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Colorado’s bishops on immigration: ‘An open border is not a just system’

Kate Quiñones By Kate Quiñones for CNA

The U.S.-Mexico border wall in Arizona. (Credit: Chess Ocampo/Shutterstock)

Denver, Colo., Jan 24, 2025 / 14:45 pm (CNA).

Following President Donald Trump’s recent executive orders on immigration, Colorado’s Catholic bishops on Friday encouraged the U.S. to balance justice and mercy in its regulation of immigration to the country.

Colorado’s bishops called for reform of the “broken” American immigration system, criticizing both an “open border” immigration policy for being dangerous and unlawful while at the same time condemning mass deportations.

In a joint letter titled “Welcoming the Stranger, Protecting the Common Good,” Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver, Bishop Stephen Berg of Pueblo, Bishop James Golka of Colorado Springs, and Auxiliary Bishop Jorge Rodríguez of Denver encouraged government officials to “welcome the stranger” while taking responsibility to “ensure the safety and well-being of local communities.”

The bishops noted that the country’s immigration system has “grown more unlawful” since 2020.

“The Catholic Church teaches that while individuals and their families have the right to migrate, no country has the duty to receive so many immigrants that its social and economic life is jeopardized,” the bishops indicated.

The state’s bishops specifically criticized what it called an “open border” policy that previously “restricted Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) ability to investigate, arrest, or deport spies, terrorists, and felons.”

“This has resulted in the loss of life and situations of unrest and violence, including in Aurora, Colorado, where 16 recent migrant members of the Venezuelan gang ‘Tren de Aragua’ were taken into custody in December following an armed home invasion and kidnapping.”

The bishops also condemned the harm recent federal policies caused to families and children.

“Since 2020,” the bishops stated, “the DHS has encountered 515,000 unaccompanied minors at the border — 75% of them were reportedly sexually abused by their smugglers,” the bishops noted.

In addition, the bishops took note of the fentanyl crisis, citing the statistic that U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized more than 17,000 pounds of the deadly substance at the southern border from October 2022 to April 2023.

“Drug smuggling and human trafficking are on the rise because of the open border policy,” the bishops noted.

Respect for human dignity

“We are called to be both bold and balanced,” the bishops declared. “Immigration policies should balance mercy with justice, ensuring public safety while upholding the dignity of each person,” the bishops wrote.

The bishops underscored that “in times of crisis, justice dictates that the world community has an obligation to provide basic human needs, such as shelter, food, medical services, and the ability to work for those in urgent need. However, even when migration occurs without crisis, a nation’s limits on migration should be based on justice, mercy, and the common good.”

While recognizing the right of nations to enforce their borders, the bishops also condemned mass deportations.

“Mass deportation is not the solution to our present situation in the United States, especially when it may separate parents and children,” the bishops said.

Commitment to migrant families

“We understand the national conversation regarding mass deportations and raids on migrant families have created genuine fear for many we shepherd in our dioceses,” the bishops continued.

“We commit to walking in solidarity with you, our migrant brothers, sisters, and families. We will shepherd you spiritually, gather information and resources, and continue to advocate for your dignity and family unity.”

The bishops noted that “the Gospel compels us to see Christ in those who seek refuge among us.”

“Each migrant bears the image of God and deserves our respect, compassion, and support,” the bishop said.

In the conclusion of their letter, the state’s bishops urged Catholics to “advocate for comprehensive immigration reform,” “support local initiatives that aid immigrants and refugees in their transition to life in our communities,” and to pray for “those who are displaced” as well as for local, state, and national leaders “to address the broken immigration system that has caused so much hurt and division.”

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  1. To the bishops of Colorado: The People have spoken. Those who violated Federal law by invading our country, need to leave NOW. You bishops need to respect the will of the people and not interfere with what is NOT in your purview.

    We Catholics DO support immigrants coming to the USA but we will NOT support people violating our laws to come here.

