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Two (of many) reasons that Kamala Harris lost the election

Economics ebbs and flows, regardless of the party in charge. But this election signaled a seismic cultural shift.

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks about Florida’s new six-week abortion ban during an event at the Prime Osborn Convention Center on May 1, 2024, in Jacksonville, Florida. (Credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Any number of legitimate reasons could be adduced for why Donald Trump won the election.

But I think the better angle is to account for why Kamala Harris lost it, especially considering how broad was her defeat.

As a threshold matter, nothing in my analysis is meant to deny the importance of economic concerns. The highest inflation in 40 years, especially for inelastic goods such as groceries and household products, was certainly an important factor in the minds of many voters. That said, however, the roots of Harris’s loss are much deeper than the failure of her and Joe Biden’s economic policies.

Economics ebbs and flows, regardless of the party in charge. But this election signaled a seismic cultural shift. And it’s a shift that the left seems to be ontologically incapable of understanding.

This is why the perspective of Harris’s loss, rather than Trump’s win, is a more useful posture for understanding what happened on November 5. Trump didn’t win because a majority of Americans enthusiastically agree with his policy positions. Rather, Harris lost because we have a visceral dislike for hers.

Moreover, we are fed up with the relentless dishonesty of the legacy media that served as Harris’s propaganda arm.

So, while the Democratic party and its media messengers insist that Trump won because 51% of the population is racist, misogynist, and xenophobic—bless them—we can consider some actual factors.

Against abortion absolutism

First, unlike Harris, Americans are not pro-abortion absolutists. While a majority of Americans want some level of abortion access, none but the activists think that there should be no limits. Moreover, regardless of their relative positions on abortion regulation, a majority of Americans told us on November 5 that abortion does not drive every voting decision.

Consider, for example, the vote in Florida. Amendment 4 would have codified abortion on demand without any meaningful exceptions. The amendment failed, but only because a vote of 60% plus one person was required. A majority of Floridians—57%—voted in favor of the Amendment. But a similar majority—56%—voted for Trump for president. Many voters opted for the amendment but against Harris. (Similar results obtained in Arizona, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and Nevada.) That tells us that some people who voted for Amendment 4 were not animated by abortion-absolutism, as Harris is.

Of course, I understand that Trump has backtracked on the issue, which might have made even a pro-choice voter more likely to vote for him. But this would not have satisfied the True Believers, who are far fewer in number than Harris thought.

Harris ran as The Abortion Candidate. That’s one reason she lost.

Rejecting trans ideology

Another important factor for Harris’s loss, arising late in the campaign, is Americans’ decision to put the brakes on transgender lunacy. In the last few weeks of the campaign, Republicans ran ads in several states that highlighted Harris’s commitment to extreme trans ideology.

The ads used an interview clip from the 2020 primary campaign, in which Harris endorsed using federal tax dollars for so-called gender transition surgery for prison inmates and detained undocumented immigrants. And they included ominous images of biological males competing against women in basketball and swimming. As a recent piece in The Washington Post noted, “Trump advisers could not believe how well the ad tested.”

It tested well because a majority of Americans are starting to realize how extreme trans ideology is; and thus how urgent it is to resist it. Harris’s pick of Tim Walz as her running mate illustrates the issue. Minnesota puts feminine hygiene products in boys’ restrooms, starting in 4th grade. Girl athletes in schools are forced to compete against boys, the only test of which is a boy’s assertion that he identifies as a girl on any particular day.

Additionally, a Minnesota law allows the state to assert jurisdiction over minor children from other states in order to subject them to mutilating surgery, puberty blockers, and cross-hormone therapy, even against their parents’ wishes.

Americans do not want our daughters and sisters to be forced to compete against men. We do not believe that one can change genders. We do not believe that minors can meaningfully consent to mutilating surgery and chemical castration. And we do not want to be exposed to civil or criminal liability for calling a man a man and a woman a woman. Harris and her party do. That’s why she—and they—lost.

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  1. Imagine you have 40 people who are typical of the voting public in the election. In 2020, 19 of them voted for Trump, 21 for Biden. In this election, 21 voted for Trump, and 19 voted for Harris. That’s one person out of 40 changing his mind. That’s not a seismic cultural anything. It’s a seismic swing in near-term political POWER, but that’s just because we have a winner-takes-all system that means small changes in the vote tallies can have wildly disproportionate effects on politics.

