On Sunday, September 29, Pope Francis concluded his apostolic visit to Belgium with a Mass at the King Beaudoin Stadium. There were about 40,000 in attendance, a drop in the bucket for a country that claims half of the population as Catholic but perhaps massive if one considers that the number of those who attend at least once a month hovers around 8%.
First, let’s address an observation that has been circulating around the blogosphere for some time, that Pope Francis no longer celebrates Mass and, presumably, because he no longer believes in the Eucharist. It is true that, for more than a year, Francis has not been the celebrant of the ‘papal Masses’. He “presides” at the liturgy, instead, due we are told to his physical limitations, which are quite apparent. Many commentators on this development forget or overlook that prior to Pope Paul VI, it was rare for a pope to be the celebrant of a public Mass; rather, he “presided” while another prelate served as the celebrant. This was largely because, before the liturgical reforms following Vatican II, a Mass directly celebrated by a pope would take hours. Even diocesan bishops rarely celebrated public Masses; hence, a category of liturgy–still an option–“the celebration of Mass in the presence of a greater prelate.” That is what Francis has been doing, and what Pope John Paul II did for much of the last year of his life. We are told that Francis does concelebrate daily Mass in his private chapel, but with his priest-secretary as principal celebrant, again, due to physical difficulties.
Second, papal Masses come under the purview of the papal master of ceremonies who either directly plans such liturgies (for example, those that take place in Rome) or approves those that occur elsewhere and are largely planned by local personnel. The current holder of that position is Archbishop Diego Ravelli, a long-time worker in ceremonies office and, we are told, hand-picked by Bishop Guido Marini to be his successor. Readers will recall that Monsignor Marini served in that capacity for most of the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI and for several years under Francis. Marini did much to upgrade papal celebrations; our Newman House Press published a collection of his essays on the topic under the title of Liturgical Reflections of a Papal Master of Ceremonies.
Now, onto the event in question.
The principal celebrant of the Mass was the 55-year-old Archbishop of Brussels, Luc Terlinden. His ars celebrandi is very precise and dignified. The music of the Mass was superb. In keeping with the Vatican II directive, all the Ordinary parts of the Mass were sung in Latin; hymnody and motets were beautifully executed. That’s the good news and, unfortunately, the only good news.
Now, for the bad news.
• Pope Francis opened the liturgy with “Good morning!”–akin to a television or radio talk-show host. No, the greeting of the congregation is prescribed and comes in the form of three possible biblical texts (four, for a bishop). After the sign of the cross, he did a proper formulary.
• The vestments of the concelebrants were ugly, and the design was bizarre, signifying God knows what. I suspect they were the creation of Slabbinck, a Belgian producer of liturgical wear, whose creations were inflicted on the Church in the United States for a good portion of the 1970s. The set-up of the sanctuary was also ugly, minimalistic to a tee; it well could have served as a Quaker meeting house.
• Female servers were in abundance. Does the country not have any seminarians who, surely, could have served the Pope?
• Initially, I could not figure out the purpose of dozens of children on the playing field, clad in yellow and white, surrounding an image of the globe. I got my answer at the Offertory (and again, after Communion): they produced a liturgical dance which, of course, is strictly prohibited. My only consolation is that the kids were better than an entourage of late-middle-age women in mumus or leotards!
• The Eucharistic Prayer was offered in different languages. This, too, is strictly forbidden as it destroys the integrity and unity of the prayer. Given the at least bilingual nature of the population (in addition to those from other lands), why not use God’s gift to the Universal Church of the universal and sacral language of Latin?
• The deacons of the Mass received Holy Communion by intinction (a practice introduced by Monsignor Ravelli some time ago) and thus received on the tongue. However, not a single other person in the assembly received on the tongue (at least as could be observed from what the camera showed). That is shocking and speaks volumes about the liturgical education (or propagandizing) of the laity. On second thought, I should not have been surprised by this since Belgium, in cahoots with Holland, led the way on this issue (even while Vatican II was still underway) by adamantly practicing Communion-in-the-hand, despite numerous corrections from the Holy See.
