous misunderstanding’

Bradley Gregory, an associate professor of biblical studies at Catholic University of America (CUA), on the other hand, argued that Trump’s Bible marketing “reflects a basic, potentially dangerous misunderstanding of how our Christian faith should relate to our politics.”

Gregory, who also serves as associate dean for graduate studies at CUA’s School of Theology and Religious Studies, said that it’s “often underappreciated just how much our understanding of Scripture is affected by what we ‘pair’ with it, either mentally or in this case physically within the same book.”

“Whenever Scripture and something political are implied to be on the same level, even subconsciously, it makes it that much harder for the Church to see and challenge things that might be in conflict with the Gospel,” Gregory said.

“And worse, one of the sad patterns of Church history is that when Christians do this and invest political causes with a kind of religious devotion, compromises that betray the heart of the Gospel are usually not far behind,” he said.

Roberts noted that for Catholics, Trump’s promotion of the King James Bible left something to be desired. That version has traditionally been used by Anglicans and other Protestant denominations; it is distinct from the version of the Bible approved by the Catholic Church, which in the U.S. includes the New American Bible among other approved translations.

“It’d be nice if [the God Bless the USA] Bible had all the books in it,” Roberts said. “As a serious Catholic, I’m going to read one version of the Bible,” he said. “The entire Bible. It’s not going to have anything additional in it.”

Matthew Bunson, vice president of EWTN News, made similar observations in an interview on the subject with “EWTN News Nightly” anchor Tracy Sabol on Wednesday.

Trump is tapping, Bunson said, “into what is a wider concern in the United States for decline in religiosity, a decline, as he puts it, in prayer,” he continued. “It’s captured all, I think, by the phrase that he uses in his social media blasts [Wednesday], that he wants to ‘make America pray again.’”

Bunson’s full interview with Sabol can be viewed below.

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  1. To Bradley Gregory: You should be less disturbed by Trump’s promoting the Bible as a campaign strategy than you should be about Biden’s promoting baby-killing by abortion. It might be time for you to get far, far away from the poisonous culture that is Washington DC.

      • I think you don’t understand how politics works. Let me give you a primer.
        One way to advance the cause of one candidate without saying you’re doing so is to carve away at the positive perception of his opponent. This is how CNS works in case you hadn’t noticed their news feed of the past.

        • I don’t think you understand how logic works. Let me give you a primer.

          Wicca and Islam are very different from each other. They are mutually contradictory. That DOES NOT MEAN that condemning Islam as false means one is declaring Wicca to be true, nor that condemning Wicca as false means Islam is true. It is possible for both to be false religions. They are in fact both false religions. It is not the case that one MUST be true and the other MUST be false, with the only question being which is which; that is a false dichotomy.

          It is also a false dichotomy to assert that either Trump is a stable genius or Biden is a stable genius, and the only issue is which is which. Neither one is. Likewise, neither one is some sort of holy crusader. They are both scoundrels.

          I’m not much interested in the politics, because I understand it better than you do. I understand that my vote has never decided an election that involved more than 100 voters. I’ll wager yours hasn’t, either. And I know danged well that it has never happened, and it never will happen, that a presidential election was swung by one vote in the popular vote of any swing state. You have a better chance of winning the Powerball every drawing for the next year than of deciding a presidential election. Even if you are more interested in power than in truth, power is something neither of us have nor can get, so we might as well pursue truth instead.

          • Don’t worry about Trump. You’re not answerable for him. You are responsible for your own life. Redirect your focus to the right place.

          • As far as logic there is but one only a singular objective truth and a multitude of subjective truths (truthiness)…Islam is false for a spectrum of specific subjective reasons and Wicca is equally false for a different set of specific subjective reasons. Both must draw and abuse some aspect of the objective Truth to perpetuate their respective ideologies away from God.

    • Go, Deacon Peitler! Teach it, brother!

      So you find it offensive that Pres. Trump is peddling a KJV Bible? Do you realize that if Pres. Biden wins re-election, the country will descend into great evil comparable to the holding of human slaves, the rise of the KKK and their violence against freed slaves, or the violent rule of the Mobsters during Prohibition, or even the proliferation of drugs and “free love” (sex with anyone except a spouse) during the 1960s?

      The Democratic Party currently (and in the past, too, if you study history) has no respect for the rights of the States because they have no respect for the U.S. Constitution! Pres. Biden is currently pushing to see abortion enshrined as a “right” in that Constitution, and I’m guessing that he will cave to the persuasive LGBTQ+ community (especially those who are rich and powerful in the entertainment industry) and attempt to enshrine the “right” of children to be ‘transitioned” against their parents’ will in our Constitution! He is listening to the most extreme of the African American activists and pushing for a “Woke” retelling of history and huge financial reparations by those of us who never held slaves and often had relatives who were abolitionists! And he is listening to pseudo-science activists and attempting to “End Climate Change” by forcing Americans to pay for cars and energy sources that most of us simply cannot afford and never will be able to afford!

