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Female Anglican minister ‘concelebrates’ Mass for the installation of Catholic archbishop, takes Communion

Nathália Queiroz By Nathália Queiroz for CNA

Anglican minister Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira in the entrance procession of the Mass for the installation of the archbishop of Chapecó in Brazil. (Credit: Courtesy of Archdiocese of Chapecó/Screenshot)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Feb 18, 2025 / 16:15 pm (CNA).

Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira, a minister of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB, by its Portuguese acronym), “concelebrated” the Sunday, Feb. 9, Mass for installation of the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chapecó in St. Anthony Cathedral.

The minister entered the church wearing a white alb and a blue stole, together with the priests and bishops in the entrance procession; she remained in the sanctuary, actively participated in the consecration of the Eucharist and received Communion.

Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira, minister of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil is seen here receiving Communion at the installation Mass of the Archdiocese of Chapecó on Feb. 9, 2025. Credit: Courtesy of the Archdiocese of Chapecó/Screenshot
Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira, minister of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil is seen here receiving Communion at the installation Mass of the Archdiocese of Chapecó on Feb. 9, 2025. Credit: Courtesy of the Archdiocese of Chapecó/Screenshot

Canon 908 of the Code of Canon Law states that “Catholic priests are forbidden to concelebrate the Eucharist with priests or ministers of churches or ecclesial communities which are not in full communion with the Catholic Church.”

“Catholic ministers may lawfully administer the sacraments only to Catholic members of Christ’s faithful, who equally may lawfully receive them only from Catholic ministers,” Canon 844 further delineates.

The Mass was celebrated by the archbishop of Chapecó, Odelir José Magri, MCCJ, who spoke of the ecumenical significance of the presence of religious authorities at the celebration. He mentioned the presence of the minister of the IEAB, gesturing to her at the altar, and of the pastor of the Renovar em Cristo (Renew in Christ) Church, who was sitting on the second pew of the church along with the other members of the faithful.

At the celebration, Father François Cristiano Cousseau, chancellor of the archdiocese, read the pope’s decree on the creation of the Archdiocese of Chapecó and the appointment of Magri as archbishop.

Kneeling before the altar, Odelir professed his faith and reaffirmed his belief in the truths of the Word of God and the teachings of the Church. He also took the oath of fidelity, committing to maintain communion with the Catholic Church, preserve the integrity of the faith and promote ecclesiastical discipline.

The Mass was concelebrated by about 80 priests and seven bishops from the state of Santa Catarina: the bishop of Caçador, Cleocir Bonetti; the bishop of Lages, Guilherme Werlang, MSF; the bishop of Joaçaba, Mário Marquez, OFMCap; the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Florianópolis, Onécimo Alberton; the bishop of Rio do Sul, Adalberto Donadelli Junior; and the archbishop of Joinville, Francisco Carlos Bach.

The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil in Western Santa Catarina and Alto Uruguai Gaúcho published a statement congratulating “the Archdiocese of Chapecó for its elevation [to an archdiocese] and you, Dom Odelir, for your appointment as archbishop” and reaffirmed its desire to “walk side by side in the mission of Christ, always seeking unity in faith and in service to others.”

ACI Digital, CNA’s Portuguese-language news partner, contacted the Archdiocese of Chapecó to request an explanation regarding the Anglican minister’s participation in the concelebration of the Mass and the reason for receiving the Eucharist. The press office sent a response signed by Magri. Below is the full text of the response:

“In reference to what happened during the solemn Mass of installation of the Archdiocese of Chapecó and my installation as metropolitan archbishop, we inform you that we have already communicated with the apostolic nunciature in Brazil regarding the circumstances of this isolated incident of inadvertent violation of liturgical norms.”

“We renew our commitment to doctrinal orthodoxy and liturgical orthopraxy, and we will strive to avoid future errors,” the text adds.

“We implore divine blessings on our particular Church as we continue united in the evangelizing mission,” the statement concludes.

Clarifying note from the Archdiocese of Chapecó in Brazil. Credit: Courtesy of Archdiocese of Chapecó
Clarifying note from the Archdiocese of Chapecó in Brazil. Credit: Courtesy of Archdiocese of Chapecó

This story was first published by ACI Digital, CNA’s Portuguese-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by ACI Prensa/CNA.

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  1. Oh good grief!
    Cowards! Cowards!
    Woe to those priests who have vowed obedience to Our Lord and yet so publicly and profoundly spit in His face!
    Clarification is fine, but a year of penance in ashes and sackcloth would be more fitting for such an offense against the Person of God the Son.
    Forgive them Lord despite the fact that they KNEW what they were doing and did it anyway.

    • “O, Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of JESUS CHRIST truly present in all the Tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is most offended. I unite with the merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to pray for the conversion of poor sinners.”

