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Extra, extra! News and views for Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Here are some articles, essays, and editorials that caught our attention this past week or so.*

(Image: Moon/

School of Repentance – ‘What are you giving up for Lent?’ While the question might be common in many Christian circles, it seems that answers to it are, well, increasingly creative.” Lent and the Divine Life (What We Need Now – Substack)

A Trans Mania Recap – “The gender ideologists won’t go away without a protracted fight, especially since they have captured so many of our institutions that are deeply embedded in American life.” How Trans Ideology Took America by Storm (Thomas D. Klingenstein)

Leaving Protestantism – “Why do young men abandon the Protestant church? Maybe because too many Protestant churches have abandoned our distinctives: the ordinary means of grace, family worship, discipleship, the beauty and comfort of our doctrines.” (Robert Hasler’s status – X)

Fundamentally Catholic – “Apparently, I’m a Catholic fundamentalist. At least, that’s the assessment of Boston College theology professor Fr. Mark S. Massa, S.J.” Confessions of a Catholic Fundamentalist (Crisis Magazine)

Dnipro, Ukraine – “On the menu today: Interviews with two Ukrainian evangelical Protestant pastors serving in different ways near the front … ” Doing the Lord’s Work in Eastern Ukraine (National Review)

Betty and Les – “This is a column about Betty and Les Ruppersberger.  To the eye, they look like any other ordinary married couple.” A Pilgrim’s Guide to Sodom (The Catholic Thing)

Kneeling at Church – “And while I recognize kneeling as an act of piety, I think it is worth explaining precisely why Byzantine Catholics do not kneel on Sunday, in case anyone reading this may find themselves there.” The Devil Has No Knees (The Catholic Thing)

Campeche Legalizes Abortion – “After another state in Mexico legalized killing babies in abortions, a top Catholic bishop says pro-abortion politicians will be excommunicated.” Catholic Bishop Says Pro-Abortion Politicians in Mexico Will be Excommunicated (Life News)

Jonathan Zinski – “A judge ruled that Liberty University cannot claim Title VII protection in firing a male worker who came out as trans after being hired.” Virginia Judge Rules Christian University Can’t Fire Trans-Identifying Employee Who Flouts Its Values (The Federalist)

St. George, the Legend – “Historians have an unfortunate habit of killing the best stories in their search for the truth.” Did St. George Exist? (Weird Catholic)

Economy and Creativity – “The first thing those like me, who have lived in countries under the tyranny of communism for decades, can observe is the blindness of the ‘liberation’ apologists to the testimonies coming from the Soviet gulags or from Romania’s sinister prisons before 1989.” After Weber: Michael Novak & the Theology of Economics (The Imaginative Conservative)

Iowa Defines Gender – “Iowa has enacted a law defining “sex” as male or female, with “gender” as a synonym, while removing gender identity protections from its code, making that state the first to do so.” New Iowa law defines male and female, removes gender identity protections (Catholic Review)

(*The posting of any particular news item or essay is not an endorsement of the content and perspective of said news item or essay.)

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  1. Re Fundamentally Catholic – “Apparently, I’m a Catholic fundamentalist. At least, that’s the assessment of Boston College theology professor Fr. Mark S. Massa, S.J.” Confessions of a Catholic Fundamentalist (Crisis Magazine)

    Thank you, Eric Sammons for keeping and writing about the Catholic faith as you have fundamentally kept it for 33 years.

    Massa has held a ‘Rahner’ chair of theology. Massa has been writing a ‘history’ of VCII for an extended period of time. Prayers for Massa to transfinalize into a true believer some fine and ordinary day. Prayers for Massa’s eyes evolving enough to see.

  2. @ Fundamentally Catholic
    So why does Massa believe I’m still holding on to my Protestant faith, in spite of spending the last thirty-plus years working to bring people into the Catholic Church? (Sammons). Sammons’ crime is he’s allegedly still Protestant. A Fundamentalist. Media court justice Fr Massa SJ, who indicts Sammons is actually the fundamentalist, defined here as having a theological fixation on progressive ideas than lack consonance with revealed truths.
    What Protestants generally bring is a close, personal examination and assimilation of conscience with revealed truths as contained in the deposit of faith. Unfortunately the majority of born Catholics are poorly catechized, apt to drift away from doctrine finding conscientious comfort in liberal, so called progressive ideas.

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