Online predators have a new name and practice, and unlike the nefarious online predators of the past, whose actions result in indeterminate consequences, the actions of these predators will result in death. No, this is not hyperbole. We are talking about the abortion pill and the fact that access to this deadly drug takes only a computer and a few minutes.
In order to increase awareness about the abortion pill, a new report by American Life League seeks to save lives by telling the disturbing truth. Entitled Beneath the Surface: Exposing the Abortion Pill Drug Cartel, ALL’s report illustrates how easy it is for anyone—even underage girls and sex traffickers—to order this pill online.
It is a report everyone should read. And it’s a report that should be shared with both federal and state policymakers because lives are at stake.
What is the abortion pill?
The abortion pill regimen consists of two drugs—mifepristone and misoprostol. The mother will first take the mifepristone, which stops her body from making progesterone, a hormone the baby needs to grow. This results in his death by starvation. Up to 48 hours later, she then takes the misoprostol to expel the dead baby.
This protocol has become the most popular type of abortion for mothers whose preborn baby is up to 10 weeks gestation, though many places and people are stretching this limit.
In fact, the pill regimen is so popular that a spring 2024 report from the Guttmacher Institute—the research arm of Planned Parenthood—stated that “medication abortion accounted for 63% of all us abortions in 2023—an increase from 53% in 2020.” In actual numbers, that amounts to 642,700 dead babies.
And those are just the preborn deaths we know about.
Because the Dobbs decision sent the law-making ability regarding abortion to each individual state, those in the pro-abortion business must now change their strategy, and change it they have.
As the ALL report states:
Abortion pills are being trafficked through a network of volunteers who ship abortion pills in the mail discreetly and at no charge. These so-called “community networks” currently ship abortion pills to 28 states and five US territories free of charge (with a suggested donation to the specific group mailing the pills). These networks of volunteers intentionally and illegally ship abortion pills to all the states and territories that have the most restrictions on abortion. Even after receiving minimal details about the individual requesting the pills, volunteers will still send abortion pills to the requester if he/she opens a Proton email account and emails the volunteer with the request.
This is incredibly simple. And incredibly scary.
Community networks and their practices
One of the most popular community networks is Mexico-based Las Libres, who asks for only minimal information before shipping the abortion pill and who also “refers women to an organization that shows people how to hide their online abortion pill requests by using private search engines and apps.”
The ALL report says these online vendors “are neither monitored nor approved by the US government and remain undisturbed.” It goes on to say:
Plan C [a project of the National Women’s Health Network] describes website vendors that sell abortion pills, saying, “Websites that sell pills are e-commerce websites that sell and ship pills to addresses in all US states. They do not require a prescription for the medications, do not require you to upload your ID, and do not provide a medical consultation or any kind of support.”
These websites charge anywhere from $30–$500 for abortion pills and kits and even suggest that one can “buy pills now to use later.”
So women—or men or sex traffickers or anyone with murder in their hearts—can order these pills and give them to any pregnant person they want without this woman’s knowledge. Think this can’t happen? It already has. The report discusses cases where spouses or boyfriends have given the abortion pill to pregnant mothers without their consent.
And if the report is not disturbing enough, it goes on to say that Plan C advises minors how to get the abortion pill without their parents’ knowledge.
I venture to say that this is one of the most suppressed problems facing women in crisis pregnancies today.
The dangers are incredibly clear, but most want to ignore them.
Aside from the death of the baby, whom the mother must expel while at home, often alone, the “most common” side effects of the abortion pill, according to the Mayo Clinic, include anxiety, blurred vision, chills, coma, confusion, depression, dizziness, fast heartbeat, headache, nausea, nervousness, nightmares, seizures, slurred speech, and swelling. But those aren’t all. Women have died from the abortion pill or lack of care after.
And those who are pro-abortion want the public to think it’s abortion restrictions that result in these deaths. Articles, social media posts, and talking heads all blame pro-life laws and attempt to tug on the heartstrings of those ignorant of the facts.
That’s why American Life League wants to make the facts clear with its report. The abortion pill is deadly for the baby and it’s harmful—and possibly deadly—for mothers. Knowing and understanding the repercussions of these online predators who both give away and sell the pill is vital for anyone in the pro-life movement, anyone with a young daughter, and anyone who simply cares about their fellow human beings.
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The government is endangering the lives of its citizens with:
1. Abortions and funding Planned Parenthood;
2. Mail-order abortion pills;
3. Transgender surgeries that destroy the secondary sex organs of minors;
4. Enforced “vaccines” as in the case of Covid.
5. Stockpiling of chemical agents to use against alleged foes;
6. Engaging in or promoting wars that supposedly enhance our geopolitical hegemony.
All of these assaults against the human family must end. MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN!
The scariest part of all this is the possibility of a woman who wants her baby aborting it without even knowing it and being a victim of someone else’s decision. This is a forcible violation of one’s own conscience. Sounds like China’s one baby policy morality.
Louisiana has classified abortifacient drugs as controlled substances. There have been a couple incidents of men slipping the drugs into mothers’ drinks.
This news is so disturbing! To think also that they can kill their baby for free and in private makes it even more convenient for the death to happen. This is so sad. 😞
Yet another example of the abandonment of the Hippocratic Oath by the medical profession and that abandonment being backed up by the civil law. Medicine and the law were the two professions responsible for the evolution of Western Civilisation and now represent the major contributors to its decline. The first abandonment came with the introduction of the contraceptive pill, the first time the medical profession allowed the deliberate prescription of a chemical designed not to treat disease but to interfere with normal function in a perfectly healthy human being. The pill is, however, very effective in preventing pregnancy – you have to wonder why so many women are so stupid that they continue to risk unwanted pregnancy! The advent of the pill did not prevent the abortion rate as promised, it increased it enormously and today, despite the alleged safety of abortion performed in major hospitals rather than in a back alley somewhere, death still occurs and complications of abortion cause on-going, often lifelong bad health and some of the most dramatic battles to save life in our supposedly enlightened society.
I wouldn’t first wonder why women are stupid but rather why an alternative, more compliance-friendly contraception method isn’t widely prescribed.
Long term contraception doesn’t require a daily dosage and is now recommended to girls as young as 12. It’s one of the reasons contributing to the drop in teen pregnancies.
All hormonal contraception comes with real risks to women’s health and is at odds with Catholic teaching. But some methods are more effective than others.
From the article: “So women—or men or sex traffickers or anyone with murder in their hearts—can order these pills and give them to any pregnant person they want without this woman’s knowledge.”
Pregnant “person”? That would be “pregnant female”. Please, let’s not sound like them…