    What might be a seismic swing is that the GOP has accepted the narrative that protecting the lives of the unborn is too controversial for winning politics, and that winning is what REALLY matters — and, to double down on the seismic aspect of this, many, probably most Catholics agree with that. Some are content to have the right to life defended at the state level. They’re none to keen to have freedom of speech or freedom of religion decided at the state level, but, you know, those are REAL, meaning they affects THEM, not some unborn kid they have never met.

    • OK, it’s 2 people out of 40, or 1 out of 20. It’s a small swing in the overall percentages, regardless. We remain essentially split down the middle either way, and, honestly, most people who changed their vote probably did so for a list of reasons, but the foremost reason was likely not a dawning awareness of the depravity of abortion or the LGBTQ movement. It was more likely a reaction against inflation or the realization that Harris seems every bit as unfit to lead the nation as Biden. Neither of those are really cultural shift reasons.

      • As someone who has worked in the trenches of the pro-life movement for more than half a century, I am glad that conservatives are sensible enough to downplay abortion on the national stage. In our crumbling civilization, now even abandoned by the moral cowardice of many in our Church, abortion is a losing issue and needs to be downplayed for electability while still maintaining pro-life policies that affect the judiciary and budget, domestic and international.

    • I agree that there isn’t any huge cultural shift to the right. Another candidate who supported all the things that Harris supports but put less emphasis on it– in other words, didn’t talk about it as much– could easily have won the presidency. Trump barely received a majority of the popular vote and might well have lost in an electoral (if not popular) landslide to a cagier Democrat who talked more about the economy. When I went looking for local Republican candidates’ opinions on abortion on their web sites, I found that they were mostly silent on abortion (which caused me to cast write-in votes for those offices). Silence can be interpreted in a number of ways, but what is obvious is that many Republicans may well be just as far left on abortion as Democrats– they just are playing the “don’t ask, don’t tell” game. And, yes, the winner-take-all rules in most states’ selection of presidential electors magnifies what was really a small difference in the popular vote. Even a viable third-party candidate who received as little as 5% of the vote could have turned things the other way.

        • Given that Harris is self-evidently, well, stretching the bounds of what can be said within the bounds of Christian charity, as intelligence challenged as humanly possible, three million votes is razor thin.

  2. Yes to everything you have said here. WE are not evil or crazy. THEY (some of them) ARE, and they move to enforce their far left policies on the population at large ( such as pertains to transgenderism, that defy logic and common sense.)Not to mention FBI intimidation of ordinary Americans going to school board meetings and registering unhappiness at their kids being sexually indoctrinated with garbage. ALSO: The weaponization of our justice system, the open borders allowing criminals and thugs to flow unchecked into the country, pushing our own kids out of schools and hospitals and bankrupting small towns with the need to support thousands of illegals.The DEMs dogged lawfare to STOP any sensible rules to validate voters, like voter ID. Their disgusting mission to fight any such laws in court.

    We want a WALL, NOW!!! There is no point in deporting people if they are sent back home and then cross the border into our nation immediately again. JAIL them first for several years,and build the wall while they are there. THEN deport them. As fast as you can. I have no sympathy for those who break our laws, and I dont care about their reason.

  3. I think the answer is that the Democrats were playing more to their affluent donor class & had lost touch with the working class. There’s been a seismic shift in the 2 parties & the Democrat’s failed to realize that because they’ve become so out of touch.

    • Go on MSNBC and watch Joe talk about butter prices; his friend warned him a week before the election Trump would win just considering the cost of butter.

      The print and spend Biden decisions did not work.

        • Mrs. Cracker Barrel: Below is an example of a lot of the reason the elites lost this go around – disconnected from the everyday problems of the majority of the population, while touting reproductive freedom as the answer to life’s problems.

          Per internet:
          Scarborough stunned after learning about the high price of butter: ‘Is it framed in gold?’

          Joe Scarborough appeared shocked to learn about the high price of some grocery items while discussing economic concerns that drove voters to support President-elect Trump this election.

          (you can watch the short clip if you wish, it’s still out there)

    • I agree with this. President Trump not only appealed to the working class, but he has for many decades actually provided them with employment in his businesses, especially construction! It’s so unusual to find viable political candidates who are not lawyers The U.S. Constitution never intended for all our politicians to be lawyers!

