Pondering the progressive Catholic media meltdown

The dogma underpinning recent attacks on Bishop Robert Barron and the Word on Fire apostolate is a mutant amalgamation of two archetypes of religion-gone-wrong.

(Image: Photoshopped screenshot / National Catholic Reporter)

TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome, has become a popular way of explaining why progressives, who presumably want to gain and retain power, exhibit inexplicable behavior like disproportionately temperamental, negative, knee-jerk responses to actions and policies that reflect mainstream American values.

There’s an analogous infirmity afflicting the progressive wing of Catholic-identifying media in relation to Bishop Robert Barron, the head of the diocese of Winona-Rochester and the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries.

By any objective measure, Word on Fire is one of the most evangelically successful movements in the Catholic Church since Vatican II. Bishop Barron is among the most prominent Catholic figures on social media in the world. His weekly sermons, interviews with culturally significant figures, books, and courses reach millions across the globe. One of the most inspiring parts of my work as director of the Institute is to read the steady stream of testimonies thanking Bishop Barron and Word on Fire for leading them to, or back to, the Church.

And yet much of the old-guard Catholic commentariat ostentatiously shows displeasure for Bishop Barron and his accomplishments.

What’s their problem?

It’s an incoherent litany: Barron is too political because he went to the State of the Union on a congressman’s invitation (but why would he, or any other man of the Church, be expected to turn that historic opportunity down?). Actually, no–he’s not political enough because he doesn’t tout leftist positions on the economy, immigration, or social issues that either violate Church teaching or are a matter of prudential judgment. He’s “right-wing” even though he publicly criticizes a Republican president’s executive orders. He’s not sufficiently aligned with Pope Francis, despite frequently appealing to Francis’s theology of mercy, especially his moving characterization of the Church as a “field hospital.” He’s too theologically conservative, despite being the preeminent defender of Vatican II and its evangelical vision for the Church. And so on.

One of the most prolonged cases of Barron Derangement Syndrome within the once-influential progressive Catholic intelligentsia occupies the virtual pages of the National Catholic Reporter. Presumably, the Reporter, as a self-identified Catholic publication, would welcome the measurably positive effect Barron has had on the Church’s evangelical efficacy, both across the US and around the world. Word on Fire, for example, recently hosted a conference in the United Kingdom that drew over 1500 attendees from throughout Europe.

Instead, their editorial policy is sneering condescension, representatively crystalized in this recent headline: “Bishop Barron goes to Washington. Will it be word on fire or a smokescreen?” The editorial’s argument is as juvenile as its adjective-drunk prose: Barron–founder of a “juggernaut Catholic media organization”–is not sufficiently speaking the “tough truths of the Gospel” to power, which, from the Reporter’s worldview, are indistinguishable from boiler-plate progressive talking points.

As is so often the case with those wringing their hands about the absence of “Gospel values” in politics, it would be prudent for the Reporter to check their own eyes before broadcasting their moral superiority. The Reporter conspicuously positions itself as representing the poor and marginalized of the world, yet recently let fly this despicable headline: “While refuting JD Vance’s hillbilly theology, Pope Francis chastises US bishops.”

Hillbilly theology? Take note, poverty-stricken (dog whistle: white) inhabitants of Appalachia: The Reporter thinks you are degenerate idiots. How’s that for accompanying those on the margins?

The self-appointed guardians of normative Catholic identity also have no qualms about defying Church teachings on the nature and purpose of the human body and human sexuality.

For example, Pope Francis has unequivocally condemned gender ideology as a form of “ideological colonization” and yet the Reporter has no issue writing piously about a “transgender hermit” praying and fasting in protest of President Trump’s executive order affirming—consonant with reality-based Catholic teaching—that there are only two genders.

This flagrant hypocrisy tells us everything we need to know about how seriously to take the Reporter’s leftist political advocacy masquerading as Catholic journalism.

To the extent there is any coherence at all, the dogma underpinning these attacks on Bishop Barron is a mutant amalgamation of two archetypes of religion-gone-wrong: the performative tut-tutting and professional indignation of the self-righteous Pharisees mixed with the shameless world-worshiping accommodation of the Herodians.

The contemporary Catholic left—the Pherodians—thus isn’t upset with Bishop Barron because he’s not Catholic enough. They’re mad that he is, in fact, Catholic—a mainstream orthodox Catholic—and popular, both inside and outside the Church, because of it.

