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Pope Francis names 21 new cardinals, including archbishops of Tehran and Toronto

Courtney Mares By Courtney Mares for CNA

Pope Francis creates new cardinals at a consistory in St. Peter’s Basilica on Oct. 5, 2019. / Daniel Ibáñez/CNA.

Vatican City, Oct 6, 2024 / 07:41 am (CNA).

Pope Francis announced on Sunday that he will create 21 new cardinals, including the archbishops of Tehran, Tokyo, and Toronto, at a consistory on Dec. 8

The 87-year-old pope made the announcement from a window overlooking St. Peter’s Square after reciting the Angelus prayer on Oct. 6.

This is the full list:

  • Archbishop Frank Leo, metropolitan archbishop of Toronto (Canada)
  • Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi, S.V.D., metropolitan archbishop of Tokyo (Japan)
  • Archbishop Dominique Joseph Mathieu, O.F.M. Conv., archbishop of Tehran-Ispahan (Belgian missionary bishop in Iran)
  • Bishop Mykola Bycok, C.Ss.R., Eparch of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians (Ukrainian bishop in Australia)
  • Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., theologian (United Kingdom)
  • Father Fabio Baggio, C.S., undersecretary for the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development (Italy)
  • Monsignor George Jacob Koovakad, official of the Secretariat of State and organizer of papal trips (India)
  • Bishop Baldassare Reina, vicar general of the diocese of Rome (Italy)
  • Archbishop Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio, metropolitan archbishop of Lima (Peru)
  • Bishop Paskalis Bruno Syukur, O.F.M., bishop of Bogor (Indonesia)
  • Archbishop Vicente Bokalic Iglic, archbishop of Santiago del Estero (Argentina)
  • Archbishop Luis Gerardo Cabrera Herrera, O.F.M., metropolitan archbishop of Guayaquil (Ecuador)
  • Archbishop Fernando Natalio Chomali Garib, metropolitan archbishop of Santiago de Chile (Chile)
  • Bishop Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, bishop of Kalookan (Philippines)
  • Archbishop Laszlo Nemet, S.V.D., metropolitan archbishop of Belgrade (Serbia)
  • Archbishop Jaime Spengler, O.F.M., metropolitan archbishop of Porto Alegre (Brazil)
  • Archbishop Ignace Bessi Dogbo, metropolitan archbishop of Abidjian (Ivory Coast)
  • Archbishop Jean-Paul Vesco, O.P., metropolitan archbishop of Algiers (Algeria)
  • Archbishop Roberto Repole, metropolitan archbishop of Turin (Italy)
  • Archbishop Rolandas Makrickas, coadjutor archpriest of the Basilica of St. Mary Major (Lithuania)

One of the cardinals-elect is already over 80:

  • Archbishop Angelo Acerbi, apostolic nuncio emeritus (Italy)

Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has created 142 cardinals from 70 countries at nine consistories.

The last consistory to create new cardinals took place on Sept. 30, 2023. The new cardinals included Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem; Cardinal Stephen Chow of Hong Kong; and Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, the prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Fifteen members of the College of Cardinals have turned 80 since the last consistory, thus losing their chance to participate in a future papal election.

After the December consistory, there will be 141 cardinal electors (barring the unexpected death of any of the cardinals) — 111 (79%) of whom have been appointed by Pope Francis.

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  1. So Radcliffe, the promoter of LGBTQ agenda, gets the red hat. Surprised Martin didn’t get one too. While Bergoglio talks an orthodox game about how gender theory is the biggest threat to humanity, his actions show his real convictions … and he is a threat to the unity and truth of the faith. Undoing the damage this man has done will take generations.

    • With God’s grace, Radcliffe is soon 80 and we need to pray that the pontiff’s health continues to deny that horrible possibility of ascending the See of Peter. The way these things go, Francis will probably have another one before Christmas, so Jimmy Martin is still in! What a horrible prospect!!!

    • What’s notable about Radcliffe’s appointment is not entirely the next consistory for the papacy. It’s the message it sends.

    • I heard that also. Some of our Church troubles are generational. Young clergy and religious tend to be more orthodox.
      The 1970s will eventually give way to the March of Time.

    • Radcliff will be 80 on August 22, 2025, so maybe his predictable vote will not be part of the next conclave.

      Waiting, here, to learn more from bios on the others, and especially and hopefully wondering what to expect from those who are not coupled geographically with the Western apostasy from natural law…Japan, (a Belgian in) Iran, (a Ukrainian in) Australia, India, Peru, Indonesia, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Philippines, Serbia, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Algeria and Lithuania. Otherwise, geographically, Canada, United Kingdom (Radcliff), and three from Italy.

  2. The one thing I see in this is the usual promotions of his Southern American buddies whose theological background is well known, the prefect dealing with travel????? And a 44 year old?!? But what is interesting is that there is a country that has more Catholic participation than any country in the western world and has been repeatedly been denied a red hat and it is Uganda! Why? Because it takes its theological and committment to values that is needed now in this world and in the Church! But the Pope is content to give out hats to youngsters of 44 years old and to his goucho buddies etc and sodomic life style promoters! Oh Lord Jesus, how hard and difficult thou Cross is and how sore our backs have become in its carrying! COME QUICKLY OH MASTER AND GIVE YOUR BRIDE THE PEACE SHE ULTIMATELY GRAVES!

  3. Congratulations. It’s a fine blend of the young and the young at heart. Wishing the team of the 21 Eminences strength and stamina in their service to God’s people.

  4. I noticed that there are no Americans among the new Cardinals. I live in the Archdiocese of Baltimore and we are the oldest Archdiocese in the US and have often had a Cardinal, but not anymore.

    I also noticed that many are from South America or Asia. This new crop of Cardinals should have much influence on the next Papal conclave. Francis has appointed most of the Cardinals eligible to vote. Will he step down now? Perhaps not. He recently did a grueling, very long trip. Perhaps he might just stay on until the end?

  5. “I want to have dialogue, which is why I’m putting all my boys in positions of power” -the great anticlericalist synodalist, Jorge Bergoglio

  6. Oh, oh, oh, pick me to be a Cardinal. I promise not to mention Christ and keep the next Conclave a gay affair.
    In the meantime, fly me to Rome for some all-inclusive Synodaling. I don’t even need a voice, since I’ll be a Bishop. I can help Cardinal Radcliffe spiritually sooth the feelings of the papal guests. Trust me, I won’t mention Fr. Aidan Nichols. Mercy alone is the message; all are welcome; blah, blah, blah, no problems here.
    Have mercy! It is wrong to make me synodal alone like this.

  7. I’ve read good things about Toronto’s Archbishop Francis Leo.
    BTW, his predecessor, Cardinal Thomas Collins, was/is a strong voice in favour of palliative care versus our so-called Medical Aid in Dying.

  8. The German church has a vast over-representation of cardinals for the paltry number of practicing Catholics there.

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