      Pres. Biden gets a lot of us his cues (and huge financial donations) from wealthy entertainment professionals (not priests or pastors!) who make astronomical salaries that enable them to fly their own planes and helicopters instead of driving evil gasoline-powered cars that are supposedly destroying the environment. Many of these professional entertainers have no religion, or at best, a pseudo-religion that promotes humanism and affirms many sinful practices. (To be fair, there are entertainers who DO adhere to a traditional Christian/Catholic faith, but they are not feted by Pres. Biden or other powerful Democrats.)

      And you think it’s awful that Pres. Trump is urging people to read the Bible and sending them a (gasp in horror!) KJV instead of the Douay-Rheims version?!! Really?!

      Well, you COULD encourage your parish to purchase and hand out Catholic translations of the Bible for free, and I think that’s a great plan!

      But it might be good, too, to start with fellow Catholics and encourage them to actually READ that Catholic Bible. While I was considering, along with my late darling husband, the possibility of converting from Evangelical Protestantism to Catholicism, I read the entire Catholic Bible through from cover to cover!! Have you?

      Recently, I was part of a Catholic Bible study–and discovered that most of the participants had never READ the Bible outside of Mass (and even in Mass, they listened rather than read it)–and several of the Bible study participants didn’t even HAVE a Bible at home and had to go out and buy one to participate in the Bible study!

      I’m glad to see that many of the current Catholic lay teachers and also popular clergy (e.g., Bishop Barron, Father Mike, etc.) are encouraging Catholics to read and study their Bibles. I hope that their study of God’s Word, will reveal to them that many “sinners” much worse than Pres. Trump were used by God throughout history to accomplish His Holy will (e.g., King David, Samson, St. Peter, etc.).

      I know Catholics and others who plan to “vote their conscience” by casting their ballot for a third-party candidate who hasn’t a chance to win–but at least their consciences will be clear! But how can people who make that decision live with their consciences when Pres. Biden and the Democratic Party continue to dismantle our freedoms, destroy our economy, attack our traditional families and our religious freedom, and make heinous sins our “Constitutional Rights”?

      I suggest that Catholics who are resistant to voting for Pres. Trump check out VP Mike Pence’s biography, “So Help Me God.” Yes, VP Pence has said that he will not publicly endorse Pres. Trump (but what will he decide to do in the privacy of the voting booth?). In his bio, he describes working with Pres. Trump–it’s not what you think. Much of the time, Pres. Trump would listen in respectful silence (and sipping endless Diet Cokes!) as his Cabinet or elected officials (Senators, Representatives, Governors, etc.) presented their information to him, and he would ask questions and try to learn as much as he could from them. This is not the Trump that our media shows us–but it’s the Trump that VP Pence knew, worked with, and respected (at least until Jan. 6).

      I would also encourage skeptics to take a look at Pres. Trump’s children–all hard-working and scandal-free. When his young son Barron was attacked by the media (ahh, those fun-loving and totally-trustworthy media!), his Catholic mother did what many of us Catholic mothers would do and are doing!–she took him AWAY from Washington and kept him OUT of the public gaze, and the results are obvious today. Barron is a gentleman, a good student and athlete, and apparently respectful of his father–at a recent funeral, he was filmed offering his father his arm to help him up a curb.

      My opinion of the “Free KJV Bible” with various American documents included is that this will not be the Bible that recipients read. It’s meant to be a “souvenir” of the election, something that people will probably store in a way that will prevent it from deterioration and humidity-damage and show their grandchildren–who hopefully will not ask, “What’s a Bible?” or even worse, “Grandma, Grandpa, burn that book–it’s illegal! You could go to prison if they find out you have it in your house! It’s dangerous enough that you still have Mass in the basement!”

      I hope that my words will encourage my fellow Catholics to think deeply, pray much, take a closer look at the media, read more books than websites and social media, and vote wisely and prayerfully.

      • Ms. Sharon, please please please for the love of God and all that is holy just take your meds. Going off your crazy pills does not make you seem smart or insightful. Quite the opposite.

      • Sharon!! You go girl!! Thanks for that defense of President Trump. Every single thing you said is true. Every time I hear someone attack Trump it comes down to a lot of dripping hate. Yes, he can be abrasive. But if you ask them for SPECIFICALLY what he has done that is awful or wrong, you hear crickets. Nothing. Because there IS nothing.

        Trump was a man lauded for his business accomplishments UNTIL he ran for office against the power mad democrats, and then it was non-stop attacks. He is known to be fair and help random under-dogs,and he never publicizes his good deeds. Now, the left cant concoct enough twisted and bogus lawfair accusations against him. As for the womanizing accusation…ugh!! Sorry. Mark me down for don’t believe them. As a woman myself, I know not every woman is Little Bo Peep. Not be a long-shot. There are a lot of women who are willing “volunteers” on the slight chance of becoming the next Mrs. Billionaire. Then they crawl out from under their rocks 20 or 30 years later, and funny how they all have a book to peddle. Nothing short of disgusting.I plan to vote for Trump again (suburban woman with a Masters Degree that I am) and will WRITE in his name if the creep minions of the left get his name pulled off their ballots. I hope other Trump supporters will do the same. To the Biden excusers: If lighting up the Empire state Building in Trans colors on Easter Sunday , and prohibiting any religious symbols on the white house easter eggs for the Egg roll didnt tell you all you need to know about the sickening lack of morality among democrats, you need a therapy session.