  2. So do we now have another heretic Church to align with Germany? What the Vatican does in response will correct or confirm the birth of the polygonal Church.

    • Consider it confirmed Fr Peter. This is happening left right and center. One of the last “V2 masses” I attended in France that happened with an Anglican male “priest”.

      Bergoglio is hell bent on transforming the formerly HRCC into Anglican Communion II; next time round “She” will be presiding.

      We are ALL Traditionalists now?

  3. Ah, so it was an “isolated incident of inadvertent violation of liturgical norms.”

    They must not have realized that the Anglican minister was not Catholic.

    And a woman.


    Our Catholic leadership thinks that we’re imbeciles.

    • These are men without eyes that see. Their eyes are of DIE. Perhaps they assumed she was a man going trans; they were okay with that. They all should have stayed in charge of Catechism StoryHour, reading parables to first graders.

  4. Why was this Anglican “minister” even there, much less be allowed on the altar, AND receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ?
    Someone screwed up big time, and it also speaks volumes that this person had to have known that she was not allowed to partake of the Eucharist, yet chose to do so anyway. This is blatantly disturbing, and some answers had better be provided soon without excuses. I’m a sinner like everyone else, but as a Catholic, I know when not to receive.

  5. It wasn’t possible that this was a valid Mass. It was a performance of sorts – a really bad one at that. Shame on the clergy participating in that sham.

  6. All are welcome…🙈😜 As for a correction, expect instead the kiss of peace from this pontificate. 💋

    In her defense, at least one ministers at the installation had the courage of her convictions.

  7. In Leviticus, Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, were consumed by the fire of God for an illegitimate sacrifice. Aaron and his sons were the first Levitical priests chosen by God for the Exodus of the Israelites. The archbishop opens himself up to sorrow and distress. Publicly repent.

  8. This was not “inadvertent.” You can be assured that Rome was fully aware that this travesty would occur. This – like the blessing of homosexual “couples” – is just another incremental change instituted by apostate Rome.

  9. Please note that I can’t edit people’s comments anymore. There are too many requests. However, I can delete them and publish corrected versions. Thanks.

    • My edits have been few and far between and I always try to be considerate about requesting it. You do a very good job in spite of the trouble it gives you -lest it goes unsaid. Also the edits I request are always small things not phrases and paragraphs and total re-do’s thank you.

      I had recently made a resolution to make the effort to type out my thing in a document offline and then copy-paste to the combox after double-checking. I did this earlier today and still I made mistakes. Don’t worry it’s not your fault.

  10. If you look carefully, it’s interesting that her eyes are not facing forward, paying attention to what’s going on in the ceremony. She is looking to the right, at the camera. Posturing, anyone? Hardly a coincidence.

  11. The fact that this farce was carried out is deplorable, but even worse is the hypocrisy of the new archbishop and every priest in attendance. There is a time and place to stand up for truth and tradition; all failed in this situation. It is overwhelmingly sad to witness such cowardice by so many. However, the situation now needs to be addressed. Who will stand up and condemn everyone who contributed to this Protestant mass? Pope Francis and all else in the Vatican, the Catholic world awaits your action.

    • That, too, is a reasonable question.

      For certain, though, it could NOT be a valid Mass. In the Ordinary Form of the Mass where concelebration is acceptable, the ministers must be duly ordained Catholic priests amd/or bishops. This woman does not possess the proper matter for ordination to the priesthood so the concelebration is invalid. It would be no different from the situation where Sister Mary Sunshine or Mrs. Gladys Know-it-All from the Parish Council was allowed by Fr. James Light-in-his-Shoes, S.J. to concelebrate Mass with him at St. Whatever’s in Chicago.

      When I was a lad of eight I used to play “Mass” at home. Even at that tender age I understood that there was a difference between what I was doing and what Msgr. Sharkey did on Sundays at St. Saviour’s.

  12. P.S. The title says the “guest” took Communion. The article says she received Communion.
    Maybe the headline writer and article writer should coordinate their terminology?
    Words matter.

  13. Expect more of this too take place publicly so that we eventually get used it, like a lot of the changes that have occurred. Anyone wo complains or disagees will be labelled a backward, rigid tradionalist.

  14. When we wonder why the laity does not know the rules of the faith, nor pass it on in an effective manner, or OBEY the rules, we have only to look at the clergy. They go to seminary for years, evidently to no good end. At a minimum they should be aware the church does NOT recognize female clerics. Secondly that church members NOT in Communion with the Catholic church may NOT receive Holy Communion at a Catholic Mass. Are they really this dim-witted? This should be among the first things they are taught when becoming a priest. .

    I really believe the Catholic priests who took part in this event should be significantly disciplined. Maybe it would help to make an impression on others.

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