      Pres. Trump was just a “working man” essentially–he was “the Boss”, but he still spent most of his life WORKING–managing various companies–and it’s interesting that we haven’t seen a plethora of books and articles written by or about his employees in which they criticize their “boss”. I’m sure writers have looked for the disgruntled, angry employees who hate their former boss–but we sure haven’t seen any stories on TV or in print about these folks. Just the opposite–many of his employees liked their boss and still do!

      I strongly suggest reading VP Mike Pence’s autobiography. Yes, the ending of his relationship with Pres. Trump was sad, but throughout the book, VP Pence has so much praise for the way Donald Trump handled himself as POTUS, and makes the point that Pres. Trump often asked his VP to pray for him and certain situations. VP Pence’s bio paints quite a different picture of Pres. Trump than the secular media.

      According to VP Pence, Pres. Trump definitely recognized his lack of political experience (he had no idea what he was supposed to do the night he won the election in 2016!), and according to VP Pence, SURPRISE! Pres. Trump did not talk much during Cabinet meetings, although he occasionally asked questions and took notes.

      This is a far different picture than the secular media presents, in which a belligerent Pres. Trump bullies everyone around him and force them to accept his way! VP Pence also discusses Pres. Trump’s graciousness and his kindness to his staff.

      I also think it behooves us to study First Lady Melania Trump. During her husband’s first term, Melania kept a low profile, but…when the media started criticizing Barron Trump (her and Pres. Trump’s only child) and spreading rumors that he was autistic or learning-disabled-and he was just a child in 2016!–she promptly packed her and her son’s bags and moved with him to the top floor of a NYC penthouse apartment in one of the Trump buildings–and we seldom heard from her again, and we heard no more speculation and gossip about the young Barron Trump, who has turned out to be an admirable young man.

      I am very impressed with all of Pres. Trump’s children, but one incident stands out in my mind. A few years ago, the Trumps attended a funeral, and Barron was walking with his father when the two of them came to a curb. Donald Trump seemed to have a little difficulty stepping up on that curb (I relate–even though I’ve had a knee replacement, I still have to work to get up steps, curbs, hills, and it does hurt a little). Immediately, Barron offered his father his arm and helped him up the curb and walked arm in arm with him–I was so touched by this and impressed with the kind act of a son towards his father. NONE OF THE MEDIA COMMENTED ON THIS KIND ACT! But the obvious conclusion is that Barron, along with the rest of the Trump children, has been taught good manners and kindness.

      Think for a minute–have any you read anything negative about Pres. Trump from his servant staff? Just the opposite–his elevator operator had nothing but good things to say about his boss! And you know that these folks could collect a large fee for “ratting” about their former boss to the media! But they don’t. (I’m sure Pres. Trump’s critics would say that these “little people” are terrified about retribution from their former boss!).

      Yes, Donald Trump has been a philanderer when it comes to women–but not in recent years (at least since 2016–that’s 8 years!). And I question whether he has ever treated women badly–I’m a woman, and I believe that it’s possible the women who are accusing him of bad behavior are just trying to get a lot of money! I also suspect that they are getting money from Pres. Trump’s political enemies for going public with sordid stories about him.

      So in conclusion, I respectfully suggest that we try to sort out facts and fiction about our new President and his family, and don’t believe what pro-choice people say about him. They are lying about abortion, trying to convince Americans that abortion doesn’t kill a human being. They are kidding themselves about transition surgeries. Their interest in “the working class” is highly questionable. They are trying to convince us all to buy electric cars and solar power, while inflation makes it difficult for us to afford groceries! They are unwilling to send illegal immigrants who are criminals back to their home countries. And most of them are fabulously wealthy themselves, although they deride Donald Trump for his wealth. These are not people who care for us or have any respect for God.

  4. Reason 3: Because she is, quite simply, a disgusting person. Harsh, but true. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not this time.

      • Well, he’s not a groomer, he doesn’t support mutilating children, he doesn’t support unlimited abortion up until the time of birth, he doesn’t support open borders or giving criminals a pass, so that’s not a bad start as fare as I’m concerned. Supporting Harris is defending the indefensible, morally and politically.

      • After removing the bald-faced lies promoted about him, and after removing a reprobate past, which his repentant soul values-that sanctimonious Christians refuse to recognize-and after removing his regrettable bombastic style that crosses the line in describing some truly bad people in the governing and cultural establishment, there is much that those who hate him can benefit from learning about his kind and generous character.

