The Catholic bishops of the United States have been a prophetic voice in defense of the faith and the dignity of the human person. The bishops are attuned to the events that matter most to American Catholics—some policy, some pastoral—and are a unified force.
As the governing body of bishops, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), exercises its public influence, however, one bishop has proved himself to be more and more out of step.
Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, goes his own way. He regularly steps into the most delicate and highly-charged cultural and political issues with none of the painstaking care his brother bishops show. He seems determined, in fact, to follow his own blundering impulses, and to kick against the other bishops’ pastoral approach whenever it might rein him in.
Promoting ‘transgenderism’ and ‘gay’ lifestyle
During the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost last month, a diocesan-approved hermit under Stowe’s jurisdiction “came out” as “transgender.” The controversial event immediately made headlines, and Stowe’s role gradually came into focus.
The Diocese of Lexington revealed, “On Pentecost Sunday, Brother Christian Matson, a professed hermit in the Diocese of Lexington, has made it public that he is a transgender person,” the diocese stated—using male pronouns in reference to the gender-confused woman in question. “Bishop John Stowe, OFM Conv., accepted his profession [as a religious hermit] and is grateful to Brother Christian for his witness….” Additionally, Matson’s application to become a diocesan hermit was “repeatedly rejected” by other bishops in a ten-year search that ultimately found support from Stowe.
Here Stowe broke ranks with his brother bishops who condemned sex-change interventions “intended to transform the body so as to make it take on as much as possible the form of the opposite sex, contrary to the natural form of the body,” as well as Pope Francis, who wrote, “It needs to be emphasized that ‘biological sex and the socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated.’”
The use of the Mass on a high feast day to promote transgenderism was jarring, but it was far from the first time Stowe had publicly rejected the Church’s guidance on sexual morality.
In comments last year to Time, Stowe responded to the Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans by suggesting that “a blessing can still hold great significance to queer couples because they act as prayers for God’s presence and help,” according to the publication. “It almost signifies God’s approval,” he said.
As the dissident pro-LGBTQ Catholic organization New Ways Ministry reported at the time,
Stowe emphasized that the negative appraisal of homosexuality found in current church teaching may be dated, as Catholics consider a new set of sexual ethics to meet today’s world. The bishop commented, “we have to explore how we best understand [theology] and best apply that in light of what we now know about anthropology, about human development, [and] about sexual orientation not being something that one freely chooses.”
“LGBT persons,” Stowe wrote in a 2022 essay, “did not choose their identity, but are certain it is an essential part of who they are.” Such people “cannot and should not change,” he wrote.
Stowe’s statements on questions of sexual morality and identity contradict the Church’s timeless teachings—principles reiterated in increasing frequency both by the Vatican and the USCCB as the LGBTQ movement’s aggression against the Church escalates.
The Kentucky bishop’s pro-LGBTQ principles don’t stop at doctrinal opinion, however. He has also repeatedly pushed for policy and law to reflect his rejection of the Church’s guidance.
In 2021, Stowe signed a statement shopped around by progressive groups in order to advance the LGBTQ movement among schoolchildren in Catholic institutions such as schools.
Also in 2021, Stowe went so far as to publicly endorse the pro-LGBTQ Equality Act, which was an act of almost unprecedented rebellion from the clear policy of the USCCB. Writing to the heads of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Stowe adopted the language of the legislation’s backers to frame it as an effort to make sure “harmful discrimination” would no longer be “protected by law” so that “LGBTQ people have the protection they need.”
The U.S. bishops, meanwhile, have almost unanimously condemned and warned against the Equality Act as a threat to religious freedom and the sanctity of life.
Unanimously, that is, except for Bishop Stowe.
In his letter to lawmakers, Stowe wrote that he disagreed with the USCCB’s warnings. “I do not believe that the Equality Act would compromise our beliefs,” he argued, adding “it’s a difficult thing to take a stance against what the U.S.C.C.B. published” but, “How can we take a position against equality?” Here he implies that his brother bishops do not support the dignity of every person.
His remarks stand in contrast to the Vatican’s: “‘Sexual orientation’ does not constitute a quality comparable to race, ethnic background, etc. in respect to non-discrimination. Unlike these, homosexual orientation is an objective disorder (cf. Letter, no. 3) and evokes moral concern.” In proclaiming and defending God’s plan for sexual desires and human fulfillment, the Church “does not limit but rather defends personal freedom and dignity realistically and authentically understood.”
Throwing a wrench in the USCCB’s pro-life witness
The USCCB’s opposition to the Equality Act is not only a matter of the LGBTQ movement’s rejection of sexual morality. The bishops have also consistently pointed out the threat the legislation poses to unborn life.
In their statements on the Equality Act, the U.S. bishops held the line to build on a coalition that took years to establish—representing a Catholic pro-life cause that has come to be one of the most cohesive and wide-ranging movements in public life.
Stowe’s heated political rhetoric, however, often gives the impression that he wants no part of that movement.
In September 2021, for example, Stowe lashed out at pro-life Catholics in the wake of a successful piece of pro-life legislation being signed into law that protected unborn babies from abortion after six weeks of gestation.