        • Specifics? Well, what about that attempted coup on January 6, 2021? What about the botched handling of the Covid Pandemic, with his advocating quack cures like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine? What about the 20+ women who have credibly accused him of sexual assault?

          You say there is nothing wrong he has done? Are you serious? His life is a parade of wrongdoing. Why do you like him so much? Perhaps Stockholm Syndrome?

          • “…with his advocating quack cures like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine…”

            Your fixation on these two drugs is strange. Both have been around for decades, have been approved for multiple uses, and are cheap. Compare that with the mRNA shots, which were rushed into use without proper testing and were said to prevent getting COVID (false), and which earned Big Pharma a lot, lot, lot of money. (And let’s not get started on the matter of ventilators.) There has been a wide range of reactions to the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to help people in early stages of COVID. I know many people who used both and, overall, recovered more quickly than those who did not. Certainly many factors are in play (age, health, etc.). But to call it “quack” is an emotional smear on many good doctors and other health professionals who had success with it but who were, almost to the person, mocked and vilified and even cancelled. Trump made some judgments during the first few months of COVID that I think were ill-advised, but his biggest mistake was trusting Fauci, Collins, and Co., all of whom have demonstrated the sort of lying, back-stabbing, and power-hungry plays that are all too common for those who are corrupt and bought. And, for the record, I never take medical advice from politicians. Nor do I allow any politicians to live in my head.

          • Insurrection??? DEM psycho-babble, which unfortunately works with their ill-informed voters. Insurrection? An UNARMED insurrection with no visible military support???? Consisting in large part of senior citizens and families? Honey, my cat could run a better insurrection than that!! That was NO insurrection!!

            The “botched” covid issue was in fact handled as well as could be expected with an unknown virus. The big problem lay with over-zealous blue state authorities who shut everything down for little reason and then refused to open. Ditto school closures demanded by selfish democrat supporting teachers unions.The damaged economy is still recovering. The children injured by two years of almost no schooling may not.

            There are NOT in fact 20 women accusing him of assault and as I have said before, cry me a river.A billionaire doesnt have to force anyone, as I have suggested. PLENTY of volunteers. As a women myself, I have zero respect for women who crawl out from under rocks decades after the fact to make unsupported accusations which cannot be proven, yet can be resolved with large sums of money.

            I have had covid twice,( am still not dead!) and have no issues with whatever drugs desperate people would choose to use. But hysteria on all levels from drugs to masking, to forced church closures, came from the left. The blood is on THEIR hands. Not Trump, who did his level best to help us. Are YOU a doctor? Do you understand virology? He had no choice but to trust the professionals. Easy to be critical when its not your responsibility.

            Stockholm syndrome?? No, doll. Not in the least. I leave that to folks on the left.

          • Will, I’m constantly repeating in the comments but this issue keeps coming up over and over again.
            I had family living in a country where there was a real insurrection and it involved weapons and the military attempting a coup. Things were blown up.
            The poor addled folks in costumes who traipsed through our Capitol in the January 6th riot were unlikely to be able to organize anything that would result in an insurrection and they certainly didn’t have factions of the Army or Navy assisting them in that.
            Again, it’s perfectly fine to disagree with a candidate and their views and choose not to vote for them, it’s a free country. But we shouldn’t be enabling what amounts to political folklore.

    • and these so called catholics have no problem with biden taking holiest of day and turning it into a day of celebration for transgenders nstead and no religious symbol son eatser eggs,ya god said their would be false churches and now i see it revelations is correct.

  2. So Trump now supports Bud Light, Walt Disney World, and the Bible (at least the overpriced copies he is selling). I’ll take that for what it is.

    Trump is using the King James Bible because he does not have to pay copyright or royalties for it. It’s a money decision, not a love for any tradition. The $60 price is for a “patriotic” cover and Trump’s association with it — more the latter than the former. After all, its competition includes the “KJV Large Print Compact Military Bible, Red Letter, Presentation Page, Articles, Cross-References, Full-Color Maps, Easy-to-Read Bible Type” for $19 and the “The NKJV, American Patriot’s Bible, Hardcover: The Word of God and the Shaping of America” for #30.50, to say nothing of countless Bibles “specialized” for men, for women, for athletes, for whatever group you like.

    If you have $60 and want to spend it on a Bible, I would recommend instead the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (New Testament), the Didache Bible, or even the Orthodox Study Bible

          • “Middle English worshippe, from Old English worðscip, wurðscip (Anglian), weorðscipe (West Saxon) “condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown,” from weorð “worthy” (see worth) + -scipe (see -ship).”