  5. It seems that a majority of voters view Trump as the classic “lesser of two evils.” I don’t like him, but he won, and won fair and square. The Republicans also won the Senate and House.
    Trump can implement his agenda, which may not be exactly what he said. I suspect that tariffs might be less than advertised. Tariffs can hurt the economy and Elon and billionaires won’t like it.

  6. The American people made the right decision in ousting the Democrats. But despite the differences in domestic policy, both parties pretty much agree on foreign policy. That’s unfortunate, because our current foreign policy mainly consists in endless, pointless overseas intervention. It’s long past time to bring the boys home and to stop trying to run the entire world.

  7. A little girls dream of empowerment limitation… the fact is Kamala Harris was short of time, race factor neither white or black, absolutely has controversial ideology, of the “Potential Politicization Games Pro Life, Transgender, and Immigration from the start” from being activist and hard core criminal lawyer… I was absolutely correct from my perspective Analysis from the moment she declared herself a running Democrat President elected, SHE WILL NOT BECOME THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT OF AMERICA… FOREMOST SEX STATUS QUO… AN ABSOLUTE INGENIOUS WOMAN AMERICANS STILL UNACCEPTABLE AS PRESIDENT. IN ADDITION, A MAN DESTINED ADORED BY SO MANY WOMEN STILL BELIEVES IN HYPOCRISY OF SEXINESS OF THE MANS WORLD.

  8. Biden was clearly a puppet, a “useful idiot”, of the Democrat chieftains. Biden was used to continue the “Fleecing of America” by the Democrat mega-donars who were rewarded 1,000-fold for every donated dollar with stolen tax-payer dollars. Harris would have been another puppet, all affirmative-action fluff (and no redeeming skills or aptitude).

  9. Too soon to tell before the mid-terms if there has been a sustainable cultural shift. Then of course the democrats and their allied RINO’s are historically more moderate running for office and less moderate governing in office.

  10. Like Whitmer, she hung a lot of economic and social laundry on the “reproductive freedom” line

    when she couldn’t tell ABC one thing she would have done differently, then that’s about 10 red caution flags; time outs coach or whatever you’d like to name it

    • Much of the media (e.g., NBC and other TV networks, along with print media folks) have discussed this amazing comment in depth and concluded that THIS COMMENT was what lost her the election. It showed an alarming lack of comprehension of what the Democratic policies under Pres. Biden have done to the U.S. and a willingness to continue those damaging policies. It also made it clear that VP Harris considers abortion rights and LGBTQ+ policies (including transition surgeries) more important than the economy and immigration, both of which affect all Americans, including LBGTQ+ individuals!

      Whether or not Pres. Biden’s policies really did create the inflation that resulted in a Big Mac and fries costing us $12 (!!!), or an influx of criminals streaming over our borders illegally (along with non-criminals, who came in such large numbers that Texas didn’t have the staff or resources to deal with them and started bussing them to liberal big cities like Chicago)–the fact is, VP Harris, perhaps out of admirable loyalty to her Boss and loyalty to her Democratic Party, or perhaps out of lack of comprehension (which is what most people believe)–essentially said “All was good!”

      I’m guessing that every person on her campaign committee sighed when she made that comment and said, “Oh, well, she just lost this election.”

      And I’m guessing that many people watching that interview or reading about it online sighed and said, “Yikes! I don’t like him as a person, but I’m voting for Trump!”

      Just goes to show–we all need to be more careful about what we say!

      • in MI Rogers lost the seat by under 20k I believe, to Slotkin; many voters came in and voted only for Trump and left everything else blank

      • I agree with you and you articulate it well. As for myself, I am just plain tired of having an agenda that I completely oppose, shoved at me endlessly. I am exhausted from the media, the bias, the endless inequality and judgements.
        I am Catholic, American and female, and I refuse to be shamed for it.

        • Economy, trans, abortion. I could live with Harris as president. I may find her and my democratic party (which seems to have disappeared, too liberal but there is no way, I could vote for that awful, disgusting man. I keep thin king of hate, of his view of men and women in the military. I don’t want to live in this country anymore. I understand a lot of people don’t like to hear about trans people but to turn to Trump because of it?

          • “I don’t want to live in this country anymore.”

            No one is forcing you to stay. Please relocate and allow the rest of us to fix what your evil party has broken.

          • Have you ever considered that you’ve listened to sources that have lied to you? Do you think it is even humanly possible for anyone to say the preposterous things they have said he said about those in the Military? You have a moral obligation to resist propaganda.