“Those who vehemently fight legal abortion,” Stowe stated, “but are uninterested in providing basic healthcare for pregnant mothers or needy children, who are unconcerned about refugee children or those lacking quality education with no hope of escaping poverty cannot really claim to respect life.” This is partisan talk that has little reference to the reality of what pro-lifers pursue legislatively.
Perhaps this is unsurprising given that Stowe’s words seem to give a free pass to Catholic politicians who support pro-choice legislation. He says about abortion, “[I]t is a complex issue for a responsible Catholic officeholder who recognizes the law of the land and must survive within the dynamics of a political party, believing what the Church teaches, but unclear as to how that should relate to the law.” Unclear? The USCCB disagrees. “Having been entrusted with special
responsibility for the common good,… Catholic politicians and legislators must recognize their grave responsibility in society to support laws shaped by these fundamental human values and oppose laws and policies that violate life and dignity at any stage from conception to natural death.”
Making misleading claims to directly encourage rejection of the USCCB
In 2022, Stowe gave an interview in which he suggested Catholics have reason to distrust their bishops and ought to view their pronouncements as biased and disingenuous.
The interview came just after the bishops elected Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio of the Archdiocese of Military Services as their new president. Stowe openly stated that he viewed Broglio and the rest of the bishops with suspicion, suggested they held priorities at odds with the pope’s, and criticized them for focusing on cultural issues while neglecting to focus on social justice to the degree Stowe would prefer.
As an eleven-year veteran of the USCCB’s policy work (my time at the USCCB included six years as the bishops’ executive director of government relations), I felt compelled to correct the record in response to Stowe’s comments.
“Contrary to Bishop Stowe’s claim,” I wrote at the time,
every year the majority of our statements came from the social justice wing of the conference…. It is worth noting that in 2017 a Jesuit priest and journalist, Thomas Reese, S.J., came to a similar conclusion in the pages of the National Catholic Reporter, where he wrote that “the strong language of the bishops on immigration, refugees and health care for the poor does not get the attention it deserves.”
The public work of the USCCB reflects as much a commitment to social justice issues as it does to issues around sexuality. It is simply wrong to suggest otherwise.
Trying to pit U.S. bishops against the Vatican through Eucharistic Revival
In a 2023 essay, Stowe attempted to pit the U.S. bishops’ Eucharistic Revival against the Vatican, portraying the former as a “pre-conciliar” conspiracy to undermine the legitimacy of the Synod on Synodality.
His brother bishops’ plans for “a mega-event featuring plenty of pre-conciliar piety and theology” are secretly meant to “replace” the “focus on the Synod for a Synodal Church in the USCCB.” He continued:
It does not strike me as coincidental that much of the Eucharistic Revival focuses on eucharistic adoration, passive in nature, and so offers an easy alternative to the active engagement of walking together synodally.
Stirring disunity in a time of increasing unity among bishops
It’s all but a Scriptural guarantee that online critics we will always have with us. But social media chatter notwithstanding, the USCCB unmistakably witnesses to the dignity of every person.
General Assembly after General Assembly has led to election after election of men who “know the smell of their sheep,” to borrow a phrase from the current pontiff.
Bishop Thomas Paprocki, for example, has been entrusted by his brother bishops with upholding canon law as chair of the Committee for Canonical Affairs and Church Governance.
Paprocki has shown himself unafraid to promote the truth of the Catholic faith even in the face of the most powerful public figures rather than cede it to their false interpretation. He recently confronted the president for using the Sign of the Cross at a rally for abortion.
Bishop Kevin Rhoades, chair of the USCCB’s committee on religious liberty, has similarly stood his ground against the Department of Health and Human Services.
The agency, he publicly warned just weeks ago, is attempting to implement pro-LGBTQ rules that would force Catholics to conform to an “ideological view of sex.”
Or take Bishop Robert Barron, elected to chair the USCCB’s Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth. In his role, Barron regularly looks out for the Catholic family, insisting on the Church’s teachings over and against the demeaning anthropology presented by cultural and political power brokers from Hollywood to Washington, DC.
As mentioned above, Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese of Military Services currently serves as president of the USCCB. In that position, Broglio consistently advances the mission of the U.S. bishops on behalf of the faithful. It should be noted that Archbishop Broglio is a seasoned church diplomat, a polyglot, and a man of renowned reputation who is clearly trusted by his brother bishops. Bishop Stowe’s disparaging remarks towards him are both uncharitable and ill-informed.
In just one recent example of Archbishop Broglio’s prophetic voice, he publicly confronted the Department of Veterans Affairs for imposing a new permanent policy allowing taxpayer-funded military medical centers to perform abortions through all nine months of pregnancy. The new rule “is at odds with the notion that the military protects the innocent,” Broglio stated:
The notion that killing an unborn child can somehow be considered “medical or surgical care” certainly violates the dignity of the human person and suggests that some lives are more important than others… I deplore this decision that once more removes the right to life for the defenseless and inflicts untold physical and psychological trauma on mothers.
This echoes similar comments the Holy Father has made many times relative to abortion.
The time has come to question Stowe
Surely Stowe’s behavior—so gratingly at odds with the good work of his brother bishops—can only serve to embarrass the USCCB and will continue to hamper their pastoral witness if left unaddressed by the Holy See.