The dwindling, evangelically sterile voices of the Reporter and their ideological ilk have long operated under the assumption that they and they alone get to be the gatekeepers of culturally and politically acceptable Catholicism. But selling out the Kingdom for a few decades of institutional influence was a bad deal. Like an NGO propped up by elite self-interest rather than actual underlying needs, they’ve always been living on borrowed time.

The bill has come due and, unsurprisingly, they’ve now got nothing left to offer but insults.

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About Matthew R. Petrusek, Ph.D. 1 Article
Matthew R. Petrusek, Ph.D. is the Senior Director of the Word on Fire Institute and its Professor of Catholic Ethics. He has authored/edited several books, including Evangelization and Ideology: How to Understand and Respond to the Political Culture; Jordan Peterson, God, and Christianity, The Search for a Meaningful Life; Ethics and Advocacy: Bridges and Boundaries; and Value and Vulnerability: An Interfaith Dialogue on Human Dignity. Petrusek lectures broadly in both English and Spanish on moral philosophy/theology, politics, social issues, and the Catholic intellectual tradition.


  1. There is no such thing in my book as a “progressive Catholic.” You’re either aligned with Truth or you’re simply spouting evil. You are one way or the other. No such thing either as someone who’s lukewarm. If you are, Christ says, He will spit you out.

    If Bp Barron is incurring the wrath of the heathens in the “progressive” wing of the Catholic Church, he can be confident that he’s on the right track.

  2. Well, this article espouses nothing other than the author’s admirable esteem for the bishop; that comes as no surprise since they work in the same Institute. No news there.

    As a new revert, I spent more than a few bucks buying Word on Fire stuff; it served me well for a while but soon I saw it more ‘catholic-lite.’

    It’s great that the bishop’s ministry reaches a larger segment than those in one diocese. It’s great that the bishop finds something in the pope’s ministry which he can tag and hang his mitre upon. It’s marvelous that the pope invited the bishop to the Synod; how did the faithful of his diocese react to his sorry absence as their leader for some five weeks?

    The bishop’s Balthasarian hope that hell is sparsely populated does not square with Scripture, and that is my conservative, orthodox, fervently faithful, traditional Catholic beef with the bishop. Did that adjective overload pack a pewny punch?

    I consider progressive or liberal news, secular or religious, a waste of time. Why read it or comment upon it? Jesus forewarned us that the world would hate those who love Him, so why the outrage or surprise when the cino-progressive newsworld hates a bishop who’s mild in his rebuke of wrong? Maybe that’s it. Maybe the bishop should wake up and tone his zealous muscles or fire up the furnace of brimstone a la St. Jerome? Maybe then the Reporter would leave him alone.

    • “…‘catholic-lite.’…”

      Huh? Really? WOF publishes Bibles, texts of Vatican II, works of Church Fathers (including Augustine and Aquinas), books on the sacraments and spirituality, etc.

      Perhaps someone, looking at recent books published by WOF, can pinpoint the “lite” nature involved.

      “The bishop’s Balthasarian hope that hell is sparsely populated does not square with Scripture…”

      Ummm: “This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth…”

      • Thanks for exposing the NCR for what it is…a left wing mouthpiece masquerading as a faithful Catholic voice of truth in a complex world.

      • I believe that the appended “-lite” dates to the introduction of Miller Lite, niche-marketed toward those who presumably wanted less alcohol in addition to fewer calories. If I’m right about this, Aquinas must qualify as “the hard stuff.” One wonders what theological Everclear the good bishop’s critic is seeking after.

      • Certainly, if you fully intend to reject Christ, despise Him in every regard, He will never force you to love Him. Coercion is contrary to love which must be freely given. That, in itself, constitutes eternal torture i.e. to will that you will have nothing to do with the Good, the True and the Beautiful.

      • It’s not an obsession, first of all, and secondly, the doctrine of hell is a clear biblical principle. And it’s not torture – it’s divine judgment, an entirely different thing.

    • Just a small comment about Hell being sparsely populated, it is quite in line with Thomas Aquinas who said, quote, “…in Hell are only a few, only those who choose not to be with Christ”. Just two cents…

    • Well, you seem to have settled right into your “new revert” role quite nicely and sailed on through to the “big leagues” of looking down upon Bishops who seemingly aren’t as smart or devout as you. I guess you missed the whole “Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart” memo issued by Jesus. Welcome back, but leave your ego at the gate.