          • His view of the people in the military, I believe, is that they’re forced to take care of these unnecessary wars/actions etc..

            (please correct me if I’m off)

      • The shut downs/lock downs hurt the supply chain in so many ways.

        Many companies went to “just in time” inventory several decades ago so you can imagine what it was like trying to keep things like auto factories open

        people that have new refrigerators sometimes can’t get parts for them even under warranty

        supply/demand friction causes price increases and along with the money supply being exploded – of course, inflation was just temporary or whatever it was called – was it transitory?

        • I was responding to Moira, whom I presume was responding to the lie that Trump implicitly denegrated the military that died in war. A blatant lie the libs widely circulated.

  11. Occasionally we find “conviction” politicians. But most politicians just
    want to win – they want power, money, success. In the 1970s many Democratic
    politicians including Kennedy, Biden, were pro life. As public opinion, swayed
    by left wing media and celebrities moved pro abortion, these politicians and others followed,all the while trumpeting their Catholic bona fides while most bishops refused to
    discipline any of them. Ditto for same-sex “marriage.”
    It is no surprise we are where we are on abortion or marriage. There are
    no pro-life, pro-family, pro marriage political parties.

  12. Yes, the relentless dishonesty was off putting. Karine Jean-Pierre would choke on a truth. Clearly, Biden was not making presidential decisions. Everyone knew his mind was shot before he was “elected”. Harris lost largely because she was Biden 2.0.

  13. Let’s keep in mind the simple fact that she never won a single delegate on her own – NOT ONE.

    Let’s remember that when she dropped out of the race in 2020 she said – “America is not ready for a woman of color to be President.” With around 1% of the vote she plays the race card and the gender card to explain why she’s dropping out.

    Let’ remember that even 4 years ago Trump referred to Biden as ‘Dementia Joe’ – cruel but true. It was obvious even then and it has only gotten worse since then. Their debate last summer, featuring “we beat Medicare” was the obvious reason that Biden was forced out – the man is in obvious cognitive decline and the fact that such a person is the most powerful man in the world is a fact for which the democrats will answer to history.

    • It is weird that some Americans, including politicians, are willing and ready to offer “assisted suicide” to Americans, including those who are elderly and suffering from advanced dementia. But many of those same Americans were willing to allow Pres. Biden to continue to be the POTUS even when his cognitive decline seemed to be obvious.

      On the other hand, I am not at all certain that he has dementia. During his political career, he’s never been known as an eloquent speaker or communicator. (And Prs. Trump certainly is no Great Communicator either, but no one except liberals accuse him of having dementia!)

      Many of us these days, even younger people, stumble over words and phrases and blank out on names–there is so much information and much of it is available online, which means that we don’t have the reinforcement of a human being speaking to us face to face.

      On social media or online forums like this one, we can type and re-type our comments, Google names and places that we don’t remember, and appear to be quite eloquent online! But if we were speaking in person, we would probably stumble and bumble and correct ourselves and forget what the capital of North Dakota is and who that guy was the won the most Olympic swimming medals and we would look positively senile and possibly rude or belligerent to boot!

      I wish Pres. Biden the best and hope that he has many good, productive years ahead. And I pray that he will get really serious about his Catholic faith and repent of his support of abortion.

      I hope that VP Harris doesn’t decide to run again, and I hope NO woman runs with a main platform of “reproductive rights.”

      • Mr. Biden has experienced some sort of real decline in health, at least since 2020, but not being his physician I certainly don’t know the nature of that.

      • Having noticed my kids seemed to become great spellers in their texts, I discovered their phones corrected/offered a lot of it when I graduated from a flip phone to a $30 “special.” It seems our brains have retrained themselves to rely on the phone guidance?

      • Mrs. Whitlock;

        It is my opinion that the REAL reason (which is painfully obvious) that the democrats forced Joe Biden out stems directly from his disastrous performance in the first debate with Ex-President Trump – his cognitive decline was so obvious that it was pathetic, it was sad, and and the democrats knew that Trump would trounce him in an election.
        There are still 65 days left until Trump takes over, so we hold our breath and pray.

        Come January 21 – We STILL hold our breath and pray.