            “The sense of “reverence paid to a supernatural or divine being” is attested by mid-13c.” Please note that the Catholic Church was around for about 1250 years by the mid 13th century.

            “The original sense is preserved in worshipful “claiming respect; worthy of honor by virtue of character or dignity” (c. 1300), preserved as a respectful epithet of address to magistrates, certain Freemasons, etc.” Presumably no one will accuse the Freemasons of worshiping their leaders in the sense of considering them divine.

            In Luke 1:28, St. Gabriel carries God’s message to call her “Full of Grace”, a distinction showed to literally no other person addressed by an angel.

            St. Elizabeth tells her “Blessed are you among women, and who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me.” Which seems to rate her dignity quite high.

            Jesus gave her to St. John the Apostle to be his mother. Presumably Jesus did this knowing that Scripture says “Honor your father and your mother.” So presumably the Apostle honored her highly, both as the mother of his God, and as his own. According to Scripture, he’d be a bad son not to – and be guilty of the whole Law, including the part about loving God with all your heart, soul, and strength.

    • An interesting point, about avoiding copyrights, with the King James Bible.

      What, then, about the King James version itself, did it violate earlier copyrights? Oh, wait, before Gutenberg’s recent printing press there were no copyrights, only those ye olde Catholic and by-hand copyists holed up in monasteries…

      Without becoming ensnared in copyright issues and today’s politics, or whatever, might some archeologists want to compare Trump to Ramses II (1279-1213 B.C.) who usurped dozens of monuments, not to erase his predecessors but to ramp up his own image? Or, what about Muhammad (A.D. 570-632) who in the Qu’ran cribbed a whole bunch of stuff from the Jewish Pentateuch and even the Christian Gospels?

      But, then, what about those others in history who not only usurped but actually have obliterated our inheritance? Like the recent Jihadist destruction of cultural treasures in Iraq, Syria and even Lybia?

      And, closer to home, the overwriting of the Magisterium with the “hermeneutics of discontinuity”….This particular shell game continueth…

      • “What, then, about the King James version itself, did it violate earlier copyrights?”

        Well, I gather that it borrowed from the original (Catholic) Douay Rheims translations, which had come out previously.

  3. I am surprised that he did not claim authorship of the Bible. Step right up ladies and gents! For only $60 you can own your very own Trump Bible! Such a deal.

  4. This is a foremost showcase of White Christian Nationalism that sadly has been embraced by some Catholics under the bad influence of Evangelicals. The Bible has the KJV text, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. The endorser is America’s chief liar, cheat, narcissist, racist, sexist, rapist, and insurrectionist – this last character showing he does not live by the Bible and the Constitution.

    • If Trump is all of these things (and that’s not a given at all, despite the mindless blathering of many), then it can just as reasonably stated that Joe Biden, a baptized Catholic, is a serial liar, proven plagiarizer, bully, racist, misogynist, creepy perv, corrupt despot, abortion promoter, homosexual pusher, trans-insanity advocate. Etc. And as blustering, narcissistic, and embarrassing as Trump so often is, Biden outpaces him on a regular basis on those departments. And, last time I looked, Biden has been the POTUS for a while. Go figure.

      • What an example of “whataboutism.” It’s a very childish way of deflecting focus of attention. This article is, and the comments are supposed to be, about Saint Donald’s latest marketing proposition. What I highlighted is the wide disconnect between the endorser’s life and the product. This “patriotic” (meaning, White Christian Nationalist) Bible which includes the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as added extras (comparable to Catholic Bibles with Vatican II’s Dei Verbum, and the Lists of Popes and of Sunday Mass Readings) glaringly exposes Trump’s duplicity and impropriety to be Bible product endorser in obviously not having read, understood and lived the Bible (his (im)moral charater) and the Constitution (his insurrection!).

        • No deflection at all. I think Trump is, as he often, being fairly classless and opportunistic. And, yes, he often spouts nonsense, is arrogant, etc. In all of those things, he’s much like 95%+ of politicians. But, again, Biden—so often described as a serious, practical Catholic—is the most pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-trans, anti-life, anti-human POTUS in history. It’s impossible to conclude otherwise.

          Meanwhile, your dog whistle use of “Christian Nationalist” is truly childish. Infantile and essentially slanderous. No surprise.

      • Carl, your description of the President is totally out of line from a Catholic journalist or anyone else. It is calumny and a grave sin. I doubt if you will publish this but I hope you will take note and act accordingly. May God bless you brother.

        • I wrote that “Joe Biden, a baptized Catholic, is a serial liar, proven plagiarizer, bully, racist, misogynist, creepy perv, corrupt despot, abortion promoter, homosexual pusher, trans-insanity advocate.”