    • Anthony Stine disagrees with Bishop Robert Barron about some theological issues. He also posted this YouTube video (15 min. 06 sec.) on his Return To Tradition channel on YouTube on March 13, 2025:

      Bishop Robert Barron SMEARED For Not Becoming A Partisan Shill

      Walter Cronkite always signed off his CBS Evening News broadcasts with “And that’s the way it is.” Anthony Stine signs off with “As always, pray for the Church. I’m Anthony Stine, Ave Maria.”

    • Wow! Exactly my experience and I am not a revert. When I first watched Barron I thought he was superb. And he was. I think his best work is not Catholicism but Untold Blessings and also the video on the Eucharist.

      But yes, I started to find that he was rather Catholic lite. But I think this is why the left finds him ok.

      Stopped watching him for a while now so dont know if he’s less wishy washy now.

      • I love Bishop Barron and believe that his “Catholic Liteness” is actually his “becoming all things to all people so that they might be saved.” Please refer to the Douay-Rheims Bible, I Corinthians 9: 19-23, in which St. Paul speaks of the many ways he becomes like all the people he ministers to, ending in verse 22 with, “I became all things to all men that I might save all.”

        For me, it’s music. I’m a part-time musician. I play piano well (and organ kind of!) and I write songs, and I play for religious and secular venues. I do it for God’s glory whether I’m accompanying a secular musical theater show, a L’Arche theater class, an opera singer, a children’s choir, a school, or my parish Masses. I consider my work in secular venues a way to glorify God in the same way I do at church–with my music.

        I’m hoping that Matthew R. Petrusek, Ph. D, uses the platforms and various roles in life that God has called him to as a means to evangelize and exhort Catholics!

        My late father-in-law, a Pentecostal Protestant and life-long opponent of Catholicism (or more accurately, what he THOUGHT Catholicism was!), loved listening to Bishop Barron’s videos, and before he became incapacitated with old age ailments that eventually led to his death (at home in the arms of his daughter and grandchildren), told me that he was considering becoming a Catholic. I hope and pray that God heard his profession of faith in Holy Mother Church and welcomed him into heaven!

        I would like to respectfully suggest that Dr. Petrusek consider the immense ministry that Bishop Barron has to non-Catholics. I think a lot of Protestants and other non-Catholics have converted to Catholicism and could cite Bishop Barron as one of their “evangelists.”

        By the way, there is no shame in a “celebrity Catholic” becoming the means by which a non-Catholic or nominal Catholic develops an interest in Catholicism and eventually (hopefully) decides to convert or come back “home” again. I remember my mother listening to Archbishop Fulton Sheen on black and white television–I liked him, too, and even more so since I converted to Catholicism in 2004 along with my late husband (R.I.P. died of COVID in 2020–and our daughters and son-in law converted after his death).

        I think many Protestants became interested in Catholicism because of the willingness of Archbishop Sheen to “go on TV and become a media celebrity” back in the earlier days of the newest medium of entertainment, television–and I believe Archbishop Sheen was on TV before Protestant evangelist Billy Graham made it a major means of outreach! And before him, there were other Catholics (including Bishop Sheen before his TV program) who utilized the radio as a means of evangelization!

        Cardinal Timothy Dolan regularly appears on the Today Show on NBC, and comes across as a jolly, fun-loving but very devout Catholic–I think there are Catholics who see him on Today and tell themselves, “I really should go back to Mass,” or Protestants who hear him and think, “I really should check out Catholicism.”

        Everyone has a different calling in the Church and as St. Paul teaches, we need to do and be what God tells us to do and be.

        • Bishop Barron is gifted differently but his outreach reminds me a bit of Fulton Sheen’s ministry. Archbishop Sheen would talk in his broadcasts about his Jewish & Protestant listeners. And he had quite a few.

          • For those who don’t know Sheen’s replays are on Relevant radio on Sunday mornings – 9 eastern

    • Scripture does not say anything about the population density of hell. Not even those who choose to abuse the words of Christ can draw assumptions. The wide road that leads to destruction does not imply damnation. We all do self-destructive things in life and few there are on the narrow road of continuous saintliness. We can save Our Lord one moment of wrath at our final judgment if we have the sense not to tell Him He has been wrong, in our judgment, not to have sent more people to hell. This might cause us to end up there ourselves.

      • Edward,
        I replied to this comment but mistakenly placed it in response to another’s comment. It is near the end of all comments.