The future of the Church in the United States—and in particular the peace and unity of the lay Catholic flock—would greatly benefit from such an intervention.
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The man appears not to know what his proper role is as a Bishop.The first of which would be advising your flock how to avoid sin. I would hope someone from the Vatican would enlighten him. But I have no hope at all the current Pope will do so. So the Bishop will just roll along causing scandal I suppose by promoting sexual abnormality.
The Evil One is rampaging the world and attempting to do the same with the Church. The Gates of the Church will hold out against the Evil One but not before evil causes lots of trouble. This is mankind’s time of searching and comparing for God’s love and Trusting in Him. God is Love.
Who is more attuned with Christ’s injunction to “Love one another as I have loved you.”, Bishop Stowe or USCCB?
I wonder when Francis will award Stowe the “red hat?” Remember he has already elevated another dissident bishop, McElroy, of my home diocese of San Diego. I would guess it’s only a matter of time.
Glory of God, Salvation of souls
Bishop Stowe is bucking for a promotion. Will likely get one. There are a dozen US Archbishop openings this year. And perhaps a red hat to help make permanent the changes of Pope Francis and punish dogmatic boxers.
I believe that the Holy Spirit guides the Church. I pray every day for Him to help me understand how Pope Francis is good for the world and for the Church. I know that the Holy Spirit is a lot smarter than I am, and I don’t want to commit a sin of pride.
Excellent sentiment, dear Tom.
Just recall that Saint Paul rebuked Saint Peter for his hypocrissy.
Difference is that Pope Peter accepted the just rebuke and complimented Paul;
Pope Francis refuses to accept numerous just rebukes and maliciously attempts to behead the messengers.
Seems the avant-guard motivating spirit is different to that of our Founders.
Saint John, the beloved Apostle, instructed Catholics to: “Discern every spirit!”
Agreed Brother Tom! Pride divides. In Faith, we know that obedience can be crucifying. (Philippians 2:8)
So when is Bishop Stowe going to obey Christ and his Church? Canon Law and the Scriptures make it clear that prelates are not above scrutiny. Would you obey a bishop ordering you to be silent about sexual abuse and be part of a coverup out of a misguided blind obedience?
All too many clergy – pope, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, brothers, sisters, deacons, etc. – together with their well-controlled lay assistants, are all too ready to: “be silent about sexual abuse and be part of a coverup out of a misguided blind obedience?”
Gung-ho, they seem not to care that GOD judges their choice as very bad fruit; overconfident, they’re blind to the fires of hell that have been prepared for such.
Keep praying. Ever in the love of King Jesus Christ; blessings from marty
That Bishop Stowe is so outspoken on change of moral doctrine chiding the USCCB for its assumed out of date positions that counter Pope Francis, the question is does he have the welcoming ear of Francis? “Stowe openly stated that he viewed Broglio and the rest of the bishops with suspicion, suggesting they held priorities at odds with the pope’s”.
In contrast Bishop Strickland was outspoken in countermand to policies attributed to Pope Francis and was removed. The only real difference is Strickland’s rhetoric was ad hominem. Few if any American prelates have been outspoken. Cardinal Burke is perhaps the outstanding American example, although in better form than Strickland and he was severely dealt with. As were several other bishops here and abroad without any reason given except it was known they were presumed ‘recalcitrant’.
The issue raised by some in Chapp’s article ‘Our Culture Wars’ was the obsessive criticism of His Holiness. That may be true. Although there is a real issue of the incongruence of faith and reason emanating from the Vatican that has had dire effect on the faithful. The evidence and the response from credentialed hierarchy and laity attest to this. It’s equally incongruent not to reasonably acknowledge this.
In 2015 Stowe was elevated and assigned as bishop to Lexington by Pope Francis…
A rogue stowaway in the Barque of Peter, or a member of the tribe?
It is my contention that those who deviate from the Teaching and Tradition of the Catholic Church are struggling with some sin – most often it’s sexual in nature and, among the clergy, that sexual sin is homosexuality in practice or sentiment.
If a man is gay, what better place to “hide” than the Roman Catholic priesthood? 1] The non-marital state is expected (so no pesky questions from relatives about “When you getting a girl and getting married?”) and 2] there is access to a lot of potential “hook-ups.” Priests are well-regarded, often above criticism/suspicion–or used to be–so there is/was access to children and adolescents.
Not any more Mrs. Hess. Now gay is passé and none of the Nones care. If fact, even “marriage” is so confining, much less the Holy Priesthood (psychopaths notwithstanding).
Gender fluidity in the hierarchy is the next New Ways Ministry. Religious life is conquered! Way to go trans hermit! Now that’s on trend – You ate!
23 of the 24 Churches sui juris which comprise the Catholic Church, ordain, as a norm, married men, madame.
True about priests, but bishops are celibate usually from the ranks of their monks. Sometimes they select a priest who is a widower to be a bishop. None of the ordinary priests who were married can remarry if widowed, not quite like our Protestant Brothers.
No one has to hide in the priesthood to cover his homosexuality to avoid marriage. Those days are long gone.
