Not Another Secular Holiday – “The world still needs—urgently needs—’the birth of the Savior’ and ‘the cure for its wounds in the peace of Christ.’ “God Is with Us”: Christmas 2024 (What We Need Now – Substack [Archbishop Charles J. Chaput])
Undermining Priestly Morale – “Has theology become devalued in the contemporary Catholic Church? I sometimes fear that this is the case—and for the following reasons.” Is Theology Still Queen? (First Things)
Child of Diplomats – “A professional philosopher my friend Siobhan Nash-Marshall certainly was. But her own love of wisdom included the desire to change the world as well as interpret it.” Crazy Love: Siobhan Nash-Marshall, In Memoriam (The Imaginative Conservative)
Biden’s Mental Health – “The Wall Street Journal is out today with a toweringly important story documenting how President Joe Biden’s close-knit circle of advisers sought to swindle the public … ” For Four Years We Have Had a Ghost for a President, and We Were Lied to about It All Along
Pending Biden Regulations – “President Joe Biden is abandoning his efforts to provide some protections for transgender student-athletes and cancel student loans for more than 38 million Americans … ” President Biden drops unfinished protections for trans athletes (ESPN)
Cultural and Political Revolution – “American politics exists downstream of American culture, which is a deep and broad river.” Rapid Onset Political Enlightenment: How Barack Obama Built an Omnipotent Though-Machine, and How It Was Destroyed (Tablet)
Our Current Corruptions – “What we need now is a discalced Church that has divested itself of all pretensions and which embraces the evangelical counsel to holy poverty.” Mammon and the Church We Need (What We Need Now – Substack)
Questions of Accountability – “The recently appointed president of Seton Hall University in New Jersey, Msgr. Joseph Reilly, “knew of sex abuse allegations on campus” and failed to follow proper procedures … ” Why is there a row over Seton Hall’s president? (The Pillar)
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@ Undermining Priestly Morale
Citing Vincent of Lerins and Cardinal Newman, Guarino restores theology to its queenly place as compared to recent ambiguous pronouncements….and, yet, the issue now may be the ascendancy of zeitgeist theologians as above–rather than serving and deepening–the deposit of faith itself (including inseparable morals). This, by a self-referential synodal process which discerns itself to be the new dispensation…a tautological/self-validating (!) Synod on Synodality.
@ Undermining Priestly Morale
Seton Hall Prof Msgr Guarino addresses the absence of theological erudition in the modern Church, resulting in multiple deleterious outcomes. One is Otto von Bismark’s forecast [a value judgment] that Vat I empowerment of the papacy would relegate bishops to branch managers. Had earlier begun drawing a response then realized it’s been said before along the lines of Beaulieu’s comment.
What we really need is a sea change. For example, if bishops are undermining priests, priests [although not all] are undermining the faith of the faithful, if not by error by omission. His Holiness has openly confessed his contrariness. Synodality a perfect platform for theological gossip, here defined as tittle tattle, canards, goss, stories, whisper, blather, confabulation.
Priests arise. Be Apostolic [like]. If hierarchs have lost their savor, what’s there to lose that hasn’t been lost? What precious gain may be had that awaits to be gained?
@ Undermining Priestly Morale
Msgr makes an excellent case for
@ Cultural and Political Revolution
“During the Trump years, Obama used the tools of the digital age to craft an entirely new type of power center for himself, one that revolved around his unique position as the titular, though pointedly never-named, head of a Democratic Party that he succeeded in refashioning in his own image” (David Samuels).
A most intensive, perceptive analysis of the political power empire built by Obama, that reveals a shadowy contrivance that many of us were aware of if only by instinct. On that score Samuels rationale for the collapse of the Barack Obama new world order is awarded to an undefined American inevitability – likened to a flowing river. Whereas the stubbornness he accredits to empire wrecking balls Musk, Trump, Netanyahu is that intuitive instinct. The end principle of intelligent inference. And perhaps the fortuitous prayers of the many.
So, we prayed for Trump and Musk to govern us? A couple of messiahs? That’s among the more absurd ideas that I have encountered recently.
Get used to it.
William, I guess you’re correct in this sense. Messiahs renew what is severely broken. The Federal government is broken and has been militarized against its citizens by Obama and his cohorts in Deep State. Trump was elected to dismantle Deep State and return government to the people. Now do you get it?
Trump will cut taxes for the billionaires and do nothing financially for the working class.
You will be disappointed. Oh, he will throw you a bone with culture war issues. Beating up on immigrants and transgenders does not put beer in my refrigerator.
Note: I just shifted $50K in my portfolio from equities to Treasuries because we are in for a big market correction.