    • Friend, Balthasar is one of the most influential Catholic voices from the past century for good reason. To give you an idea about his academic pedigree – I heard Fr. Fessio once say in an interview that Balthasar was translating Homer – I don’t remember if it was the Iliad, or the Odyssey – into the vernacular in high school. All of it. It would be unthinkable that Balthasar had not read the scriptures you reference in your comment reply below or considered those scriptures along with the entirety of the Bible and a bevy of other writings from Saints up and down the centuries in his thinking on the economy of salvation. Given that you’ve identified yourself as a recent revert (and that’s great!) I assume you probably haven’t read Balthasar – few lay people have (myself included). That said, Bp. Barron has read much of what Balthasar has written and shares some of his opinions (opinions that are not considered dogmatic). I urge you, in charity, to consider all these points before making definitive assessments of Bp. Barron. It is at least an over-reaction and at worst a gross over-simplification to write off Bp. Barron for a viral soundbite about an opinion on which the church has never ruled on with the weight of her authority.

      And beyond that, too – Bp. Barron is a faithful, well-read, intelligent, and caring shepherd who is universally well-respected (except by those channels that are largely not-respected). I mean this lovingly as I ask – based on all the content Bishop has published in various media and all you have (and perhaps have not) read or consumed, are you sure you understand him, his heart, and his thinking well enough to publicly assert that his company, his teachings are “Catholic-lite”?

  3. Let’s not forget those on the right who are in the Church and oppose Bishop Barron. “He is too in line with Pope Francis” or “he isn’t tough enough on (pick your topic).

  4. That “transgender hermit” was featured on EWTN’s “The Journey Home” some years back. She fooled the host and everyone who watched the show.

  5. Bishop Barron and I were at Theological College at the Catholic University of America at the same time. He was thoughtful, insightful, and orthodox, then as he is now. It is distressing that he is suffering from the type of criticism The National Catholic Reporter delivers in its article that has often plagued successful clergy in other eras. Most notably, Bishop Fulton Sheen suffered the same. Why is it that some Catholics seek to denigrate priests who are so successful in their evangelical outreach? Bishop Barron deserves praise not opprobrium. May his ministry long flourish!

    • Agreed, Msgr. And, as for the National Catholic Reporter – there is nothing even remotely Catholic about them.

  6. Early knowledge of Bishop Barron in his very enjoyable Ewtn lecture series on Church architecture, artistic features informed me of his solid doctrinal knowledge and spiritual appreciation of Christian art, revealing a man of intellect and faith.
    If NCReporter finds him in opposition to their views that’s a major plus insofar as his actual orthodox impression, unlike criticisms some Catholic commenters contend. What’s likely misunderstood by conservative Catholics is his perspective regarding defense of the faith during this unique moment.
    His approach appears to be that of harmony, disagreeing indirectly with Pope Francis on key issues by being outspoken on the necessity of tradition and the danger of accommodation, pointing out the best in Francis’ vision of mercy while upholding a more Thomistic approach. Not an easy feat. Evidence of his efforts is the success in drawing many to the faith with a message of doctrinal integrity, and enthusiasm.

  7. Bishop Barron bravely evangelizes the left in way that does not pander to them but also does not inflame them. As Bishop of LA, I can only imagine the fortitude and other virtues required in order to minister to that demographic of the Church. I saw a video of him going to Google to give a talk on St. Thomas Aquinas more or less. Brave man and kudos to him.

    At first when I started listening to him back in the day, I thought he was a bit full of himself, but on closer inspection he is the real deal and quite orthodox and humble.

  8. Most people think “progressive” means constructive, enlightened, seeking to improve things.
    I refuse to use the “progressive” label for outfits like the Reporter.

    • The confusion revolves around virtuous pursuits of productive efficiencies, cultivation of personal virtue, and discoveries of physical nature in contrast to the sinful vanities of primordial satanic conceit. You shall be as Gods. Vanities within the Church have always sought to outperform God and be humble to His immutable truth in pursuit of utopian visions.

  9. Hillbilly isn’t as much a dog whistle for “white” as it is for rural and working class. Similar to redneck.
    If you come from a rural, non elite background and you want to use those terms you have every right. Using Hillbilly in a derogatory way is another thing.