Because the Catholic Church has considered homosexuality a sin based on Old Testament passages since its beginning, the Church is unwilling to change a false notion. People are usually born gay due to biology, DNA, hormone levels during gestation, etc.; it is very complex. The church needs to alter its beliefs to conform with scientific reality.
Wrong. At least be honest enough to cite what the Church actually says:
The Scriptures cited in the notes are Gen 191-29; Rom 124-27; 1 Cor 6:10; 1 Tim 1:10.
Objective morality is not based on genetics, but on supernatural and natural law, etc.
Jerry, you are wrong about homosexuality being caused by genetics.
No gayness gene has ever been isolated.
And, if you think about it, there’s no possible way for such a gene — even if it existed — to ever be passed on.
For the simple reason that gays do not — cannot — reproduce.
You know, if you’re going to get all sciencey, you should make sure of your facts.
I agree in principle brineyman , but many SSA men do marry and have children. Ditto for SSA women. People used to marry out of convention or by arrangement but they could still have that disorder privately.
But yes, a gene that works against procreation seems unlikely to be successfully passed on for eons.
Are you saying, Jerry Hirsch, that homosexuals are incapable of exercising no choice over their sexual behavior? No matter someone’s sexual orientation or proclivities, man is created with a will that governs his behavior. If someone is incapable of controlling his/her sexual preferences than he/she has a defect of will. The passion associated with same sex attraction and the inability to exercise control over it are certainly mark of a defect.
Dear Deacon Edward,
Experience shows that once their spiritual trauma has been healed, SSA people find it much easier to be clear-minded and make all the necessary persoanl decisions to accept God’s instructions conerning human sexuality.
The real tragedy is that fewer & fewer clergy have the faith, anointing, & will needed to counsel and release SSA people from enslaving hurts.
Managing dioceses & parishes, routinely offering Holy Mass & administering the sacrements, are not the same as spiritual authority in Christ.
God in Christ has provided all the spiritual authority we need but faith-filled reliance on King Jesus Christ is getting scarser & scarser.
We might wonder if the pope and other sweet-talking clergy ever think about the millions of casualities & fatalities being caused by their refusal to submit to The Holy Spirit and consequent spiritual ineffectiveness in their ministry?
Always seeking to hear & lovingly follow our LORD Jesus Christ; blessings from marty
There is far less evidence for a “gay” gene than there is for inheriting a proclivity for alcoholism. Yet, we know for a fact that a person born to two florid alcoholics is not destined to become an alcoholic as well.
A valuable & pertinant insight. Thanks, dear Archange.
It is my contention that those who deviate from the Teaching and Tradition of the Catholic Church are struggling with some sin – most often it’s sexual in nature and, among the clergy, that sexual sin is homosexuality in practice or sentiment..
Sexual sin is always a good guess for someone who desires to not face the reality that there is a connection between the abuse of sex and the tragedy of abortion. Rather than fault sins of the flesh they fault the unborn for existing. This Bishop has never shown anything but nastiness towards those giving witness for life.
Who can forget when the esteemed bishop piled on with the left-wing media to criticize the “Covington Kids’ at the 2019 March to Life.?
And wasn’t bishop stowe sued for damages by that young pro-life marcher? And didn’t that young man win his lawsuit?
I’m thinking at some point; the impetus is not only to normalize their peculiar peccadillo, but now that we know the FBI contemplated Latin Mass groups as “extremist”; perhaps they have approached some individuals to let them “know what they know” with instructions that they can be spared public embarrassment if they are just subversive.
Hard to imagine only when you forget how Judas’ fidelity was purchased for 30 pieces of silver.
Maybe pewsitters need to start hiring private investigators to determine whether the sexual Antinomians are compromised by some personal incontinence.
These are the same guys that, if a traditional bishop did this, would be bleating like the gored goats they are about “collegiality” and “episcopal witness” etc. etc. Honesty requires we identify the “caliber” of our episcopal class.
I’m thinking at some point; the impetus is not only to normalize their peculiar peccadillo, but now that we know the FBI contemplated Latin Mass groups as “extremist”; perhaps they have approached some individuals to let them “know what they know” with instructions that they can be spared public embarrassment if they are just subversive.
Hard to imagine only when you forget how Judas’ fidelity was purchased for 30 pieces of silver.
Maybe pewsitters need to start hiring private investigators to determine whether the sexual Antinomians are compromised by some personal incontinence.
‘Saint’ judas must be rejoicing that another mitre’d is suffering from tms (tight mitre syndrome)…known to cut off the flow of intelligence from the top down….
Poor thing needs prayer, last he lose his soul.
I wonder if he said or wrote anything defending the Garland 9? Sorry, am I the only one hearing crickets?
Of course not! But if was the alphabet soup mafia crew, then that’s a whole different ball game!
Another bishop who loves Caesar. Transgender hermits now, is it? You bet it is.
The approaching hoof beats become louder.
Bishop Paprocki “recently confronted the president for using the Sign of the Cross at a rally for abortion.”
No, he wagged a verbal finger at him from afar. There is a difference. Confronting him would be to take some action which would affect Biden’s life in the Church. That’s not in Bishop Paprocki’s power to do, it belongs either to Cardinal Gregory or to the Vatican, maybe to the USCCB as a whole. I’m not holding my breath.