Those who are generally and loosely referred to as “billionaires” are corporations themselves, many of which are on the brink of bankruptcy from over taxation. And name one single tax cut in history that was not primarily targeted towards easement for the working class, where political spitefulness towards the wealthy, who already pay most of the taxes, was not excluded merely to satisfy demands of hate-filled injustice?
Incidentally, beating up immigrants and transsexuals (there is no such thing as transgenders) is precisely the sort of thing opposition to liberal inhumanity seeks to stop. Uncontrolled immigration is a crime against humanity towards immigrants, and rewarding the evil behavior of child abuse and abuse of the mentally ill to inflate the liberal false compassion of “progressives” by supporting the ideology of transgenderism is also a crime against humanity.
I definitely prayed that Trump would lead us as opposed to Mrs. Harris, William. And many people I know prayed likewise. It’s not as though we had a multitude of choices in the election.
Trump won the election. Get over it, and get used to it.
So you would have preferred a renewed and deeper enshrinement of principalities of mass murder and crimes against humanity?
Is a Messiah the only kind of person you are willing to pray for, or the only kind of prayer that you trust will be answered? Since you seem to be assuming that about others…
Traditionally, the Church has always prayed for civil authorities, both for the existing ones (good or bad), and for improved future ones. It’s a good habit to develop, particularly for those of us who get worked up about politics.
Re #6 Cultural and Political Revolution
I would appreciate the precis version of this article as an introduction to the topic.
@ Not Another Secular Holiday
Archbishop Chaput relays the words of Pius XII during the end stages of WWII. A torn world in desperate need of its realization in Christ, whose birth radiates gentle kindness, the salve of compassion. Chaput makes the analogy in modern Church terms, the advance of technology and the disparity of the refugee, the poor, the victimized outcast.
From another’s perspective analogy, Hitler’s European Gotterdammerung. The gods of war consumed by the very evil they war against taking millions of lives unprepared for judgment. Analogy. How many might a survey count of those of us prepared for judgment. Our technology and comforts have led us to unlimited abortions, end of matrimony, the sexual mutilation of our children.
Drang nach Osten. Our recent election erupted in euphoria. Hope for a redeemed and civilized future. Suddenly the parade has overtones of warning. Drang nach Osten, imperial Germany’s future vision of expansion eastward. Adolf adopted it. Suddenly president elect Trump a visionary for US eastward encroachment of Greenland. Words threatening American military takeover. “We need Greenland. The people love us. We’ll take it”. That is, from the sovereign nation of Denmark. Panama Canal on the agenda. A new deal or we’re coming in.
Personally, I’m more than shocked. I’m deeply concerned that the ‘landslide’ victory, world acclamation, leaders paying the emperor homage has had intoxicating effect, expansionist ranting and raving . Boast of bringing hard fought wars to an immediate end. Pray brothers, sisters these events do not signal a new Gotterdammerung.
An aside point of interest is that the German Gotterdammerung is derived from the old Norse myth the Ragnarök. The original Norse mythology depicts a world war between gods and men, resulting in a world consumed by fire, immersion in the sea followed by renewal.
Listening to the surge of reactions to Trump’s grandiose remarks regarding the Panama canal, Greenland, and lest we forget his humiliation of Canada’s PM Trudeau, the proposed annex of Canada Republicans, except for some crazies [one anchor chortled about manifest destiny] basically downplayed Trump’s bluster while others seemed concerned bordering on alarm. Hopefully it was inane bluster and nothing more.
We tried on more than one occasion in the past to take over Canada and the Canadians wanted no part of that. I doubt they’re interested today.
Someone in the oilfield industry told me that Canada has the most aggravating airport security their workers have encountered globally. I don’t know if it’s reserved for US citizens or if everyone gets the same picky treatment from Canadian security.
A member of my family got pulled aside in Montreal, finger printed, and detained so long that their flight almost left with the rest of their family including a small baby. Canada never offered an explanation.
Lived in Canada 4 years mrscracker when attending Ottawa U. Your sense of Canadian dislike of American displays of power is correct. Trump made a major error in humiliating their PM and the nation as a whole. They are wary of US intentions although they’ve been a faithful ally.
Fr. Peter you should understand that some of us Americans happen to think that the USA has been taken for chumps by the world community. Others have seen our weakness and taken advantage. What you seem to interpret with concern is our intolerance for abuse of American largesse. It is dangerous, however, whenever any country allows itself to be humiliated.
No Deacon. What you’re defending is America’s threats of military incursion in response to alleged abuse. When was Canada or Denmark an abuser of American largess? Denmark’s Maersk sea and land shipping has greatly benefited US industry. Panama and the canal historically and strategically is a separate issue involving US shipping and China’s presence.
Trump during his first term threatening to pull out of Nato if member nations didn’t pay their share was good policy. Announcing threats now of takeover of friendly or neutral sovereign nations or their properties is plain and simple intimidation, counter to international law, counter to our Christian understanding of justice. I usually hear better from you.