    In addition, the bishops of the USA have forfeited their moral position in the Church with their sexual abuse of minors and other vulnerable persons and also covering up the abuse by other clerics. It’s time for the bishops to do public penance before they can ever recover the right to lecture others.

    • GERALD: Christ also said to his disciples: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”

      It’s not a good idea to speak for God; Christ did that already.

    • God might not, but a sovereign government and its rightful citizens can and must recognize and defend our national borders. We should treat illegal aliens for what they are – individuals who are in violation of the law. The government’s first responsibility is to its citizens, not to law breakers.

    • Granted our Southern border has a dodgy creation history but to be fair so did Spain’s acquisition of land.
      I don’t know how the title to my home and land are recognized by God but I’m pretty sure in this temporal world they belong to me legally and lawfully.
      Yes, we will be held accountable for how we treat each other but scripture also instructs us to respect those in authority. I believe we can do both at the same time.

    • Unfortunately God does recognize nations, borders, races, tribes, families (subsidiary) even though He calls all men of all nations to come unto Him, to know Jesus is to know peace, peace among all men of good will.

    • Your comment is completely correct but lacks insight and balance. Conflating civil laws with assumptions of family separation is illogical. Given the crisis orchestrated, a dramatic response is required. Our church should use it’s own resources to do the work you speak of. Too easy to claim moral superiority and use government funds to do what you feel best for the underprivileged. When the GOOD bishops refuse government funding and use their own money and prayers they will be rewarded for speaking the truth in love.

    • So, Gerald. Does God recognize the fentanyl that pours in across the southern border and kills our people by the thousands?

      How about the children who are trafficked or the mentally disturbed who will end up homeless?

      Should I assume you’re in favor of this?

      • Thousands of American businessmen welcome these migrants with open arms because they work hard for a low wage. Thousands of American businessmen are getting rich using these illegals. It’s all about money.

    • Does God recognize the wall that surrounds the Vatican City State and which the Pope guards jealously enough to reinforce the penalties against those who encroach on Vatican territory? If Pontiff Francis gets to establish his borders against unwanted intruders, why not the USA? I smell hypocrites galore in our Roman Catholic Church.

    • The moral treatment of people includes sane policies of regulating human migration, sane policies controlling sex trafficking, sane policies of stopping harmful drugs from entering the nation, and ending the exploitation of desperate people, and not taking refuge in sentimentality, the exact opposite of which is brought about by open borders.

  2. Colorado bishops are not acting out of the bounds of justice on the immigration issue. Many of the migrants passed through the border in context of cooperation by the Biden administration’s policy of offering a form of permission including the CBP One app. Also with a policy of refusal to close the border, the offer of financial, and other support upon arrival.
    We are responsible to persons, the unity of families who crossed the border because of a wrongful policy in force at the time. Such migrants are themselves not entirely culpable and deserve a more compassionate response to their situation. Unfortunately, we are in effect morally obliged to make reparation for the sins of the Biden administration.

    • We are under no obligation to illegal aliens. We are not responsible to them or for them. They are not entitled to assistance or support of any kind. Illegal aliens are here ILLEGALLY. They have broken the law. The only responsibility we have is to deport them immediately.

      • Careful there, the food you put in your mouth or the milk you drink may have been handled by an illegal.

        Americans will not/can not do a lot of work that migrants are glad to.

        I’m not for illegal immigration but they do a lot of our ag work.

  3. I want to express my gratitude to CWR and its editor for publishing this article, one showing how carefully balanced and morally responsible our bishops can be (and typically are, without always receiving credit where credit is due). It is important that all bishops and pastors urge the faithful to not only support the government in proper goals but also in how they arrive in achieving them. It is of course morally correct to shut down illegal immigration but NOT in a manner that more cruel than necessary (heartache is inevitable but treating them like animals is not) or with an antipathy that is violates the law of charity. Recognize and deal firmly with the evils but do not give in to fearmongering (as if we were being invaded by a race of orcs) nor to excess (e.g., any kind of deportation process that is so hasty that families that had been together are separated by our own officials without bringing them together again before sending them off).