Mostly good article though. It will be interesting whether there is any fallout from the Vatican for Stowe over this. Gender ideology is one thing Francis tends to get right.
The situation with the President, senators and congressional representatives is murky. I believe they legally remain residents of their home district, even when working in Washington, DC. So, I’m not sure who Joe Biden’s bishop is but it’s unlikely to be Cardinal Gregory or any other Archbishop of Washington. The USCCB wouldn’t have a role there either. Presumably it is the bishop of his home district. Archdiocese of Wilmington?
Gregory isn’t Joseph Robinette Biden Jr’s. Bishop. The Most Reverend William E. Koenig, D.D. of Wilmington is. Thus Gregory can pass the buck and say that disciplining Biden isn’t his responsibility.
“The Catholic bishops of the United States have been a prophetic voice in defense of the faith and the dignity of the human person. The bishops are attuned to the events that matter most to American Catholics—some policy, some pastoral—and are a unified force.”
Maybe I have been living in a cave, but that opening paragraph seems to be just a little overstated. The author lists four outspoken bishops, and I would add a few more, but there are 273 active bishops in our country, and over a hundred retired bishops.
The author would like the USCCB to speak out about Bishop Stowe, and so would I. However, have they spoken out about the Cardinals proposing watering down the CCC statements on homosexual conduct? Have they spoken out on those Cardinals who have said they would not obey Canon 915 to refuse communion to militant pro-abortion politicians?
Bishop Stowe (along with one of the other four Kentucky Bishops) is a registered democrat, and I think that tells us a lot. (This information is available online in Kentucky).
Good point. I will never forget the 222 to 8 vote of our wimpy bishops to not mandate refusing communion to “Catholic” politicians committed to the mass murder of the unborn, after which they were more concerned with their lunch menu.
Mr. Baker I agree with you and Crusader, the USCCB has been lacking in leadership in the past and I think Mr. Hendricks the author has been in a cave to suggest otherwise. Under Archbishop Broglio hopefully things might change, let us pray for all the Church leaders to stand firm in Truth. Anen
The author worked for the USCCB for a decade or so. I think he knows the lay of the land fairly well.
Frankly, having worked for the USCCB for a “decade or so” makes this fellow’s judgements even more suspect, in my opinion.
The bishops’ money comes largely from the multitude of welfare programs funded by their Democrat handlers in the federal government, the same people who rabidly espouse the killing of the unborn. The bishops have made their Faustian bargain with the devil, and they will always stick to it.
It hurts to agree with your statement but I do, it’s sad the way many of our Church leaders pretend to lead and working with them for a decade isn’t necessarily a compliment.
And we are reminded that he who has the gold, makes the rules.
Money doesn’t talk, it screams bloody murder.
An observational fact of this ungodly world, dear ‘TPR’.
But proper Catholics will stay true in poverty or wealth, fame or disgrace, sickness of health – and no matter how terrible the situation GOD in Christ will show His Glory.
We all (including our hierarchs) need to learn how to sing this deeply Catholic Christian worship song [‘Even Still, Even So’ by Matt Redman] with everything we have:-
Let’s encourage each other – even the corrupt clergy – to shine amidst the fast gathering gloom of this world.
Ever by the grace & mercy of King Jesus Christ; love & blessings from marty
Amen skunks in the wood pile time to clean house in Kentucky
Stowe is NOT a Kentuckian. Furthermore, there are 4 dioceses in Kentucky, and thankfully, Francis gave him the one with the least number of Catholics. He is WAY out of step with his flock. Perhaps that is why he ignores his flock and continuously meddles into national and international issues. The people of Lexington, and the eastern mountains desperately need a true Catholic Bishop to lead them in their missionary work.
The term “wimpy bishops” sums it up for most. To get ahead as a careerist is to avoid controversy …
So different to our LORD Jesus Christ & His Apostles who were ready to be highly controversial in the cause of the truth, no matter what the cost.
In Australia, Mary MacKillop insisted on the truth and was excommunicated by the Catholic hierarchy. She and her many Josephite nuns were thrown out on the street. However, by God’s grace, truth proved more powerful than those ‘wimpy bishops’, even to the extent that Mary MacKillop is our first Australian Catholic Saint!
How many thousands of (known & unknown) exemplars are there of the basic Catholic Christian reality: “Follow Jesus Christ, who is THE Way, THE Truth, THE Life, and THE Light of this world. Do not follow those hierarchs who are world-servers, deceivers, spiritually dead, dwellers in darkness.”
2 Corinthians 4:4 – “The god of this world has blinded their minds . . ”
Luke 6:39: “Can a blind man lead a blind man?”
The LORD has alerted us; how silly we are if we don’t listen . . !
Always seeking to hear & lovingly obey King Jesus Christ; blessings from marty
The accusations, insinuations and Un-Christian-like rhetoric expressed by the comments directed against Bishop John Stowe are disrespectful, shocking and unforgivable! Bishop Stowe’s mission seems to be one of inclusivity. He is “Spreading the Good News” to members who express a genuine desire to worship and love The Lord through the Roman Catholic Way. “ Love thy neighbor as thyself” is another message Bishop Stowe shares with his parishioners in his caring and concerned manner with his delivery being obviously distorted by his detractors!