Father, I just think you’re over-reacting. Time to calm down. As far as invading other countries- ain’t gonna happen. Let’s concentrate on getting the hell out of the Ukraine quagmire. Let’s re-think the need for NATO. Belonging to NATO is what got us mixed up with a corrupt government in Ukraine. Another thing, why do we have military bases in some many other countries? Are we the world’s policeman?
I don’t recall any threats of military incursion. Democrats and neo-cons tend to employ that willy-nilly, but Trump has always employed other diplomatic and economic pressures, and remains the only president in rather a long time to not invade any foreign nations.
Humiliating Trudeau may well have been a mistake, but unlike the illegals and fentanyl coming over the Canadian border, it hasn’t killed anyone.
Deacon Ed Peitler. It’s not the reality of an invasion of Greenland or Canada. Read carefully. Nor does my response imply that I don’t agree US generosity has been abused.
It’s the message it delivers. And the support it receives [Reread your own words], however merely bombastic Trump’s words are, that portrays Americans to the world in the image of ‘the ugly American’. We’re better than this.
And have the last word if you wish Deacon Ed I’ll end my responses to you here.
Yo, Fr. Morello, it’s all about updating vs backwardism!
In ye olde fictional “Hamlet,” Shakespeare famously said “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Whilst in equally fictional prime time, a new oracle says “something is to be gotten from the state of Denmark!”
A modernday polarity of opposing views, now to be set free at least from history, rigidity, bigotry, and loathsome backwardism! And, a matter with both secular and theological angles. Therefore, surely a matter to be reconciled by the fledgling and lay/ecclesial North American synodal “continental assembly.”
Too bad the Monroe Doctrine (1823) applied only to modern European countries and Latin America! And not to the millennium-earlier Eric the Red’s Norway (now Denmark’s Greenland), nor to Asia—with expansionist China having ports and tentacles entangling the Panama Canal and beyond.
Well Peter. Maybe I need to lighten up a bit like Deacon Peitler suggests. Friendship trumps whose right.
As you allude to, the Panama canal is a serious strategic issue largely because of China’s virtual takeover.
Bullying Canada is not a good idea. They are a neighbor and an ally. This irresponsible and bellicose rhetoric might please the ignoramus but not help us with our.relationship with Canada.
I’ve seen Canadians who dislike Trudeau and are highly amused by Trump’s referring to him as “Governor of the great state of Canada.” I’m sure that Trump is just rattling his cage.
Let’s not get geopolitically hysterical so early in the game.
As a Canadian, I find Trump’s comments about Canada as a 51st state insulting and stupid.
This reminds me of the old joke:
Q: “How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?”
Feminist answer: “Just one, and that’s not funny!” (said with pinched lips and a sour face)
Cleo, As an American, I find that Canadians electing Trudeau as their Prime Minister equally as stupid. I for one would support heavy tariffs on Canadian goods entering the USA.
And as far as Canadians are concerned, shouldn’t the citizens of Canada be the ones to decide if they want to join with the USA and become a 51st State? Put it for a vote before ‘les citoyens.’
Donald Trump has a reputation for saying some pretty outrageous, attention getting things.
I have extended family in Canada and it’s an absolutely beautiful place with lovely people. I wouldn’t take what President Trump says too seriously.
God bless and have a happy New Year!
With regard to China’s presence at the Panama Canal, it reminds me of a time a few years back when I was on a mission trip to Guatemala visiting a priest friend of mine. He picked me up at the airport in Honduras and he told me that the Chinese were constructing a highway from the East coast of Honduras to the West coast. Now, this might be interpreted as the humanitarianism of the ChiComs but more than likely they were positioning themselves strategically on our Southern border.
The “ChiComs” are smart and avoid stupid wars. They are making serious inroads around the world with various public works projects rather than bombing people.
I have been to China and yes, there is poverty but they are making progress improving the lives of all the people, not just the billionaires like in the US.
William, you write about the ChiCom: “making progress improving the lives of all the people.” Your naiveté is impressive!
William: Would that include those people who don’t survive their torture and extermination policies? Or babies who are not only slaughtered, but ground up for consumption?
Cultural and Political Revolution throws up a jumble sort of loose undergrowth, doney get lost in t’Obama woods aargh!
Are Israel and Syria and Saudi lining up everyone for more genocide and crimes against humanity in the “cause” of “defeating Iran” and/or “defeating Hezbollah”?
Is the USA free to properly conceive and articulate a new foreign affairs outlook for itself past the defunct and destructive and self-defeating “post-WWII dispensations” -for its own and everyone else’s sake?
I agree with Mrs. Cracker about not losing too much sleep over some of the stupider comments from Mr. Trump.