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The American Abolition of Boys

The United States is an outlier in normalizing the sex selection and design of children and white IVF parents are far more likely to choose female children.

(Image: Micah Boswell/

Choosing the sex of a child created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) is banned in most countries throughout Europe. It is forbidden in Switzerland and Austria and prohibited (except for medical reasons) in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Russia, Portugal, Norway, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, and Latvia.  And although some Latin American countries like Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, and Ecuador do not have a policy on the sex selection of a “future child,” the United States is an outlier in normalizing the sex-selection and design of children.

But, then again, the United States is an outlier in monetizing and commodifying the creation of designer children on demand. Rejecting previous concerns about how sex selection could raise concerns about creating societal gender imbalances and would lead to the destruction of normal embryos of the non-desired gender, few seem concerned about discrimination against female children now that according to the most recent reports, it appears white couples in the United States prefer girls.

A recent article in Slate titled “The Parents Who Want Daughters—and Daughters Only” reveals that, for some, the option to sex select is a perk of an otherwise exacting process. For others, it is the point of doing IVF in the first place. According to Jeffrey Steinberg, the founder of the Fertility Institutes in Los Angeles, “elective IVF for sex selection rakes in an estimated $500 million annually for clinics.” That’s about 5 percent of the $8 billion market. Steinberg, who markets this service aggressively, estimates “85 percent of his patients are there purely for gender selection.”

Other fertility clinics do not have such an aggressive marketing strategy on sex selection. For example, a Slate reporter interviewed Sharon Moayeri, the founder of Orange County Fertility in Newport Beach, California, who said her clinic does not prominently advertise sex selection—it’s fourth in a menu of services on the website—but she estimates up to 15 percent of patients arrive without any fertility issues.

Sex-selection of future children has been an economic boon to the fertility industry. In fact, an article published in the October 2023 issue of Fertility and Sterility, revealed “fertility now appears to be the medical specialty with the greatest market share owned by private equity investors. Some of the largest fertility practices in the country are private equity-backed … And annual profits often exceed 20-30 percent.”

The fertility industry is especially attractive to private equity firms and hedge funds for several reasons. Most importantly, it is attractive to investors because it is “less regulated” and wealthy patients and their employers—instead of the government—are the ones funding the IVF treatments. According to the article:

[G]iven a predominantly cash and commercial payor base, fertility has historically been lower-risk in terms of a reimbursement and regulatory perspective, in contrast to other specialties that depend heavily on Medicare or Medicaid reimbursement.  As a result, there is limited regulation, a high rate of self-pay for infertility treatment, and operating cycles were completed with a single IVF cycle costing on average, $12,000 to more than $30,000 per cycle depending on geographic location, medication costs and additional services.

Sex selection is one of those important—and expensive—additional service on the menu of the private equity provided services when designing a child through IVF. In fact, one study found that acquisition by private equity of a fertility chain was associated with increases in IVF clinic volume by 28.2%. Adding and marketing the expensive sex selection item to the menu of fertility services, as well as being able to offer additional choices (including being able to choose the eye color of future children), has been a boon to the private equity firms involved in the fertility industry.

Even more worrisome is an increasing number of wealthy white first-time parents are seeking out IVF treatment just so they can have a female child. The Slate reporter interviewed 15 women (and a couple of men) who are planning on doing IVF so they can have a daughter. The responses were horrifying. One of those interviewed, named “Grace,” told the reporter: “When I think about having a child that’s a boy, it’s almost a repulsion like, Oh my God, no … I don’t like kids. I don’t want kids anytime soon. Especially one that’s a boy.”

The reporter concluded Grace also thinks that if her feelings around kids change, she wants to dodge the possibility of becoming a “boy mom.” The idea of having a male child is actually repulsive to all of those who were interviewed for the Slate article. One of them, named Lexi, said she and her husband want two kids, both girls. According to the article, Lexi’s husband values traits “more associated with girls, including empathy, social skills and kindness.”

Neither 32-year-old Lexi nor her husband has fertility issues and could naturally conceive and give birth without IVF. But they simply want to control the entire process. They are not just planning IVF, they are also getting matched with a female surrogate who will carry and give birth to their first female child so they will have more time to “rave, travel, and self-actualize without worrying about a pregnancy.”

The idea of “toxic masculinity” emerged in the conversations with many of the women who spoke with the Slate reporter. These women seem to believe they are performing a social good by not bringing more men into the world. One of those interviewed said because the oldest children tend to be more successful, if everyone did sex selection we could squash inequality by manipulating birth order. A Toronto ethics professor has claimed sex selection can’t be discriminatory if some parents opt for daughters. She writes:

Allowing sex selection for purposes of family balancing in countries in which no demonstrable pro-male sex bias exists among prospective parents appears at least ethically neutral and tolerable … it avoids the harm of compelling a woman’s repeated pregnancies until her goal of a family balanced by children of both sexes is achieved and of abortion of an unplanned pregnancy that may be of a fetus of the balancing sex.

Still, the war on boys continues unabated. The Slate article concludes that “for many, the prospect of raising a girl just feels as if it will be easier. She’s far less likely to commit a mass shooting or to idolize Andrew Tate.”

In Dignitas Infiniti, Pope Francis has reiterated his strong stand against surrogacy and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (par 2377) states clearly that IVF is “morally unacceptable” because it not only separates the marriage act from procreation, it also establishes the domination of technology over human life.