    • I always thought of myself as “working class.” I live in Maryland, but am hardly “coastal elite.” Who are the coastal elite anyway? Is there an income threshold or level of education?
      I thought that you had to be an Ivy Leaguer to qualify as coastal elite. Please advise. You seem to have a handle on these political terms. Thanks.

      • I don’t like the term ” coastal elite” & I don’t think I’ve ever used that expression.
        There are levels of status in every society based upon income, position, education, etc. Those are going to look different depending on where you live.

      • How soon we forget. The term “coastal elite” is shorthand for the coastal blue states as contrasted with the red states of “flyover country.” The demographics of recent elections.

        As for political progressives, ignoring flyover country hasn’t played in Peoria. And, within the Church, the amnesiac dismissal of so-called conservatives as “rigid, bigot, and backwardist” also hasn’t contributed much to real (what’s that catchword again, oh yes) synodal dialogue. As for hermeneutical (!) progressives in red hats, all of history and a clear magisterium, and even the precision of the forgotten Vatican II Documents, confined to two-minute soundbites. Just move along, there’s nothing to see here…

        Very stylish, but constant change is the deepest rut of all.

        As for the National Catholic Reporter, my recollection is that in years past the rag was instructed by the USCCB to not present itself as Catholic, and so, I think somewhere in the front-page fine print it defines itself as a (an outsider) commentator on Catholic issues. Something like a street prostitute as a commentator on the vice squad and courthouse legal system.

        • “Something like a street prostitute as a commentator on the vice squad and courthouse legal system” (Beaulieu).
          Is there an internet award for analogy of the year? And it’s true too. Talent like this deserves just recognition.

    • I was reading an “extreme redneck” list a while back; one of them was you know how many bales of hay you can fit in your car, which I qualified for, and another one that made me laugh quite hard was “one of your kids was born on a pool table.” I hope the last one doesn’t offend anyone but it still cracks me up (even though I didn’t qualify on that one).

      As far as true Catholics I have a friend who works for a large Catholic hospital chain and he’s constantly arguing with his co workers about Trump, abortion rights etc.. He said it’s hardly like working with Catholics.

      • It’s funny, my truck bed is actually full of hay bales at the moment.
        I know from personal experience how many baby calves you can fit in the back of a passenger van:seven.

        • Yes, I posted this with your deacon calves and kids in the van story in mind

          Are you where they are crossing beef on dairy cows? hard to believe they can pay so much for those calves, but due to the drought shortage etc causing the beef cow herds to not grow back

          • You actually remembered the story about me hauling 8 children and 7 baby calves in an old van? Wow! 🙂
            If you are running a dairy farm you generally try to breed for replacement heifers, not bulls. Dairy bull calves bring little at the market.
            If you just have a few milk cows for your own use like we did, it makes sense to breed them to a beef breed to get a better calf for the freezer. Or to raise as a heifer that will have both dairy and beef traits.
            Where we live now there aren’t many dairy farms so I’m just not sure what they’re doing at the moment.
            But yes, beef prices are crazy.When I look in my freezer I feel like I’m looking in the vault at Fort Knox. 🙂

          • Thank you for noting that the wide road leading to destruction does not imply damnation. One may find the usual assortment of scripture verses which, without ambiguity, imply that many/some will go into everlasting fire (i.e., Matthew 25:31-46). I’ve chosen verses from the Bread of Life discourse (John 6:26-71) and ask whether these could not imply salvation?

            I Am the Bread of Life
            “Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, for on Him the Father, God, set His seal.” …. For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

            Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. Now this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I Myself will raise him up on the last day.”

            ….Jesus answered and said to them, “Stop grumbling among yourselves. No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day… Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me….I am the bread of life….

            ***This is the bread which comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever;***

            …***He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.***As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me.

            …But Jesus, knowing in Himself that His disciples were grumbling at this, said to them, “Does this cause you to stumble? For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe,….For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted him from the Father.”

            …As a result of this*** many of His disciples [c]went away and were not walking with Him anymore.***So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also want to go?” Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” Jesus answered them, “Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?”

            Please note the asterisked verses.

            If it is God’s will that all be saved and if eating the flesh of Jesus is the way of life (or salvation?), then why does Jesus permit his disciples to walk away from doing what Jesus said was necessary for salvation?

            Could God not will salvation and also will that men be free to choose for or against it? Or that at some future date beyond our ken, He would change the parameters He once commanded, gently offered, or otherwise made known to us?