          Back in the 1980s, there was still some semblance of secular journalism, and folks such as Sam Donaldson and Connie Chung concluded (rightly) that Biden was a liar and plagiarizer. His bullying is well-known to folks who follow his long career, but the way he treated Robert Bork suffices as an example. The Hill sums it up by noting: “Supreme Court nomination hearings have gone from serene to savage, thanks largely to Joe Biden.” Biden’s behavior was so bad that even The Washington Post was appalled (imagine that now!), saying: “How can he possibly get a fair hearing from Biden, who has already cast himself as the role of prosecutor instead of a juror in the Judiciary Committee? If there is a strong, serious case to be argued against Judge Bork, why do so many Democrats seem unwilling to make it and afraid to listen to the other side?” Many commentators believe that Biden’s treatment of Bork marked a very bad turn in American politics, in which slander and outright attacks became the norm.

          And, yes, Biden is indeed a creepy perv. Unless you think that constantly sniffing the hair and invading the body space of both women AND young girls is normal and fine.

          Biden’s corruption is obvious to anyone who has paid attention to the wheelings and dealings of his son Hunter. His promotion of abortion is everywhere, as his support for homosexuality (he has “officiated” at at least one “gay marriage”) and transgenderism.

          On and on it goes. But, please, feel free to question me and my integrity at any time. As long as you hold Biden and others to a similar standard.

          • Carl, please also state publicly the equally immoral and gross behavior (also stated be respected journalists) of former president Trump. This would demonstrate journalistic balance and impartiality. Partial truth is not not truth. Ps. Thanks for not taking down my previous post. That demonstrates characters and I appreciate it. Your brother in Christ, jim

        • Mr. Connor,
          On Easter, accusing Mr. Olson of your personal grave sin of calumny strikes a height of irony, uncharity, and psychologically disordered defense mechanism.

          Mr. Olson’s writing sometimes reveals a nuance coupled with boldly perceptive and articulate intelligence. If you would notice, a definitely decisive CONDITION prefaces his statement containing the words you consider offensive. That word is ‘if.’

          • Meiron, my apologies to any and all whom I may have offended. I did not mean harm to anyone. My only concern is that we all (myself included) be more charitable to all political candidates. The secular media has become very untrustworthy and immoral and I fear that Christian media is going down the same track. During the last election much awful, skewed , partisan muck was thrown by the so called Christian press ; and many clerics were doing the same from the pulpit. This is NOT OK. This is not how we are called to behave as Christians, not the behavior mandated by The Sermon on the Mount.

            Of late, secular society has abandoned the principle of the end and means justification (which is so necessary for the survival of democratic government) in order to leverage favorable elections results. Short term gains only produce long term losses. Democracy cannot be preserved through non democratic ways. we have become so polarized that perhaps it’s time to admit that democracy is no longer feasible or desirable for us and we should accept the strongest thug as our leader. How long can we continue to support corrupt politics (both left and right)? Perhaps we as Christians should abandon politics and concentrate on being the salt of the earth, the leaven in the lump, the light in the darkness. Perhaps our time would be better spent evangelizing the lost while we still have the option. Christ had little or nothing to say about our involvement in Government other than an obligation to pay taxes and obey secular laws and recognize secular leaders. He said nothing about revolting against an unjust government or trying to change social institutions. He did say a lot about how we treat others, about humility and repentance. Just a few things for us to consider as we enter the heat of another election. May God have mercy on us all and may we all love each other

        • Suggest you brush up on the definition of calumny, James, unless of course your goal is to demonstrate how much you actually don’t know.

          calumny /kăl′əm-nē/ noun

          1. A false statement maliciously made to injure another’s reputation.
          2. The utterance of maliciously false statements; slander.
          3. False accusation of a crime or offense, maliciously made or reported, to the injury of another; malicious misrepresentation; slander; detraction. (emphasis added)

    • Oh boy. “White” Christian Nationalists?
      I had a great conversation with a gentleman yesterday who absolutely loves Donald Trump. I mean Pres. Trump rocks his world. He’s a gentleman of “colour”, in his 50s and a huge fan of Ronald Reagan too. He’s also deeply patriotic.
      I’m sure that there are white supremacists but outside of correctional facilities they’re quite small in number.
      The gentleman I met was married to a “White ” lady. They have a daughter. Almost everywhere I go these days I see “mixed race ” couples with children. Segregation and most racist constructs are becoming a generational thing. Young people increasingly just don’t care about that any more.

      • What is the full name of this unicorn of a man you spoke to Ms. Cracker? I would like to seek this unicorn of a man out and pick his brain to find out why he thinks the way he does. If you are unwilling to provide his name and contact information where I can reach him, then you are quite assuredly lying about this “great conversation” you had with a unicorn of a man of “colour” (sic) – we live in America not Europe, spell words the right way.

        Please remember to be honest.

        • Quite apart from anything else, publishing someone’s name and contact information online is grossly unethical. For one thing, it gives the opportunity to Truculent Toads and others of like initials to annoy and harass him.

          If you think that man is a unicorn, you must be going around blindfolded, because even a cursory search online will show that there are many like him.

          Having read her comments for several years, I have developed a great deal of respect for Mrs. Cracker and her opinions; I have never seen her post untruths and she is always calm and mild. You? Not so much.