  14. Perhaps we have become fickle and uneducated, childish, selfish and complacent as a nation. We want immediate gratification and jump at easy, simplistic solutions. We want to be entertained and thrive on sound bites and blinking screen shots. Our brains have been numbed into passively. The candidates presented to us gave little choice and represent the moral bankruptcy of our society. The only way out is a mass turing from self to God.

    • What an elitist, bigoted perspective. Maybe, just maybe, people thoughtfully and carefully considered the issues and the candidates and made an educated, responsible decision regarding who to vote for. The fact that your candidates lost, and lost soundly and dramatically, doesn’t mean that everyone is an idiot except you. You have some serious self-reflecting to do if you thought Harris deserved your vote.

      • Not for a minute did I consider voting for Harris. My greatest concern is that we were not presented with candidates who seemed to possess basic moral integrity. I’m afraid that a lie detector would have been fryed if connected to either candidates
        Microphone. How can you trust anyone who is a perpetual liar? How can you follow someone who thinks they are the greatest? Or someone who constantly degrades and makes fun of people? Who threatens vengeance? At least with Harris people knew what they were getting as diabolical and evil as it was. The question is now that we have Trump, do we really know what he will do? Will our system of checks and balances hold now that he has the Supreme Court, both houses of Congress as well as the executive privilege card and the bully pulpit in his hand? Perhaps we ARE fickle as a nation and no longer believe in the compromises necessary to make a democracy work. Perhaps a dictator is the only way out. Only time will tell. But on thing I do know for sure, and that is that we desperately need God in our lives.

        • Yes, I agree, you definitely need God in your life, particularly in the area of discernment. Trump is a known quantity, Harris is not. America made the right call. And Trump is not a dictator. That’s just a DNC talking point.

          • But do you know what you’re getting? Four years down the line will be the proof of the pudding! There is a good chance I will not be here, but you may have to eat crow ( but I sincerely hope that you don’t have to). God bless you richly. Sincerely James.

        • Are you really oblivious to the obvious intended put-on showmanship of Trump’s boastfulness? Vengeance? When, during his four years, did he act with any sort of capricious vengeance, a hard thing from which to refrain considering the near constant criminality of the liberal establishment, especially with their constant persecution and vengeance campaign against him?

        • Really??? I am 70, and the most dangerous people I have seen in my lifetime have been recent democrat politicians. Free speech suppression, DEI to promote by RACE and not by merit, sexual mutilation of children disguised as acceptable, men playing sports with women half their size, open borders which has verifiably admitted terrorists dangerous gang members, murderers and rapists. Lawfare, pumping up charges which previously have not even existed. Verbal hysteria coming from the left which is not only false but may have provided the incentive to have crazies take a shot at Trump.

          How, exactly, do you imagine all of that equates to the impact of the ” crime” of name calling??? I used to cross party lines in the past. Would not vote for a DEM now if you paid me a million dollars.They lack ethics and I would never want to be associated with them.

          I can already see the media false accusation machine working overtime to make Trump a “threat” like they did the last election. Mainly because their ideas are so poor no one will support them if they run on the truth.

          Fake news:”He’s going to round up people”, “he’s going to send people to concentration camps”. “He is going to arrest children.” “He’s colluding with the Russians!!!” (VERY well documented as FALSE. But still being told. ) All Lies but the DEMs are like parrots who repeat and repeat but can’t understand. Which does nothing to stop the LIE which is repeated over and over.) Hysterical. Laughing this hard hurts my face. If you are a DEM and actually believe this stuff, I feel sorry for you.

  15. “Lies. Damn lies. And statistics.” Do what you want with numbers but the reality of this election is that it does represent a seismic shift in the mindset of the American citizen. We’re sick and tired of being silenced and equally sick and tired of a Catholic Church that all too often seems devoid of any St. Michael fortitude. This was an election between evil and good, and the Good Lord has granted us reprieve in order to return to living as “One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” — but while His mercy is boundless, his patience is not.

    • Amen! Although I do believe that the Catholic Church, at least in my state, worked heroically during this election to see pro-life candidates elected. Numerous rallies and demonstrations were held in my city by Catholic organizations, and priests and religious joined these. Also, the Catholic press (which I’m sure many Catholics never read!) was full of information about the candidates. And our priest (and I’m sure other priests did the same) spoke about the importance of voting pro-life from his pulpit during Mass!