          • mrscracker,

            I too vividly remember your post about livestock in a truckbed (or van). Someone also (you?) wrote about your driving with your children, the creatures, and the truck, traveling DC’s Beltway. It being summer, y’all had the windows down. Everyone was boisterously happy, smiling, waving at everyone around. Rush-hour. Lots of traffic and lots of noise. I confess. I made some of it up. But the main idea was yours, and it was vivid. Thanks so much for the enduring, endearing memory!

        • Thank you, meiron.
          It was an big old van with no AC that in a previous life had belonged to a Baptist church. One of my children had tried to cover over the name of the church on the side with some white paint but it still showed through.
          I discovered if you have a really decrepit, repurposed church bus & 8 kids you can move into any lane on the Beltway. The DC folks in the BMW’s & Mercedes figure you’re some kind of religious fanatic with no insurance & they part for you on either side like the Red Sea did for Moses.

          • the ample blue cloud being emitted from the tailpipe, or no brake lights and using arm signals to turn, like Columbo may have done with his little car, might keep the well-heeled at bay too. maybe citizen ban radios were being used to alert other drivers ahead!

  10. To be honest, very few people—aside from a small circle of Catholics typically found in academic circles—actually read the NCR. Their obsession with Barron reflects the simple truth that, unlike them, he (and WOF) holds genuine influence among practicing Catholics. Deep down, they know this, which is why their commentary on most topics often comes across as predictable, boring and shrill. The NCR will likely be gone within the next decade.

  11. In 2014, the bishop of the diocese within which National Catholic Reporter was based, wrote about it. He said that it should cease representing itself as Catholic since its views did not represent the faith.

  12. The online world is full of armchair quarterbacks. They often sound like Pharisees placing burdens but not lifting a finger. Lean in to your faith and receive the rewards by serving the church as we are all called to do. There are no recliner pews in the church and if there is- you’re in the wrong church.

  13. I am afraid that Bishop Barron, despite his obvious evangelical success, lost me when he said that Hell might be empty. Obviously, that statement is a paraphrase, but to argue that Hell is empty (or even almost empty) is to demean the very reason for the Sacrament of Confession and the absolution that all too people receive.

    • I think an important point about the final judgment is that none of us will accuse God of wrongdoing in any way, shape, or form. At the final judgment, everything will be revealed clearly and publicly. We will see how, behind a socially presentable facade, people actually have lived a life of open rebellion against God. We will not take credit for salvation, since we are forgiven only by God’s grace, and we will not be upset by the multitudes that are sent to a lost eternity. Hell is the eternal vindication of the infinite value of God’s holiness.

    • Very insightful, Edwin. An honest assessment of Bishop Barron recognizes the good that he has done as you have stated in your comment, but as you have also done, it rightly criticizes areas where he waters down definitive Church teaching (and it’s not him being subtle or nuanced), and he has done this more than just a few times, but I will only add one more example that ties in with your own.

      Some years ago during a discussion with social critic Ben Shapiro I watched on YouTube, instead of advising Ben of the need to join the Catholic Church as part of the way of salvation when Shapiro asked him if such was needed, Bishop Barron referred to our Lord’s Church as merely a “privileged way,” but this is not what the Church has ever taught. Recognizing some exceptions, it is still Church teaching that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation, but Bishop Barron never stated this teaching. Our Lord’s Church is not simply a “privileged way,” but stating so suggests other ways are also legitimate in and of themselves instead of possibly being limited exceptions to the One Way recognized by the Church.

      At the moment during the conversation with Ben Shapiro when Bishop Barron came up with his “privileged way” wimp out (his fans will declare it was just a very nice, kumbaya approach), I remember remarking aloud “no, no, no, no, no. Why, Bishop Barron?” An incredible opportunity to really evangelize Mr. Shapiro, but he chose to water down what he knows our Lord and His Church actually teach.

      So Bishop Barron is more solid overall than most bishops these days, but he could be even stronger in his pastoral outreach if he stops spinning any Church teaching that is more challenging and requires more pastoral and accurate explanation instead of hydrating it into something it is not.

  14. Media meltdown? What media? Who is “good” and who is “bad”? Many spew hatred causing violence, lies, violate human rights and the law and disparage non-loyalists, or contain raw sexual material.

    Social – Facebook, Utube, Instagram, Tic Toc, Tweeter. (parental
    Cable – Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, News Nation.
    Standard – ABC, NBC, CBS.