• With hundreds of bishops, priests, and deacons present (“ordinary” ministers of Holy Communion), I saw only one priest (yes, one) who distributed Holy Communion. Hundreds of the non-ordained took on the role proper to the clergy. And some wonder why belief in the Eucharist has tanked and why that country has so few priestly vocations (which may be why there were no seminarians to serve)? Along those lines, I was genuinely scandalized by the way the girl scouts received the Sacrament–laughing and joking among themselves! Even more scandalous was the sight of some “extraordinary” ministers returning unconsumed Hosts with a ciborium in one hand and a coffee cup or water bottle in the other.

Papal liturgies are supposed to be solemn events, exemplars for all and edifying. This one failed on those scores. How did this happen? Did Ravelli not know about these aberrations in advance? If he did know, did the Pope tell him to let them go on as a sop to the out-of-control liberals in the establishment? If that was the case, it clearly failed on that score as well since, as we saw, Francis was still roundly excoriated for his refusals to kowtow to their agenda on the sanctity of life and the male priesthood.
The display we witnessed was not a unique performance; it is precisely what Belgian Catholics have experienced for six decades, which is why they have such a moribund Church. Quite fittingly, the French word for “Mass” is “Messe”!
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Sigh. What is the purpose of comments like this: “My only consolation is that the kids were better than an entourage of late-middle-age women in mumus or leotards!”
Okay. I hate liturgical dance too, and I don’t see any particular point to it. But can we not criticize the liturgical dance and not the appearance of the dancers? Is there supposed to be something hilarious about older women trying to dance? Would it still be funny if young and slender women danced? It is hard enough to be an older woman without thoughtless remarks such as this. Stay with criticizing liturgical dance itself. That should be an easy thing to do.
Perhaps unseemly is a better choice of words than hilarious.
I thought much the same — it was a touch of snideness, which I don’t expect from Fr. Stravinskas.
Having seen a late-middle-age women in a leotard perform a liturgical dance in Berkeley, I have to go with Father on this one. Seeing (insert pronouns) smash an earthen vessel in front of the altar to “symbolize our brokenness” has scared my memory.
The sigh of Jesus that you don’t know – or care? – to strain out both the camel and the gnat…blessings with Saint Therese
Seeing children do something that is decidedly inappropriate and out-of-place is instinctively easier to forgive than seeing fully grown, mature women do the same.
It’s not all about you.
Scrub the Belgian church and start again
A very good analysis, thank you, Father!
So you are disappointed with Pope Francis? Well, I guess that he will have to live with it.
Thanks for the good news. I have been wondering about the fairly new archbishop, Luc Terlinden.
As for all the bad news, who can be surprised that Mass attendance in Belgium has cratered?
Great analysis. Thank you!
I repeat one my more recent comments about the Papacy. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome; let him stay there and minister to his diocese. The idea of “Pope as Head of State” needs to end. He is the Bishop of Rome – primus inter pares. What needs to end are papal Masses (all Masses, actually) in stadiums, arenas, large convention halls, etc; this practice always results in one abuse after another. Lastly, we need to stop this public image of the Pope as some sort of rock star. He.is.not!
you know much better, he is Vicar and Shepherd of Christ’s Spousal Bride, the whole Church, not just Rome – the total Vineyard…tell the Beloved you are sorry, ask forgiveness…repair…
James Mark: just please settle down.
IIRC there has been some question about whether Pope Francis accepts the title of ‘Vicar of Christ.’ There are two articles that cover this “Moving ‘Vicar of Christ’ title in Vatican yearbook is ‘theological barbarism’, says cardinal”
“Pope drops traditional titles, including ‘Vicar of Christ’”
Has this ever been reversed? The title ‘Vicar of Christ’ implies that the pope is subordinate to Christ. This agrees with the passage in the Bible, John 21, where Christ rehabilitated Peter after his denial. In this passage Christ was giving commands to Peter. In Revelation Christ gave messages to the seven churches, many contained rebukes which demonstrates Christ’s continuing authority over the Church. Christ gave the Church her mission in the Great Commission. The servant is not greater than the master.
