Jesus proclaims that Satan “is a liar and the father of lies” and “when he lies, he speaks according to his own nature.” Our Lord adds that the devil “has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him” (John 8:44, emphasis added).
Does this mean that the devil is incapable of telling the truth?
No, because Scripture teaches us that the demons accurately identify Jesus as “the Son of God” (Matt. 8:28–29).
Rather, Satan and his demonic minions are irredeemably opposed to the truth. They hate the truth. More to the point, they hate him who is “the way, and the truth, and the life,” our Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6), who definitively defeated them through his one paschal sacrifice (see CCC 635–636), a victory he extends through the Church’s offering it anew sacramentally in every celebration of the Mass.
Consequently, Satan and his demonic minions really hate the sacrifice of the Mass and Eucharistic adoration in general because they are daily reminders of Christ overcoming them and their infernal kingdom through the Cross.
Which means we can trust the devil to tell the truth when he expresses unvarnished hatred for something—and especially Someone. And that’s how the demonic desecration of the Holy Eucharist becomes a perverse witness to the Real Presence.
All creatures must recognize Christ the King (Phil. 2:10–11), and Eucharistic hatred is Satan’s way of recognizing the Lordship of Jesus. This truth should be proclaimed loudly at the National Eucharistic Congress, and in catechetical lessons for all ages, because people often pay more attention to the devil and his ways, rather than God and his way. And the Eucharist is definitely a surpassing matter on which we can learn the truth from the devil—and thus better positioned not to be deceived by him otherwise.
Indeed, there’s a reason the devil’s disciples call it a “Black Mass.” Satan’s followers never venture into a Protestant church to steal ordinary grape juice (or wine) and bread. They always look for the Eucharistic Real Thing, Jesus himself (see 1 Cor 11:23–32), which is why they seek out consecrated Hosts from Catholic churches.
While they blasphemously acknowledge the Almighty, the devil and his disciples oddly have more belief in the Eucharist than do many Christians. And those Christians sadly include a good number of Catholics who were poorly formed in the Faith or no longer believe in the reality of the Real Presence, including because of the slow, erosive effects of our modern culture.
To be sure, Satanists are sworn enemies of the Gospel, whereas Catholics and other Christians who don’t recognize the Real Presence are disciples of Jesus, to one extent or another. However, because “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow” (Phil 2:10), “the father of lies” can’t help himself in testifying to Jesus our Eucharistic Lord in a Black Mass; and so some people can ironically and providentially come to know Christ—or know him better—through the blasphemous actions of the devil and his demonic associates (see Rom 8:28; Jas 2:19).
Which is also why, as I argue in my book, the devil hates the Catholic Church: precisely because it is the one Church Jesus founded (Matt. 16:18–19), to which he calls all Christians to full communion, and which he promised to sustain until he returns.
And so even though some Christians—and secularists, in a different way—claim that the Catholic Church is of the devil, Satan knows otherwise, because the Church is Christ’s mystical bride, the new and fulfilled Israel through which the Lord advances his mission to save the world. Which is diametrically opposed to the devil’s mission of seeing all of humanity eternally lost.
Yes, Satan knows who his chief enemy on earth is, and so we can better understand why the offering of the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the whole Christian life” (CCC 1324). And also why the Catholic Church understands that her real enemies are in—but not of—this world.
As St. Paul soberly reminds us, “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12).
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“…some people can ironically and providentially come to know Christ—or know him better—through the blasphemous actions of the devil and his demonic associates…”
We do the Father’s will as His children or His tools.
Amen, soljer blue.
God in his Mercy leads us to the truth, even when we’re not receptive for a good while.
Mr. Nash, took me a lot longer than somewhat; still working on it.
Indeed. Especially when the truth is a camouflage for evil. Momentous times are upon us. Perhaps the strongest appeal away from the truth is the truth of compassion couched as mercy for the disenfranchised, the outcast. Fr James Martin, openly gay friendly appointed by the pontiff for the task.
What’s the result of an appealing policy of softening doctrinal strictures so as to embrace and catechize the morally wounded? We would like to say greater adherence to Christ’s commandments. Honest assessment says the opposite. Instead of conversion to Christ’s Eucharistic presence we have the increase of a disordered moral mentality, cardinals and bishops espousing homosexuality arguing for change of doctrine rather than adherence.
Was Satan involved in the current moral decomposition of Church structure? None of us with a solid faith and basic knowledge doesn’t know that veneration of idols is a mortal sin. The marker. Incredible as it appeared that reality occurred in the Vatican gardens, religious prostrate in adoration of Amazonian fetishes the Pachamama goddess presided by His Holiness. Enshrinement in St Peter’s Basilica. Followed by the ongoing questioning of dogma during the Synod, the issuing of documents intended to facilitate entry of disordered moral behavior into our understanding of human anthropology, precipitating change to and acceptance in the Catechism.
