Christian faith a hallmark of former president Jimmy Carter’s life


Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter makes a short speech from the stage during the Billy Graham Library Dedication Service on May 31, 2007 in Charlotte, North Carolina. / Credit: Davis Turner/Getty Images

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 29, 2024 / 17:33 pm (CNA).

A lifelong Baptist, former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, who died at age 100 on Sunday, held views that differed from Catholic teaching on a number of controversial social and doctrinal issues, including abortion, same-sex marriage, and the ordination of female pastors.

Nonetheless, perhaps more than any other president in American history, a clear and consistent profession of Christian faith, both in word and deed, characterized Carter throughout his life.

In a chapter titled “My Traditional Christian Faith” in his 2005 book “Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis,” Carter pointed out that “most of the rudiments of my faith in Christ as Savior and the Son of God are still shared without serious question by Protestants, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Copts, Seventh-day Adventists, and many other religious people.”

Speaking about his Baptist convictions, in that same book Carter stated that “as evangelicals, we were committed to a strong global mission to share our Christian faith with all other people, without prejudice or discrimination.”

Throughout his adult life, Carter demonstrated a personal commitment to evangelization by witnessing publicly to his faith, participating in missions, and most famously through teaching Sunday school for nearly four decades on most Sundays, year in and year out, at his hometown Baptist church in Plains, Georgia.

Faith and works

In addition, Carter’s humanitarian work building homes for the poor every year for nearly 40 years as a Habitat for Humanity volunteer was an integral part of his lived faith.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on the Habitat for Humanity worksite in San Pedro, California, on Oct. 29, 2007. Credit: Charley Gallay/Getty Images
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on the Habitat for Humanity worksite in San Pedro, California, on Oct. 29, 2007. Credit: Charley Gallay/Getty Images

Carter’s sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, who died in 1983, was herself an evangelist, and the 39th president credited her with having had a major influence in bucking up his faith and practice after his first defeat for the office of Georgia governor in 1966.

That same year, Carter helped lead a Billy Graham evangelistic crusade in his home county. Later, as governor of Georgia, he also served as honorary chairman of Graham’s Atlanta crusade.

For Catholics, Carter was also celebrated as the first American president to welcome a pope to the White House. That milestone came in 1979 during newly elected Pope John Paul II’s first papal trip to the United States.

As a beaming U.S. President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter look on, Pope John Paul II greets then-11-year-old First Daughter Amy Carter upon arriving at the White House on Oct. 6, 1979. Credit: U.S. Government Printing Office
As a beaming U.S. President Jimmy Carter and First Lady Rosalynn Carter look on, Pope John Paul II greets then-11-year-old First Daughter Amy Carter upon arriving at the White House on Oct. 6, 1979. Credit: U.S. Government Printing Office

According to a National Archives summary of their conversation, the pope and president connected over their shared faith in Christ. The National Archives said that “these two deeply religious men — each at the pinnacle of power in their respective spheres — agreed to speak not as diplomats but as Christian brothers.”

Abortion stance

Although Carter expressed a personal aversion to abortion, as governor of Georgia and then as president he supported legal abortion in accordance with the then-recent Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. He also believed that abortion should be available to victims of rape and incest.

In a 1976 NBC News interview, then-candidate Carter said: “Under the Supreme Court ruling [Roe v. Wade], I will do anything I can as president to minimize the need for abortions. I think abortions are wrong and I think that we ought to have a comprehensive effort made by the president and Congress with a nationwide law perhaps, adequately financed to give sex instruction and access to contraceptives for those who believe in their use, better adoptive procedures.”

As president, in 1977 Carter signed into law the Hyde Amendment, a policy that bans federal tax dollars from being used for abortions, except to save the life of the mother, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape. Since being signed into law, the Hyde Amendment has saved over 2.5 million unborn lives, according to Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America.

In recent years, Carter expressed support for homosexual marriage. In a 2018 Huffington Post interview the then-93-year-old former president said he believed “Jesus would approve of gay marriage” and that “Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don’t see that gay marriage damages anyone else.”

Steady stream of faith-based books

Carter authored 30 books, many of which have been directly related to his Christian faith, including his 1996 tome “Living Faith, Sources of Strength: Meditations on Scripture for a Living Faith” (1997), “Our Endangered Values: America’s Moral Crisis” (2005), and “Faith: A Journey for All” (2018).

