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On Jordan Peterson and the necessity of tethering the Gospels to Tradition

Peterson’s use of The Single Gospel raises an ongoing issue with all his biblical content: limited discussion of the crucial importance of the Apostolic Tradition in receiving the Scriptures, interpreting them, and handing them on to others.

Author and psychologist Jordan Peterson with guests, including Bishop Robert Barron, discuss the Bible in his new video series. (Image: Still from YouTube).

Canadian-born psychologist Jordan Peterson has launched a third installment of his video discussions of the Bible, this one devoted to “The Gospels.” I know this because of recently received emails asking, “Does the Church teach this?” and “Does the Church teach that?” A segment of the new installment entitled the “The Birth of Christ” is now available on YouTube.

Catholics who consume Dr. Peterson’s content can take confidence in the presence of Bishop Robert Barron, who serves as the distinguished Catholic representative among the Jewish, agnostic, Neo-Platonic, and other guests around the table. Nevertheless, just as with Peterson’s other videos on Christianity, some of my Catholic students panic when they watch them, fearing they may have missed something in their catechesis since some guest or other made some claim that doesn’t accord with Catholic teaching.

In the case of the latest video, most of the emails I’ve received are asking whether the Gospels should be melded into one or kept distinct as we find them in the New Testament. The question arose because Dr. Peterson and his guests are using The Single Gospela condensed version of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John into one narrative. At one point, the guests confusedly search for a passage Peterson refers to.

The video then cuts to a spliced-in interview with guest Jonathan Pageau, an Eastern Orthodox iconographer, who explains that Peterson’s option to use The Single Gospel might sit strangely with Christians accustomed to flipping pages between the four Gospels. Unfortunately, it’s only while the end credits are rolling that Pageau follows this up with a fuller explanation of the richness that the four Gospels bring to the Christian tradition (with a small “t”).

For Catholics who have never pondered this question previously, perhaps the best place to start is Dei Verbum, the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation:

The sacred authors, in writing the four Gospels, selected certain of the many elements which had been handed on, either orally or already in written form; others they synthesized or explained with an eye to the situation of the churches, the while sustaining the form of preaching, but always in such a fashion that they have told us the honest truth about Jesus. (par 19)

I suggest readers watch Peterson’s video since he and his guests incidentally touch on several elements present in this passage from Vatican II. I suspect most of Peterson’s Christian audience is familiar with why the gnostic Gospels, such as those of Thomas and Philip, are excluded from the Christian canon. Fewer, however, are probably familiar with why the Church maintains four separate Gospels and has refused to condense them into one, single narrative.

Gregg Hurwitz, a best-selling author and a former student of Peterson, argues that, given the imperfection and selectiveness of human memory, the story of Jesus would be less credible if it weren’t for the different textures and conflicting details we have in the four Gospels. Hurwitz conjectures that friends and witnesses were able to recall different facets of Jesus’s life and view his deeds through different lenses.

At the same time, Peterson’s use of The Single Gospel raises an ongoing issue I have with all his biblical content: there is limited discussion of the crucial importance of the Apostolic Tradition in receiving the Scriptures, interpreting them, and handing them on to others. Once the Gospels are untethered from that Tradition, it’s hard to know just how to tether the them back onto it, no matter how sympathetic and learned is your reading of them.

As Dei Verbum makes clear, the Apostolic teaching contained in the Tradition is just as fundamental as the scriptural canon itself and, of course, precedes it. The Gospel was handed on in two ways: orally by the Apostles, and in the Apostles’ writing and that of others associated with them “under the inspiration of the same Holy Spirit” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 76). Even the episcopate is, in a certain sense, more fundamental than Scripture, as the bishops were appointed by the apostles who gave them teaching authority (cf. Dei Verbum, 7). “Indeed, the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession until the end of time” (CCC, 77; cf. DV, 8). Further, “Sacred tradition and Sacred Scripture form one sacred deposit of the word of God, committed to the Church” (DV, 10). The vital relationship between Scripture, Tradition, and the teaching office of the Church is an essential one.

Conversations between Peterson and his guests tend to gloss over this “living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit” which the Church refers to as “Tradition” (with a capital “T”) and which is indeed “distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely connected to it” (CCC, 78). The attempt to dissect, analyze, and decipher a condensed, singular narrative of the life of Christ apart from that Tradition—or, at best, only tenuously connected with that Tradition—will only get so far.

The cynic in me says that this is precisely the point, since it keeps Peterson’s Catholic audience hanging onto their seats wondering if and when he will be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Perhaps he and the Daily Wire would lose some subscriptions if they failed to maintain such gripping suspense. Yet I refuse to pay too much attention to that cynical voice, for I do have the impression that Peterson’s search—and that of his guests—is genuinely bent on penetrating the meaning of these mysterious texts and figuring out why they have influenced and captivated the world for centuries.

In the meantime, I encourage my Catholic students to trust what they already know through study and what they already are through baptism, confirmation, and their participation in the Holy Eucharist. At the very least, they should wake up every morning excited not only to immerse themselves in Holy Scripture, but to bask in the light of Tradition with a capital “T” through which “the Church, in her doctrine, life and worship, perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that she herself is, all that she believes” (Dei Verbum, 8).