The choice for female (only) children is a nightmare even the most radical feminist could not have envisioned. But in some ways, this was predicted in 1943 by C. S. Lewis in Abolition of Man. Lewis warned that while man’s power over nature is something worth pursuing, it should never be used to debunk morals, values and natural law. He worried about a future in which the morals and values of the majority would be controlled by elites—like the scientists, engineers, and the financial gurus who support the fertility industry today. Lewis understood well these elites, who recognize and exploit what he called the “unreflected whims” of the population.

And Lewis predicted a time—like today in the private equity-driven fertility industry—when the controllers would no longer be recognizably human and the controlled would be robot-like, responding to media-driven stimuli which have told them male children are no longer desirable or needed.  For Lewis, the abolition of man will have been completed. For us, the abolition is in progress.

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About Anne Hendershott 109 Articles
Anne Hendershott is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH


  1. Teenage pregnancies are often difficult, but often they have an upside. That being a baby for a couple who cannot have a baby. For many years, this seemed to work. It made the best of a difficult situation. Perhaps this was better than IVF?

    • Certainly adoption is a solution when a young mother is absolutely not able to take care of her child but back in the day many teenage pregnancies ended in teenage marriages. Young men were expected to take responsibility for their actions & for their children. Grandparents were expected to help support the young couple until they could get on their feet.
      There’s no perfect solution to a pregnancy outside of marriage. Everything has consequences. And we’re seeing less & less teen pregnancies since long term contraceptives have been promoted for girls as young as 12. And young people are engaging in fewer relationships these days.

      • I have friends who were unable to have children, and were able to adopt. They were good people, but had to jump through hoops to be able to adopt. Fortunately, things went well for everyone.

        Adoption can be a very good thing.

        • I agree Will. Adoption can be a good thing. I found a lost cousin recently who’d been adopted out as an infant. Her story had a happy ending.
          There’s a reason why prospective adoptive parents are made to jump through hoops these days. I visited a Latin American orphanage earlier this year and the director was explaining about the difficulties in adoption. Sadly, there are people seeking to adopt for the wrong reasons. He said the govt. purposely make the adoption process very lengthy and cumbersome to discourage that.

  2. So… the boys get aborted, and the girls get raised by the sort of people who hate boys.

    As opposed to other parents, who abort their children if they have the wrong eye color.

    Can we go back to the good old days when people accessorized with purse dogs rather than with human beings, made in the image of God?

    God have mercy.

  3. Marxist Deconstructivism which spawned Post-Conciliarism and Bergoglioism is also to blame for Deconstructivism of Occidental civilisation. The Christ Cult is dying, the civilisation it built is doomed to follow the Catholic Church unless what Ratzinger called God’s Revolution in 2005 occurs. In 2007 he published Summorum Pontificum. In 2013 he resigned the active ministry.

  4. 60-65% of college students are female
    70% of high school valedictorians are female
    No surprise guys are competing in women’s sports – it is one place they can still excel.

    • The figures you mention are cause for concern. Were it the other way around, with the majority going to boys, feminists would be crying, “Discrimination!”

      There might be an up side to some young men being in the minority in regard to college graduates. I’m not universalizing from this one example, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it represents at least a small number of others. My wife and I have an acquaintance, one of whose sons went to college for a year and hated it, feeling it was a monumental waste of time and money. All his life, however, he’d loved carpentry. He left college, apprenticed himself to a master cabinetmaker, and is now producing quality items that sell for a pretty good amount of money. Not only is he not in debt; he loves what he’s doing, and he’s probably earning far more than the barista with a master’s degree in Renaissance French upholstery, who’s looking to the current Commander-in-Chief to cancel her school debt.

      As I say, this is one example, and you can’t universalize from that, but maybe a lot of young men realize the relative inutility of a college degree nowadays. (I don’t dismiss the idea that a large number have consigned themselves to computer screens, having been trained to view themselves as guilty and inferior for having committed today’s one concession to Original Sin — i.e., having been born male.)

  5. Reads like a horror story, but it’s not fiction. There is a worldwide trend toward feminization that runs even deeper than assumed, as described to us by Hendershott.
    As a world culture constantly experiencing dramatic change more quickly and pervasive with technical advances we’ve lost our moorings. Sexual identity having basis in scripture although more closely related to the intellect, natural law [natural law the reflection of the eternal law in Aquinas] is being overruled by a process of selective preferences. “Traits more associated with girls, including empathy, social skills and kindness” are good values to pursue however, when abstracted from the reality of persons male or female and idolized, as had an effete society they supersede reality.
    Of great concern is also the attempt to feminize the Church, the feminine of itself an essential value, whereas the current effort is actually focused on effeminization. As psychiatrist Karl Stern earlier addressed the complete masculinization of culture as detrimental to our humanness in The Flight From Woman, today our danger is its opposite. Its worst, culturally destructive feature, the homosexualization of men.

  6. Seriously selfish, to go through this invasive procedure in an effort to have the sex child you prefer. Seriously disturbing to hear how many of these maladjusted folks hate boys. We adopted our two sons and considered ourselves very lucky to have been gifted with them.The agency said we could express a “preference” for either sex. We actually had NO preference, and said so. However we had also been told the wait was longer for girl babies because again , folks had that preference. A reality I was shocked to learn and considered stupid even back then. Having waited years at that point to become parents, we were thrilled to say yes to a baby boy. No regrets. I pity the fools who treat having a child with such frivolity.Like a commodity to purchase. If they are raising their daughters to hate men or consider them substandard, they should not hold their breath waiting for grandchildren.

  7. I am disturbed by this but not totally surprised. White males are 40% of population. If you watch television ads they are mostly absent. The elite Feminist point of view has taken over the media. Did you notice on TV 5ft women are stronger than 6ft 200 lb muscular men? I am disturbed but my gut tells me that biology will eventually win out.

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