I think the usual way to deal with Masses said with large crowds, traditionally, is simply to not distribute Holy Communion. It is not obligatory. If, in addition, the MC is knowledgeable of and faithful to the rubrics, I think that would take care of every complaint in this article.
Did they perform this one in Belgium?
“There comes a time
When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
Oh, and it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can’t go on
Pretending day-by-day
That someone, somewhere soon make a change
We’re all a part of God’s great big family
And the truth, you know, love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just the Pope and me…”
These articles are such a waste of time and effort. The only thing newsworthy might have been if Pope Francis – or any of his immediate predecessors – had celebrated or been present at a Mass that looked even remotely Catholic, a Mass that would NOT have scandalized pre-Vatican II Catholics, a Mass that would have demonstrated that the Church continues to hold the same beliefs She has taught since Her foundation. The relationship between the lex orandi and the lex credendi explains everything, and THAT is why there are almost no Catholics in Belgium or anywhere else in Europe.
This article is a waste of time because it tries to argue for nature wanting/intending/making rules when it doesn’t. Nature isn’t conscious as a concept, abstract concepts as a rule aren’t conscious and this guy trying to argue about implicit ends is confusing ‘could’ with ‘should’.
I’m sorry, this man’s worldview is based on a lie and it’s galling he’s trying to make it out like it’s the other way around. I see he’s still complaining in that crisis news site about gay families and marriage like his poor pacemaker-ed heart depends on it, sad world he lives in.
be vigilant…for every idol – and vile and idle – word, an account will be rendered…please let not the adversary draw you into this web, stay in the Net of Christ-Peter, it is the Light, not the darkness…graces and mercies as a Fisher of Souls not a fillet-er…
I might be guilty of something you propose even if you’re not clear on it. But if you refer to Fr. Stravinskas, mark what you say: “the other way round” comes to “he’s trying to make it out like his lie is his worldview” -which is the same thing as your first proposition, “his worldview is based on a lie”.
What is that?
In the picture at the head, one of the spokes radiating from the globe on the field, looks misaligned and points awkwardly. Not sure what to make of it. The back of the stadium, the seating is empty there. The Mass got celebrated according to the habit of the locals. The Pope didn’t “impose”. In addition, he presumably wants to synodalize” the Mass and all these items are proper features of “synodal”.
I think things like liturgical dance inside the Mass, melds parts of the Gospel together with other components in life, wrongly. Collapsing everything into the Eucharist as “the culminating point for everything” that “must be felt” and occur “all at once”, is at odds with reality. Yes the Lord is risen but we have to follow Him.
The Pope today extends an invitation for everyone to join him in the “synodal style”. While on his trip there in Belgium etc., he admitted that there was a demographic problem and families should be having children. Not quite the Christian message but nonetheless he saved a part of Europe from his rebuke “Stop breeding like rabbits!” Yet they are insisting that “synodal” is “from the Holy Spirit” and “being like Mary”. This is what Grech (apparently) is teaching at the “synodal” reopening.
The synodal is even “a prayer” and “a liturgy” and a whole new “pentecost”, according to Grech.
Sunday 29, 2024 was a day of special grace to several of us who had the good fortune of being present for the Papal Mass in the capital city of Europe.
“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” was the underlying theme in the homily delivered by His Holiness Pope Francis at the historic King Baudouin stadium in Brussels.
The Pontiff’s invitation to fellow mortals to serve one another as fellow pilgrims on common journey drew loud applause from the over forty thousand women, children, and men at the jam-packed celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
It was a life-time opportunity for many to receive precious ethical advice, pray, worship, and sing on such a happy Sunday.
empty images and empty words…Christ’s homily and mission was not and is not ethical…this is not even Christ’s Worship, it is self worship….
Offer Christ not self, let the Holy Spirit live, move and have His being within like Saint John Paul so that the Head Christ-Priest is Worshipping in God the Holy Spirit and His Truth, so that it Divine, Triune, Paschal, Sacramental, Moral, Theological – a Unity of Charity and Charity of Unity that is with the Holy Triune Lamb and His Efficacious Words and Deeds…making Christ a disobedient obedient sinner by abuses in pretending to ‘do this in Memorial of Me’ should not make anyone happy – let Christ be the Priest-Head and let His Body follow Him and His directives, not doing their own…so many abuses present do not come from Christ the Well-Beloved, but the adversary….
