A papal envoy to Ukraine met on Tuesday with the leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) and the head of Ukraine’s Latin Rite bishops’ conference.
Krajewski is one of two cardinals visiting the war-torn country at Pope Francis’ behest. He entered the country via his native Poland.
The UGCC’s department for information said on March 9 that during the meeting the three men spoke directly with the pope.
“The papal legate told the Holy Father about his first impressions of the visit, in particular about what he saw in Poland. The pope was also informed about the program of his envoy’s visit to Ukraine, which had been previously discussed by the participants of the meeting,” it said.
“It is important to specify that the papal legate’s visit to Ukraine is not scheduled so far. The Holy Father instructed him to be in Ukraine as long as necessary to provide support for the Ukrainian people on behalf of the Apostolic See in these dramatic moments of its history.”
Shevchuk said: “Pope Francis wants to be present in person through his legate. And this is the purpose of his visit.”
The major archbishop, who has led the UGCC since 2011, traveled to Lviv from the besieged city of Kyiv, where he has been sheltering with others under the Cathedral of the Resurrection.
Mokrzycki has led the Archdiocese of Lviv of the Latins since 2008. He served as John Paul II’s deputy personal secretary from 1996 until the Polish pope’s death in 2005. He then spent two years as secretary to Pope Benedict XVI.
Krajewski is expected to visit social service centers run by the UGCC and pray with members of the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (UCCRO).
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Pope Francis greets thousands of children and their families as he makes his way through St. Peter’s Square during the first World Children’s Day, Saturday, May 26, 2024. / Credit: Daniel Ibañez/CNA
Vatican City, May 26, 2024 / 13:15 pm (CNA).
After an exuberant kick-off event on Saturday for the first World Children’s Day, Pope Francis gathered together with tens of thousands of children in St. Peter’s Square for Mass on this feast of the Holy Trinity. A piercing early summer sun moved everyone — from nuns to the boys’ choir — to shade their heads with colorful hats.
The creation of a World Children’s Day was announced by the pope on December 8, 2023, at the midday Angelus. The idea for it was suggested to the pope by a 9-year-old boy in an exchange shortly before World Youth Day in Lisbon.
Among the special guests at the Mass was Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who together with her daughter Ginevra, met the Pope briefly before the Mass.
With this first event complete, Francis announced at the end of the festivities today that the next World Children’s Day will be held in September 2026.
The One who accompanies us
The Holy Father, smiling and clearly happy to be surrounded by children, completely improvised his homily, making it a brief and memorable lesson on the Holy Trinity.
“Dear boys and girls, we are here to pray together to God,” he began. But then counting on his fingers and enumerating, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, he asked, “But how many gods are there?”As the crowd answered “one,” the pope praised them and started talking of each of the Persons of the Holy Trinity.
He began with God the Father — “who created us all, who loves us so much” — asking the children how we pray to him. They quickly answered with the “Our Father.”
Pope Francis went on to speak of the second person of the Trinity, after the children called out his name — Jesus — as the one who forgives all of our sins.
When he got to the Holy Spirit, the pope admitted that envisioning this person of the Trinity is more difficult.
“Who is the Holy Spirit? Eh, it is not easy …,” he said.
“Because the Holy Spirit is God, He is within us. We receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism, we receive Him in the Sacraments. The Holy Spirit is the one who accompanies us in life.”
Using this last phrase, the Pope invited the children to repeat the idea a number of times: “He is the one accompanies us in life.”
“He is the one who tells us in our hearts the good things we need to do,” the Pope said, having the kids repeat the phrase again: “He is the one who when we do something wrong rebukes us inside.”
The pope ended the homily thanking the children and also reminding them that “we also have a mother,” asking them how we pray to her. They answered “with the Hail Mary.” The pope encouraged them to pray for parents, for grandparents, and for sick children.
“There are so many sick children beside me” he said, as he indicated the children in wheelchairs near the altar. “Always pray, and especially pray for peace, for there to be no wars.”