      Sadly, in my state, abortion and transgender surgery are now legal and acceptable after an amendment was passed. I fear that it’s not the Church that didn’t come out fighting–I think a lot of people just don’t vote because they think it’s a waste of time, or in some cases, because they don’t have transportation to the polls or because they live in a dangerous neighborhood and don’t go out unless they have to. The evil amendment passed by only a few thousand votes. God help us all!

  16. The actual spread in 2020 was 4.5%….in 2024 it’s right at 2.0%. So the 1 person out of 40 changing their mind is far from the reality.
    More interestingly, the “great” Obama, Hillary, and Kamela ALL totalled roughly 66 million votes. The anomoly was Scranton Joe who totalled 81 million votes. So the real question is where did those extra 15 million rabid Democrat voters come from in 2020 AND where did they disappear to in 2024??? They did NOT go to Trump as his total is almost 3 million LESS in 2024 versus 2020!
    Trump beat Kamela by roughly 3 million. So, bottom line is Kamela’s “loss” of 15 million 2020 democrat voters got trumped by DJT’s loss of only 3 million from his 2020 total.
    And, of course, someone should investigate just who those 15 million Kamela lost are and where they DISAPPEARED TO!!!

    • Total for Harris is currently 73 million, and rising, but not all results certified, among other things because California has not finished counting. In 2020 California did not certify its results until Dec 4th

    • Harry, as of my writing this, Trump just passed 76 million in the popular vote. About 1.2 million more than he had in 2020.
      Harris is barely past 73 million, and it’s definitely obvious now that there is no way Biden got 81 million votes four years ago. They either stuffed the boxes, or double-counted some of the ballots in order increase his lead, and seal the deal on his electoral college “win”.

  17. This election is just a tiny blip in history, a drastic shift from port to starboard, where the ship of State will once again list and take on water. Both political extremes lack basic Christian morality, but in different ways. A good end cannot be achieved by a bad means. Any government is only as good as the people who run it.

    • I suppose your knowledge of American history does not include Republican platforms that have affirmed Christian principles of innate truth, natural law, and rights as divine endowments and not political inventions and Democratic platforms that have simultaneously mocked these very ideas.

  18. Why don’t we get real here: Kamala Harris lost because she was a woman and saying that all women must have control over their own bodies. Sorry but America isn’t Catholic it’s inclusive. Oh wait yah like Catholic men get it. I voted for Kamala Harris. We could have had a great leader instead we got the same old, same old.

    • Many men will not vote for a woman for president but I also know many women will not either; one told me women are too unstable.

      I’d have no problem voting for someone like Margaret Thatcher; versus people that think abortion rights will drive an economy, and that EVs will work in mass, and that the United States should fund all the problems in the world with no reasonable help.

    • Get real, she lost because she doesn’t have a shred of intelligence, completely ignorant of economics, history, geography, and ethics, like someone so shallow as to characterize snuffing out a living child of God as a matter of controlling a body. This is the same sort of foolishness as usurping the ontological powers of God by claiming a power to create, for the first time, human willfilness.
      A soul cannot be pro-choice anymore than it can be pro-eyeball or pro-earlobe.
      The God given capacity of decision making is innate to the human condition. We do not create or usurp what is divinely endowed. But at our final accounting the creator of those lives we throw away will ask what we were thinking when we “chose” to overrule His creative intentions and treat the budding eyes and ears of His babies as utilitarian garbage, either directly or by our votes.

  19. Kamala Harris didn’t win because she is a woman who can think for herself. Most men I know think she’s a threat. I proudly voted for Kamala Harris. I will wear a Kamala Harris pin throughout the second four years of trump

    • Ellen, a Democrat voter was telling me last night they’ve changed their voter registration from Democrat for their own “protection”. There’s a conspiracy theory that Pres. Trump will be rounding up Harris voters & taking them to the gulags. Or something to that effect.
      I’m glad you are unafraid to proclaim your vote loud & clear for the next 4 years.
      And women can choose pretty much whatever they want for their own bodies. At least up to a point. We just don’t have the right to injure others’ bodies. My rights about that end where someone else’s body begins.

        • I’m sorry Mr. Baker, were you asking me a question or the original commenter?
          If you were replying to my comment, my point was that we live in a free country where expressing our political views & choice of candidates shouldn’t be something we fear doing. If people like the ones I spoke to following the election are genuinely afraid of being hunted down because they voted Democrat, then we should reassure them that’s not the case. Democrats aren’t unique in believing conspiracy theories. There are plenty of websites on the right that espouse similar foolishness.
          I might disagree with Miss Ellen about a host of things but I’m glad she’s unafraid of expressing her views. That’s a right that people have died to preserve.

