Pakistan: One year later, Jaranwala Christians await justice


Several mobs attacked Christian communities and set fire to several churches Aug. 16, 2023, in the town of Jaranwala, in Pakistan’s Faisalabad district, after two Christians were accused of defiling the Quran. / Credit: Photo courtesy of Aid to the Church in Need International

CNA Newsroom, Aug 16, 2024 / 09:57 am (CNA).

One year after violent mobs attacked Christian communities in Jaranwala, Pakistan, human rights organizations report that victims are still awaiting justice for the destruction of 26 churches and more than 200 homes belonging to Christian families.

The Aug. 16, 2023, riots were sparked by allegations that two Christian teenagers had desecrated the Quran. Christian leaders denied these claims, asserting that the accusations were unfounded.

However, Maria Lozano, head of press for Aid to the Church in Need, told CNA at the time that witnesses reported that “messages from mosques sent out on loudspeakers were calling on local people to ‘go out and kill’ Christians.”

In the aftermath, authorities arrested more than 130 people, including members of the Islamist political party Tehreek-e-Labbaik.

‘Double standard’ in the legal system

Most of those detained have since been discharged or released on bail, with only about a dozen suspects still facing trial, Akmal Bhatti, chairman of the Minorities Alliance, told International Christian Concern (ICC).

The two Christian brothers initially accused of desecrating the Quran were acquitted earlier this year. A court in Faisalabad determined they had been falsely charged following a personal dispute.

However, in a controversial development, an anti-terrorism court in Sahiwal sentenced Ehsan Shan, a Christian man, to death in early July for allegedly inciting the riots. While Shan did not participate in the alleged Quranic desecration, he was found guilty of sharing “hateful content” on social media that allegedly blasphemed Islam. Shan’s lawyer said he would appeal the verdict.

“There appears to be a double standard in the way the legal system responds to such incidents,” Amnesty International said on Aug. 16.

‘A climate of impunity’

Pakistan’s strict blasphemy laws, which prohibit the desecration of the Quran, are often misused to target religious minorities, especially Christians.

Those accused of violating these laws face threats to their lives.

Amnesty International reported that more than 90% of the suspects in the Jaranwala attack are still at large, according to information obtained through a Right to Information Request filed at the Faisalabad City Police Office. The trials of those arrested have yet to begin, and about 40% of the affected Christian families are still waiting for government compensation.

“Despite the authorities’ assurances of accountability, the grossly inadequate action has allowed a climate of impunity for the perpetrators of the Jaranwala violence,” said Babu Ram Pant, Amnesty International’s deputy regional director for south Asia.

Amnesty International also highlighted the continued marginalization of the Christian community in Jaranwala. Many have lost their jobs due to heightened tensions, and some families have migrated to neighboring cities seeking security. Religious leaders who allegedly incited the mob still roam free and continue to exert influence in the area.

The human rights organization called on the Pakistani government to conduct a thorough, impartial, and independent investigation into the Jaranwala attacks and ensure that those responsible are prosecuted in fair trials. They also urged the repeal of blasphemy laws, describing them as a “legalized system of discrimination and violence.”

Growing intolerance of Christians

Since the controversial blasphemy laws were introduced and increased in Pakistan, blasphemy accusations have been widely used against Christians to settle personal scores.

In May, Church officials strongly condemned another attack on Christians and expressed disappointment over growing intolerance in the Muslim-majority society.

Pakistan is home to about 4 million Christians, comprising only about 1.6% of the country’s predominantly Muslim population of 241 million.

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom has designated Pakistan as a “country of particular concern” for severe violations of religious freedom since 2002.

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