Also, a message to the uninformed: Bishop Stowe is entitled to choose any political party he wishes! This topic should never be a matter of public discourse! This is a Democracy!
“This too shall pass.” Every man meets his Maker. Let us pray that “Bishop” Stowe’s encounter with the Just Judge will not be tragic, that God, in His mercy, will straighten up now, rather than condemn him forever later.
Stowe is a prime example of a terribly evil bishop. There are far too many of them in America. The network of homosexual bishops put in place starting with Bernardin, McCarrick and several others still exists and wields great power. It is no wonder that bishops, supposed to be holy men who follow the gospel, are now sometimes men of tremendous evil and deviancy. The reluctance of most American bishops to talk about the homosexual bishop and priest problem is telling. Most simply want to ignore the problem, leaving pure evil like Stowe to fester and grow.
Dear samton909, the decay is more extensive than just the USA.
Rome is a seething cesspit of child sexual exploitation and every variety of sexual perversion. In Australia it’s estimated that about 50% of clergy are addicts of pornography and about 30% of them are active homosexuals. Nearly as bad in France and said to be much worse in Germany.
This is the most dramatic evidence of the close presence of evil, which is like a hungry lion, carrying off its prey when they lose faith in GOD’s commands and turn to this world, rather than to the ever-living Christ.
The Catholicism of the clerics is becoming a thin veneer over something truly evil, as you observed.
CWR needs to run a series of articles that honestly examine this atrocious situation and canvas possible ways to get the clergy back to following Jesus Christ before all else.
Ever in the love of The Lamb; blessings from marty
to borrow from Lord Acton: Homosexuality corrupts. Episcopal homosexuality corrupts absolutely. You can take that to the bank.
We have a hard truth to swallow. The bishops Stowe’s of the episcopate…he is not a lone gun…are legion. They exist on purpose. We can no longer hide behind some manufactured naivete. Were his articulations found objectionable he would be rendered mute. His perspective and that of the cohort he inhabits is welcomed by one should provide him a blistering correction. It is a scandal and it is repugnant. There are souls deceived by these individuals. What will be the eternal consequence for this orchestrated enterprise will be tragic.
It won’t be tragic if we ask God to help us. We’ve gone too long in this country with God not being top of our American lives and now it is showing it’s big ugly head. Just look for proof around us and see the Catholic families splitting apart and children are effected since the 1950’s. I’ve watch it and we better ask God for help or watch America and the World waddle stepping more in their mess.
God will step in, as He has done throughout the ages. The question will be how many will be standing beside Him? Let us all live The Faith which is unchanging and have no fear to speak The Faith with charity to all who the Holy Ghost puts in our path. We were all born to chose eternity with Him or eternity without Him. “He you hot or be you cold the Lukewarm I vomit from My mouth
While to Conference cannot shut up Stone they can make sure he is elected to no committees within the USCCB. But will they.
Perhaps they think ignoring him is more “collegial” than some bishops speaking out against him publicly. This seems cowardly.
A simply question, why is Bishop Stowe still the head of the Diocese? Time for the Bishops Conference to come out against his action(s) and the Pope to remove him from office.
It won’t be tragic if we ask God to help us. We’ve gone too long in this country with God not being top of our American lives and now it is showing it’s big ugly head. Just look for proof around us and see the Catholic families splitting apart and children are effected since the 1950’s. I’ve watch it and we better ask God for help or watch America and the World waddle stepping more in their mess.
His anti-Catholic antics are legend; however, they and he seem to be continuously tolerated by his former and current Metropolitan (Provincial Archbishop), in addition to the other 5 bishops in the Province, and, unbelievably, by his own diocesan priests as well as the laity. I would like to think if I were in his diocese I would loudly speak out. Maybe some are/have been but I don’t see the evidence of it.
No one has to hide in the priesthood to cover his homosexuality to avoid marriage. Those days are long gone.
“The time to question bishop Stowe” should have happened years ago! He has continued to move questionable priests in to our local churches while pushing good holy priest away from Lexington. As a parishioner of Christ the King Lexington, I will no longer attended a mass being held by the bishop! He is always pushing his social justice agenda with homosexuality being the most common subject matter. Your article failed to mention that he hired an openly gay, married man to be the Director of the Office of Worship! Thankfully the hire fell through but he openly hid this hire until it was done! I pray the day comes soon that he is no longer the bishop in my diocese.
I thought this article was a satire from the opening paragraph. The USCCB is bought and paid for by the US government. They are mostly useless in anything related to faith or authentic Catholic teaching.
How many of these shepherds would lay down their life for their sheep? I suspect maybe a handful. The loss of Catholic faith in the United States needs look no further than these men and their “defense” or “teaching” of the faith and our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
The author did not report Stowe’s attempt to install a new director to the diocesan office of ministry. A man “married” to another man. Pushback and protests from within the diocese apparently derailed the appointment.
There is no longer an office of ministry. Those functions are served by a committee.