In this last book, Carter wrote: “I consider myself to be an evangelical Christian … the basic elements of Christianity apply personally to me, shape my attitude and my actions, and give me a joyful and positive life, with purpose.”

He also affirmed his belief “that Christians are called to plunge into the life of the world and to inject the moral and ethical values of our faith into the processes of governing.”

Carter’s unabashed articulation of his Christian faith and inspiration was seen as a breath of fresh air and a boon to his presidential candidacy in the wake of the disgrace and corruption of the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1974.

“I will never lie to you,” Carter memorably promised during his successful 1976 campaign.

China breakthrough

Among Carter’s most notable accomplishments to advance religious liberty and reopen space for evangelization were his negotiations with then-Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping leading up to the December 1978 reestablishment of full diplomatic relations between the U.S. and China.

As Carter later recounted, as part of the deal he pressed for the Chinese government “to let people worship freely, to own Bibles, and for our missionaries to return.” Deng ceded the first two requests but not the third. Carter recalls that when he and his wife, Rosalynn, subsequently visited China in 1981, “there was a new law that guaranteed freedom of worship, Bibles were plentiful, and overcrowded Christian churches were thriving.”

After being defeated in the 1980 presidential election by pro-life candidate Ronald Reagan, Carter and Rosalynn, who died on Nov. 19, 2023, started the Carter Center, a nonprofit foundation dedicated to combating disease and promoting health, peace, and democracy worldwide.

For his efforts in advancing peace and human rights, including the historic 1978 Camp David Peace Accords between Israel and Egypt, in 2002 Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Former President Jimmy Carter teaches Sunday school on Easter Sunday at Maranatha Baptist Church on April 20, 2014, in Plains, Georgia. Credit: Chris McKay/Getty Images
Former President Jimmy Carter teaches Sunday school on Easter Sunday at Maranatha Baptist Church on April 20, 2014, in Plains, Georgia. Credit: Chris McKay/Getty Images

Core Christian faith

In his 2018 book “Faith: A Journey for All,” Carter recounted that “people in my Bible class often ask what it means to be a Christian. My best explanation is that a Christian is a person professing Jesus Christ as personal savior and striving to have the human qualities demonstrated by Jesus.”

Carter went on to extol the Lord of his life as “both God and man, all-powerful but gentle and loving, all-knowing, compassionate, suffering, despised, burdened with the sin of others, abandoned by his followers, publicly executed but resurrected, and now worshipped by billions of believers throughout the world. Personal faith in Christ and a special reverence for him help us comprehend God’s transcendent love.”

“Convinced as we are that the miracle of Christ’s resurrection really happened some 2,000 years ago, we must consider this the most important event in the history of the universe,” Carter wrote in his 1997 book “Sources of Strength.” “For us, it means that Christ still lives, that his spirit is still with us, and that we can build our lives around him as our Savior.”

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  1. Honor to this President for standing up for Palestinian rights and for warning our nation against the inordinate influence of Israel.

    May God grant salvation to President Carter.

  2. How can a Catholic honor Jimmy Carter, the 39th US President, the evangelist and Christian teacher having been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? His respect for humanity.

    “I think abortions are wrong.” Yet he qualifies that by saying he allows for exceptions. We Catholics say no to abortion, even if the mother will die. A compounding issue… the pregnant woman may have little ones at home.

    Compared to today’s politicians who spew hatred, threats, seek power and greed, Carter displays the opposite. Strong unwavering faith and devotion to Jesus. His morality reinvented the office of the President. Was a champion of racial integration in schools in America. His love and compassion for healing placed him in a unique space. The quality of the man was revealed in his immense quality of love and compassion. His accomplishments when he left office were remarkable. He set the standard for post presidential greatness.

    Perhaps his most visible work of charity was his association with Habitat for Humanity where he worked on the jobs.

    He traveled around the globe building houses and fighting river blindness in developing countries like Nepal and South Sudan.

    May he rest in peace.

    • “His respect for humanity.”

      The man groveled before murderous tyrants, was pro-abortion, thought homosexuality was okay, and showed overt disdain for pro-lifers. And he almost killed the economy.

      May God have mercy on his soul.