      • Bravo for that statement.
        I have a nephew who is bi-racial and looks black. Once at a family gathering a white family member asked him if he had ever been subjected to racism in his life? His answer: “never”. The young man in question is a medical professional, married with children, and a homeowner. His color has NOT prevented him from success in life. Word to any young person aspiring to the same: get an education, dont get pregnant at 15, dont use drugs, dont get involved with gangs. In other words, follow the rules and it will all be available to you. I have no doubt that there are racists out there. But they are few and far between, thank God, and do not represent the country as a whole. The idea of it is a charade promoted by the leftist media. This has not prevented some agitators from making a living off of such ideas. As for Trump and his bible, I recall him standing in front of the church near the white house which had been set on fire by rioters during his presidency. Kudos to his bravery. The more bibles we have being read, the better.

        • My thoughts, too LJ.
          There are in fact a few white supremacists left but those are fading & aging out. I actually see more anti-Semitism these days than most other sorts of bigotry, which is pretty strange. It feels sometimes like we’re heading back in a time portal to 1930’s Germany.
          I agree with you: the problem with too many Bibles in voters’ hands is exactly what?

    • Q: What do leprechauns, unicorns, informed progressives, and Christian nationalism have in common?

      A: They’re all things that only exist in people’s imaginations.

    • White Christian Nationalism…seriously? You mean those evil people who actually founded and built this country? You are what is wrong, very wrong, with our country and the poisonous national dialogue and minimization of faith. “Deacon D” I hope you are not in a position to ever delivery a homily. Sure you would blather on about little but the evils of the patriarchy.

  5. I like the King James Bible. (Sorry, I didn’t realize I wasn’t supposed to read it).
    I am very uncomfortable with the mixture of the Bible and politics.

    • It’s OK to read it; just don’t read it from the lecturn! The KJV is not perfect, but it’s no worse than the NAB; only it’s not allowed for liturgical purposes. The NKJV is much better though; it preserves most of the poetic English of the KJV while being a more accurate (and modern) translation.

    • You and I both. There is, now, a Catholic version of the KJ Bible, they have replaced the books that were removed. I was a Lutheran for 57 years and converted to Catholicism in 2004. I was raised on the KJ bible and have always preferred the language, so much of it is like lovely poetry. If you want to add the missing books to your KJ Bible, an Apocrypha might be the answer.

    • From what I understand, the notes are a large part of the problem with Protestant Bibles such as the King James, more than the translation itself.

  6. I think those Catholics who are so put off by Trump’s use of the Bible in his campaign should be far more concerned about two factoids:
    1. The MAJORITY of Catholics do NOT believe in the Real Presence.
    2. The majority of Catholics (by a small margin) support aborting babies.

    Put those two things into the equation as you comment about Trump’s use of the Bible.

  7. There are many adjectives that could be applied to this historic election campaign and now – thanks to DJT – we can now add ‘odd’.

    Mrs. Cracker – Well said.

    • How so Will?
      You know it’s not as telling about the “religious right”, but about those who look down on folks who might appreciate having a King James James Bible with those important documents added as a bonus. The great unwashed who actually still believe in the Word of God and the founding documents of our nation.

      • So non Trumpers don’t believe in God? So Trumpers are more religious? So Trumpers are more patriotic? This old Marine and former Latin Rite altar boy is amused by the phony piety and patriotism of the MAGA cult.

        • It’s about disrespect and demeaning working class people of faith. I think that’s what helped undo Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
          One can disagree with a candidate, hold opposing views, etc. but we shouldn’t demean folks who want to support Trump by purchasing a KJV Bible even if it’s something that might not appeal to us personally.
          Really, on Good Friday shouldn’t we be trying to understand our separated brethren that we just prayed for at church a few hours ago?

          • Disrespect? I cannot respect Trump. He is a gross, treasonous liar. The working class has been screwed by the billionaires who very cleverly use culture war claptrap to bamboozle the rubes. Yes, Jesus wants tax cuts for the rich. It’s in the Bible, right? And the MAGA cult gulps the Kool Aid.

            I consider myself working class and do not disrespect the working class, although the glorification of ignorance by Republicans is a problem. Buying Bibles from Trump is a con and we all know it.

        • Go read City Journal’s article entitled, “A Crackdown on Religious Organizations
          The Biden administration’s new rule targets faith-based groups.”

        • Sort of shocking that a former Marine is ok with the spineless Biden administration leaving our troops hung out to dry as rockets rained down on them in the middle east.It took a lot of pressure for them to finally respond and blow up—two empty warehouses. Yeah, that will scare the pants off of them. Then of course you have the travesty of 13 US soldiers dead in the hysterical withdrawal from Afghanistan which will take our military generations to overcome.Our men are sitting ducks. Are you ok with that? There is no pretending that this administration is pro-military with the pathetic likes of Milley at the top, who is concerned about “white rage”. Then we have trans folk “soldiers” giving lectures to our military. Have you seen the video? I have. Disgusting. You think this is good for our National Security? Our country? I promise you it is exceedingly dangerous for us, with enemies like china who do NOT worry about such nonsense.