It is good that these false shepherds are being flushed out. Sin cannot hide in darkness forever, and praise God for revealing the evil that resides in His Church. Now it can be dealt with in a proper way. If nothing else, then through the congregation of faithful in KY and the US.
“Stowe emphasized that the negative appraisal of homosexuality found in current church teaching may be dated.” He is correct, as the teaching dates back to the time of Christ.
Touché Donna!
We have to look where all Americans come from? They come from our American/World culture and our culture hasn’t dependent on God first since I can see beginning in the 1950’s. The Evil One has been working to destroy the Catholic Church and they’ll take the world down too to achieve their sin. However, the frustration of Evil not being able to knock down the Church’s Gates has to be high and they will get I think even bolder. Just don’t look at the Church leaders but look at our own American culture of citizens killing the unborn and World leaders killing innocent families calling it a war of defense. Our culture of life has turned their backs on God’s Truth’s and the Father will allow our Free Will to self inflict upon ourselves the suffering from sin unless we ask God to help us. We are in a culture of death and deceits and the only way to make a change is to ask Gold for help.
“He regularly steps into the most delicate and highly-charged cultural and political issues with none of the painstaking care his brother bishops show.” What planet is this author inhabiting? To what bishops could he possibly be referring? He is most definitely not describing the vast majority of bishops of the USCCB. Stowe might be a little further to the left of the average bishop, but on the whole, the American episcopacy is merely a club of milquetoast, leftist, limp-wristed, liberal Democrats.
The opening paragraph betrays the author’s bias – I know of no one who applauds the USCCB as anything authentically Catholic, strong, prophetic, or loyal to Our Lord (God forbid).
Fine, a couple of individuals have stuck up for this or that. But the reality is that you cannot trustingly donate to anything espoused by the USCCB, with how worldly and faithless they are.
Cardinal Ratzinger, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and other (truly credible) voices point to the non-biblical, non-Holy-Spirit origin of Episcopal conConferences.
They are bureaucratic entities that, at best, stifle The Holy Spirit, and at worst, can and have been used as cover to perpetrate any number of crimes and sins against God’s Church.
Failure to publicly teach the Catholic Faith is grounds for dismissal, according to Canon Law. As baptized Catholics, we are astonished and deeply offended that a Bishop entrusted with the care of souls would appear to invalidate the teachings of the Catholic church by siding with organized heretics – gay activists- abortionists, etc., who would forbid, condemn or take issue with the expression of Catholic religious beliefs. The time for Stowe’s removal, is way past due.
Many of the Bishops support the normalization of sodomy……Stowe is simply saying out loud what many of them live and believe.
Dear Kevin,
Let every true Catholic call it what it is: Anti-Apostolic.
I am afraid that the Evil Bishops will, one fine day, discover that Eternal Hellfire is large enough for “one more” errant sinner. May God have mercy on him….and all of us.
I wonder if liberal Catholics have moved to the Diocese of Lexington because of Stowe.
If this transvestite identifies as a gay man, which many of these artistic girls to, then perhaps Stowe thought she was a potential bed guest. The woman is mentally ill and was sucked into a social contagion like so many artistic women. Stowe gave her the body of Christ to cherish on her little hill all by herself. She is interested in leading other “trans kids” astray. She already mentioned that in one of the many articles. She also believes that the Eucharist should be secularized. She has shot up a tremendous amount of testosterone to achieve that beard. And I am sure she’s estranged from her parents at this point. I am not an expert, but is this not coveting the male persona, killing herself slowly, and playing god by changing the creation that was GOOD and God given? What’s wrong with our church when our leaders cannot even follow the rules. There are plenty of non Catholic churches who will take Nichole Matson (Christian’s real name) and will celebrated and martyr her after her untimely early death from the drugs and the surgical interventions she is self harming with. This is a social contagion for young girls and to agree with the delusion that you can be “born in the wrong body” or can change sex is clearly a child protection issue for the Catholic Church. They had better get rid of these people.
Well said!
He is being chased by satan! He needs to run faster to get away!
Sorry, dear ‘CPO Bill’: never, never, never run away from the devil, he will always turn up in front of you, no matter how fast you run, no matter where you hide!
The first Pope tells us: “Resist the devil, steadfast in the Faith . .” 1 Peter 5:8-9.
Peter is backed-up by Saint James: “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7.
Saint Paul provides much more information on the character of the devil and his cohort and on the armor we must wear so as to stand against them [Ephesians 6:11-18].
Lacking this essential knowledge, our clergy – from pope to deacon – are unable to resist. They simply roll-over under the prince of this world & his forces of evil.
It may have to get even worse, before it can be made better; sadly.
Keep praying, everyone. Always in the love of King Jesus Christ; blessings from marty
The Lectionary readings for today and tomorrow are from 2 Peter in which the Holy Spirit repeats the message delivered last Saturday in the Epistle of Jude: “There will have false teachers among you.”
Jon E. Stowe would be welcomed by the so-called Old Roman Catholic Church, a haven for people – priests and laity – that twist our Catholic teachings to suit their own perverted purposes. As I’ve searched for a genuine traditional Catholic community, I only find a plethora of organizations that spend their time arguing how they are the true traditional Catholics. I’ve given up. My husband are Catholic home-aloners.