Applauding the grandparents
The pope frequently urges young people to seek out their grandparents, and the give-and-take of his homily gave the impression of a beloved grandpa surrounded by his grandkids. He insisted that the kids quiet down for the time of prayer.
When the Mass concluded, and after praying the midday Angelus, the pope summarized the lessons of the homily: “Dear children, Mass is over. And today, we’ve talked about God: God the Father who created the world, God the Son, who redeemed us, and God the Holy Spirit … what did we say about the Holy Spirit? I don’t remember!”
The children needed no further invitation to answer loudly that “the Holy Spirit accompanies us in life.” Joking that he couldn’t hear well, the Pope had them say it again even louder, and then prayed the Glory Be with them.
The pope also asked for a round of applause for all the grandparents, noting that at the Presentation of the Gifts, a grandfather had accompanied a group of children who brought forward the bread and wine.
Dreaming and dragons
After the closing procession, Italian actor Roberto Benigni took the stage for a lively and inspirational monologue that combined good humor and life lessons.
While Benigni is known especially to the English-speaking world for his role in Oscar-winning Life is Beautiful, in Italy he’s also known for his commentaries on important issues, combined with his exuberant humor.
“When I was a boy, I wanted to be pope,” he told the audience.
Urging the children to read — “Kids need to read everything!” — he paraphrased G.K. Chesterton who insisted that fairy tales are important: “Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed,” Chesterton said.
“Dream!” Benigni urged the children. “It’s the most beautiful thing in the world. But I want to tell you a secret. You’ll tell me you know how to dream; you’ll say you just have to close your eyes, sleep, and dream. … No, no. I’ll tell you a secret — to dream, you don’t have to close your eyes. You have to open them! You have to open your eyes, read, write, invent.”
The actor emphasized the need to be peacemakers, saying that the Sermon on the Mount contains “the only good idea” that’s ever been expressed. War is the “most stupid sin,” he lamented.
“War must end,” Benigni insisted, going on to quote a famous author of children’s literature. “You will tell me: That is a dream, it is a fairy tale. Yes, it is, but as Gianni Rodari said, ‘Fairy tales can become reality, they can become true!’”
Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 17, 2024 / 18:05 pm (CNA).
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on National Collections announced that it has awarded $10.5 million in … […]
Mainz, Germany, Mar 7, 2020 / 06:00 am (CNA).- The new president of the German bishops’ conference has emphasized his support for the ongoing synodal process of German bishops and laity, and for a paper supporting intercommunion with Lutherans.
Speaking at the closing of the plenary assembly of the German bishops in Mainz on Thursday, Bishop Georg Bätzing of Limburg also affirmed he is following in “the big footsteps” of Cardinal Reinhard Marx in continuing along the “synodal path” currently underway in Germany.
Bätzing described as having gotten off to a “good start”, despite strong criticism about the first synodal assembly in January from a number of attending bishops.
Bishop Bätzing also claimed Pope Francis supported the controversial process, stating the “synodal way” was “in line” with and exactly what the Holy Father wanted.
Pope Francis has issued a cautionary personal letter to all German Catholics on the matter, and the Vatican has repeatedly intervened, raising a number of concerns about the process.
Asserting that ecumenism is “on the right track” in Germany, Bätzing reiterated his support for a document titled “Together at the Lord’s Table” by the ecumenical working group of Lutheran and Catholic theologians (ÖAK) in Germany, a body chaired by himself and the Protestant bishop Martin Hein.
The document promotes non-Catholics receiving the Eucharist at Catholic Mass. Bätzing also suggested in future, Christians of any denomination should simply decide on their own, individual accord if – and when to receive the Body of Christ.
Cardinal Kurt Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, has dismissed the document, saying it was based on an “assumption” he could not share, “namely, that the Catholic Eucharistic celebration and the Protestant last supper are identical.” Koch also pointed out that there were several further “open questions” that needed clarifying.
This year’s spring plenary assembly of the German bishops’ conference also saw the announcement that the bishops had reached an agreement about compensation payments for victims of clerical sexual abuse.
A version of this story was first published by CNA Deutsch, CNA’s German-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.
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