          Finally how does that wide open border play for you? Do you see the danger or do you ignore it? Who in your family are you willing to sacrifice to the open border policy, when the next terror attack strikes? Or,when the next random illegal strikes??? Biden attacks republican repeatedly for not passing the most recent immigration bill, which would have guaranteed almost 2 million illegals a YEAR waved into the country. Thank God it didnt pass. Ask WHY the immigration bill passed by the House earlier last year, HR2, has NEVER been brought out for Senate discussion by Chuck Schumer???? Funny how Biden never mentions THAT bill, which WOULD REALLY secure the border. The DEMs will NEVER close the border because its how they plan to stack the vote to achieve a one party rule, just like every other communist country or dictatorship. Like they want to stack the Supreme Court if they can. Like they want to fabricate charges and twist laws to jail Trump.Like they attack voter ID laws, challenge voting district lines, and want “weighted” voting which is anything BUT one man, one vote. I understand politicians being power mad and biased. Whats most upsetting is observing that so many fellow Americans cannot see the forest for the trees, and absorb their propaganda. Sad, very sad. And dangerous.

      • Mrs. Cracker, I feel the same way about those who sneer at people who buy (or have bought in decades past) inexpensive plastic religious statues, or glow-in-the-dark plaques or light switch frames showing Jesus, or other little religious objects that are maybe not all that beautifully made, are crudely painted, are cheap. I can be a snob about a lot of things, but to me those “tacky” items are a witness to a great love for God and the angels and saints, and I find them beautiful. I find them at estate sales and thrift shops and yard sales and I am very happy to have them, and I pray that I may share in the faith of those who originally bought them.

        • Thank you so much for your comments, Leslie. I agree.
          I remember as a child winning a glow in the dark plastic Cross for memorizing the names of all the books in the Bible. I had it next to my bed and really treasured it. When my dear grandmother passed away we found a glow in the dark Rosary she kept under her pillow.
          Good taste doesn’t always translate to good religion and certainly not when it involves sneering at others.
          God bless you Leslie.

  8. Highly recommend do I THE HOLY BIBLE DOUAY-RHEIMS VERSION of the 16th/17th centuries (Baronius Press, 2018 printing) for its solid historical Introductory docs and didactic catechetical footnotes. The Faith is presented even within the sometimes mysterious Old Testament Books. Recall Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church. As originally chosen by the Catholic Clergy in the 4th century, the complete Books are contained- (which, after St Jerome’s meticulous translation et. al., never needed “updating”, nor “revision”- for removal of pivotal doctrine). A true gift to us! Perfect for beginners who have a Scripture notebook at the ready.
    Thank you for the laughs, Deacon Peitler!

  9. Sadly, this, still. I get it, you read the MSM, you see who they say Donald Trump is.

    Reading the Bible, one thing that can be seen, if you can see, is that Jesus came for every person, different languages, different positions, different levels of enlightenment.

  10. Setting the “Needed and ‘heartfelt’ message” part of the essay on a contrasting par with the “Potentially dangerous misunderstanding” portion of the essay seems to cover an obvious bias against former President Trump.
    First of all, why the quotation marks around “heartfelt”? The word “heartfelt” appears in none of the quotes in that portion of the essay. The quotes from scholars in that portion of the essay (particularly Mr. Roberts’ “prodigal son” analogy), however, underscore that those quoted scholars are obviously crediting Mr. Trump with sending a needed and truly heartfelt message to us all. Putting quotation marks around the word “heartfelt” can only be interpreted as an invitation to the reader to believe that Mr. Trump’s message is not heartfelt, but rather something else—something worse.
    Secondly, the “Potentially dangerous misunderstanding” portion of the assay rests on a not-fully-explained quote from Professor Gregory about implying that Scripture and something political are on the same level, even subconsciously, causes hardship for the Church. Was Mr. Trump subconsciously implying that Scripture and something political are on the same level? Based on what? Professor Gregory went on to suggest, by implication, that Mr. Trump’s alleged subconscious implication that Scripture and something political are on the same level somehow leads to “invest[ing] political causes with a kind of religious devotion.” All of this supposedly leads the reader to conclude that, by encouraging prayer and bible reading, former President Trump is engaging a “potentially dangerous misunderstanding.” Really?
    Is CWR, by publishing this essay, trying to convince its Catholic readership not to support voting for former President Trump? If so, why? Explain clearly and forthrightly on the real issues of the day.

    • “Is CWR, by publishing this essay, trying to convince its Catholic readership not to support voting for former President Trump?”

      No, in publishing a news brief by CNA, which talks to Catholics who reacted in different ways to Trump’s actions, CWR is not telling anyone anything about voting.

  11. I am by the Grace of God a Catholic Christian in communion with Francis Bishop of Rome.

    I am also a MAGA supporter.