    Excerpt: For example, Pope Francis has unequivocally condemned gender ideology as a form of “ideological colonization” and yet the Reporter has no issue writing piously about a “transgender hermit” praying and fasting in protest of President Trump’s executive order affirming—consonant with reality-based Catholic teaching that there are only two genders.

    “Pope condemned gender ideology?” Read below about my “queer” encounters…

    Affirming Trump’s executive order might deserve another look. Our Catholic bishops know that Trump has snookered them on abortion, birthright citizenship, and mass deportation, but they seem to bend a knee to “kiss his ring” again. I call that utter hypocrisy.

    Trump’s exec orders are wrought with illegal overreach and constitutional violations.

    Trump, who did not serve a minute in service to his country. He evaded the Viet Nam military draft 6 times feigning a bone spur. This month he showed more mental decline when he signed another order commanding the generals to remove all TG personnel without cause. TODAY, Trump ordered that citizen Musk, (he of DOGE national town hall uprisings), get briefed on top secret China war plan. Trump’s EOs have caused worldwide havoc and the alienation of our close allies. “I want to make Canada the 51st state, buy Greenland, use the military to re-acquire the Panama Canal and rename the Gulf of Mexico.”

    Queers, (today’s LGBTQs, GAYS). I am a veteran naval officer. I served at the Bureau of Naval Personnel in Washington. A member of my staff was sorting 500 cards, a discharge method. I noticed that there were two stacks of cards. I ask “Why are there two stacks?” He said one was undesirable discharges. Well, can you tell me why? “Yes, they are queers.” I looked into some Gay performances. Every one was exemplary.

    Condemning, with authority, places those targeted exposed to violence.

    • The piece is about specific forms (progressive, liberal) of Catholic media. It’s in the text. Specifically, National Catholic Reporter.

      “Affirming Trump’s executive order might deserve another look.”

      Please evict Trump from your head. You’ll be better off.

    • “Many spew hatred causing violence, lies, violate human rights and the law and disparage non-loyalists, or contain raw sexual material.”

      A good description of your own posts and chronic TDS. You also seem to raise LGBT issues when the article doesn’t discuss them. Is this a struggle for you?

    • “Pope Francis said that there are some who believe that certain persons deserve to be gossiped about, but that is not the case. Rather, he encouraged us to pray and do penance for such persons. We should seek to help others and not tear them down.

      We must all learn to speak only with charity. If frustrated or angry at others, we should pray for them instead of harboring resentment. We should still speak to them, and about them, with kindness. We should never seek to tear other people down, but to build them up. Careless and malicious words tear people down. They are a sin against the fifth commandment.

      Charity is the greatest of all the virtues. Charity in speech is part of this virtue. Remember the famous words of Saint Paul: “If I … have not charity, I am nothing. … If I … have not charity, I gain nothing.” Charity is the first of the fruits of the Holy Spirit.”

      Something I saw online from a Diocesan Newspaper, Mr. Morgan.

      • It’s also said, in the Good Book, I believe, if you have a problem with someone tell them so and if that doesn’t resolve the issue get a 3rd party to arbitrate, I guess is the word.

        Hew haw used to have the ladies singing “You’ll never hear one of us repeating gossip, so you’d better be sure and listen close the first time.”

  15. Although I have never met Bishop Barron, I listen to his podcast weekly and use the app, Hallow, to hear him recite the Rosary twice a day. He is a breath of fresh air, and I consistently learn something new from him. While there may be minor differences in our viewpoints, they are usually related to expression rather than substance. I support him wholeheartedly and wish there were more bishops like him. Bishop Barron is a priest who loves God, seeks to glorify Jesus and his Church, and possesses a gifted intellect.

    • I agree Michael. Occasionally I think Bishop Barron lets an opportunity for catechesis slip by, but overall I’ve been very blessed by his podcasts.

  16. I believe that Mrs. Whitlock nailed it. No one trying to bring others to God and specifically Catholicism can address every inquirer’s greatest question or deepest longing. Bishop Barron wisely seeks common ground from which to politely present THE FAITH in beauty and charity. I find that Mr. Olson, while astute and intelligent, rather unwilling to see other opinions as valid. I’m less likely to take him at face value than Dr. Petrusek.

    • I’m not exactly sure why you are referencing me here, or making the claim that you do (” rather unwilling to see other opinions as valid”). Can you clarify a bit about my intelligent closemindedness? Thank you.

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