It seems like word salad is a contagious condition in today’s world.
I was also there and grateful to attend. Nice to see such a diverse crowd celebrating their faith.
This was classic Stravinskas. People like him nudge me more and more to the left. Thank God we have a pope like Francis. If there were just one Catholic parish in town and he was pastor, I think I’d have to attend the Anglican or Lutheran Church in town. The non-historical orthodoxy of Vatican II is still alive and well, but still in the minority, thank God.
Gap in your penitential?
Blame others for your going left?
The “non-historical orthodoxy” of VATICAN II?
Pleading for sympathy via Protestant churches in town?
If I were your pastor, I would be happy to escort to either one of them — if they would take you!
I have never heard that a pastor has the authority to help someone commit mortal sin – no matter how bad the person already is.
Lighten up!
May the Light of the world save the erring among us.
I hope you have a great day, Amanda.
And that’s the kind of person you are–very certain of yourself, and you have no patience for those who disagree with you, no patience for those who see things differently, and you’re not interested in learning further through listening to the one who disagrees with you. And that’s why you regard Francis’ synodality as absurd. The clerics have all the answers. The laity should keep quiet, and don’t argue, just obey, and pray, and of course pay.
I’ve known Fr. Peter for many years now and have had numerous long conversations with him. A solid 80% of his criticisms are aimed at clergy; some of his highest praise and admiration is for lay people. No, the real difference here is between orthodoxy and the ongoing silliness (or worse) that continually issues forth from the Vatican, Germany, Belgium, etc. etc.
Adam and Eve listened to the serpent. The Jewish people had a listening session before building the golden calf. King Solomon listened to his foreign wives and had his heart turned away from God. You need to be careful of who you listen to.
Thomas James, it’s not necessary for you to look for an Anglican or Lutheran church to attend. It sounds as if your faith has arrived before you.
I dont think a Mass is supposed to be engineered like a Hollywood Cecil B DeMille production. If this is what they came up with when they were hosting the POPE, it speaks very badly for Belgium, the Church and the lack of authority with which the Pope is regarded. Yes, allow somewhat for regional differences, but there needs to be standards WORLD-WIDE which are not breached. There is no reason for EM’s to have hosts in one hand and COFFEE in the other while in the midst of Mass. Casual disrespect, lack of instruction and just plain absence of reverence. Disgusting. The attitude of “I can do whatever I want because it is my RIGHT” is what is announced loud and clear in a “worship” service like this. If the Pope had nothing to say to the local Bishop after this, he is culpable too. Personally, I dont go to church to see dancers, no matter if they are little kids or fat women in tights. It has no place there. This is how we get from Odd-ball Masses to allowing rock singers to film sacrilegious videos in our churches, as has happened recently. Its NOT ok to throw standards out the window to appease fringe elements.
Many good points, esp to err on the side of simplicity.
If our churches in America could be packed with sinners with only dirt floors instead of low attendance like now in nice facilities, I would take that.
How many have ever gone to a daily mass especially when it’s very convenient for them?
LJ is is no longer Catholicism we are witnessing, but post-catholicism. Catholicism was saved from the train Wreckage by saintly Archbishop Marcel Lefevbre. Latin Mass is the only answer to the perplexity of the situation.
Another typical expected Pope Francis bashing by this priest, who like Weigel, hyperidolize JPII.
Yet another member of the Bergoglian Personality Cult clutching their pearls at even the most modest criticism of their idol.
If you haven’t noticed, T. Perkins, there are increasing numbers of faithful Catholics who have had their fill of Pope Bergoglio.
The first one you mention should not be picking on people, or for that matter condemning, any Catholic who attends a TLM where the Lord is present.
Didn’t he just say last month that there are many religions on the way to God? What’s the difference within his own religion; especially when the change was basically made as a failed (social) effort to bring in the Protestants?
No one “bashes” Francis. Not even when he bashes the immutable truths of God.