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Big business against the natural family

A new study examining the family policies of Fortune 100 companies reveals an unmistakable trend toward policies that conflict with the principles and precepts articulated by Christians, most clearly by the Catholic Church.

(Image: Kevin Matos /

Christian social thinkers have urged the development of a humane economy that provides justice for workers and support for families. Unfortunately, big businesses today appear to have little sense of how to achieve this, even when they are trying to be generous to their employees.

My Ethics and Public Policy Center colleague Alexandra DeSanctis and I recently completed a report examining the family policies of Fortune 100 companies. Despite the many differences between these companies, there was an unmistakable trend toward policies that conflict with the principles and precepts that have been repeatedly articulated by Christians, most clearly by the Catholic Church.

The most obvious of these clashes was the widespread support for elective abortion among Fortune 100 companies. Close to half of them responded to the Dobbs decision by announcing that they would pay the travel expenses of employees who have to cross state lines to get abortions. And it is likely that many more companies include such coverage for abortion tourism in their standard insurance plans, but they have declined to wade into the culture war by drawing attention to it.

Although some companies are reticent about any of their employee benefits, there were a fair number whose public support for abortion contrasted with the lack of transparency about the family benefits they offer. It is notable that some companies, such as Nike, thought it important to make their support for abortion public, even while providing limited information about, say, the maternity leave they offer. Likewise, providing full coverage for abortion contrasts with the much more limited support many companies provide for adoption, where the full expense is rarely reimbursed.

The Fortune 100’s conflict with Christian precepts is not confined to subsidizing abortion, for the corporate idea of generous family benefits is often unmoored from a sound understanding of human nature and well-being. For instance, many companies that (laudably) offer extensive paid maternity leave also subsidize IVF and commercial surrogacy, often as part of a sexual diversity agenda that is incompatible with Christian teaching. Thus, we see two competing visions of what generous family benefits mean and are meant to accomplish beyond employee recruitment and retention.

The first vision, that of the secular corporate world, is that benefits are meant to enable employee self-actualization. Employees should be empowered to have the family life, especially regarding children, that they desire. If they do not want children, then the company will pay to ensure that none are born to them. If they do want kids, the company will cover the costs of procuring them, whatever form that might take.

This view contains an implicit (and sometime explicit) commodification, and therefore dehumanization, of children. It suggests that if unwanted, they may be violently disposed of in utero, and that if wanted, they ought to carefully timed for career optimization. However, it also asserts that barriers to adult desires for children (e.g., a homosexual couple that is by nature unable to beget children together) can and should be solved with the application of cash, technology, and perhaps some purchased gametes and a rented womb.

This might earn companies diversity points, but it is not what most people want or need when it comes to family benefits. And its treatment of children as commodities reveals an ideology that is rooted in subjective human desire, and is disconnected from genuine human goods.

In contrast, a Christian understanding of family benefits is rooted not in personal desire, but in the goodness of the natural family and children, who are of inestimable worth in themselves, regardless of adult desire. In this view, the purpose of family benefits is not only to attract and keep good workers on staff, but to treat them as complete human beings, rather than mere units of labor. Supporting workers as they have children and care for family members is an expression of a broader understanding of human flourishing.

This perspective recognizes that true well-being is not just about fulfilling desires—indeed, that sort of indulgence is often inimical to living well. Rather, there is a natural order to human thriving, and family is an essential part of this. We are meant to love and care for each other, and to find fulfillment more in relationships than in indulgence. Indeed, indulgence is often harmful, sometimes catastrophically so, to genuine human flourishing, and to children in particular.

Children and family are not goods to be consumed, but persons to be known and cherished. And so a truly humane and pro-family approach to family benefits must be in accord with this natural order, rather than rooted in subjective desire.

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About Nathanael Blake 25 Articles
Nathanael Blake, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. His primary research interests are American political theory, Christian political thought, and the intersection of natural law and philosophical hermeneutics. His published scholarship has focused on Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Alasdair MacIntyre and Russell Kirk. Dr. Blake grew up in the Pacific Northwest, and received an undergrad- uate degree in microbiology with a chemistry minor from Oregon State University. After working as a writer and editor in the pro-life movement, he enrolled in graduate studies at the Catholic University of America, earning a doctorate in political theory. His dissertation was titled: “Nat- ural Law and History: The Use and Abuse of Practical Reason.” Blake was a Richard M. Weaver Fellow of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and taught American Government at Wheeling Jesuit University He has published hundreds of articles at outlets including Public Discourse, World Opinions, The Federalist, The Catholic World Report, and National Review. His first book, Victims of the Revolution: How Sexual Liberation Hurts Us All, is forthcoming from Ignatius Press in Spring 2025. He writes from Virginia.


  1. Thank you for this. It is becoming more difficult every day to make a living in an ethical environment (not that it was ever easy).

    With few exceptions, Fortune 100 companies are governed by managers trained at the top 100 ranked Universities. Some of these schools are still Catholic in name. Like the political RINO problem, the CINO (Catholic in name only) university issue has betrayed the Faith by failing to teach the Faith. Many lesser ranked, faithful universities are trying to fill this void. And many top colleges have FOCUS and other excellent campus ministries (Think of TAMU, Vandy, UIUC, etc.). Time for highly ranked Catholic colleges to reform. No need to wait for the highly unlikely. Faithful minded Catholic college students should shun CINO schools. A faithful student has a better chance to find authentic, practicing Catholic community at TAMU than spiritually dying in a war zone like Notre Dame. And State school is cheaper by any measure! See:

  2. In addition to marketing abortion, in 2015 corporate America formally positioned itself (so to speak) in favor of gay “marriage” as well. As broadly reported and rewarded in the media, AT&T and Verizon, Dow Chemical, Bank of America, General Electric, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Google, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft, and the San Francisco Giants, were among nearly four hundred corporations and business organizations that weighed in.

    Together they spontaneously filed their carbon-copy legal argument asserting a constitutional right to oxymoronic same sex “marriage.” The stated reason: stock market numbers might benefit marginally from spending patterns! An uptick of a whole one billion dollars a year (or 1/270th of one percent of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product). Too many politicians and now MBAs have never mastered the meaning of decimal points.

    Butt, by this moral capitulation to the homosexual narrative the business world gave an entirely new meaning to the term: bottom line.

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