The sacrifice of the Mass itself diluted, the ancient sacred liturgy impugned as a sign of intransigence. Those finding solace and spiritual enrichment labeled mental misfits. Our ancient liturgy highlights the sacrificial nature of Christ’s act of redemption. Celebration is secondary. Is there some adequate reason why His Holiness has abstained from offering Mass when he attends meetings, travels abroad? Yes, the Devil tells the truth when convenient and distorts it when opportune.
Thank you for your longstanding faithful witness, Father Peter.
good point that the Satanists want to steal real consecrated Hosts. I believe it has been reported by some surveys that 70% of priests do not believe in the Real Presence – gosh – could that be a problem? – not for young priests, though.
Thank you, Shawn.
Yes, the group of younger priests is particularly impressive. In addition, I don’t think it’s accurate that 70% of priests today do not believe in the Eucharist. Still, all priests and all lay people are called to be fervent, faithful witnesses.
Dear Father. Your excellent indepth and poignant writing of the evils of lies may further encourage my new memoir “The Power of a Lie”. It mainly addresses the abhorant deciptful and impactful lies of influential presidents. Especially, the impact on the minds of our children. Oddly, an area you donot discuss. My dilemma today is seeing my Bishops dropping to their knees in adoration of a blatant liar.
Tomas Nash says “the Catholic Church understands that her real enemies are in—but not of—this world”. Satin is in this world in many forms?
Moreover, today we have the Satin of political hate. The blatant attempted assination of President Trump and today’s wounding of Trump’s former doctor Ronnie Jackson’s nephew. I insist that AR15s and hatred form a lethal mix. Amazingly, after the overwhelming school murders the Catholic hierarchy seems mute on reasonable US gun legislation defeated by the NRA.
God bless.
Thank you.
Thank you, Morgan D.
In response to your question, multiple demons in the world.
With so many gun laws already in place, what more do you want? I think you’d be happy if all guns were confiscated. As far as I know, that rifle that shot at President Trump and killed a true patriot and injured two others did not get on the roof top by itself.
Greetings Thomas J. Nash,
Thank you for this profound and enlightening blog post on the devil’s hatred for the Eucharist. Your insights on how Satan’s disdain paradoxically testifies to the truth of Christ’s Real Presence are incredibly thought-provoking. As a member of Zion Prayer House Dallas and Hebron Fellowship Church, I find this perspective both sobering and inspiring. It reminds us in the Telugu Christian Churches in Irving of the power and significance of the Eucharist, and the importance of understanding and appreciating this divine mystery in our faith journey. Your message strengthens our resolve to stay firm in our beliefs and to recognize the profound spiritual warfare surrounding us. Thank you for sharing such a powerful reflection!
Thank you very much, Zion Prayer House. And God bless all of the members of Zion Prayer House and related congregations.
In addition, since you all only have a symbolic Eucharist, I encourage you all in charity to come into full communion with the Catholic Church Jesus founded, so that you can receive the Real Presence of the Holy Eucharist that Jesus instituted for the edification of his disciples.
Take care and God bless you all abundantly ((John 10:10; Rom. 8:28).
Active katechon.
I saw the Eucharist stolen a few times. The first time, I was not in able to get out of pew quick enough to stop. Another time were three suspicious young adults of few people ahead of me in the Communion line-suspicious because I have never seen them before, which in and of itself, is not necessarily an a alert; but they looked more on the “fringe” like that gothic type look, the girl who was behind the other two had the died black hair and a black jacket that had a logo/words on it that I didn’t know what it meant. They all received in hand-which is a huge problem for this happening at Novus Ordo Masses & why I’ve attended Latin Mass for 10 yrs (when one finally was near our area, still an hour away). After I received and turned I saw them walk right out, again couldn’t get to them.😭
I mentioned it after to the priest and he just said, well there’s nothing I can do. I said “receiving in the tongue would help”:/
Years prior at my home parish, Novus Ordo, our wonderful, humble priest who always offered ad orientem, all kneeled through the Eucharistic liturgy, except for the Our Father, and the Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei all in Latin.
When we remodeled to restore the Church in its former glory as a it was cathedra-like to carpeting, felt banners, etc. I had suggested the Communion rail and provided old pictures my mom had. It turned out beautifully!!! It took many years for more understanding the reverence and humility to receive at the Communion rail. But, when most still received in the hand a Eucharist was stolen.
So he asked the Knights of Columbus to flank the sides after those receiving in the hand to make sure it was consumed before they went to sit or left (as some -very few, leave after due to caregiving). That worked quite well. Some people would go to their seats and consume, esp children and end up on the floor or in a hymnal.
Getting back to the gal with the black jacket, I went home and looked up the words, SADLY, it was an occult group. I felt sick!
Priests really need to be aware of this. Some just don’t realized that it happens. I’m sure occultist scope out churches to see how easy to get it and be able to leave. They either use in Black Masses or literally sell them on e-Bay, etc. They can be up to a thousand dollars for one.
Waiting to see how the Conciliar Church manages justify the ban on Eucharist Adoration whenever that happens.
Perhaps they’ll just drum out all the validly ordained priests so the bread cannot be consecrated validly.