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About Daniel B. Gallagher 8 Articles
Daniel B. Gallagher is a Lecturer in Literature and Philosophy at Ralston College.


  1. It’s difficult to describe Jonathan Pageau as orthodox, even with a capital O. He’s an ex-Western neophite, and like so many of those, seems to believe the Orthodox Churches are haven of Gnosticism and esoterism. He openly defends occultism as the essence of Christianity, which he says is a religion of initiates to “secret” knowledge which can only be represented in the fluidity of symbolism, rather than the declarations of Creeds. Christians know that creeds came before symbols, beginning with Peter’s affirmation of faith in Christ.

    It’s doubtful whether either Pageau or Petersen will be able to enlighten each other, for they share a long series of heterodox views that have been compromising religious belief in different ways for several generations. Hopefully they ewill both give up esoterism, Jung and the rest and become orthodox Christians united to Peter’s successor in Christ’s Church. Then they would really be able to start dealing with the pitfalls of modernity.

  2. Thank you. “There are men who put their knowledge in the place of insight.” (Goethe).

    “Paul an apostle—sent neither by human commission nor from human authorities, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead—and all the members of God’s family who are with me, to the churches of Galatia:
    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins to set us free from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
    I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are confusing you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that one be accursed! As we have said before, so now I repeat, if anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let that one be accursed! Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ. For I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel that was proclaimed by me is not of human origin; for I did not receive it from a human source, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1: 1-12)

  3. They are trying to understand the text. Period. It will get them pretty far, but as Catholics, we know there is so much more. Let them discover that, and please, let’s stop trying to enlist Jordan Peterson as a Catholic apologist. He has something to show Catholics and all Christians. Good. He will not be satisfied with that, I hope. If he discovers reverence for the truth he uncovers, that will be the beginning. But from his knees. I think all truth seekers want something to adore.

  4. The article skips over a point. Does Averitt’s “The Single Gospel” simply refer back specifically to Tatian’s consolidated “Diatessaron” used in the Syriac-speaking churches until the 5th-century?

    About “tethering the Gospels to Tradition”…members of the already-existing Church wrote the Gospels (plural), not the other way around.

  5. Homogenization dissolves contextual flavors. Moral messages find strength in particularity of their conditions. What remains the convincing feature that inspires faith in the messiahship of Christ, is that the reading of four separate accounts containing the particular visions of four different evangelists – is that we almost mysteriously recognize the same, exact person, Jesus of Nazareth in each account.

  6. “Catholics who consume Dr. Peterson’s content can take confidence in the presence of Bishop Robert Barron, who serves as the distinguished Catholic representative…” Really? I don’t know who I would consider more “untethered,” Jordan Peterson or Robert Barron.

  7. I am the author of The Single Gospel, the book that was taken as the text for Dr. Peterson’s seminar, and is the subject of a critical review by Daniel Gallagher in this article. The book takes all the words of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and edits them into a single narrative in chronological order.

    Mr. Gallagher takes issue with this approach, and suggests that it is a better practice for Christians to read the four gospels individually.

    Let me suggest that this presents us with a false choice. Each approach to the gospel material has its advantages and its drawbacks, and we are better off if we are able to use each in its appropriate place.

    To start off, I am the first to acknowledge that it’s important to be familiar with the church tradition, and to read the four gospels, each on its own. These are the original and authoritative sources. Moreover, they present four different, individualized portraits of Jesus, and so can show him from four helpfully different perspectives.

    However, there is also value in a single consolidated narrative. As a result of its editing it is no longer scripture. It is more of a study guide, a companion to the gospels.

    In that role it has several unique benefits, however. Most obviously, it is more accessible and easier to follow. This is a result of the editing, and also the result of the new translation in my book, which has aimed throughout to be solidly in the King James tradition, but also to be clear on first reading. The accessible narrative will be valuable to people who are new to this material — young readers, or secular adults who are exploring a possible return to their cultural roots, or regular but relatively casual members of congregations who may be hazy on some of the details of the gospel story.

    Many churchgoers may already be familiar with the crucifixion, but much less familiar with the details about, for example, the Second Coming, and would benefit from the clearer narrative there.

    We want to keep in mind the task of spreading the word, and not make our reading recommendations so detailed and technical that we end up speaking only the the people who already share our views.

    From this base we hope that people will then move on to a fuller understanding through reading the original four gospels.

    In short, I think there are benefits to each approach, and I hope that we can find ways to make use of both.

    With high regards . . .

    Neil Averitt

    • Thanks Neil! I agree with all your points. Let me just clarify the purpose of this article. My concern is not that “it is a better practice for Christians to read the four gospels individually.” I apologize if my article suggested that. My concern, rather, is that, in Dr. Peterson’s discussions with his guests, “there is limited discussion of the crucial importance of the Apostolic Tradition in receiving the Scriptures, interpreting them, and handing them on to others.” At most, my article suggests that by using The Single Gospel, they too easily circumvent that discussion. Since that does not seem to have been sufficiently clear in this article, I will write a follow-up soon. Sincerely, Daniel

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