    • I’m as sure as any human being can be that Kamala Harris can do much for herself. But — think? Maybe — on the day a freight train can run on a dirt road.

    • Think for herself? You’ve actually heard her express something that wasn’t a plattitude, a nonsensical plattitude? Even though she lost, maybe you can write her a letter and explain that cloud computing is a metaphor for a remote data service and it does not involve a computer dangling from the clouds “above us” as she believes.

  20. that “thing” did not win the election..he stole the election with his fear mongering maga team.. i still wonder how many people actually got to vote or who was forced to vote for that “thing” instead of for Kamala Harris. there should definitely be a re-vote.

  21. In a spiritual nutshell, KH lost because enough Americans stood up to the evil she and her party had been imposing on the American people. The democratic party, as a collective consciousness, has:
    1) Embraced the habitual lie as a key tool used to cover and divert attention away from their real goals and objectives, and
    2) they oppose, abhor and attack anything and everything that is One, Good, True and Beautiful.
    In summary, they have both individually and collectively chosen to serve the devil.

  22. 2 more reasons she lost:

    1) She’s not intellectually qualified – she’s obviously not very bright.
    2) She’s not ethically qualified.

    • Well, I think most politicians have a past. That’s not something I base my vote on
      I am puzzled why Kamala Harris comes off so badly. Is she actually not especially bright or just not articulate? Her parents were definitely intelligent people and Kamala had the benefit of education in Montreal’s schools . One was a French language school.

      • She reminds me of Whitmer on fixing the roads; when pressed for how will you do it/how will you pay for it she rolls her eyes and walks off

  23. The culture of elitism is a culture of sin denial. When a soul lacks a desire to honestly confront personal evil, it dishonestly gravitates towards a desire to reform the world’s evil, and a large number of these souls become inclined to align their thought with whatever presents itself as progress, no matter how stupid, no matter how evil, obvious or hidden, rather than be thought of as holding back to traditional values that come to be denigrated as obstacles on the path to man-made utopia. Old values that are “museum pieces” in the words of a secular, apostate Pope a man fond of venomous punishments towards Catholics who are Catholic.
    And if a pope can become hysterically hostile towards authentic Catholicism, advocates of cultural trendiness have vastly more power over the invincible weaknesses of broken souls.

    • Edward, did you just remove yourself from the Church? Think very carefully before you make any drastic decisions. The Church has survived many bad Popes in the past; but by saying this I not implying that this Pope is necessarily bad. I’ll leave that up to God to decide.

      • It is indisputable that he has made materially heretical statements, not the least including his denial of the perfection of God. Anyone has the authority to make such a judgment of material heresy. Formal heresy is for the Church to decide. His actions have aided and abetted and validated all manner of evil in the world, including abortion, despite his lip service against it, which only came about after political pressure to do so after mocking opposition to abortion very early in his pontificate.

  24. I hope and pray that you folks are correct in your opinions of and support of Mr. Trump. I was never a Trump supporter. And yes I am a Democrat, a Pro-Life Democrat (DFLA), and no that is not an oxymoron. You folks have a harsh opinion of immigrants but I remember this is a country of immigrants, my people came from Ireland and they were not accepted in the 1800’s. My wife, Barb, passed a little over a year ago and I have had a family from Mexico living with me since last November. They are not drug dealers or criminals. They go to the same church I do.
    I try to live my life based on the New Testament, Gospel to life, life to Gospel. We should all read Matthew 25:31-46 and try to live the life Jesus laid out for us.
    One last thing. I was a pharmacist for almost 40 years and knew many people going through gender reassignment by a Doctor in our building. Personally I could never understand this, but I sincerely believe the patients I had contact with were in the wrong body. Not one was flamboyant or seeking attention, mostly they were scared to death. But for the grace of God, there go I. These folks deserve your prayers, not your hatred.

    • Name one time Trump or any of his supporters condemned immigration in and of itself. Just one. It is wrong to hate those you falsely accuse.

  25. Sooooo why I no longer can tolerate many Catholics. You blast Harris, but act as if Trump’s lies and complete late of integrity are not disqualifying. Policy over any sort of faithful adherence to Jesus’ most basic commandments. Pure hypocrisy. Absolutely foul.

    If you have no integrity, you have nothing. Start there then talk about policy differences.

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