    • Don’t presume that you have a monopoly on compassion. You judge others harshly and prematurely. What you write smacks of an elitism unworthy of any Christian. Yours is not the only way to go about solving a problem that was created by others.

    • yes, you cannot shake an illegal’s hand before Communion then beat the out of them while arresting them in the parking lot, but you can arrest them if that’s your job.

  4. I am sure that over the next four years we are going to see CWR posting CNA articles by bishops on Trump’s immigration policy. That does not make it any less frustrating. ( Frustrating articles, not frustrating that CWR posts them).

    The bishops say that nations are entitled to strong borders, which seems to mean that we can try to stop illegals from crossing, but if they do manage to cross we cannot send them back. Not a very honest position.

    President Trump signed a list of pro-life executive orders after the March For Life yesterday, after already freeing the pro-life demonstrators from jail. It would be nice if the bishops would issue a comprehensive statement on that.
    And, maybe mentioning that these reversed pro-abortion executive orders issued by Biden.

    I would guess that most people have words or phrases that they get tired of hearing. I am tired of the bishops saying “welcome the stranger” when what they mean is don’t send illegals back to their country of origen. We do welcome the stranger. We welcome on average one million legal strangers (immigrants) every year.

    The bishops did mention unaccompanied children and drugs coming across the border, but it seems that these are just mentioned in passing.

    As the bishops always mention, they want “comprehensive immigration reform” without ever stating what particular “reforms” they want. What they seem to want is citizenship for the illegals, or, in the language of their 2024 voting guide, “unauthorized newcomers.”

    I believe it is going to be a long four years of these types of statements from the bishops.

  5. “Drug smuggling and human trafficking are on the rise because of the open border policy”
    The reason for Freemason Biden’s policy.

  6. “Mass deportation is not the solution to our present situation in the United States, especially when it may separate parents and children,” the bishops said.

    But children won’t be separated from their parents. Entire families will be deported together, as they should be. Problem solved!

  7. From a legal standpoint I would say you have to use your discretion. That is the general law anyway. Make a list. I’ll give an example. This is not exhaustive.

    Many came in authentic pursuit of a more humane life and used the openings made available to them. They can be full of good will and don’t necessarily vote Democrat ultimately.

    A large portion of some measure want to be in the “Democrat system” and be hinge points for the rest of their lives and they tend to be mixed in with “radicals”.

    “Radicals” -narcotics contacts, Pink Tide, terrorism cells, criminals active for hire, other subversive elements.

    There will inevitably be some past criminals genuinely hoping for a new beginning, but likely this is a very small group.

    When there are minors and dependents involved in “bad” and “risk” groups you still should act with delicacy. An area for diplomatic measures and new relations/funding with regional neighbours.

    • ‘ ….. Covering the news is a labor-intensive enterprise, and the number of media actually attempting to do it—especially in the national and international sectors—has always been comparatively small and is getting smaller all the time. Newsrooms have shrunk. Foreign and domestic bureaus have closed right and left as an economy measure. In the news business now, fewer and fewer are trying to do more and more with less and less.


      Speaking at meeting in Rome, Helen Osman, the top communication official of the U.S. bishops’ conference, says that “to understand the culture of the United States and how the Church can present the faith within that culture, it is important to realize that the adoption of digital communications is fundamentally changing the culture.” Quite so. In the end, moreover, it doesn’t matter greatly whether people get their news on a printed page or a screen. But it does matter that they get it—and that it be timely, accurate, honest, and fair. Religious leaders, just like other leaders in society, need to worry about that. ‘

    • I understand your points, but people’s motives oe desires are not under consideration here. If people want to establish a new life here, there is a legal process for them to do that. Breaking the law is unacceptable, even if people are seeking a better life.

  8. Psalm 106:33 They so embittered his spirit that rash words crossed his lips. 34 They did not destroy the peoples as the Lord had commanded them 35 But mingled with the nations and imitated their ways.

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