    I also don’t give a fig about Trump’s Bible one way or another. I need to eat
    and take care of my family and I already have several Bibles in mae hoos.

    I don’t care and I cannot be made to care about the Trump Bible good or bad.

  12. No partisanship here….I loath both candidates equally, and suspect “None Of The Above” would win handily were it added to ballot.

    If it did not, it would only reflect the growing ignorance of the populace at large who believe everything they see in/on media to be the truth.

    Critical individual thinking skills seem dead as the dodo and we get the government we deserve. Meanwhile, both candidates do and say anything, so long as they think it good for votes…and they get them.

  13. I’m a lifelong Catholic. I have many different Bibles and I enjoy reading the varied “translations”. But the “King James Bible”, despite being produced under the auspices of the English Protestant King James, is a work of art, a masterpiece. Trump choosing it for his effort is more than OK with me. Our ostensibly Catholic President Biden is (as best I can tell) a “Show Catholic” only. His ridiculous habit of “blessing himself” (however haphazardly) when telling jokes, and his Mass attendance for the cameras is terribly ironic given his stance on abortion. No – give me Trumo and his Bibles all day long.

    • Our current president has declared tomorrow, Easter Sunday, as Transgenderism Day of Visibility. Or something like that.
      I’ll go with peddling Bibles. And I love the language in the KJV also.

      • Yes, the contrast could not be more marked. One is peddling transgenderinsm during the most sacred day of Christians. The other is peddling The Bible, the Constitution, The Bill of Rights…And btw, his “peddling” is not for his profit. the income will not go to him but to the creator of the hit song God Bless the Usa, to the makers of the bible, etc. When will be see an article here or other Roman Catholic venues attacking Biden for his blasphemous declaration of Easter as Transgender Visibility Day”?

  14. The outrage at what DT is promoting contrasts with these Christians SILENCE ABOUT BIDEN DELCARING EASTER DAY AS TRANSGENDER VISIBILITY DAY. WHAT A BLASPHEMY! DT is promoting the Bible, the Constitution, the Bill or Rights…a promotion that these presumed Christians find wrong. THEIR SILENCE AND OUTRAGE SAYS MUCH ABOUT THEM. GOD BLESS DT FOR PROMOTING SUCH GOOD THINGS.

  15. OK, I think there are some things that might clarify matters if you will bear with me for a moment. First of it is a rare Southern politician who does not make a show of his religion during a political campaign. Their political literature shows the family in their Sunday attire and tells us what church they go to and if the candidate is a deacon, Sunday school teacher supports missions, etcetera. The same is often true with black politicians! So what about our New York Yankee money changer Trump? Well, his Southern advisors doubtless counseled him that his established prolife and pro-family reputation would be further enhanced by some biblical connections even if it is at $60 each. Hypocrisy? Not to a people who believe faith in God is the foundation of personal honesty and morality and that people without this are not to be trusted under any circumstances.

  16. The bigger problem is his use of the term “Judaeo-Christian.” This obscures the opposition between Judaism and Christianity. One religion denies Christ, the other affirms Him.

    Christ is Risen and Christ is King!

    • If I recall correctly, the “Judaeo-Christian” KJV contains both Old & New Testaments. The latter fulfills the first.

      • In the contemporary meaning of the word “Judaism”, it signifies a religion opposed to Christianity. If a person is, religiously speaking, a Jew, it means he/she is someone who, even after the passing of the old covenant into the new 2000 years ago, persists in denying that Jesus of Nazareth is Messiah, Savior, and God; and in affirming that the Old Law is still in force.

        Judaism, so understood, is a false religion.

        “Judaeo-Christian” is a term invented to diminish the honor and uniqueness of Christ and His Church. It leads to confusion about what is to be believed and what is to be done, and to a fruitless alliance with people who do not agree with us.

  17. The comments added to this article reminds me of a joke about St. Peter showing new Protestants around Heaven. They come to one hallway and St. Peter says “We have to be quiet going down this hallway. It is the Catholic section and they think they are the only ones here in Heaven.” Now you can exchange “Catholic” for another faith to prove a point. (And by the way, I am a life-long, practicing Catholic.) I think it should be said that the Lord speaks to us through his written word. And I would trust that message to be right for each recipient no matter what bible version he is reading.

  18. By the way, I am surprised to see how many people here object to the King James version being the one selected by Trump. Trump is not Catholic , folks!! You get that, right?? Why do you then imagine the would select any Catholic version of the bible?? All that makes this bible different is that it includes copies of several American documents of importance, including the Constitution. That’s it. Its not translated by Trump nor has he written any theologian’s commentary.Nor did he write his own bible as the voice of God, although I do not doubt some especially ill-informed folks would believe that accusation. Suppose as an Easter pledge, some of you supposed Catholics promise to stop attacking the man for no reason for every single thing he does?? Especially, stop attacking him for bogus reasons. Maybe what you REALLY don’t like is the FACT that the country, and all it’s people, WERE better off during the years he was President. The truth hurts.

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