Ohio bishops call for compassion amid ‘unfounded gossip’ surrounding Haitian migrants


Haitians sit down to eat their meal at a Haitian restaurant in Springfield, Ohio, on Sept. 12, 2024. / Credit: ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 20, 2024 / 05:00 am (CNA).

Ohio’s Catholic bishops are urging the faithful and all people of goodwill to treat Haitian migrants in Springfield with “respect and dignity” as the small city seeks to dispel internet rumors about the population.

“As the residents of Springfield, Ohio, struggle with violent threats and life disruptions fueled by unfettered social media posts, we exhort the Catholic faithful and all people of goodwill not to perpetuate ill will toward anyone involved based on unfounded gossip,” read a letter signed by bishops in all six Catholic dioceses in Ohio.

“Instead, we ask for prayers and support for all the people of Springfield as they integrate their new Haitian neighbors and build a better future together,” added the letter, published by the Ohio Catholic Conference.

Bishops of the Eastern Catholic eparchies also signed the message.

More than half of Haiti is Catholic and a large majority of the country belongs to some Christian denomination.

“They’re eating the dogs — the people that came in,” Trump said. “They’re eating the cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country and it’s a shame.”

The Springfield Police Division issued a statement to the media saying that there have been no credible reports of immigrants harming or abusing pets.

In the letter, the bishops noted that the Haitian migrants in Springfield were granted Temporary Protected Status to legally remain in the country. The letter states that Haitians and others are “feeling inhumane conditions in their countries” to enter the United States.

“Like all people, these Haitians should be afforded the respect and dignity that are theirs by right and allowed the ability to contribute to the common good,” the bishops added.

The bishops also wrote in the letter that the influx of migration “has caused a strain on the city’s resources.” However, they also emphasized that people can “view newcomers first as children of God” while also “understanding the need to enforce reasonable limits to legal immigration.”

“We applaud all those community groups working hard to advance the flourishing of Springfield, given the need to integrate newcomers into the social fabric,” the bishops wrote. “If we remain true to our principles, we can have a dialogue about immigration without scapegoating groups of people for societal issues beyond their control.”

The bishops warned: “Today, our nation is divided by partisanship and ideology, which blind us to the image of God in our neighbor, especially the unborn, the poor, and the stranger.” They added that “these negative sentiments are only exacerbated by gossip, which can spread quickly across social media with no concern for the truth or those involved.”

“From the beginning, the human race was made in the image of God, which distinguishes us from all other created things,” the bishops continued.

“The arrival of Jesus Christ in human history confirms the dignity God has given to each of us, without exception,” they added. “It is our belief in the dignity of human life that guides our consciences and rhetoric when engaging in politics or personal conversation. Each of us, therefore, must turn to God and ask for eyes to see the infinite dignity of every person.”

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  1. The bishops are correct but I wish they’d pay a little more attention to the reasons that blue collar folk in flyover country feel so underserved & disrespected in the first place. Our leaders have mostly become disconnected from the working class people they’re supposed to serve.

  2. I think an edited version might be more appropriate:

    “As the residents of Springfield, Ohio, struggle with violent threats and life disruptions fueled by undocumented illegal aliens, we exhort the Catholic faithful and all people of goodwill to report all illegal and potentially harmful activities to their local police precincts and encourage them to administer the full consequences of the law,” read a letter signed by bishops in all six Catholic dioceses in Ohio.

  3. If the bishops really cared about Haitians there would have been a massive outpouring of support immediately after the earthquake there around 2010. There was little financial support and no massive presence of Catholic boots on the ground. I know; I was there and saw the immediate aftermath of that catastrophe. And, please, don’t anyone tell me about Catholic Relief Services as an adequate response.

    The bishops are quick to engage when Haitians are the subject for politics but when it comes to sustained and substantive assistance, the bishops are busy synodaling to Francis’ tune. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere…and a Catholic one at that. I want to hear from the USCCB and the Vatican what they’re doing to alleviate the poverty there. And don’t tell me that the solution to Haiti’s poverty is to allow that entire country to emigrate to the USA. Do you know what happens to a country like Haiti when the most industrious and able-bodied emigrate to the USA? They don’t look back and the country of origin becomes even more impoverished. Men come to the USA to find work and left behind are the women and chikdren to fend for themselves. I challenge every bushop who is weighing in on this matter of eating cats to hop on a plane and spend a few weeks touring Haiti and then return with ideas about what their diocese is going to do to lift that country out of poverty.

  4. Bishops call for “compassion”, while making a terse reference to the evils of the perpetrators. At a critical time with the presidential elections just weeks away, our Catholic fathers fail to send a strong moral message specifically to Trump and Vance. The Haitian migrants have legally entered the country. Vance still calls them illegals. Their vial position reeks with bigotry.

    Trump and Vance’s inflamitory rhetoric has caused their criminal minions to threaten Springfield residents with bombings. Parents are afraid to send their kids to school.

    Not to to far into the Trump weeds, BUT, this year the disgraced SCOTUS freed Trump from all his federal crimes by voting for immunity. Then they thru the implementation to the district court causing confusion and havoc. Does anyone remember any former president asking for immunity? Not even Nixon.

    This week the Georgia Republican legislature passed a bill that forces all votes to be MANUALLY counted. Ironically, Trump’s threats frightened poll workers that they are afraid to go to work.

    Another mind-numbing move is Trump’s support of NC Lt. Governor Mike Robinson. Robinson calls himself a “Black NAZI”. He has said “some people deserve dying”.
    I’m a ‘perv’ too!. “bring [slavery] back” and “buy a few” slaves”.

    Trump said at a rally, “”We have to cherish Mark … he’s like a fine wine,” Trump said in the video. “He’s an outstanding person.”

    The absence of the Catholic hierarchy’s firm rejection of this amoral and criminal creature could make this election “a day that will live in infamy”.

    • Someday you need to take a retreat and meditate on the meaning of the Eighth Commandment. It applies to more than one’s next door neighbor.

      • I had retreated from my duty to protect our constitution and democracy. No more. Eighth Commandment? Your vague retort tags me with ignorance of the eighth commandment. How dare you! Accusing me of stealing? Or violate God’s establishes a principle of honesty and integrity, essential for building community trust.

        I try not to respond to frivrolous diatribe. I couldn’t resist.

        • When did I accuse you of stealing? Look up the Commandments. The Eighth refers to bearing false witness, and this includes public figures and public events. Haitians in this country are both legal and illegal, and Vance was truthful in his statements that addressed the tragedy of unleashing millions of desperate people into this country with no place to go. Do you care about them other than as political showboating? You are venomous in calling anyone perpetuating violence as “minions” of Trump and Vance. Your off the wall quoting of ironically intended rhetoric out of context illustrates that you have no interest in “honesty and integrity” as you’ve demonstrated continuously at this site with your left-wing talking points.

    • “Criminal minions ” seems a bit inflammatory to me Mr. Morgan. Just saying.
      Perhaps we should pull the plug for the weekend and take a break from the media foolishness.
      I’m going out to mow the grass and get some fresh air. God bless.

    • In the case of Haiti, Miss Cleo you can hardly blame them.
      But it’s a good point that it hasn’t been just the poor & oppressed who are migrating away from their countries but the professional classes, too.
      If you look at eastern Europe & regions around the globe that’s something going on.

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