    • Mr. Morgan, Jimmy Carter wasn’t Catholic and he wasn’t raised with the benefit of Church teaching on the sanctity of life in the womb. The Southern Baptists entered the prolife movement later on.
      Yes, he did good things in his retirement and lived humbly serving others. I wish he had done many things differently and served within his competency at a local political level instead.

    • morganD: Before you talk about “We catholics,” you might consider actually learning what Catholicism teaches about abortion, which never compounds evil.

  3. Just curious, but how does authentic faith exist alongside a support for abortion and a blatant antisemitism? What am I missing here?

  4. Almighty God gave James Earl Carter Jr over 100 years to publicly repent for being a rabid anti-Semite, anti-Catholic, terrorist embracing, pro-infanticide, moral relativist, politically inept buffoon. It’s too bad he squandered the numerous opportunities he was given to do so.

    God gives everyone enough rope to fashion their very own noose which Carter, through his lifelong behavior, did.

    May Almighty God have mercy on his soul.

    • Sir,

      The long litany you present of Carter’s mortal sins? His “failure to repent” despite given “over 100 years” (was he morally responsible in his infancy)? “Squandered opportunities”? fashioning his own noose?

      You seem a little too certain (and desirous) of the nature of the judgment which President Carter received from our Lord–which makes your final appeal to God’s mercy smack of insincerity.

    • To the Jimmy Carter deniers. Some of your vitriol spews an apparent litany of hatred. Just what Jesus and President Carter deplore. May I respond?

      Excerpts: “Webster, Grovel. lie or crawl abjectly on the ground with one’s face downward. I don’t see how this is a portrayal and reeks of hatred.

      “Squandered opportunities”? fashioning his own noose?” ALL opportunities?

      “I wish he had done many things differently and served within his competency at a local political level instead.” He did just that.

      1963-1966: Carter serves in the Georgia state Senate. Nov. 1970: Carter is elected governor of Georgia. Serves 1971-75. Jan. 1977: Carter is sworn in as the 39th president of the United States. Source PBS.

      What recent presidents had governing experience before running for office?…

      JFK. After the war, Kennedy’s political career would begin. He won election to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Massachusetts congressman in 1946. He would serve in the House for the next two terms before running for the U.S. Senate in 1952.

      LBJ. He served as a congressman himself from 1937 to 1949, during which time he also served in the Pacific Theater, becoming the first sitting congressman to serve on active duty.

      Nixon. Nixon won reelection in 1948 and a Senate seat in 1950

      Reagan: political career, which began in 1966 with his successful run for governor or California.

      GHW Bush. he ran for and won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Despite his freshman status, he gained a seat on the House’s Ways and Means.

      He flew 58 combat missions during the war. During a mission to destroy a Japanese radio site, he was shot down but managed to bail into the sea. For his bravery, he earned the Distinguished Flying Cross.

      Clinton. As governor, Clinton ran for the presidency as a Democrat in 1992

      GW Bush. Won the Texas governorship and his reelection bid in 1998. By 2000, he was on his way to the White House.

      B Obama. In 1996, Obama successfully ran for a seat in the Illinois Senate.

      DJ Trump. NONE. Trump was the only person to attain the presidency despite no previous public or military service. He avoided military service 4 times feigning bone spurs.

      • “Some of your vitriol spews an apparent litany of hatred.”

        Says the Trump-basher and hater without any sense of irony at all.

      • I volunteered to work in Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign Mr. Morgan and I voted for him. After seeing his performance in office I voted for Reagan.
        Jimmy Carter should have remained at a local level of leadership and he probably would have done fine there but as President he really wasn’t competent. We all have our levels of competency and sometimes we think we can take on a job that’s better suited to someone else.
        God bless Jimmy Carter’s soul. May he rest in peace.

      • morganD:
        You’ve detailed exactly what’s been wrong with our elected officials i.e. they make careers out of being politicians. Many of us would prefer as leaders those who have actually accomplished something with their talents. Employment by the government as an elected official doesn’t promote our economic development. That’s why term limits are absolutely necessary. No more than twelve years in the Senate; no more than six years in the House. Elected officials ought to serve and then return to their lives as productive citizens.

  5. God have mercy on Jimmy Carter’s soul. That said, his presidency was an abysmal failure (despite the hysteria of those here with TDS.)

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