Dear ‘kathleen’ – a heartfelt experience that many good Catholics have to endure.
Of my 81 years, about 50 have been as a single, celibate male, yet I’ve never been alone! Always seeking to hear and lovingly obey our King, Jesus Christ, has gradually given me a sense of His Presence in my life, as He promised. And, as He taught us: Father GOD comes with Him. The dear Holy Spirit of God loves to anoint, so there are always 4 of us, never me alone! Glorious community with the Trinity of GOD is ever available for all true believer, even in this life.
Over my many years, the Catholic Church has provided much good – especially from my participation in wonderful Holy Mass. Sadly, not all clergy have been lovers of Jesus.
Catholic organizations – even those supposed to be really authentic – have been disappointing. Leaders and influencers are too often highly controlling personalities, into all sorts of misfeances & abuses. It’s not uncommon for organizations & even parishes, dioceses, seminaries & colleges to be full of ungodly spirits. Bear in mind: prayer groups and Bible-study groups, etc. are sometimes being run by ‘catholics’ who are secretly committed to New Age, or Freemasonry, & even worse spiritist groups.
Simple, lowly, genuine Catholic souls are an annoyance to those spirits, who try every subtle trick and underhand, defamatory gossip to bring down all who they feel to be a reproach to their spiritual hypocrisy.
“Happy are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you on My account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in Heaven . . .” Matthew 5:11-12.
Followers of Jesus Christ continue to witness to The Truth, even among the most wicked and hypocritical groups, even when ruthlessly slandered & mocked.
That is the luminous truth of Philippians 2:14-15 –
“Do what has to be done without complaining or arguing and then you will be innocent & genuine, perfect children of GOD, among a deceitful & underhand brood, and you will shine in the world like bright stars, because you are offering it The Word of Life.”
Hoping this is helpful to your husband and you, dear Kathleen. Never give up!
Ever in the love of The Lamb of God; blessings fom marty
What is the church waiting for? This bishop has done so much damage already. For the Catholic Church to allow him to continue makes the church just as responsible. We need a little back bone here.
JD Flynn should stick a microphone in Stowe’s face and ask him point blank if he is a homosexual.
But he really doesn’t have to… does he? 🙄
you are a Biden catholic or a Christ Catholic. that even such a distinction exists withing the Catholic Church calls for a reckoning. You’re one or the other. If you are the latter, fight on. If the former, leave and do not come back
My prayers go out to the good people of the Lexington Diocese. You were blessed to have Bishop Gainer who restored order to your diocese after the previous bishop had caused scandal. What a shame that a bishop was not chosen to continue the good work that Bishop Gainer began before he was called to lead the Harrisburg Diocese. Stay strong Lexington. Your faithfulness will be rewarded if not in this world then the next.
You are EXACTLY correct Sir! Other than the GOOD Bp Gainer, the diocese of Lexington has been the unfortunate site of evil sinner leaders & woke Catholics. Look at the Historic St Paul parish bulletin today. They are all in for pride parties this month. Historically this section of the Diocese of Covington was where the “problem” priests were sent. When then iron curtain closed Lexington & eastern Ky were saddled with many of the not so good guys. There are some really holy priests in Lexington diocese but with a leader like Stowe it can be a game of whack a mole. Few vocations. The diocese wonders why.
Don’t expect an “apostolic visitation” for this rogue bishop. He probably has Bergoglio’s tacit approval. Just look at what Bergoglio said just the other day to the young gay man who wants to be ordained: “ Go forward with your vocation”. The infiltration of the Catholic clergy with SSA men has been going on for quite a while. And it is the root cause of the current crisis in the Church, with some priests preying mostly on young boys (about 95% of the sexual abuse cases involve same-sex acts). It is also at the root of the cancer of confusion that has afflicted the Church since Bergoglio’s election as Pope. Just look at all of his confusing and sometimes contradictory statements on the matter. I applaud the USCCB for remaining firm in their teachings, but I worry that Bergoglio will remake them as well!
I go to Mass daily, and usually attend a Latin Mass with very holy and principled Priests, but this past Sunday, I went to Saint Peter Clavier for the first time, and as it happened, Bishop John Stowe was the Priest of the Mass.
Another couple, and I walked out in the middle of his homily when it turned into an orange man bad dissertation.
That other couple was me and I agree with you 100% Bishop Stowe stepped outside the boundaries for a Priest and took advantage of a wonderful, cultural, diverse, clergy who was trusting and vulnerable. I am so disappointed in John Stowe. It is sad that he professes himself to be a leader or a man of God at all. I appreciate you leaving during the homily too and I will not let it end here. Please look me up on Facebook and message me so we can escalate this together. I love our faith and I believe in God and will not let this human being do anything about my faith.
Hello Ami,
Haha, I just recalled that my post here was held in moderation, and just popped in to see if it posted, only to find that you serendipitously, or thru some sort of divine providence, happened to come here and see my post….
I lost sleep Sunday night thinking of Bishop Stowe and the potentially damaging influence he might have had on the flock in that one homily….
Anyway, I don’t have a Facebook account, but have thought to get one….
I think I might come to Saint Peter Clavier this Sunday, and perhaps I’ll see you and John there….